8 of 1942 - Amending Section 361 Revised Ordinance 1934,salary City Engineer and Assistant ROLLCALL ;: FEB;-3 iy42 VOTING e Salt Lake City,Utah, 194 I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser - - - e Matheson - - Mc o kie xx clesce _ _ _ —74 Mr.Chairman - - AN ORtNAINCE Result - AN Oli015P__iCF 7,r1 of the Devised Ordine:nces of felt La:fe City, Ut-'h, 193', reletinr' to the City Enp;ineer. Be it ordained by the roar:1 of Commiosioncre of felt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 361 of the Revised Oroinences of Solt Lake City, Utah, 1934, reletiiig to the City Ti''.n[ineor, be end the same is hereby amendei. to se,e r,s follows: SEC. 361. SALAEY The city r-n[ineei- shrii. receive e salary oi' not to exceec'f the sum of 2.',000.00 ncr annum. The principal esistent city ens-ineer' shell receive a salary not to exceed the sum of *3,40C.00 per annum, payable monthly, es ere the sal:.,pies of other city officers. SECTION 2. In the ov.inion of the Foe,rd of Comrr,is'rlorieos, it is n.eces to the peace, health and safety of the inhabi- tants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance ehs11 the effect immediately. SECTION 3. This orJinence shill teke of 'ect t once upon its first publication. Passed by the boars of Co:mr;issione-rs of S,It Leke City, [Itch, this a day oi' , A.D. 19-I . q n %l 'gyor. ,ity .P,ecorrier. //��.� _ Aa ii'i,1 Pnelumdbihe fiord of Comma dmmoY AND PASSED • FEB,: 3,1942 17444tilYIORO W Orr ItADRARM First Publication in 1942 CITY HBOORDtiR a Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake nr �rimNe rA Leo H. Young NCE A ID.. 6 sEcnoN 8!T ttltt r aitdodirth V saltL kel BAN'0�tl, ,- a'sQiaet�a.w the sit,E; Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- r .,B"s 'oT 0,,IN4 I1,,P %se1eni e.3ei of ib tie_ vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper .,ale OrdPoaneee q;,l LnicenCty Utah Rd4,.rge'4deto air d be"J 1fb))��,e.v,hereby amenaea ep reaB ae published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State DO 381. SALARY; The city engineer Mil t'l'e a Bel yv ofnop.4 ea the of Utah. of 84,8 en gaP'i.A11', Th D Dal ✓b I t ad-thl ni ehfl 23,400 3,4 t 1 y pof to ae 10000p0 of i the per le- 'dY�t eryclt9 0(M qv en are the Wailes :SECTION'a. Ih the opinion'of the Board 1 That the advertisement Ordinanc.e_relating- of ro ieeioner it 1 y t the' DORM,health a d tifety of necessary h bit le' o salt L City that ilia orm a hall t o City Engineers 4 46 iteot leViatpo _ - teet at N e n TI le Hire.pun h ti lake 9-.Pp t et once he n Re of Dona ti n Paaaad byy.the .Utah. of 1 to toners n/Bale !:' City.Utah, this'era day of S.L.C. Corp. at 1-�:-.it.8 '':'F 8'8b1NaBY,�A'.:D� 184a. AIIdENEINs,' Mayor. ,�lathe]No E.-tdaeDohald,City Remade[. 11 l "'PgHtahe@Feb:4,'>;A4a,.-. was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the .4th-.day of.........Febr-uary A.D. 19_.4.2. and was published One---ti-tne the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the day of A.D.19 c': 4) ertising Cler Subscribed and sworn to before me this Fifth day of Febru-'.r;'----.A.D. 19---4L- \ Notary Pub!. - S t 2 z ,.. -• ,,:sj: ,,,,-,, •••• Cr ,r, c'v `.k. I . etNd• , F-; 24. i.i• '? 0