8 of 1932 - Amending Sections 1854, 1880, 1882 1886, 1887 and 1929X5, relating to Traffic and Travel. ROLL CAL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City Utah January 27, 193 2 ---Finch / V/ I move that the ordinance be passed Keyser Knight 4 Lake, //4 i�2� Mr Chairman t( . . . -- Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCF AMENDING CHAPTER LX, REVISED ORDINANCES OF 'alt Lake City, Utah, 190, by amending Section 1854, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on June 12, 19'0, Section 1880, as amended by an ordinance rased by the Board I of Commissioners on January 14, 1925, Section 1882, as amended by an ordinance pas"ed by the foam of Commissioners on December ,22, 1920, es amended by an ordinance pas-ea by the Board of Commissioners on July 21, 1921, Section 1886, Section 1887 and Section 1910, as amend- ed by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on July 21, 1921, and Section 1929X5 as adopted by an ordinance oassea by the Board of Commissioners on June 12, 19"0, relatinr, to traffic and travel on the streets Be it ordained by the Boaro of Commissioners of c'a_lt Lake ''Ity, Utah I SECTION I that Section 1854 of said Chanter LX, hevised CAJ Ordinances of Salt Iake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance Mom. passed by the Board of Commis^ioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on June 1.2, 1930, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows SECTION 1854 DEFINITIONS The following words and i phrases when used in this chapter shall for the Purpose of this cheptei have the meanings resmectivety ascribe( to them in this section, eYcept in those instances where the context clearly indi- cates a different meaning. (a) "VEHICLE " Lvery device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transporter or drawn uron a public street, extent devices moved by human nower or used ex- clusively upon station-iry rails or tracks or electric trolley coaches as herein defined _ .:: (b) "MOTOR VEHICLE " Every vehicle, as herein defined, which is self-propelled (c) "STRIET CAR " Every device travelling exclusively upon a street railway when upon or crossing a strcctl (a) "ELECIRI(, TROIIEY COACH " Pubber-tired street passenger car or coach, operateu without rails by electricity obtained from overhead trolley wires (e) "AUTHORI7ED EMERGENCY VEHICIE " Vehicles and ap-L puratus of the fire aeoartment, officers, patrolmen and vehicles of police department, all ambulances, whether public or private and all other vehicles when employed in carrying sick or injured persons to a hospital, or other place for relief or treatment, vehicles used for flushin' or sprinkling the streets or for the collection of garbage and the emergency crew of the waterworks department when resnonoing to a fire or emergency call, and such other vehicles as are designated or authorizes h/ the Com- missioner or the 'Ioera of Commissioners (f) "MOTORCYCLE " Every motor vehicle designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, except any such vehicle as may be included within the term "tractor" as herein defined (g) "TRUCK TRACTOR " Every motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing other vehicles ana not so construct- ed as to carry a load other than a part of the weight of the vehicle and load so drawn (h) "FARM TRACTOR " Every motor vehicle designed and used primarily as a farm implement for drawing nlcws, mowing machines and other implements of husbandry (i) "ROAD TRACTOR " Every motor vehicle designee and used for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry any load thereon either independently or any part of the weight of a vehicle or load so drawn (3) "TRAILER " Every vehicle without motive power designed for carrying property or passengers wholly on its own structure and for being drawn by a motor vehicle -3- (k) "SEMI TRAILER " Every vehicle Of the trailer type so designed and used in conjunction with a motor vehicle that some part of its own weight and that of its own load rests upon thr is carried by another vehicle (1) 5 NhOMPTIC TIRES " All tires inflate° with compressed air (m) "SOLID RUB'3LR TIRE " Every tire made of rubber other than a pneumatic tire (n) "METAL TIRES " All tires the surface of which in con- tact with the street is wholly or partly of metal or other hird, non-resilient material (o) "PERSON " Every natural person, firm, co-partnership,, association or corporation (p) "OWNER " A person who holds the legal title of a vehi- cle or in the event a vehicle is the subject of an agreement fdr the conditional sale or lease thereof with the right of purchase upon performance of the conditions stated in the agreement and with an immediate right of possession vested in the conditional vendee or lessee, or in the event a mortgagor of a vehicle is entitled to possession, then such conditional vendee, or lessee, or mortgagor shall be deemed the owner for the rurnose of this; chapter (q) "CHAUFFEUR " Any person operating a motor vehicle for, hire or as the employee of the owner thereof (r) "RAILWAY " Every commercial, interurban and other raif- way, other than a street railway, owned, controlled, operated or managed for use in the transportation of person' or property (s) "STREET RAILWAY " Every railway operated mainly upon , or along any street, highway or public place within Salt Lake City (t) "STREET OR HIGHWAY " Every way or place bS whatever nature open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for purposes of vehicular travel (u) "PRIVATE ROAD OR DRIVLWAY " Lvery road or driveway not open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel 1 -4 1 (v) "ROADWAY " That portion of a street or highway between the regularly established curb lines or that part improved and intended to be used for vehicular travel (w) eCURB " the boundaries of a street as defined herein (x) "SIDEWALK " That portion of a street between the curb: lines and the adjacent property lines (y) "CROSSWALK " That portion of a roadway ordinarily in-f eluded within the prolongation or connection of curb lines and; property lines at intersections, or any other portion of a road- way clearly indicated for pedestrian cros.ing by lines or other markings on the surface (z) "INTERSECTION " The area embraced within the prolonga- tion or connection of the lateral curb lines, or if none, then} of the lateral boundary lines of two or more streets which joiin one another at an angle, whether or not one street crosses the other • (aa)"SAFETY ZONE " The area or space officially set aoarii within a roadway for the exclusive use of pedestrians and which is protected or is so markea or indicated by adequate signs al to be plainlyvisible at all times while set apart as a safety, zone (bb) "RIGHT OF WAY " The privilege of the immeaiate use of the street (cc) "BUSINESS DISTRICT " the territory designated as the congested district as defined by Section 1855, Revi^ed Ordi— nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordi- nance passed by the Board of Commis,.toners on the 25th day of June, 1929, and clearly defined by sirens posted on the streets at the limits of sal() district Sala signs shall be appobved, by the state road commission (dd) "RESIDENCE DISTRICT " the territory within `alt Lake City other than the business district (ee) "TRAFFIC " Pedestrians, ridaen or herded animals, 1 *ehicles, street or interurban cars, electric trolle coaches k. F z . I -5-- and other conveyances either singly or together while using any street for the purpose of travel (ff) "DRIVER " 'he rider, driver or leaner iff a horse, a person tho pushes, draws, propels, operates or is in charge ofl, a vehicle (gg) "OFFICIAL TRAFG'IC SIGNS AND SIGNAL: " All signs, sigk I. nals, markings and devices not inconsistent with this chanter placed or erectea by authority of the Hoard of Commissioners and/or the Chief of Police, for the purpose of guiding, uirectk ing, warning or regulating traffic I (hh)"TRArFIC CONTROL SIGNAL " Any device, whether manual-I ly, electrically or mechanically operated bv which traffic is alternately airected to stop and to proceed (ii) "DEPARTMENT " the department of the Secretary of State of Utah (ji) "COMMISSIONER " The Secretary of State of the °tate of Utah 1 (kk)"ROARD OF COMMISSIONERS " The Board of Commissioners I of Salt Lake City, Utah SECTION 2 That Section 1880 of said Chapter LX, Revisea Ordinances of `alt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an oruinande passed by the Board of Commissioners on January 14, 1925, be and 1 the same is hereby amended to read as follows SECTION 1880 RIGHT OF WAY BITVFEN VEHICLES (a) Ve-I hicles approaching an intersection the driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection shall yield the right of way to a vehicle which ha,' entered the intersection tahen two vehicles enter an intersection at the same time the driver of the vehi-i cle on the left shall yield to the driver on the right (b) Vehicle entering a through highway The driver , of any vehicle who has stopped as required by law at the en- trance to a through highway shall yiela to other vehicles with- in the intersection or aplroacnin_ :o closely on the through 1 highway as to constitute an immediate hazard, out sail uriverF having so yielded may oroceer', ana other vehicles approaching , 1 11 _„- the intersection on the through nighwav snail yield to the ve-H nicle so *proceeding into or across the through ni,hway (c) Vehicle turnin, left at intersection Tne driver ofI a vehicle within an intersection intending to turn to the left] shall yield to any vehicle approachin- from the opoo-'ite di-- 1 rection which is witnin the intersection or so close thereto ad to constitute an immediate hazard,but Said driver having soj yielded and havine given a signal when and as required by law may make such left turn, and other vehicles approaching the in tersection from s'io opposite direction shall yield to the driver making the left turn SECTION 3 That Section 1882 of saiu Charter LX, Revised 1 Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinanc , onesed by the Board of Commissioners on December 22, 19U0, as amendr led by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on July 21, 1B321, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows SECTION 1832 SIGNALS ON STtRTING, STOPPING OR tURN-' ING (a) The driver of anv venicle upon a hi,hway before start; ing, stopping or turning from a direct line shall first see that such movement can be made in safety, and if any seaetrian may be affected by such movement shall give a clearly audible signl 1 by sounding the horn, and whenever the operation of any other vehicle may be affected by such movement shall give a signal at required in this section plainly visible to the °river of such, other eehicle of the intention to make such movement (h) The signal herein required indicating the intention of the driver to start, stop or turn shall be given br either an aoproved mechanical or electrical signal aevi,e or be extending the hand and arm horizontally from and beydnu the left side of! the vehicle; excait when a vehicle is so constructed of loaded) as to prevent the hand anu arm signal from beinm visible both • to the front and rear, then said signal shall oe given by a mef 1 chanical or electrical signal device aporovec by the department SECTION 4 That Section 1389 of said Chapter LX, Revised Ordinances of falt Lake City, Utah, 1920, be and the same is hereby ! s -7— s.mended to read as follows. SLCTION 138G RfCSLL DRIVING 'ny ,erson who drives any vehicle upon the streets of this city carelessly and need—I lessly in willful or wanton disregaru of the rights and safety of others, or without due cause r circumssection and at a speed or in a manner so as to endanser or be lively to endangeJr any person or property, shall se guilty of reckless dr vinQ and upon conviction shall be sunished by imprisonment in the city jail for a period of not less than five days, nor more than I ninety drys, or by a fine of not less than ,,r25 00 nor more than 290 00, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and on a second or subsequent conviction shall oe ounisned by imprison_I ment for not less than ten days nor mere than six months, or bg a fine of not less than 50 00 nor more than °>?99 00, or by i both such fine and imprisonment SLCTION 5 That Section 1887 of said Chaoter LX, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 19 'O, as amended by an ordinance *pas^ed by the Board od Commissioners on July ul, 19�l, be and the same is hereby amended to rear. as follows. SLCTION 1887 PERGONS U�DLR THE' INFLUENCE OF INTOXIE CASING LIQUOR OR NARCOTIC DRUGS It shall be unlawful for any person who is an haoitual user of narcotic drugs, or any person aho is under the influence of iltoxic tine liquor or narizotic drugs, to drive any vehicle upon -any street withLn this city Every ;per^on convicted of a violation of this secE tion shall be punisnea by imprisonment in the city jail for j not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by a fine of not less than 100 00 or more than 299 00, or oy hoth i such fine and imprisonment On a second or subsequent confic— tion he shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than ninety days nor more than six months, and in the discretion of the court a fine of not more than $299 00 SECTION u That 'Section 1910 of said Chester 7X, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 19�0, as amendea bi an ordinance -F I �I j , -8- oasged by the Board of Commissioners on July 21, 19e1, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows. SECTION 1910 DUTY TO STOP IN EVINI OF ACCIDENTS PENALTY (a) the driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury or death to any person shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene of such accident, and any per- ' son violating this provision shall upon conviction be punished by imprisonment in the city jail for not less than thirty day nor more than six months or by fine of not less than $100 00 1 nor more than $299 00, or by both such fine and imprisonment (b) The drivel of any vehicle involved in an accident re - suiting in damage to property shall immediately stop such vehll- cle at the scene of such accident and in any accident resultirjlg in injury or death to any person or damage to property to any apparent extent of 150 00 or more shall also give his acme, address and the registration number of his vehicle to the per-- son struck or the driver or occupants of any vehicle collided ; with, and shall render to any person injured in such accident ; reasonable assistance, including the carrying of such person 1 to a physician or surgeon for medical or surgical treatment, if it is apparent that such treatment is necessary, or ir_ re-, quested by the injured person, and shall also within twenty- four hours file with the police department of this city a writ- ten report of such accident Pny violation of this subdivision shall constitute a misdemeanor SECTION 7 That Section 1929X5 as adopted by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on June 12, 19_50, relating to traffic and travel on the streets,is hereby amended to read as follows. SECTION 19P9X5 It shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle past a school 'building or the grounds ther1- of during school rece^s or chile children are going to or ieai- ing school during opening or closing hours faster than 15 miles per hour, provided that when a stop sign shall nave been placed I ( -9- by the Chief of Police at a school building or grounds at any ii of said periods a complete stop shall be made before proceed- ing past such school or grounds, provided further, that it shall be unlawful to fail to observe all signs or markers placed by the Chief of Police at any school or grounds SECTION 8 In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners flit i^ necessary to the oeace, health ana safety of the inhabitants of bait Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately ,SECTION 9 This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication Passed by the Board of mmissioners of Salt Lake City, I Utah, on the _11th day of February_ k D 19'72 - ------- Mcyor If - ----I City Becoruer ( I q I ( I { i + �( I I) I I( f I I it I It •• •- -� �� .. .. -. J n� t -' A ti Z4,_ „ 1 p Fnryagr w 3 t 'r i9 9' 6— h� � proof u lu ration loath States of Amerira STATE OF UTAH ss COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMEND/NO CHAPTER LE R vl ed Ordin flees of Salt Late City Utah 1920 by amending Section 1054 as amended by an ordinance ere On Jtine 12,the 81030,Section 181880d of Conlin!. °'as k!11RR.X amended by an ordinance passed by — _Abe.Board{4f Commissioner.on Janu any 1A 1g�✓f.ljpction 1882 se am;g dad by Co 1n0ieda de peened by the Board beingfirst dulydeposessays 19 co as amended by December 2a sworn and that he is the Clerk 1920 am@ntled by an ominao e peened by th Board of on 1888Sec titon 18July and Se9iion 1910 as amended of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUN a newspaper oy o ordinance passed 2 the Board B, published in of Co 192983eas on July 1921 and Section 182ed y adopted by an ord/ mil ion seen June 12 1930 relating Salt Lake City Salt Lake County State of Utah to traffic and travel on the at eats Be it ordained by the Board of Com nits ion rs or Salt Lak City Ut h SECTION 1 That Section 185e of That the Notice AI? CRAIn,ANCh Mid Chapter LX Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City Utah 1920 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commi stoners of Salt bALT LAYL CITY CORE CHAT IC,N Lake City Utah on June 12 1930 be and ea follow.the same is hereby amended to)�y SECTION 1854 DEFINITIONS The 'r following word and phrases When used OFF IC CF TI'L' CITY HLCCRDE�'i in this chapter shall for the purpose I this chapter have the meanings re pectively sec ibed to them in this sec tion except In thee instances where the context clearly indicate a differ ant meaning (a) VEHICLE Every device 1n open or by Which any person or prop of which a copy is hereto attached was first published in said news arty 1s or may be transported or drawn up n a publi street except devices moved by human power or u ed exclu elusively upon stationary retie Or tracks or electric t Duey coaches a paper in its issue dated the 13th he sin de.fined (b) MOTOR VEHICLE Every v hici herein defined which I.self p open a day of bruary 193 2 traveling exclusively velly ET upon Every teet rail r way when upon or crowing a street COACH ELECTRIC bber t TROLLEYr sn and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on ger ear or coach operated without rails by 1 etricity obtained from overhead trolley wire rl.ar-y Fah 1c-i for le) AUTHORIZED EaIEROENOY VEHICLE V hides and appar tun of the fi e d pa tment effi0 re patrol aen and vehicles of police department ll ambulance.whethe public or prt thereafter the full period of Lne insertion ate and all other vehicles When m ploysons.d in oa hospital ing n injured ital or other Dlaoe for r lief or treatment vehicles used for flushing or sprinkling the streets or the last publication thereof for the collection of garbage and th emergency crew of the waterworke de partment when reaponding to a fire or loth emergency call and ouch other ve being in the issue dated the Melee a are designated or authorized day of by the Commissioner or the Board of Commie I Hera (I) MOTORCYCLE Every motor b ebruary 2 vehicle designed to travel on not A D 193 more than three wheels in contact with the ground except any such vehicle may be included within the term tractor herein Ted Every, (to TRUCK he TRACTOR Everyi motor Vehicle designed and cued prl madly for drawing other vertolee and not ao con l othe then ape ed a t of theowaignt of the(( k J lo p' vehicle and load so drawn ,kd sworn to before me this day of to(hvehicle deealgaeei and useM TRACTOR d primer ity as a farm implement for drawing pleateaseowi ofnhu bendry 2machines Bad other im A D 193 r vehicledes igned Every mo t and used for draw ins other vehicles and not con 1 etruoted ea to carry any load thereon either independently or any part of the weight of a vehicle or load so dtaWn without TRAILER otive power designed for aaia Notary Pu rying property or passengers wholly onyy' its own structure and for being drawn by a motor Vehicle (k) SEMI TRAILER Every ve hide of the trailer type so designed I nd used in conjunction with a meter!) vehicle that some part of its own' Weight and that of its own load reetfl, upon or is carded by another vehicle (l) PNEUMATIC TIRES All tires 11( )d S O � BormOLID RUSEID T tire ytafle of rubber other than s pneuµ Advertising fee $ matte tire In) METAL TIRES A11 ti es the surface of which In conta t with the, - — SECTION 1887 PERSONS 'UNDERstreet la wholly or partly of metal or ^--t THE INFLUENCE OF INTOXICATINee Other bard non resilient inn etlnl meat of the Se stare of State of Utah LIQUOR OR NAItCOTIO DRUGS It (a) PERSON Ev ry natural per (]]) COMMISSIONER The Sec shell be unlawful for any person who am firm co partnership association retry of St to of the State of Utah la an habitual user o1 furcate(ruse or cOrpor firm lea (kk) BOARD OF COMM/SS/ON or any person who Is under the influ (P) OWNER A person wlto holds ERS The Board of Commissioners once of intoxicating liquor Sr narcotic the legal title Of a per le w m the of Salt Lake City Ut h drugs to drive any vehicle upon any event a vehicle 1s the subject of an SECTION 2 That Se teen 1880 off test within this city Every peteon m agreement for the conditional sale or said Chapter LX Revised Ordan ee convicted of a vi latlon of this section lease thereof with the right of pur of Salt Lake City Utah 1920 as hall be punt h d by Imprisonment In chase upon performance of the condi amended by an ordtnan a passed by the city fail for not lees then thirty Clone stated to the agreement and with,, the Board of Commissioners on Jai. day nor more than ix menthe or by an immediate right Of po session a y 14 1925 be and the game 10 hereby a Sine of not lee than$100 00 of Mort eared 1n the conditional vendee on amended to read as follows than$299 00 or by both Such fine and I ease or In the event a mortgagor of a SECTION 1880 RIGHT OF WAY Imprisonment On a second or subee chicle is entitled top a ession then BETWEEN VEHICLES ( I Wahl le quest conviction he hall be punished such aondlthanal vendee or lessee or apt caching an inters Lion The by imp 1 onment for not lees than mortgagor shall be deemed the owner drly r of a vent I approaching an In ninety d y no m re th n ix months for the purpose of this chapter tersection shall yield the right of way and In the discretion of the court a (q) CHAUFFEUR Any person to a vehicle which ha entered the in fine of not more than$29900 operating a motor vehicle for hire or to section When two vehicles enter SECTION 8 That 9e8tlon 1910 of a the employee of the owner thereof an int reeatton at the same time the said Chapte LX Revised Ordinances (r) RAILWAY Every ommer driver of the vehicle on the left shall I Salt Lake City Utah 1920 ae clal Interurban and other railwayamended by ordinance passed by other than a street railway owned yield to the to r on the right controlled operated of managed for (h) Vehicle driver er a through the1921Board or,do same on Jollyeb use in the t*importation of highway Theopt driver of any yhlaw 21 be and the came 19 hereby o prop rty p Bops who has topped as required by law amended to vane ap follows (e) STREET RAILWAY t th entrance to through highway SECTION 1910 DUTY TO STOP IN railwayt operated mainly upon or alone snail yield to otha v hictea within the EVENT OF ACCIDENTS PENALTY any attest nights or a inter ection or apt remising so so-closely (a) The driver of any vehicle Involved y public place or,the through highway as to conatt in an accident resulting in injury or within Salt Lake City tuts an lmmede to hazard but said death to any p. n h II farm dtstely (t) STREET OR HIGHWAY 2rlver having yielded re y pro°e¢ top each hide t the one of such Ev ry way o place of whatever nature d other vehicles accident and anyperson open to the use of the public as a mat approaching the pro talon Shall nfo conviction t he ter ofet right for Dnrpoeea of vehicular ntereeatlon on the through hoceed n travel all yield to the vehicle so proceed punt had by Imp Isonmeat in the any (v) PRNATE ROAD OR DRIVE ng Into or across the through highway f II f r not lee than thirty d ys nor WAY Every 00 road or driveway not (c) de turning left at fate sec mo a than Six month or by tine of not Open to the U90 of the public for yur ]on The driver of a vehicle within Ise than$100 00 nor more than$299 00 poses of vehicular travel n heft a etlon intendingany vtoehicle turn to or by both uch line and imprlpon (v) ROADWAY That portion of left shall yield t any vehicle ap meat a suet or highway between the regu preaching from the opposite direction (b) The driver of any such vehicle early eproved no curb It Intended t b that which 1 within the Inter ectfon or So involved in an ccideat among fn part improved and curblin to r used close thereto es to constitute an 1m damage to property shall immediately for vehicular travel mediate ha ard but said driver having atop soth vehtCle at the scene of suss so yielded and having given a signal ccideat and In any accident reeulting (w) CURB The boundaries of sir et as defWA d herein a Wh n and torn d by In Injury° d th to any p Oa Or (x) SIDEWALK That portion of make ouch left turn and otherr V vehiclese damage to property to any apparent a tract between the curb lines and the 'approaching the intersection from said extent of$50 00 or more shall also give adjacent property lines pD°91te di ectloa hell yield to the his name address and the regleEratlon (Y) OR088WALK That portion d(car making the left turn number of his vehicle to the person of a roadway ordinarilyonor included with SECTION 3 That l act] 1882 of truck o the dri a or occupants of 1h the prolongation and or included with of said Chapte LX Ravi ed Ordinance any vehicle collided with and 0055E Curb inner and y on or lines at Inter f Salt Lake City Utah 1920 as rend to any pson injured In such sections er any property portion Inter a amended by an ordinance passed by ecldent reasonabl assfhtance includ roadway clearly Indicated or for of the Board of ea on Decem lag the carrying of such person W a logo on the 0f lines to other mark' be 22 1920 ea amended by an ordl physic!.o peon for medical Or trimInge on the surfaCe ace p ed by the Board bofe end vrgtcat tr it It Is apparent (a) INTERSECTION The area; Ion on July 21 1921 be and the that uch t eatment I necessary or is embraced Within the prolong tioa ea; am Is her by amended to e d as equested by the injured person and Dan atloh of the lateral curb lines or follow hall al o the police department feu hours if none then of the lateral boundary! SECTION 1882 SIGNALS ON START file with pollee department of th1 linen Of the two or more pt eats will h]01h;� ING STOPPING OR TURNING (a) city written repot f each accident One another at an angle whether or The driver of any vehicle upon a high Any lol ten [this subdlvl ion shall not one trept creases the other way befo a to trig stopping or turn con tltute a hit demeanor Ma) SAFETY ZONE The area or thating from a direct line shall 1t et ee SECTION 7 That Section 1929X5 es; spaceWay officially set apatt within a road such movement can be made be adopted by an Commissioners ordinance passed Juneby the nod for the exclusive use of pedestrians aloty and if any pedestrian may be B d f on 12 and Which Is protected or 1s eo 55 00 be affected by such movement shall give 1930r relating to eby ac and navel oh or indicated by adequate algae as to be ales ly audible signal by ounding the streets is hereby amended to read plainly visible at all times while set the horn and whenever the affected on Co fallow apart as 9 safety zone of any other vehicle may be affected SECTION per on It shall a unlit Orb) RIGHT OF WAY The greet by such movement shall give a Ignal p for ho per t drive a vehiclend legs Of the immediate n e o1 the Street as required in this section plainly vial t t a during buildingho1 e the era nil e (cc) BUSINESS DISTRICT The ble to the driver of such other vehicle th r children r ho 1 r leavi org while territory designated 0 the congested of the intention to make such move uMgare going to s leavings eter district as defined by Section 1855 Re merit du lag opening o cloning heave Meter vise(Ordinances of Salt Lake City (b) The signal herein requl ed In than 15 mites per hour provided that I Utah 1920 as amended by an c di Mc tine the int Mien f the driver when a top sign art of have ben nonce passed by the Board of Commie to t rt stop r turn shall be given placed the Chief Of at ice at s school Monte on the 25th day of June 1929 by either an or chancel or building o grounds at any of old and learly defined by signs Po red ]a halo signal devise or by extending Periods a complete atop shall be made on the at sets at the limits of said the hand and arm hosrizonOt ley fromv b fo e proceeding past such school Or 11 district Said signs Shall be approved d beyond the left ids 1 the B curt( p yid tl further that it stone by the state road commission h1 le a ceDt when a vehicle Is so eon be mark r tOIn fall 5 observe all f Pas (dd) RESIDENCE D I S T R IC T tracts(or loaded as to prevent the 11 mark re placed by the Chia[of PO The territory within Salt Lake City hand and arm signal fr on being vial a e at any chore or opinio Other than the business district el both to the front and rear then SECTION 8 In the opinion Is of the (ee) TRAFFIC Pedestrians ridsaid signal shall be given by a me ' Bad f peace sealers it Is sty O den or herded animals vehicles stye t chant al or electrical signal device ap e a the peace health and safety a1 or interurban care electric trolley p yed by the department the fah Want 1 Salt Lake City that teacher,and other conveyanc S aline SECTION 4 That Section 1888 of oaf ordinance Oak silent Mimed! singly or together white using any said Chapter LX Revised Ordinances street for the purpose of travel f Salt L ke City Utah 1920 be end SECTIONS This t publi ordinance shalltake (ft) DRIVER The id r driven th same is hereby amended to sad as tt t d y 1t fir t d of Cororn or leader of a ho e a per on wbo follow Pealed by th Bea a Of COmml9elOn Plash. draws pr0Dele Operate e a of 9 It L ke City Utah on the in charge of a vehicle or 1a SECTION 1888 RECKLE9B DRIV Ilth d y of February A D 1832 ggg) OEFIfiIAL TRAFFIC QIONQ Mole upoING n the treets 0f Person Who dthis city rives Care Eth l Ma ve dnald CitUIS y Recorder A b 9;ONALS All signs signals lesely and heedlessly in wilful or wan Bill No 8 markings and devices not intone ten ton(Mare&rd of the rights and safety Published February lath 1932.11 e with this chapter placed a erected by of tithe B without due caution or authority of the Board of Commission ere and or the Chief of Police for the mannersoa�as toaaodact a speed in Orion purpose Of gu(ctiV directing warning to endanger an so [r r pertly or reggu[ating traftic y person or property (hh) TRAFFIC CONTROL SW Shall conviction guilty of reckless d/lag and NAL Any device whether manuall imuppri onmen shall be city punished by electrically o rnecheeyoally operated imprisonment soot eIne the cfiv jail for a by which traffic Is alternately directed morere(than not lees a or fiveb dayst nor to stop and to proceed an$2 0 by a fine Of (ti) DEPARTMENT ?he depart of leas tbyA$2500 o e than D $oloon209 00 of by belt,(yap t • Ica lu at cons tad oOO�r,aa1 eised)41,or impri nmentlofor�not less than(ten day nor more than tx month or by a fine of not 1 in than$50 00 nor more b then$299 00 or by both Mich fine and imprisonment SECTION 5 That Section 1887 of e 16 Chapter LX Revised Ordinancas of Salt Lake City Utah 1920 as ended by an ordinance peeled by the Board of Commissioner on July 21 1021 be and the same I hereby amended to read es follow .1a* 4•00' 4-• )q 3-2 PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM alle *nit Enke aributir County Entry No