8 of 1931 - Amending Section 1734, relating to special taxes A
Salt Lake City,Utah, Ma£eh...k1, ,193.4
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr .
Mr.Chairman , AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1734 of an ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 9th
day of June, 1921, relating to special taxes.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 1734 of an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 9th day of
June, 1921, relating to special taxes, be and the same is hereby
amended to read as follows:
SEC. 1734. POWERS OF BOARD. When the Board of Commis-
sioners shall deem it expedient to lay out, establish, open,
extend, widen, any street or alley; improve, repair, light,
grade, pave, curb and gutter, sewer, drain, park or beautify
the same or to establish grades, construct bridges, sidewalks,
cross-walks, driveways from curb to property line, culverts,
lighting equipment, sewers and drains, plant or cause to be
planted, cultivated and maintained lawns, grass and shade
trees in the parking spaces therein; or to maintain, replace
or renew any of such improvements; the same or any part thereof
may be done in the manner provided in this chapter.
To defray the cost and expense of such improvements,
or any of them, the Board of Commissioners may proceed, after
acquiring jurisdiction as provided by law, to levy by ordinance
special taxes and assessments upon the blocks, lots or parts
thereof and pieces of ground fronting or abutting upon or
adjacent to the street or alley, thus in whole or in part
opened, widened or improved, or which may be affected or
specially benefited by any such improvements, to the full
depth of such lots, parts of lots, or pieces of ground; pro—
vided, that where any lot or piece of ground is of.a greater
depth than 330 feet back from the street such assessment shall
be levied upon such lots, or pieces of ground, to a depth of
330 feet only; proviided further, that an allowance may be
made for corner lots,,'so that":.they shall not be assessed at
full rate on both streets.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners
it is necessary to the gedGe,`. health and safety of the inhabitants
lot' Salt Lake City that this ordin4hoe shall become effective
I �
SECTION 3.. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board,, ofp Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, on the�� �'
day of 1)Tuvfi7t, _.__, 1931.
I rf
City Recorder.
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Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake )}
AN osi ssaxos." _ G---'T.
AN-ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC- being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the a vertis-
TTION 1739 o an ordinance Dsed by
the Board Commissioners of Salt
in"ne City, Utah,ns a:veo ai ing clerk of THE DESERET NEFPS,a newspaper published in
' Be It ordained by the Board of Com-
f ralssioners of Salt Lake City. Utah.
SECTION thieP 1. That Section 1,739 of an
Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah.
ordinance Passed the Board of Coin-
I on tIle ere f Salt Lake City, Utah.
° relating
I the 9th day o1 June, 1the,same is
fo epatai taxes. be and the
r hereby SEC. 1734.amended to read a.follows: That the notice �¢�' _
When em the Hoard of Commissioners out,establish.
shall F/ ^
1 deem 1t expedient to lay establish:
open,extend,widen,any street or acerb __ ..- r .... ._
Improve, r,sewer,
and the a �'r todrain,park orads.,
tify thesame , to establish.crosswalks,
[toot D from sidewalks,Property o w Ike•
s culveways frtin curb to t,sr Una
'drains, plant luor g canoe to be planted
cultivated and maintained.lawns, grass
andshade: to°maintain,°parkingspaces .
,any of ora replaceor a e
f part
say be;done
e sari heroes`may be acne. m° of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said
or provided In this chapter. �
suchmprov the coat and penes e
cn Improvements,C m mis or any of them,the
Hoard f Commissioner. may proceed,
of e acquiring Mudiedtion
provided newspaper,in its issue dated, the day of
• lnw, to levy byrdinaa
taxes and assessments upon the block..
lot. or parts thereof end pieces of A. D 19-3.
ground fronting or abutting apon D.or '-
adjacent to the. treat alley. thus
to whale or in part opened,widened or
Unproved.or which may be affected Improve-or
an wa.S published.-..a- 'r��
man• ta73y teethe full
by any such hlots,
parts manta, to the or depth of such pro-
aided,°thaf t where anylot of ground;
piece roof j
ground Is of a greater depth than 339 the last publication thereof b 'tg in the issue dated the./
feet bsok from the street such asses.-
meta shall be levied upon such lots,nly; of ground,diarther,that of allow- day o f A. D. 195..1
Day'be made for corner lots, so
• may shell
not be assessed at full'
that they ena71
rats on Dotn streets opinion of the
SEBoard of C om 3�In the missioners it
is necessary
to the peace, health andeafstY of the
ordinance shall Salt me e effective that Advertising Clerk.
3. Thbs ordinance shall
take of eeet upon Its first Publication.
Passed by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City Utah,on the Met'
day of March. 1931. I4
BIIif°No.Macdonald,City Recorder.
Published April 1st,MI. fore me this day of
f :t ' A. D. 19 /.
Not y`Public.
1•• -"CX11
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