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8 of 1954 - Levying a tax and for assessment of property ( Curb and Gutter Extension No. 174 ) Sixth and final E ROLL. CALL Salt Lake City,Utah,-!-B 4 1954 195
VOI NG Aye Nay
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . . . "`
Romney . , .
Mr.Chairman . /ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX an for the assessment of property (curb
and gutter extension No. 174) the purpose of constructing curb and
gutter, walks, paving strips and private driveways.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does
hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the
property hereinafter described for the purpose of constructing curb and
gutter, walks, paving strips and private driveways, to-wit:
Lots 20 to d6 inclusive and Lots 110 to 202 inclusive,
El Rey Park, a subdivision of part of Block 14, 5 Acre
Plat C, Big Field Survey and F. M. Lyman Jrts Survey
of Section 16, T.1 S., R.1 E., S.L.B.&M.; part of Lot
2, Block 14, F. M. Lyman Jrts Survey of Section 16,
T.1 S., R.l E., S.L.B.&M.; and part of Lot id, Block
14, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing curb and
gutter, walks, paving strips and private driveways, as follows:
Roosevelt Avenue - both sides - 19th to 21st East.
Emerson Avenue - both sides - 20th East to Yuma Street.
Kensington Avenue - north side - Ken Rey Street to a point 165 feet
west of 21st East.
Kensington Avenue - south side - Ken Rey Street to 21st East.
Bryan Avenue - north side - from a point 69 feet east of 19th East to
Ken Rey Street.
Bryan Avenue - south side - from a point 119 feet east of 19th East to
Ken Rey Street.
19th East - east side - from 120 feet north to 351.77 feet south of
Roosevelt Avenue.
Preston Street - both sides - Roosevelt to Bryan Avenue.
Ken Rey Street - both sides - Roosevelt to Bryan Avenue.
20th East Street - both sides - Roosevelt to Kensington Avenue.
El Rey Street - both sides - Roosevelt to Emerson Avenue.
Yuma Street - both sides - Roosevelt to Emerson Avenue.
21st East - west side - from 115.37 feet north to 330.55 feet south
of Roosevelt Avenue.
Kensington Avenue - north side - west 165 feet from 21st East.
21st East - west side - south 71.69 feet from a point 330.55 feet south
of Roosevelt Avenue.
Bryan Avenue - north side - east 69 feet from 19th East.
Bryan Avenue - south side - east 119 feet from 19th East.
$ driveways fronting on the north side of Roosevelt Avenue between
19th and 21st East.
1 driveway fronting on the south side of Roosevelt Avenue between
Yuma and 21st East.
1 driveway fronting on the south side of Emerson Avenue between El Rey
and Yuma Streets.
6 driveways fronting on the north side of Kensington Avenue between
20th and 21st East.
3 driveways fronting on the south side of Kensington Avenue between
20th and 21st East.
1 driveway fronting on the north side of Bryan Avenue between 19th
East and Preston Streets.
4 driveways fronting on the south side of Bryan Avenue between 19th
East and Ken Rey Streets.
2 drivewaya fronting on the east side of 19th East Street between
Bryan and Roosevelt Avenues.
6 driveways fronting on the west side of Preston Street between Bryan
and Roosevelt Avenues.
7 driveways fronting on the east side of Preston Street between Bryan
and Roosevelt Avenues.
1 driveway fronting on the east side of Ken Rey Street between Ken-
sington and Roosevelt Avenues.
2 driveways fronting on the west side of 20th East Street between
Emerson and Roosevelt Avenues.
1 driveway fronting on the east side of 20th East Street between
Emerson and Roosevelt Avenues.
5 driveways fronting on the west side of El Rey Street between Emerson
and Roosevelt Avenues.
5 driveways fronting on the west side of Yuma Street between Emerson
and Roosevelt Avenues.
6 driveways fronting on the east side of Yuma Street between Emerson
and Roosevelt Avenues.
5 driveways fronting on the west side of 21st East Street between
Kensington and Roosevelt Avenues;
upon the portions of said streets opposite the property hereinbefore and
hereinafter described to be especially affected and benefited by said im-
provement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said
property will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the
tax hereby levied and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal
and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to
the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet,
and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is
>132,468.25; y 126,760.61, or ; 10.40 per linear or front foot of abutting
property for constructing 12,188.52 feet of 36 foot paving strip, curb and
gutter and 4 foot walk; . 1,635.69 or °8.38 per linear or front foot of
abutting property for constructing 195.19 feet of 36 foot paving strip, curb
and gutter; t722.95 or 05.35 per linear or front foot of abutting property
for constructing 135.13 feet of 36 foot paving strip and 3,349.00 for con-
structing 64 private driveways as specifically set out hereinafter; the
cost of which driveways and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter
set out and all within the boundaries of the lot 4 blocks and streets above
mentioned, which is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of
said improvement according to the contract entered into for the performance
of said work and making said improvements with Okland Construction Company,
dated August 7, 1952, and the treasurer is hereby authorized and directed
to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the
purposes herein mentioned:
Fronting on the north side of Roosevelt Avenue.
All of Lots 20-28 incl. and 110-122 incl., 5 Acre Flat C, Big
Field Survey & F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E,
Fronting on the south side of Roosevelt Avenue.
All of Lots 29, 43-45 incl., 66, 67, 123, and 172-180 incl.,
5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey & F. M. Lyman Jrrs. Sur. of
Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the north side of Emerson Avenue.
All of Lots 154-156 incl. and 165-167 incl., 5 Acre Plat C,
Big Field Survey & F. M. Lyman Jr+s. Sur. of Section 16, T1S,
Fronting on the south side of Emerson Avenue.
All of Lots 135-142 incl., 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey &
F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the north side of Kensington Avenue.
All of Lots 76, 132 and 185-193 incl., 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field
Survey & F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 185, El Rey Park Sub.
thence east 35 feet, lot 18, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey.
Fronting on the south side of Kensington Avenue.
All of Lots 77, 133, 134 & 194-202 incl., 5 Acre Plat C, Big
Field Survey & F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E,
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 202, El Rey Park Sub.,
thence easterly 158.63 feet, lot 18, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field
Fronting on the north side of Bryan Avenue.
All of Lots 34, 55 and 56, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey &
F. M. Lyman Jr+s. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 34, El Rey Park Sub.
thence westerly 96 feet, lot 2, F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec.
16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the south side of Bryan Avenue.
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 86, El Rey Park Sub.,
thence westerly 86 feet, lot 2, F. M. Lyman J•r+s. Sur. of Sec.
16, T1S. R1E, SLB&M.
All of Lots 7$-86 incl., 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey &
F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the east side of 19th East Street.
All of Lots 25-33 incl., 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey &
F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the west side of Preston Street.
All of Lots 34-43 incl., 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey &
F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the east side of Preston Street.
All of Lots 45-55 incl., 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey &
F. M. Lyman Jrts. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the west side of Ken Rey Street.
All of Lots 57-66 incl., 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey &
F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the east side of Ken Rey Street.
All of Lots 67-76 incl., 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey &
F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&N.
Fronting on the west side of 20th East Street.
All of Lots 123-132 incl., 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey &
F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, TIS, R1E, SLB&IvI.
Fronting on the east side of 20th East Street.
All of Lots 193, 135 and 167-172 incl., 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field
Survey & F. M. Lyman Jr+s. Sur. of Sec. 16, TIS, RiE, SLB&M.
Fronting on the west side of El Rey Street.
All of Lots 161-165 incl. and 174, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field
Survey & F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the east side of El Rey Street.
All of Lots 156-160 incl., and 175, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field
Survey & F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the west side of Yuma Street.
All of Lots 150-154 incl., and 177, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field
Survey & F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the east side of Yuma Street.
All of Lots 143-149 incl., and 178, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field
Survey & F. M. Lyman Jr+s. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the west side of 21st East Street.
All of Lots 110 and 180-183 incl., 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field
Survey & F. M. Lyman Jr+s. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the north side of Kensington Avenue.
Beginning at a point 35 feet east of the southeast corner of
Lot 185, El Rey Park Sub., thence easterly 123.50 feet, Lot l$
5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey.
Fronting on the west side of 21st East Street.
All of Lot 184, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey & F. M. Lyman
Jr+s. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the north side of Bryan Avenue.
Beginning at a point 96 feet west of the southwest corner of
Lot 34, El Rey Park Subdivision, thence westerly 62.66 feet in
Lot 2, F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the south side of Bryan Avenue.
Beginning at a point $6 feet west of the northwest corner of
Lot 86, El Rey Subdivision, thence westerly 72.47 feet, Lot 2,
F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
All of the above lots being in El Rey Park Subdivision of Block 14.
Fronting on the north side of Roosevelt Avenue between 19th and 21st
East Streets.
The east 71.59 feet of Lot 27, ($39.00);
All of Lot 25, (1 39.00);
All of Lot 22, (°39.00)•
All of Lot 115, 39.00);
All of Lot 114, ( 54.00);
All of Lot 113, ( 47.00);
All of Lot 111, ($31.00);
All of Lot 110, ( p31.00);
Fronting on the south side of Roosevelt Avenue between Yuma and 21st
East Streets.
All of Lot 179, ($54.00);
Fronting on the south side of Emerson Avenue between El Rey & Yuma
All of Lot 139, ($39.00);
Fronting on the north side of Kensington Avenue between 20th and 21st
East Streets.
All of Lot 192, ( 39.00));
All of Lot 190, ( 39.00);
All of Lot 189, (° 54.00 ;
All of Lot 188, ( 54.00 ;
All of Lot 185, ( 39.00 ; All of the above lots being in El Rey
Park Subdivision of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey &
F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Beginning at a point 35 feet east of the southeast corner
of Lot 185 El Rey Park Subdivision, thence easterly 123.5
feet, Lot i$ of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey,($54.00).
Fronting on the south side of Kensington Avenue between 20th and
21st East Streets.
The east 11 feet of Lot 200 and the west 51 feet of Lot 201
The east 18 feet of Lot 201 and the west 42 feet of Lot 202
($39.00); being in El Rey Park Subdivision of Block 14,
5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey & F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of
Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Beginning at a point 52.97 feet east of the northeast corner
of Lot 202, El Rey Park Subdivision, thence easterly 105.66
feet, Lot 18, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey, ($54.00).
Fronting on the north side of Bryan Avenue between 19th East and
Preston Streets.
Beginning at a point 28 feet west of the southwest corner of
Lot 34, El Rey Park Subdivision, thence west 68 feet, ($39.00),
Lot 2, Block 14, F. M. Lyman Jr's Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E,
Fronting on the south side of Bryan Avenue between 19th East and
Ken Rey Streets.
Beginning at a point 86 feet west of the northwest corner of
Lot 86, El Rey Park Subdivision, thence Westerly 72.47 feet
(• 54.00);
Beginning at a point 17 feet west of the northwest corner of
Lot 86, El Rey Park Subdivision, thence west 69 feet, ($39.00);-
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 86, El Rey Park
Subdivision, thence west 17 feet, the above being in Lot 2,
of Block 14, F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E,
SLB&M; also
All of Lot 86, El Rey Park Sub. of block 14, 5 Acre Flat C, Big
Field Survey and F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, t1S, R1E,
SLB&M, ($39.00)�
All of Lot 81, hl Rey Park Subdivision of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat
C, Big Field Survey & F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, TIS,
R1E, SLB&M, ($54.00)
Fronting on the east side of 19th East Street between Bryan & Roosevelt
All of Lot 32, ( 106.00);
All of Lot 33, ($72.00);, being in El Rey Park Subdivision of
Block 14, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey and F. M. Lyman Jr's.
Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the west side of Preston Street between Bryan and Roosetelt
The south 99.62 feet of Lot 34, ($54.00);
The north 7 feet of Lot 34, All of Lot 35 and the south 5 feet
of Lot 36, ($39.00);
The north 65 feet of Lot 36 and the south 3 feet of Lot 37
The north 67 feet of Lot 37 and the south 1 foot of Lot 38
The north 69 feet of Lot 38, ($54.00);
All of Lot 39, ($39.00); all being in El Rey Park Subdivision
of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat C, & F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur..of Sec.
16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the east side of Preston Street between Bryan and
Roosevelt Avenues.
All of Lot 48, ( '54.00);
All of Lot 49, ( 54.00);
All of Lot 50, ( 54.00);
All of Lot 51, ( 47.00);
All of Lot 52, ( 54.00);
All of Lot 53, ( 54.00);
All of Lot 55, ( 39.00); all being in El Rey Park Subdivision
of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey and F. M. Lyman
Jr's. Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the east side of Ken Rey Street between Kensington and
Roosevelt Avenues.
All of Lot 70, ($39.00); being in El Rey Park Subdivision of
Block 14, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey & F. M. Lyman Jr's.
Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the west side of 20th East Street between Emerson and
Roosevelt Avenues.
All of Lot 124, (354.00);
All of Lot 125, (S39.00); being in El Rey Park Subdivision of
Block 14, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey and F. M. Lyman Jr's.
Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the east side of 20th East Street between Emerson and
Roosevelt Avenues.
All of Lot 170, ( 54.00) in El Rey Park Subdivision of Block 14,
5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey and F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur. of
Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the west side of El Rey Street between Emerson and Roosevelt
All of Lot 161, (: 54.00 ;
All of Lot 162, ( 54.00 ;
All of Lot 163, ( 39.00 ;
All of Lot 164, (• 39.00);
All of Lot 174, (.54.00); being in El Rey Subdivision of Block 14,
5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey and F. M. Lyman`Jr's. Sur. of
Sec. 16, TIS, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the west side of Yuma Street between Emerson and Roosevelt
All of Lot 150, ( 39.00);
All of Lot 151, ( 54.00);
All of Lot 152, (454.00 ;
All of Lot 153, ( 54.00 ;
All of Lot 154, (- 54.00); all being in E1 Rey Park Subdivision of
Block 14, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey & F. M. Lyman Jr's. Sur.
of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the East side of Yuma Street between Emerson and Roosevelt
All of Lot 143, ( 47.00);
All of Lot 144, ( 47.00)).
All of Lot 145, ( 39.00);
All of Lot 146, ( 47.00);
All of Lot 147, (` 39.00);
All of Lot 178, ( 54.00)); being in El Rey Park Subdivision of
Block 14, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey and F. M. Lyman Jr's.
Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the west side of 21st East Street between Kensington and
Roosevelt Avenues.
All of Lot 180, ( 1.40.00);
All of Lot 181, ( 123.00);
All of Lot 182, (. 106.00);
All of Lot i$3, (' 56.00)•
All of Lot 184, ( 101.00); being in El Rey Park Subdivision of
Block 14, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey and F. M. Lyman Jr.'s
Sur. of Sec. 16, T1S, R1E, SLB&M;
and to collect said tax.
SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer, as
corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review,
of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance (curb and gutter
extension #174) of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing curb
and gutter, walks, paving strips and private driveways upon said portions of
said street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in
said completed lists and the report of the Board of Equalization and Review
to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified,
approved and confirmed.
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in ten (10) equal yearly in-
stallments as provided by law and ordinance with interest on the whole
sum unpaid at the rate of 5% per annum, payable at the time each install-
ment is due; provided, however, that one or more of such installments in
the order payable, or the whole tax, may be paid without interest within
fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective. One or
more installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole
special tax, may be paid after said fifteen days and before the first
installment becomes due by paying the same with interest from the date of
levy to the date such first installment is due. One or more installments
in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may be
paid on the date any installment becomes due by paying the amount thereof
and interest to the date of payment. Default in the payment of any such
installment of principal or interest when due shall cause the whole of the
unpaid principal and interest to become due and payable immediately and the
whole amount of the unpaid principal shall thereafter draw interest at
the rate of 10% per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date
of sale or foreclosure, the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid in-
stallments past due with interest at the rate of 10% per annum to date of
payment on the delinquent installments, and all accrued costs, and shall
thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to pay in installments in
the same manner as if default had not occurred.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
4th day of 13eccobe41,xxle6c3c.x February, 1954.
09?49l—, ,69 c� mporary Ch -man
City Recorder
Bill No. 8
Curb and Gutter Extension #174
Sixth and Final Estimate
Published February 10th, 1954
Proof of Publication
Tluitehh t"fnteo of Amerirn j
AN ORDINANCE of 21st Fast Street between Kensington
AN ORDINANCE LCVYIh'C A TAX and Roos volt Avenues;
and fo,' the :r anent r pro„s noon the`nortmna of said btreets ono•
t b d g tt r' t Ne 1791 fo Site h. - 1 I d
(tx - 'Intl d.- -bdl b 1 fi'_t-
Ito nu wank o not i;t in!' d'''oastant ed and I,cnc.tled hr s id', a otemene,
P,utler,walk'paving strips nd aml it i hrnebr djudged.ndelerminted
fir iveways' land estni,lished that said property will
Be it ordained by the Board f Com-I h¢ ,ally benefited thereby to the ,t'(•'
o especially
of Soil Lake City, ofUtah: Mull ce the tax hereby levied a
amount � _ ...................... ____________
SECtrls 1. That the Board l Con, and said Fare¢r of land arehereby
leass Lt the rs of Sa eoeoLak City does asseby assessed at equal and or tot rate
n tag th aridovine for he assess- accordancewith the linear foot front
fcut of the same r n the th p cote s and sh the mitre dcnh
constructing d¢seotba for the purpose i. exceeds°,;t 33 etees.hack he tafc n,n°i'worn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of
of p curb and glitter,nvaks, a eedian 33I tees.and site[se hereby
strips and private tlrrvewaye• parcels
and to be assessed.25 u said
to wits at' 0.0 land is a a24 front
312 foot of
Lott 25 to ie.El RM, d Lots ub- Ye.'si0.4o Per linear r Trent foot of/WS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in
. isda 202 mot poet El Park, orb- 2,10abutting property for cstra et
Flat C.
f partv0fBlock 14, F.M. cu,188.52 feet of 36andt paving strip,a :
Lymann. r. Field Surrey and n.M. rb and gutter$8.38and ear walk:
T. 1aS J,."e Survey of Section 1nt $1,635.69usu 68.3p Pernear' or front
T.1 t.,R.1 k ,F.
M. y ion part.toot 0 abutting fproperty36-foot for construct.sip. Lske County,State of Utah.
of Lot s Block n . . Lyman E. I cur 1 ales utt of 3&2.95 paving sterr avu,
Survey B.
Stenos 1d.p t S.,R 1 C, curb and gutter,805 abutting or 9Poo per
5 L &Ac and t e I.ot 10. hue f t foot 5.3feetts' _
Block 14, 8-Acre Pint C.Big Field forconstructing ]3e 13 feet of 36f t - :,.rl ( .:'To C(' --,,,-1-- .
Survey, laVi g p arid lve;sa.00 for c .f t ice
Thus tan Is levied to defray th °t 64 t.d fvewa.y as f 11
of constructing sung curb and gutter, t t hereinafter:the costBe hi
lay d the properly benefited !ILO, '1,i, „, I ,-I psi
!sense alks,net strips And privated pre 1 Ircrenvfter s t out and 11 "' t
w s follows: within the boundaries of the ts,blocks
a 36-FOOT PAVING STRIP, CURB .and streets above mentioned,which is
Roosevelt Avenue AND
sides-19th 18 tt to WALK fronte s foot ofusaidsi imprtovement
and ent oar accord- -••I,I, '' (.i F- o• -,
21st East. g to the contract pentered into`for
Em Avenue—both sides.-20th the performance of said ark and
Emerson said improvements v making with Orland.. .... ................. ...
tt Puma Street, --'--
Kensington Avenue—,forth Ids—Ken f;O11struction Company,dated August 7,
• Rey Street to a point 165 feel west of Ie52, a tl he treasurer is e„ el
21st East, u.horivcd nn 1 directed to ers n
Kensington Avenue—south side—Ken accordance with he p sof this
Rey Street t0'1st East. ornanre., [or the nurno.scss herein r mentioned:
Bryan Avenue—north side—from a 36-FOOT PAVING STRIP, CURB
Rtint 69 leer.test of tot h East 1.°Ken AND GU'I'1'ER, AND 4-FOOT W 1LI4
ein Street, Fronting o she Wort,side of goose-;hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its
Bryan Avenue—south side—from a veil Avenue.
ins 119 feet east of 19th East to Ken All of Lots 2026 Incl, and Solver
19th East--east side—from 120 feet end F.Pt Lyman 3r-'s Sur-of Sec.10,
north to 351,77 feet south or Roosevelt,,.I.S..B.I E„S.L.B.h M.
venue, both sides—Roosevelt Fronting on the.south site of Reese`
Preston Street— vela Avenue.
to Bryan Avenue,
Ken Rey Street.—both sides—Roosts Ail f Lots 29,43.45 incl.,66,67,1231 .,.:_Y,r1--„
,._ , 19 y.,-
sett to Bryan Avenue. and 172.160 incl., 5.Ac re Plat C, Big I
loth bast Street—both sides—Roos,I i�-eld.purvey an d F.M.Lyman Sr.'s Sur.
v i to e.ooyogLon Avenue, of e.16,T.1 S.,R,1 tide of Emerson in each daily issue of said newspaper,on
to Emerson At—bot Avet uo.
Punta Street—both sides—Aoosevelt Alt of Lois rat I:,6 incl.and Survey
to Emerson we,tne. Incl.,F.
Acre plat C.Rig;. ld Survey
21st East west et soot o 1103s feet and.s.M. R.
Sur.of Section' -for
north to 330.05 Cclt south of ltoo.s¢vclt 16.T.t 5.. e 1 el L.➢,tb M.
Avenue. Fronting rn the south side of Ehnen
AND Gl1'1"I'ER All of of Lots 135-I4a Burl..5-Acre Plat C,
Xensins[on Avenue—north side—west Big Field Survey NM F,M,Lyman Jr.'s period of f)s1� s
165 feet from 21st ass Sur f Sec,16,T.1 S..R.l E„S.L.
21st East-went side--aoutlt 71.69 feet 8 b M
from point 330.55 feet south of Roost. Fronting on the north side of Ken.
sett Avcmfe, gton Avenue,
feet venue—north side--cast 69. Ail of lot(76,132 Field lsut1°ay Mel., the last publication thereof
Bryan Avenue-south side—east 119 S. M. Lvtnan Jr.'s Sur. of Sec.a16,
feet from 12h East.
64 DP.IsbWAYS Beginning at the southwest corner of
8 d o
fronting the north Lot 185,El Rev Park Sub.,thence east hued the '' day of
side f Roosevelt Avenue between 19th 35 feet,Lot 18,5-Acre Plat C.Big Field
East d 21.t East. Survey.
1 driveway fronting on the south side Fronting on the south side of Ket-
f Roosevelt Avenue between Yuma and slngton Avenue, r '.7,21st East. I All of Lots 07,133, 134 a d 194-202; A.D.19 '
-1 driveway fronting on the south side Incl.,5-Acre Plat C.Big Field Survey /
f Emerson Avenue between ClRey and d F.M.Lyman Jr.'s Sur.of See,16,' /, /��A o an ..., v Yong Streets. T.I gi R,1 at S.L,or h M.theast earner¢f ✓�-
Bd:isingtonfrvenue ethe north side Beginning etPek Sub.,t
oft East.ton Avenue between 20th and Lot 2158 El3 Rey Park Sub.,thence easb °'
213t East. Bag field fret,Lot 38,5-Acre Plat C, � ---- -----------C- --- - '-"'
3 driveways fronAvenue et the south side Rig Field Survey.
of Kensington Avenue between 20th and Fronting on the north side of Bryan
21st East. Avenue.
1 driveway fronting on the north side All of Lots 34, 55 and 56, 5-Acro
Pf Bryan Avenue between 19th Eastand PRO. C. Big Field Survey and F. M.! . day of
reon m Streets. Lyan Jr.'s Sur, of See, 16,T. 1 S„ '1'--„.1
4 driveways wonting on the south side It.1 F..,, M.
of Bryan Avenue between 19th East and Beginning at the southwest corner of
Ken Roy Streets. Lot 34,El Rey Park Sub.,thence west-
2 driveways fronting on the east side fly 98 feet,Lot 2,F.M.Lyman Jr.'s ft1
of 19th East Street between Bryan and Sur,of See,16,T.1 S.,R.1 E„S.L. -
RooseveR Avenues. B.6,M. .....
6 driveways fronting o,the west side Fronting on the south side of Bryan
of Preston Street between Bryan and Avenue,
-Roosevelt AVONUOS. Beginning at the northwest corner of
7 driveways fronting on the east aide.I Lot 86,El Rey Part.Sub,thenwest- ,,
of Preston Street between Bryan and to,lr 86 feet,Lot 2,F M.LymanJr's �/�/� f • e k
!too s
It A Our.of Sec 16,T.1 S.R.1 E S L •
1 d fronting on the east side P.a M. / Notary Public.
end Roosevelt Avenues.¢en Kensington Isis AR
Surveve8nd F.M.5-Acre
l, y
2 drivewave fronting Olt the west side Sur,of Sec,16,T.1 S.,R,1 E..S.L.
of 20th Cast Street between Emerson B.h M.
and Roosevelt Avenues, 1 Fronting on the cast aide of 19th East
1 driveway fronting on the east side Street.
of 20th Eas-t Street bclw°en Kmm'son All or Leis 26.33 incl.,5,Acre Plat C.
and Iioo.sevelt Avenues, Big field Survey and F.M.Lyman It"s
5 driveways fronting on the west side Sur_or Sec.16,I.1 S..It.1 E S L.
r El key St'cl between Emerson d R.P 51
noosevell Avenue',
Fronting ,n,he t side of Preston
5 d•Ivewa.ys f nn we,
fronting the we side Sire,
tr t Yuma Scett between Emerson and All of lots 34-43 incl.,5-Acre Plat C,I
Roosevelt Avenues. Big ne Ld Survey and F.M.Lyman 3r.'s'
6 driveway.fronting on lite east side Sur.of sec.16.T.1 S.,R. 1 E.,S.L. f c
ee J
of Yuma Street between Emerson and B.6.M.
Roosevelt Avenues. Fronting on the gal elfin of 1'•eston
b driveways fronting on the west side'Street.
All or Lots 45.55 intl.,5..Acre Plat C,' The east II feetof Lot 200 and the' All of Lot 152,<051.006
Big Field�1lrfyoy a F.M.Lyman Jr s i vest 6t lest of Lot 6](530.00. I All of Lot 153,,5.54 OM,
Sur.of Sec.16,T.1 S-,R.1 E.,S.L. The oast 18 Feet of Lot 201 and the I All of Lot 154,($64,00.all being in
It.&M. west 42 Ivcl of Lot 202($39.001 being El £ley Park Subdivision of Block 1y
Fronting on the west side.r Ken Rey El don Park Subdivision of Block r Acre Piet C,Big Field Survey and F.
Street. 14,5 Acre Plat C.Big Field Survey and M.Lyman Jr.'s Sur.of Sec.16,T.1 S.,
Al of Lots 57.66 incl.,S.Acre Plat C,!F, M Lynlmr 01'S Sur. of Sec, 16, R.1 E„S.L.B.& L ,.
Rlg Field Survey'nd F', t.L.vman I..'s. T.1 M.
R.5 E..S.L.R.S, I. Fronting on the East side f Ymna
Six'.",,' f SeC. lfi.'l'.1 S..hFt. 1 E,.S.L." Beginning at a point 52.97 feet cat Sheet between Emerson and Roosevelt"
M f the northeast cooncr f Lot 202,El Avenues
Rev Pak Subdivision, thence easterly All of Lot 143,($47.00i:
Fronting on the east side of Ken Rcy 105.66 feet Lot 18,5 Aeon Plat C,Big All of Lot 144,($47.00):
Street. Field Survey,(554.001. All of Lot 195,($30.00h ,
All of Lots 67-76 incl.,3 Acre Plat Fronting on the north side of Bryan All of Lot 146,($47.00);
C.Big Field Survey and PI M. Lyman Avenue between 19th East and Preston All of Lot 147,($39.00.
r.'s Sur,of•Sec.16.T.1 S.,R.1 E., Streets. All of Lot 173, r55I.4.00): being In
S.L. R.&M. 110 tonth�cst too point of2Lots34,west
Rey S Acre Plat G.Big Feld of Block
Fronting on the west side of Roth Park oSubdivisionrtlhence west 68 feet, F. M. Lyman Jr.', Sur. ' Sec. 16.
East Street. I (539.00),Lot 2,Block 14,I',M.Lyman T.1 S.,It. $E.,S.L.B.of
All of Lots 123132 inn,5 Acre Plat Jr.:s Sur,of Sec,18,T.1 S..R. 1 E., Fronting, on the rest side of 21st
C. Big Field Survey and F.M.Lyman S.L.R.&M. East Street rBetweens Kensington and
Jt'.'.s Sur. f Sec,16.T.1 S..R.i E.,S. Fronting n the unit ids of Bryan Roos¢vel4 Avenues.
L Fronting on the east side of Roth M. Avenue between 19th East and Ken All of Lot 180,(6140.001:
East Street. R Beginniug t a point 68 feet west of AB o`Let 182,t5106.04):
All f Lots 193,E.and 167.172 incl., the nun r'havest miner of Lot 86,El Rey All o Lot 183'l$56,60):
5 Acre Plat C,B.Field Survey nd F. Park Subdivision,thence westerly 72.47 All f Lot 184,(910.00h being- El
M.Lyman Jr.'s Sur of Sec.16,T.1 S., feet(554,00); Rey Park Subdivision of Block 14, 5
R. 1 E. S.I„ B.&M. Beginning t a point 17 feet Survey
st of Acre Plat C.B18 Field Suey and F.M.
FrontiI on n the west aide of EI the northwest corner of Lot 86,EI Rev Lyman Jr.'s Sur. f Sec. 16,T.1 S.,
Rev Street, Parka Subdivision,thence west 69 feet, R.1 E.,S.L.B.BC AL
All of Lots 161-105 incl. and 174. ($39.00): and to collect said tax.
5 Acre Plat C, Sig Field Survey and Beginning at the northwest corner SECTION 2,That the assessment list
F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Sur, a' Sec, 18, of Lot 86, El Rey Park Subdivision, made by the City Treasure,
thence west 17 feet,the above being rooted, roved and completed aby nthe
Fronting on the cast.side of El Rcy Lot 2. of Block 14, F. M. Lyrnzn Board ee Equalization ad Review,of
Street. Jr.'s Sur. f Sec. 16, F.1 S.,R. 1 E., the Pr erty described in Section 1 of
All of Lots 156.160 1, and 175, S.L.B.&M.:also this dinance(curb and mutter exteo-
5 Acre Plat C.Big Field Survey and All of Lot 86,El Rey Park Sub. f •on purpose
17 0 of Sal Lake City, for
F, M, Lyman Jr's .Sur, of Soo. 16, Block 14,s 5 Acre Plat C. Big Field the roo. paving constructing curb and.
T.1 S. R.1 E. S.L.B.&M. SIC,I d F M Lyman jr.{,Sur. f gutter,walks, .stripes and private
F'rontng un the west.side of voma Sec.I6,T.1 S..1I.1 E,.S.L.B.&M. driveways no said confirmed,
f Said
54All {$39ll of street, is hereby s C firmed, and the-
All of Lots' 150.154 incl., and 177. All of Lot 81 Cl Rey Park Subdivision assessments made and returned insaid
5 Acre Plat C. Biz Field Survey Sen and E Block IL 5.Acre Plat C, Big Field completed lists and the port of the
F. M Lyman Jr:s Str r. of Scc, I6, Survey and F.AI. Lyman Jr.'s Our.of Board of Equalization and Review to the'
el& t. Sec.16,T.1 S„R.1 F..,S.L.B,&M. Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake,
Fronting on the cast side of Yuma (554,08). City are hereby ratified, approved
Street. Fronting on the east side of 19th and firmed
All of r,to 1Bin149 i 'I.. old 178.'East Street between Bryan and Roose. SECTION 3.Said lax shall be payable
5 Acre Plat C.Bin Field'Stern d aeit Avenues. n ter (lo) a al yearly Installment..
F: M. f ynmrr Pr.'s Sur. f Sec.a16, All of Lot 32,(31o0.00): a provided by law and ordinance with
S., de All of Lot 33, ($72.00. being in El In est Sn the hole sum r rtl t the
Fronting on the west side of 21st Rev Park Subdivision or Block M. S 'ate[eP.son r'annuna,payable at the
East Street. Acre Plat C,Big Field Survey and F.M. time each slallm¢nt is due;provided.
All of Lots 110 and 1R0.183 inel2 Lyman.Jr.'s Sur. f Sec. 16,T. 1 S., however, Gtin ne r' more of s h
5 Ante Plat C, P,i4 Sur.
Survey and R,I E..S.L.B,&M. n tallrnenls in the order payable,or the
F. M. Lyman Je.'s Sur. of Scc. 16, Fronting on the west side of Preston'svholc tax,nra be paitl without infer'-
'!',1 ai,It.11:.. L.6.&M. Street between Bryan and Roosevelt st 'thin f'ttcen f151 days loom the
36 POOT PAVING 00015sTittP. CURB Avenues. dale Orthis ordinance becomes ffective.
AND theR<LValk Built) 'The south 99.52 feet of Lot 34, Oner taan,ros In the or der
Fronting on north side of Ken- (554.00); "Slit lolhey are spa blip, on the
si,glon Avenue The north 7 feet of Lot 34 All f Itol special tax, be d after
B 1 z t a point 35 feet f Lot 35 and the south 5 feet of Lot 36. d f[t days and bcfo[e all first
the southeast corner of Lot /85. 11:153900. 'sit Il becomes due by pa oe
Re, P h k S .,the easterly 123.50 The north 65 feet f Lot 38 and theh t-es4 from the d[ l
fret 0
Lot 16 5 Acre Plat C,Big yield south 3 feet f Lot 37(84700I' 'levy to the date such first rn t Il gent "
Su l'he north67 feet ot Lot 37 and the . d One -L Il is t the
Fronting the west. side f 2l t south 1 toot E Lot 8<851.00) 'A winch theepayable, the
East Street. T tl 69 f t f L t 38 t$5M1 00 whole i t bepaid the.
All £ Lot 164.5 Aere Plat C. P5 All f Lot 39, ($3900) all tieing date. - installment b. 1 by
Field SUMP 91111 F.M.F.,S.L.Jr.'s Sur. LI Rea Park Subdivision f Block 14, the amount thereof and interest
of Scc.16,'1'.1 S..R.1 F,.,5. B.&M. a Acre Plat C,and F.M.oLyman ),''s'tnytne date o pat in he
6 FOOT PAVING STRIP Sur.of Sec.16,T.1 S.,R.1 E..S.L. n -oat o[ an such mslallment f
I'r ogling rin the north side f Bryan B.Se M. r 1 ' t -th I d shall
Avenue Fronting on theode e'Preston as -the whole E the d y.
Beginning t o point 96 feet t bf�Street between fl and Roosevelt and _t t t b d d
the90111.1119051 co f Lot 34 El Roy Avenues, .able unpaid d P n ipa ly aiml the I Ie l yt
Pak S dl i r t s [rly 62.68 All of Lot 98, $a4.001: f lh Principal ol thereafter
feet in Lot 2,Fr M.Lyman v Jr.'s Sur, f All of Lot 40, 54.00); min interest a[ the is P;Ol time
$a until id, but at a
9 Fronting T.1 S.,e.1 th s.l..B.&SL All of Lot 51,(547.00): riorr to the date of sale or foreclosure{
nue. on the south side of Bryan All of Lot 52,(654.00);
Avenue. All of Lot 52,IS54.00): the
unpaid owner
installments the
t amount due ith i)ail
Beginning at order o 86 feet 86 west of Al of Lot ss (1339.0, terest at the rate of 1053
thevision.northwest corner of Lot 86.El eet, Al of Lot ub ivison: all B being i In date of pay ¢t en the delinquent
Per ann..
Sot 2.F.M.thence Our 72.47 feet, AI Rey Park Subdivision of Block 14,d lrrstallments,and al!aver d c ts,a d
Lot 2.F.M.Lyman Jr.',.s Sur of Sec.16, Acre Plat C. Big Field Survey and ball thereupon be restored to the right
I T.1 S.,R.1 E.,S.L.B.&M. F. M Lyman Jr!, Sur. of Sec. 16, thereafter to p installments i
All f the above lots being in El Rep T.1 S.,R.1 E,.S.L.B.&M. the samemanner yasrid default had not
'Park Subdivision f Block 14. Fronting on the eat side of Ken Rey
PRIVA'th South iV AYS Steet between Kensington and Roose-'occurr .
Fronting on the north side of Raose• yell Avenues, , SECTION 4,This ordinance shall take
!1 Avenue between loth and 21st All of Lot 70, (539.00s; being in El one day after Its publication.
East Streets. Rey Park Subdivision of Stock 14, 5 Passed by the Board of Comm
The.cast 71,59 feet of Lot 27.($39,00): Acre Plat C,Big Field Survey and k.M.;of Salt Lake City.Utah,this 4th day
All of Lot 25,(539.00): T,ymarr Jr.'s Sur. of Sec. 16.T. I S., of February,1954.
All of Lot 22,t$30-00); t E.S.L.B.&M. Temno,ran Chairman
Al of Lot 115. 539.00): Fronting- n the west 'de of 20tJr lima F.Bitter,
All of Lot 114,1$34.00); East Street between Emerson and s
a'All Lot 113,(S47.00. Roosevelt Avenues City Recorder
All of I.ot 111,(�631.00); All of Lot 124,($54010 (gill No.8
All of Lot 110.<$31.ry)1: All f Lot 125,($.39.00);beets InEl'Cob and Gutter Entcrrston Sr.174
Fronting on the south side of Raoso. Rey Palk bet vision ' Black 14 5 f-SI, nd Final Estimate
It Avenue between Yuma and 21st Acre Plat C,, Big Field Survey and Published February 10,1059.
Last Sot glee F. Cl Lyman J Sirs Sur of Sec. l6,
of Lot O179,111(Ssouth: T.1 S.,t It.1 E.,S.L.S.&life -- --�-—� ----
Pr'Aootu nun the south aide of&Euma F onStre on the cast sideEmerson
of Ranh
r Avenue between Et Rey &Yuma-East 011 A between Emerson and
Streets, Roosevelt Avenues,
All ofti Lot 1n tort Por•Alk
0 Lot 17001 Blunt in El Acre
Fronting on the north side of Kett. Park Bdivision of Block 14, 5 Acre
E)sit St a Avenue between Roth and 21st Plat C, Big Field Survey and F. M.
a,ct S CreLks. Lyman Jr.'s Bur. f Sec.1,T. 1 S.,
All of Lot 190,1539.000 R.1 E.,S.L. 1B.0&M.
All Ol Lot 189,{S54.00. Fronting ee .he west side E El Rey
All of Lot 188, ,r5.061: Street between Emerson and of
All oE,Lot 168,1354,00,, Avenues.
All of tut 18a f5lots01'. All of Lot 161,1$54.001:
All of the above Isis 00k , El Revere All of Lot 163.{559.001,
Part SuBd'ivi of Block 14, 5 •\ere All of Lot 164.{63000i;
Plat J Jr.,5 ",Field1See.
Survey and F.M.f6.,' All of Lot 117 t(554.00
n II. If of Sec..16.'P.1 S.,R.1 tie.' All of Lot 174,1$59.00k being i ,n
S.aL Ili&11 Ile,Pitt C. lP'i d Block 14. 5 Acre
Beginning at a 33 loot r:t ClCl C. Si,ie Field Bt1000'VeY d . S,
Pa ubdivt coy t h ref •e li',El Rey03.5 1-I S.S J5 S 0,of See.36;T.I S.,
n `
Jerk nLot Subdivision. oen1 'e astcrly,123.5 R.] E..S.O B &rti.
feet. La Field
o r ecir,5 4,000, Plat Street11 Emerson side ndf Roosea
C, Rig Field Survey, a
Fronting n the seen 0ds of Ken- veil A Avenues.Lot.
Iagt S eels. between Roth and 2lst� All of Lot 13,1004,00):
East Streets. All of Lot 131,ts54.001;