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8 of 1956 - Ordinance 8 of 1956, Amending Section 30-1-1 of Revised Ordinance 1955, relating to organization and •��. ���-�— Salt Lake City,Uttdi,L....j..Pj5!] 195
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge .
Christensen . . . (� _
Romney . . . •
Mr.Chairman . AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 30-1-1 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, 1955, as heretofore amended by an ordinance adopted January
31, 1956, relating to the Police Department. 1'`.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
SECTION I. That Section 30-1-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, 1955, as heretofore amended by an ordinance adopted January 31,
1956, relating to the Police Department, be and the same hereby is amended
to read as follows:
Police Department of Salt Lake City, shall consist of the following
officers and employees and no others, who, except the Chief of
Police and Assistant Chiefs of Police, shall be appointed by the
appointing power subject to the approval of the Board of City
Commissioners from the certified list of the Civil Service Commission
of Salt Lake City for each such office o•psition to be filled, and
the annual salaries for each such officer or employee shall be fixed
by the Board of Commissioners at not more than the amount hereinafter
(30 set forth, to-wit:
Per Annum
Chief of Police, who shall be
head of the Police Department and
the appointing power $7200.00
Inspector 6360.00
Three (3) Assistant Chiefs of Police 6000.00
Captains 5640.00
Superintendent of Records 5640.00
Assistant Superintendent of Records 5280.00
Superintendent of Communications 5640.00
Assistant Superintendent of Communications 5280.00
Lieutenants 5280.00
Sergeants 4980.00
Technician 4980.00
Radio Technician 4800.00
1st Grade a 4740.00,
2nd Grade $4500.00
3rd Grade 4260.00
4th Grade 4020.00
5th Grade 3780.00
6th Grade 3540.00
1st Grade 4416.00 .
2nd Grade 4224.00
3rd Grade 4044.00
4th Grade 3852.00
5th Grade 3480.00
6th Grade and Probationers 3360.00
Male, 1st Grade 3744.00
Male, 2nd Grade 3612.00
Male, 3rd Grade 3492.00
Male, 4th Grade and Probationers 3372.00e
Female, let Grade (A) 3240.00
Female, 1st Grade 3120.00
Female, 2nd Grade 3000.00'
Female, 3rd Grade 2868.00
Female 4th Grade and Probationers 2748.00
Male, 1st Grade (A) 3300.00-
Male, 1st Grade 3180.00
Male, 2nd Grade 3060.00
Male, 3rd Grade and Probationers 2940.00•
Female, 1st Grade (A) 2676.00
Female, 1st Grade 2556.00.
Female, 2nd Grade 2456.00
Female, 3rd Grade and Probationers 2304.00,
Female 2100.00
The foregoing salaries shall be effective and payable from ana
after January 1st, 1956.
In addition to the salaries hereinabove provided for each
officer and employee in tho- Police Department,
as above set forth, shall be paid the sum of $15.00 per month as
a uniform allowance.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective im-
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 14th day of February, 1956.
�` '/� �if '`r� i Temporary Chairman
.ity Recorder
BILL NO. $ of 1956 ''
Published February 17, 1956 .
4 �
Affidavit of Publication
t ss.
County of Salt Lake
I- I
30.1.1 of the Revised Ordinances'of Salt
Lake City,1955,as heretofore mend-
d by a ordinance adopted Januaae
at,1956,relating to the Pollee DeParbl .D. M. Ockey
mBe it ordained by the Board f Cone
m at Salt Lake Cite,1)teh:
66 Re ise 1. dinat es oflt 300.11 !
.the Revised Ordinances of e',n<a°ky Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is adver-
Ieity, 1955, as
rdivance doptod January 3A.tB58,
nlatin6 to the Police Department, bz
Viand the same hereby ie amended tP tising clerk of THF, SALT LAKE TRIBUNE,a daily news-
cead as IOuowe: �y 1� E� Lake /ry ,".SECTION S.1-1. t lice D000I-I published an Salt Lake City,Salt Lake Covent ,in the
AND SALARIES. The Police ➢eDart-
e salt Lak< city,aDau natal' paper 2y
andn following Officers nd ployees
and others,who,except the Cniet State of Utah.
lE Police and Assistant Chiefs of Po-
ice,shall be poi led be the ?inot-
e v Died no the pro 1 ['
the acorns i city t the ivil s tram
the certified list f the clvu Service
Del l: , of Salt Lakc city ray seen. That the advertisement of which a copy is attached
eh office or D esfo teach
a a filled, d,
the annual starlet for h such the
ms m loyeo shall be alas o by t0nre hereto
srrara°f cmymissmners t p t11
than.the amo nt n<remaner set fort°n.`
to-wit: PerAnnutnlr Salt Lake City Bill No. 0, 1956
mist or Police,_who shall be
head of tile Police Department
and the aPp°int,nR powcr 80200.00•
Assistant Chiefs p, 0300.00 An Ordinance amending Sec 30-1-1 of Revised
Poker 60.00.
Captains 5640,00
Aspi r nttendent ofn Records of 5640.00 Ordinances, relating to the Police
. .. 5260.00
Superintendent of Communtca-6840.00
Assistant.Superintendent of 5286.00 Department.
LielaCtlants 5300.00
Sergeants 9900.00'
Technician 9900.00
Radio Technician 4800.00
1st Grade 4790.00
2nd Grade 9300.00,
3rd Grade 9alTi
4th Grade 4020.00 was published in said newspaper on
Sth Grade 3780.00
6th Grade 3590.00
1st 0tEN •- 4416.00 tebruaryl7, 1956
-..2nd Grade - 4224.00
3rd Geld< 9014.00
9th Grade 3852.00
5th Grade 3480.00
6th Grade and Probationers 3360.00
Male. 1st Grade 3744.0n
Male,2.Grade 3613.00 J�
Male,3rd Grade 3482.00 dL n1-o
Male,9th Grade and Proha- 2/ L;.0.._:t„
Goners 3372.00 /
Female,let Grade(A) 5240.00, Advertising Cleric
Female,1st Grade 3120.00
Female,and Grade 3000.00
Female,and Grade .. 2368.00 I
Female,4th Grade,and Pro- /
batfoners 2748.001
Male,1st Grade(A) 3300.00
Male, let Grade 3180.0o to before me this 20th o Male,2nd Grade 3080.00 day f
Male.3rd Grade and Proba-
tioners zsaadn 6
Female,1st Grade IA) 2G76.oi) 5
Female,1st Grade 2vs6.00 A,D,19
Female,2nd Grade 2456.00
Female,3rd Grade and Pro
DatieREA 2304.00
The feercgoinR salaries shall Reg otter.
five d payable from and after Jan,' .
above ta�a edtofath`easalaries herein-i i e'. G=/r._ . rir9'/L �,
mPlDyee,in the Police Deparch of tment, i, Notary Public
as above t forth, shall be paid the
sum of 815.00 per month as a uniform .
SFrd,Tf C 2. ,1 the opinion of the
Board p ae,health an it Is n
'to the peace,health ler safety of this
'etdiyenee e!'Ja It Lake.City that In.
ordinanne shall become etfeotive 1m�
3. This ordinance than]
take effect en its first Pnbnratioe.1
Passed by the Bard t h,this 14th es
ers of Fab Lake 050. Ulan,this lath
day of February.195fi.
Temporary r44. an
)C a oeder
(SEAL) CityRecorder
PILL hed 8 of 3956
Published February 17,3856. B-BO)