8 of 1935 - Amending Section 729, relating operation and possession of amusement devices. ROLL CALL • - • VOTING AYE NAY ,.`Salt Lake City, Utah, 193 Goggiu I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser `- . _ Knight . Lee Mr. Chairman + AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 729, of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on September 25, 1934, relating to licenses for amusement devices. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 729, of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on September 25, 1934, relating to licenses for amusement devices, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 729. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or use or permit to be operated or used on or in any property or premises in his possession or under his control any amusement device, or to have any amusement device in his possession on or in any property or premises in his possession 8 or under his control with intent that the same shall be operat- ed or used, without having first obtained a license therefor pasted and unless the license shall be attRixatxtkisaurta and at all times remain thereon in a conspicuous place. Within the scope and meaning of this ordinance an ',amusement device', is any machine, device or contrivance not prohibited or declared unlawful by Chapter XXV, Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, designed or intended to be operated. or used for amusement or the playing of a game upon or in response to the payment of some charge or the insertion therein of a coin, slug or check. A license subject to the provisions of this ordinance shall entitle the person to whom the same is issued to operate and use and to permit to be ised. and operated for the _period for which the same is issued an amusement device in Salt Lake • City on or in any property or nrcmiaes in his possession or under his control or on or in the property or premises in the possession or under the control of any other ,person whose consent thereto has been first obtained. Licenses shall be in the form of a. label. or sticker and must xXmxx cx AAx'xxAtxdxxxny be pasted. onto the a.muse- I ment device on account of which they are issued. They shall contain the words, "Licensed Amusement Device No. • Issued. to , They shall be numbered con- e secutively and before issuance the City ;ccorder shall fill in upon tine same the number of the =VOW license, the year the date of expiration of issuejand the name of the licensee. For each license there shall be paid to the License! Assessor and Collector a semi-annual fee of ..":`5.00. Licenses shall be issued only for the semi-annual rate and shall not be transferable either as to licensee or amusement device. IC shall be unlawful to counterfeit a License or to deface or mutilate the same while upon any amusement device except in removing it therefrom by authority of the licensee or to remove it or attem_,t to remove therefrom without destroy- ing it or for any licensee to place or permit to be placed or be, ppon one amusement device after it has been placed upon another or to place it or permit it to be pieced or be upon any machine, device or contrivance _prohibited or declared. to be unlawful by Chanter XXV, Devised Ordinances of Sep: Lake City, Utah, 1934. SLCTIOAI 2. Any person violating any provision of this. ordinance shall be punished. by a fine of not less than $25.00 nor exceeding $299.00, or by imprisonment in the City jail not longer 1 than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of 2.alt Take City that this ordinance become effective i rhedi tely. SECTIODI 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its -3- first aublication. 2/ZZ _ Passed by the Board of Commissioners of dat Lake Utah, this 7.1i„ day of February D'.)1935. Mayor. r#,!! •vt: • _ 11a911' , • City =r-7' 4 . • 8 OR !NANCE —10 P Baud of Commissioners AND ASESeD FE3 7 ig:=y r'ry ReconDeR "Int P�� 'rr►► ; in tcu '- 1935 }pp CITY RECORDER Proof of 1nbltratinn UM] States sf Moira ra STATE OF UTAH SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC. VON 729,of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,on-Septem- � P. TH.OIfPSOg ber-25,1934,relating to licenses ..; fsr-amusemen it att�ddevices, the Board of Commissioners'5tsalt Lake City, Utah: being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk SECTION 1. That section 729,• • of an ordinance passed by the ' Board of,Compissioners.of Salt of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in Lake City, onSeptember 25,1934,relating to licenses for amusement devises, be and the same-is hereby.amended td read Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah. as follows:. ' • SECTION 729. It.shall be unlawful for any person to op- That the NoticeAtTi._ORDINAN.CE. crate-or.use or permit to be operated or used on or in any property or premises in his SALT LAKR CITY CORPORATIQi . possession or under his contrrolol ' any:amusement device, or to . have any amusement device in his possession on or in any property or premises in his pos- session or under his control with intent that the same shall be.operated or used, without having first obtained a license, therefor'and unless"the lioense shall-be pasted and at.'all-=• of which a copyis hereto attached,was first published in said news- .•times.remain ia.theroon-in a,aon+ spicuous place.' - 'Within the scope and mean- _ -int of this ordinance an"amuse- paper in its issue dated the 9th ment.device"is any''machine,-` jdevice or contrivance not pro hibited or declared unlawful by,Chapter,,xxv,-Revised day of February , 193_S., ' Ordinance.oR Salty,Lake.,City .Utah 1934,designed or intend ad,to be operated or used for and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on ',amusement or tbe,plpying game upon or_its response to •the payment of'some charge or February 9tha for the insertion-therein,o£a'coin.. clug or check. ' A'license subject td,thepro. ` One insertion visions of this ordinance shall period the full of entitle the person to wheat the same is issued to operate and,. use and to permit to be used the last publication thereof and operated for the period for which-the same is issued an amusement device in Salt Lake City on or in any property or being in the issue dated the 9th day of premises in his possession or under his-control or on or in the property or premises in the February possession or under the control rY ,A.D.19 ;5 of any other person whose con- , sent thereto has been Brat obtained. t.. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th. day of February ,A.D.193 5 Notary Public. Advertising fee $ 8 Licenses shall be in the form of a label or•sticker and must be pasted onto the amusement device on. account of which they are issued.They shall con • - lain the words, "'Licensed Amusement Device No........ Issued to • They.shall be numbered con- secutively and before issuance the City Recorder shall fill in upon the same the number of the license,the year:of issue, the-date of expiration and the name of the licensee. For each license there shall • be paidto-the License Assessor and Collector a semi-annual fee : of$5.00 • . Licenses shall be issued only for the semi-annual rate and shall not be transferable either' so to,licensee or amusement device. •It shall be-unlawful to coun- terfeit a license or to deface or mutilate the same while upon • - any amusement device except in removing it therefrom by authority of the licensee or to remove it or attempt to remove therefrom without destroying it or for any licensee to place or • permit to-be placed or be upon one amusement device after it has been placed upon another or to- place it or permit it to be placed or be upon any • machine,device or contrivance . prohibited or•declared to be • unlawful by Chapter XXV,Re- , vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1934. - SECTION 2. Any person-vio- lating any provision of this ordi- nance-shall:be punished by a fine of not less than$25.00 nor exceed- ing$299.00,or by imprisonment in the City Jail not longer than six months,or by both such fine and_imprisonment.. SECTION 3. In the opinion :• of tt?e Board of Commissioners, ;'. it is-necessary to the peace,health- ated;safety of the inhabitants of-. Salt Zake City that this'ordinance .become-effective immediadeiy, SECTION 4. This-ordinance shall.take-effect upon,its first .,- ,.ppliligatien. -' . 'assed"by_the Board.of Coa�tt missions-is of Salt-Lake C tV Utah, this 7th day of February, .'A..D,'1035. • -LOUIS MARCUS,- l;t Mayor..,._::«ii! •ETHEL MACDONALD, (SEAL) City-Recorder. BILP,NO.9.-• - Published February 9th, 10$6- 5 " 1 PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM TIN if,alt Enke Tribune County Entry No