8 of 1957 - Annexation, Extending the limits of Salt Lake City, Annexing Arcadia Heights No. 2 Subdivision, ( F I I ROLL CALL (7 Salt Lake City,Utah, FEB..26..1.g57 195
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . . . I
Christensen . . . r' p
xkingestettex • . .
Romney . . . .
Mr.Chairman . ) AN ORDINANCE
WHEREAS, on the 10th day of January, 1957, there was filed with the
.7d• City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 21 of 1957 by Foothills
o Development Company (Charles R. Berryman, President), being a majority of
ro the owners of real property situated in the tract herein described, request-
s 0
P; ing that said tract of land be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City,
' 44 and also caused an accurate map of plat to be made and certified to by a
competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer to be filed with the
O City Recorder.
WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City, and
a> there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made a part
of the said city; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining
• said petition of said owner of said tract of land and considering the cir-
• cumstances thereof voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in
c• favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an
o ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of
O the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly.
W NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
m T,,ake City, Utah:
O m
• w Section 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same are
w 4tereby extended and enlarged so as to include the following described tract
u• °&f land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the present City limit boundary of Salt Lake
City, said point being S. 0° 01' West 660.0 feet and S. 89° 41' 10"
m E. 1081.93 feet from the northwest corner of Section 23, T1S, R1E,
SLB&M, and running thence S 89° 41' 10" E 998.07 feet along said
In 0 present City limit boundary of Salt Lake City; thence South 660.0
0.r+ feet; thence N 89° 41' 10" W. 686.89 feet; thence N. 25° 11' 10"
.aq W. 731.22 feet to the point of beginning. (Contains 12.765 acres. )
• AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED THAT THE whole of the above described
X property be and the same is hereby zoned as Residential "R-2" District.
- 2 -
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this
ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall
thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City
and zoned as Residential "R-2" District as in the ordinance provid-
ed, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or
pertaining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and made
applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets,
blocks, alleys &nd ways -;if said tract shall be controlled and
governed by theinan s, rtLes and regulations of said city in
that behalf and ttie mbnieteAM o,f the City Engineer shall thence-
forth be taken j1h rein as th;e standards of locations and distances.
SECTION 2- Upon 4 e sge of this ordinance the City
Recorder of Salt Lake Ciy ihail file and the is hereby directed
to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake,County a copy of the
map or plat above mentioned duly certified and acknowledged, as
provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective
SECTION t,. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah
this 26thday of February, 1957.
a 1;a Temporary airman
try Reco7 ro����;
( .� E A
BILL NO. 8 of 1957
Published February 28, 1957
il '
City and County of Salt Lake,
I Bessie N. Judges, Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance extending the Limits of Salt.""Lake_City"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, February 26, 1957l x
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of
said City, this 4th day of March, 1957
�f p
BILL NO. 8 of 1957 Deputy ` City Recorder
Published February 2.8, t9414 1957
Recorded MAR 4 1957 at 1:/c3/i9m.
/1528183 Request of SALT LAZZ CIm1L
Fee Paid. Haze aggart Chase,
cc�� { /� Recorder, S else County, Utah
uOK1.394 PA E.L69 Book Fee By Deputy
te Ref.
0962- 844•/G.
An Ordinance Extending the Limits point of beginning. (Contains 12.765
of Salt Lake City .)
aid", 1957, there was filed with the THAT THE whole of the above de-
City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Teti- scribed p erty be and the s
tion No. 21 of 1957 by Foothills De- hereby zoned as Residential"R-a"Dis-
velonment Company(Charles R.Berry- triot.
man, President). being a majority of AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED
the o r of real property situated and declared that when this ordinance
in the tract herein described, re quest- takes effect the said tract of land
inc that said tract of land be taken above described shall thenceforth be
within the Moots of Salt Lake City. within the rate Ileitis ofsaid
and also caused anaccurate mapof Salt Lake City corporate
zoned as Resfden-
plat to be made and certified to by tial "R-2"District a in the ordinance
competent surveyor and approved by provided, and all ordinances, )urisdic-
th ity Engineer to be filed with ions,rules
and obligations of or per-
the City Recorder'. taming to said Salt Lake City are
WHEREAS.the said tract of land is tended o and made applicable and
contiguous to Salt Lake City, and pertinentto the said tract of land,and
is there proper why it the streets: blocks, alleys and ways
should of be annexed oand made of said tract shall be controlled and
a art of the said city; and governed by the ordinances,ru,es and
WHEREAS,Salt the
City,rd after room, and regulations
theons on said city
of the in that
CitrbEngif sooners ofid petition of said ownerof shall thenceforth be taken therein
said tract of land and considering the se the standards of locations and Ws-
circumstancesthereof voted by u Lances.
ote of 11 tubers f nsaid SECTION 2. Upon the passage of
Board Ln favor of a ing said tract this ordinance the City Recorder of
of land to Salt nce should
and directed Salt Lake City shall file and he c
that anOrdinance should be passed hereby directed to file with the County
annexing said territory nod the eaten- Recorder of Salt Lake County a coed
s City
of the city limits of Salt Lake of the map o etat above mentioned
City a orainglr. duly certifiedr and acknowledged, a
NOW,c THEREFORE, be it ordained provided insoon cases,together with
by the Board of Commissioners of Salt certified COPYof a this ordinance.
Lake City. Utah: BoardSECTION 3udln the ey of the
Section 1. That the city limits are Board of Commissioners,opinion
Salt Lake City be and the sd to the Peace, health and safety
hereby extended and enlarged soofr the inhabitants of Salt Lake City
to l the following described tract that this ordinance shall become at.• and In
of land In Salt Lake County,to-wit: fective immediately.
Beginning at a int on the pros- SECTION 4. This ordinance shall
ent City limit boundary of Solt Lake take effect of once open its first➢ub
City.said point being S.0' It'West Heaton.
660.0 feet ands en'as'10"E itel.9s Passed by the Board of is sion-
feet from the northwest c of of Salt Lake City,Utah.h.this 26th
Section 23, Tc ROE. S and day of February, 1957.
running thencee 41' 10"
s 09` 41' E GRANT M. B E,
limit? feet along said present City Temporary
limit boundary of Salt Lake City: HERMAN J. HOGENSEN,
thence South 660.0 feet; thence N (SEAL) CitytyRecorder.
50' 41' If" W. 086.99 feet; thence BILL NO. a of 1957
N 25' 11' 10" W. 731.22 feet to the Published February 26,1957 (B-9)
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
An Ordinance Sotenain.�the limits
of Salt Lake City.
WHEREAS.ea the 10th day al Janu-
'Cit1957, there was filed with the
y e. 21Recorder of Salt Lake City.Yeti- v 1'£ Ocl-e
tlon No. 21 of 1957 by Foothills +IT
velopment Pre d t) b (Charles 1{ t3 ny-
th_ n f t it ated Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad-
In th t heroin-described,
D t a tract f land b talhir
within the limits of Salt Lake City, 'uertisiny clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
and also chused an n curate n an f
plat to be mode and certified nto by
a co is e;t conveyor o neen£n d ed with published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
the City Recorder.
WHEREAS.o the said LPt,anond of Utah.
there o prover r Lake
Why It
shOula nn n ee annexed too and ode
nart o£�the sold clt0;and
a Wt0EI<I.AS, the 13oortl of Commis-
;g'sof hot Lake City' fter.cxam- That the advertisement
said hetldon of sold f
aM tenet o a tr_and censideilna'the
circumstances thercEE votes. by ononi,
mous 1957
➢nand in n, f annexing'p selaf 1 �t Salt Lake ('t"•fir 9:i.L1. no. $ of
t land to snit Lake Cityand denoted
ac an a nl once shmild b passed
ai`r'ty`limit and theLake An Ordinance 'attending toe trouts
sion xot•the ray limits of Sae xten.
City a
NOWrt'T1l�EREFORE, be It•ordained
the➢,aril u ConaMssioners of Salt
Lake inn Dttth: of Bolt .Lake City,
Section 1. That the city limits Por
Salt Lake C1',,v be nook the sante
hereby sti
to includet�the Afolloloinoedescribed sDahl
of lard in Solt Lake Counly,to-wit;
tlnoinnine-t a in£o the r r'
e t Cty limit boundary t Salt Lake_
City,said no,holly y o0'01'West
ttd k diet and S nor 41'10"Id coiner
offeet £rnen ton northwestekat
See[lon 25, ']S, :ll I;, SLexTT, and
thence S 607 41' 10"
99➢.0'fttieet an: 1:
s c P"s nt City
limit boundary el s`It Lake City: was published,in said newspaper on
thence So., 000.0 reek.thence 1V
89- 41' 10" W. Ell G,aO feet; thence
m W.
"point n•10fuH.'fa1 a2€net to t February 22, 1957
otnt of bet0 (Contains 1 the
AND 1H IT whole
'THAT THE rty lie
< .he above d• e sante is
hereby)toiled�as Residential nth"Il-S'Pis- �L
telnt i
d d a th ).nn d—c /
_t k effect I t t ie CT/
esh n thenceforth yth ie rornotate
'Advertising Clerk t )Salt lake City and zoned as Reside,
tint •0v-a"District a the o
ed,and au nihinanrea,it�m�ur,.
provided, and obligations t o her-
' emus x
'tended toe Galt imam olio arc
tended over"-ve made, of bind ex-
eminent the sow)hoot of bind,and
of said Nact s ill lie contioll d":and a to before me this 1 st' day of
1,gove t f.)h IS d CitY in that behalf
and theneer
- £t 1 i theCLy therein A.D.19 57
s the...lords of location;;and dis-
SECTION 2. linen the m,v=aa of
this ordinance the City Recorder Salt
hereby cl;e Cud to file filed is
e with ther he
•RecOf Um orden of 1 La C ta'COPY
Or hItIt above mentions,
duly lift d ond i 1 d a _ r f
provided . h with
rd Notary Public
Board LIONof -3 1 the p It the
t teaIIll I law
f n t�nb oa. L, it.
the_ -hi rediat immediately.
lI beenns ot_
fe SEC mediate lit a
e rre.t Y.at once hi.n noon.
its fie shall
liration. i its first nuL-
Pa:red bo the Doh,ily. l Commission-
day o_io{SaE'llcblr,a ice City,Utah,this 2Gth
urnv,cfaAf N, u oam
Trtpi Cdr"m o
FNRMAN N,tr,(SEAL) City Recordir.
r.el0h No. n s 1357
Fublishcc�F'u.ruaay 23,155'! 0,3)