8 of 1939 - Amending Section 719, Revised Ordinance 1934; relating to wholesale fruit, vegetable and nut dealer G'
�p 23 -
VOTING AYE NAY Lake City,Utah,___.__ " , 193
Goggin I moye that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser `'�r�r�//
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to licenses.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 719 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to licenses, be and the
same is hereby amended to read as follows:
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to
maintain or operate an establishment for sale at wholesale
or wholesale distribution of fruits, vegetables or nuts within
Salt Lake City without first obtaining a license therefor.
Every person, firm or corporation, before opening,
maintaining and operating such establishment shall make appli-
. cation for each establishment maintained and operated by him
or it upon a blank to be furnished by the city license assessor
and collector and in which application the applicant shall
give the following information: address, number of establish-
ments maintained and operated, nature of business, method of
distribution used, whether it be selling direct from a store
room, railroad car, wagon, truck or other vehicle or from a
vacant lot or stand or otherwise.
Upon filing said application properly filled out
and paying the city treasurer a license fee of $50.00 for
each and every establishment maintained and operated, said
city recorder shall issue a license.to said applicant to
operate said establishment for and during one year from date
of application.
Any person desiring to operate an establishment for a
period less than a year may in lieu of the $50.00 license fee
herein required pay to the license assessor and collector the sum
of $10.00 for each and every day such person desires to operate
(such establishment and the license shall be issued only for the
number of days designated by the applicant and for which applicant
,has paid the license fee.
The word "establishment" as used in this ordinance shall
mean an establishment which is engaged in buying and selling or dis-
tributing at wholesale fruits, vegetables or nuts and shall mean
any building, storeroom, freight car, wagon, truck or other vehicle
for any vacant lot or stand where fruits, vegetables or nuts are kept,
stored, packed or offered for sale at wholesale.
It shall be the duty of the health commissioner or his
Iaualified assistants to inspect and examine all fruits, vegetables,
or nuts of any kind or character, bought, sold or offered for sale
and in order to carry out the inspection and examination herein pro-
vided for he may require any vehicles, trucks, or trailers, contain-
ing the commodities to be examined, to proceed to and report at a
designated place, which place shall be provided with reasonable
.facilities for conducting said examination and inspection.
The health commissioner or his duly qualified assistants
shall have the power and authority to condemn any and all fruits,
vegetables or nuts which are unfit for human consumption and he shall
have the further power and authority to require any and all fruits,
vegetables or nuts which are misbranded or misrepresented as to grade,
,quality or condition to be properly and honestly branded, marked and
It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale any of the
commodities herein mentioned which have been condemned by the health
commissioner or to sell or offer for sale any of the commodities me -
Itioned which have been misbranded or falsely designated.
All weights, measures or computing instruments used by th
licensee shall be inspected and examined and thereafter sealed and
marked by the city sealer of weights and measures and oil inspectio
and all incorrect measures disposed of as required by law.
Each person, firm or corporation obtaining such license
: under the provisions of this ordinance shall keep the said license
displayed in his place of business.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately
e SECTION 3. This ordinance>shall take-effect upon its firstl
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, lr`
Utah, this 2.31 day of ,, A.L.,1939.
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t.eporary Oh! ....eai --
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City hecorder.
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Affidavit of Publication.
County of Salt Lake
i ; pg. . .. _ Leo H.Young
419 Af the Rev,tied Ord o1 Salt
oLake City, ut h I934, relating to Ili Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
-90 it,ordatgea b the Hoard of Com
hjtea+opera of salt ke cuy,Tr Of clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
'5EOTION I. That Section 71a 1 the
ggae'pod r,dtD tt.of Salt Laltne%,%
the ne l eating to ncensee..
j the ezma Se rDeroby amended m read Ile published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
to6111 o
nnlaWmlB fors.&ybperson,, firm Min, of Utah.
iteration,_t0-maintain or or operate or core.
3abile nt for ale at wholesale or.
NOieleele dietribhuon f "fruits. yege That the advertisement Ordinance - Bill No, 8
:teb1eg ndte (thin Salt Lake City with-
titt Tlret obtaining a lithium therefor.
„Very-vireo%•firm or corporation, be-
:Tor peeing, maintaining and operating'
iamb. etabliehment hall make applies- relating to licenses of wholesalers of Fruits, Vegetables
itan opera each htabiiehment maintained
and perated by him it upon a blank
IA be.Suruiabed.by.th¢ city license
'SOW and colleetor a el i� which anal, and Nuts (Halt Lake City corporation)
atl¢a the.applleant 1111 give the foe
establi 'pens ioi address. -umber of
eatabliehmente Maintained andnd pirated,
t:e e business method of dlstribn-
''. ritli add-tar IM4r t Arnett
' '!'Iid„'paoltte dieafr
an,tvahi ala,anmmaa, vacant lotsit was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
11 d brit d Wing the city trea4nrer
�f na f f ama is 1 n a 24th February
Vl; d L- day of Y A.D. 193
I t ; Try � =dphrat e�taa etaiti•
AV t or d dining year'from 1 time
La f nrrarti and was published
Ba t Ill iieni ci tlne p8100 lams then$ '-
BMW.lD-lieu'p the, ,r license fO h¢t'e-
7agkired,pay te. the liceuem Sesser
4pVi t";dray
pin eo al esi s9r rneh the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
add"av�rr day stet"n¢raon dmalii_II n•
16rata ch tabllehment d She 7�tceuae
idote:ea esUetl y t mr pli nt stV of
de.-a¢etaile. by the ptheaBee e for day of A.D. 19
I-.Re`applicant has.paid the.loons fee.
b �.word t behm t „used
Lh 9rrdihaD Dall taDlteh-
m in ni b r eared yt d
selling b7 all tr bnLinga t wholesale nt nrs,
y .latile.l ta.'gars°A .Y Advertising Clerk.
bUOA or;o44er'vehicle or a car. Bona
ti � !.other' rts, any vacant lot
a 1aRept castor fruits,vegetables ory nuts
are.kept,-stored;..packed or 1f for
wile t ll be the
is obeli be the Only of the health o i-
fii ei his qualified i ect and.ex ammol i t e-t v-
lol f eeetabl I.
ut spy R d 6 act t/ gilt,
df err -d t ngner.ta 2bth
auz Lli� n petn d i e ")before me this day o f
pa helm -Ittr did 1 b may Ire
gq Yetc}! troths, a trailers.ed. a,n q
tL c o site.report to h¢. te�Mace. 39
w line:shallt provided. to ream- A.D. 19
wbmh:,pia llibe
typpablq;fattip 1 conducting sad;ezem
6t iher-haeggdl1til1u� 00 t -eioner or h1 duly
,.Dfted' .M t U h ll have ythetdo 11 f /
"�" µyq� nuts Bich'ar4 unfit / ---
i r Rumen n et Ptvo d»d he 4D i have
w t Q annd`dV aatd or eDlee at one No ry Public.
t0 grade,Quality o condition for bed WOO--
ty-and honestly r branded, ma mid
dr 1el led' or offer for
.te,shall 1 unlawful toitiees erein
kale'thy a commodities
heath womhaveteen to sell o hvfor
health commissioner or to i or after'for
la y.d1 the range lie mc tinned
Which have been misbranded o falsely
designated. cementing im
etimmAll Buse
specie me used by mined measures
eaftei seal-
ed c,1 M d and d and thereafter It et 1•
arked en the city dealer sAil Rh all
end re aureasure i inepeetf el
ell byel m a diaponed'oS aB^ Onit•
ell lie law.en,firm r rpoatlunto'taln-
N.peh➢e license ®tt
Ink even licenseunder eep t prsaids a se
4hia ordinance shall keen the eetd.�conee
displayed iv his place P buein,hp o
SEC?ION a.]n the opinion art d
of Commissioners health and, t e 1ya the
of Salt Take City that,this eafely of legman t hall
take effect immediately. or s
SECTION 3.Thisordinance shall.take
effect upon to first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commiasiotr0t'c of
Salt Lake City, lit¢b, this 23rd daohh of
lrhbntary,A. JN39.
(`noon B.Matheson, Temporary efbair-
Ethel Macdonald,
City Recorder.
BILL NO.set. v 24ih.1939.
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