8 of 1959 - Accepting Bid of Halsey, Stuart & Company, Inc. & Associates for purchase of $2,500,000.00 Salt Lake STATE OF UTAH ) COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) SS. CITY OF SALT LAKE CITY ) The Board of Commissioners of the City of Salt Lake City, in the County of Salt Lake and State of Utah, met in regular session, in full conformity with law and the ordinances and rules of said City, at the City and County Building Salt Lake City, Utah, being the regular meeting place of said Board, on Wednesday , the llth day of February , 1959, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a .m. On roll call the following were found to be present: Adiel F. Stewart Mayor: Commissioners: Grant M. Burbidge Joe L. Christensen Theodore I. Geurts L. C. Romney Absent: NONE James L. Barker, Jr., City Attorney Also Present: Louis E. Holley, City Auditor Oliver G. Ellis, City Treasurer Herman J. Hogensen, City Recorder The City Recorder announced that this was the time and place for receiving and publicly opening sealed bids for the purchase of City of Salt Lake City, Utah, General Obligation Airport Bonds, Series January 1, 1959, in the aggregate principal amount of $2,500,000.00, and announced that 14 bids had been received. The City Recorder also announced that notice of the bond sale had been published in The Bond Buyer and in The Deseret News-Salt Lake Telegram He then proceeded to read the bids so received. It was ordered that the bids be tabulated by the city employees and a report made as to which bid was the best bid. Upon receipt of such report, it was found and determined that the bid submitted by Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc. 1- 8 and associates, was the best bid. Thereupon, there was introduced, read and considered the following Ordinance: • • -2- ORDINANCE NO. « SERIES 1959 AN ORDINANCE TO CONTRACT AN INDEBTEDNESS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF SALT LAKE CITY AND UPON THE CREDIT THEREOF BY AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF THE NEGOTIABLE, COUPON GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF THE CITY OF SALT LAKE CITY IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $2,500,000.00; PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF SAID BONDS; PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF A TAX TO PAY THE SAME; PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF THE REVENUE TO BE DERIVED FROM ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NO. 2; PRESCRIBING DETAILS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; AWARDING SAID BONDS TO Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. , AND ASSOCIATES, AS THE BEST BIDDERS; AND PRO- VIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City of Salt Lake City, in the County of Salt Lake and State of Utah, is a municipal corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Utah as a city of the first class; and WHEREAS, the City now owns and operates a municipal airport under the jurisdiction of the Department of Parks and Public Property; and WHEREAS, at a special bond election duly called and held on the 13th day of January, 1959, there was submitted to the electors of the City qualified to vote thereon the following question, to-wit: Shall the negotiable, interest bearing general obligation bonds of the City of Salt Lake City in the aggregate principal amount of $2,500,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, maturing serially over a period of not to exceed twenty years from date, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding four per centum per annum, be issued for the purpose of defraying in part the cost of expanding and improving the municipal airport by constructing a building to be known as Administration Building No. 2, consisting of a structure to provide office space for airlines, together with all facilities necessary or convenient for the use of the traveling public and others using the airport? and WHEREAS, more than a majority of the qualified electors of the City voting on the question so submitted voted in favor of the issuance of the bonds; and -3- WHEREAS, Section 10-7-9, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, provides that whenever bonds shall have been issued for the purpose of supplying any city or town with artificial light, water or other public utility, the rates or charges for the service of the system or plant so constructed may be made sufficient to meet such payments, in addition to operating and maintenance expenses, and taxes shall be levied to meet any deficiencies; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has determined, and does hereby determine, that the bid submitted by Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. and associates, for the purchase of said bonds was and is the best bid submitted and should be accepted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SALT LAKE CITY, SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH: Section 1. That said election resulted in the approval of the issuance of the general obligation airport bonds of the City of Salt Lake City in the amount of $2,500,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, as described in said question, and the result of said election is hereby so declared. Section 2. That all action heretofore taken by the Board of Commissioners and officers of the City of Salt Lake City directed toward the construction of Administration Building No. 2 at the Salt Lake City Airport (not inconsistent with the pro- visions of this ordinance) be, and the same hereby is, ratified, approved and confirmed. Section 3. That the bid submitted by Halsey Stuart & Co., Inc. l , 7 and associates, for the purchase of the City of Salt Lake City General Obligation Airport Bonds, Series January 1, 1959, in the aggregate principal amount of $2,500,000.00, be, and the same hereby is, accepted. Section 4. That for the purpose of providing funds to defray in part the cost of expanding and improving the municipal airport by constructing a building to be known as Administration Building No. 2, consisting of a structure to provide office space for airlines, together with all facilities necessary or convenient for the use of the traveling public and others using the airport, there shall be issued the negotiable, coupon bonds -4- of the City of Salt Lake City designated General Obligation Airport Bonds, Series January 1, 1959, in the aggregate principal amount of $2,500,000.00, consisting of 2500 bonds in the denomi- nation of $1,000.00 each, numbered from 1 to 2500, both inclusive, bearing date as of the first day of January, 1959, bearing interest at the rates hereinafter set forth, payable July 1, 1959, and semi-annually thereafter on the first days of January and July in each year, both principal and interest being payable in lawful money of the United States of America at Zion's First National Bank of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, Utah, or at The Chase Manhattan Bank, New York City, New York, at the option of the holder, and maturing serially in regular numerical order on the first day of January in each year, and bearing interest, as follows: Bond Numbers Years Interest Rates Amounts (All Inclusive) Maturing (Per Annum) Maturing 1 - 100 1963 4% $100,000.00 101 - 200 1964 4% 100,000.00 201 - 300 1965 4% 100,000.00 301 - 400 1966 4Z 100,000.00 401 - 500 1967 4% 100,000.00 501 - 700 1968 2.60% 200,000.00 701 - 900 1969 2.75% 200,000.00 901 - 1100 1970 2.75% 200,000.00 1101 - 1300 1971 2.75% 200,000.00 1301 - 1500 1972 2.75% 200,000.00 1501 - 1700 1973 2.75% 200,000.00 1701 - 1900 1974 2.75% 200,000.00 1901 - 2100 1975 2.75% 200,000.00 2101 - 2300 1976 2.75% 200,000.00 2301 - 2500 1977 2.75% 200,000.00 Bonds numbered 1 to 1500, both inclusive, maturing on January 1 in the years 1963 to 1972, both inclusive, are not subject to redemption prior to maturity. Bonds numbered 1501 to 2500, both inclusive, maturing on January 1 in the years 1973 to 1977, both inclusive, are subject to prior redemption, at the option of the City, in inverse numerical order on January 1, 1969, or on any interest payment date thereafter, upon at least thirty days' prior notice, at par and accrued interest to the redemption date, together with a premium for each bond so redeemed computed in accordance with the following schedule: 103.007 if redeemed on January 1, 1969. 103.00% if redeemed thereafter, but on or prior to July 1, 1970. -5- 102.50% if redeemed thereafter, but on or prior to July 1, 1971. 102.00% if redeemed thereafter, but on or prior to July 1, 1972. 101.50% if redeemed thereafter, but on or prior to July 1, 1973. 101.00% if redeemed thereafter. Notice of redemption shall be given by the City Txe asurer in the name of the City by publication of such notice at least once, not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days prior to the redemption date, in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Salt Lake City and in a financial newspaper or periodical of general circulation in the City of New York, and a copy of such notice shall be sent by registered mail at least thirty days prior to the redemption date to the original purchaser of said bonds. Such notice shall specify the number or numbers of the bonds to be so redeemed, if less than all are to be redeemed, and the date fixed for redemption, and shall further state that on such redemption date there will become and be due and payable upon each bond so to be redeemed at the office of the said City Treasurer in the City of Salt Lake City, Utah, the principal amount thereof with accrued interest to the redemption date, and that from and after such date interest will cease to accrue. Notice having been given in the manner hereinbefore provided, the bond or bonds so called for redemption shall become due and pay- able on the redemption date so designated, and upon presentation thereof at the office of said City Treasurer, together with all appurtenant coupons maturing subsequent to the redemption date, the City of Salt Lake City will pay the bond or bonds so called for redemption. Section 5. That said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and City Treasurer, and shall be attested by the City Recorder and sealed with the corporate seal of the City of Salt Lake City. The coupons attached to said bonds shall bear the facsimile signature of the City Treasurer, which officer, by the execution of said bonds, shall adopt as and for his signature the facsimile thereof appearing on said coupons. Said bonds and coupons bearing the signatures of the officers in office at the time of the signing thereof shall be the valid and binding obligations of the City of Salt Lake City, notwithstanding that before the delivery thereof and payment therefor, any or all of -6- the persons whose signatures appear thereon shall have ceased to fill their respective offices. Section 6. That said bonds and the coupons thereto attached shall be in substantially the following form: -7- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE CITY OF SALT LAKE CITY GENERAL OBLIGATION AIRPORT BONDS SERIES JANUARY 1, 1959 No. $1,000.00 The City of Salt Lake City, in the County of Salt Lake and State of Utah, acknowledges itself indebted and hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. on the first day of January, 19_, with interest thereon at the rate of per centum per annum, payable on July 1, 1959, and semi-annually thereafter on the first days of January and July in each year, both principal and interest being payable in lawful money of the United States of America at Zion's First National Bank of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, Utah, or at The Chase Manhattan Bank, New York City, New York, at the option of the holder, upon presentation and surrender of this bond and of the annexed coupons as they severally become due. Bonds numbered 1 to 1500, both inclusive, maturing on January 1 in the years 1963 to 1972, both inclusive, are not subject to redemption prior to maturity. Bonds numbered 1501 to 2500, both inclusive, maturing on January 1 in the years 1973 to 1977, both inclusive, are subject to prior redemption, at the option of the City, in inverse numerical order on January 1, 1969, or on any interest payment date thereafter, upon at least thirty days' prior notice, at par and accrued interest to the redemption date, together with a premium for each bond so redeemed computed in accordance with the following schedule: 103.00% if redeemed on,January 1, 1969. 103.00% if redeemed thereafter, but on or prior to July 1, 1970. 102.50% if redeemed thereafter, but on or prior to July 1, 1971. 102.00% if redeemed thereafter, but on or prior to July 1, 1972. 101.50% if redeemed thereafter, but on or prior to July 1, 1973. 101.00% if redeemed thereafter. -8- ,., Redemption shall be made upon not less than thirty days' prior notice by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Salt Lake City and in a financial newspaper or periodical of general circulation in the City of New York in the manner and upon the conditions provided in the ordinance author- izing the issuance of this bond. It is hereby certified and warranted that the issuance of this bond has been authorized by the electors of the City of Salt Lake City qualified to vote on the question at a special bond election held in said City on the 13th day of January, 1959. It is hereby certified and recited that all the requirements of law have been fully complied with by the proper officers of said City in the issuance of this bond; that the total indebtedness of said City, including that of this bond, does not exceed any limit of indebtedness prescribed by the Constitution or laws of the State of Utah, and that provision has been made for the levy and collection of annual taxes, without limitation as to rate or amount, sufficient to pay the interest on and the principal of this bond when the same become due. The faith and credit of the City of Salt Lake City are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and the interest on this bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Salt Lake City has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and City Treasurer, and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, attested by its City Recorder, and the annexed interest coupons to bear the facsimile signature of the City Treasurer as of the first day of January, 1959. (Do Not Sign) Mayor (Do Not Sign) City Treasurer (SEAL) Attest: y t -9- (Form of Coupon) No. $ January, On the first day of July, 19 , *(unless the bond to which this coupon is attached has been called for prior redemption,) the City of Salt Lake City, in the County of Salt Lake and State of Utah, will pay to the bearer DOLLARS at Zion's First National Bank of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, Utah, or at The Chase Manhattan Bank, New York City, New York, in lawful money of the United States of America, being six months' interest on its General Obligation Airport Bond, Series January 1, 1959, and bearing No. (Facsimile Signature) City Treasurer *(To be inserted in coupons maturing on and after July 1, 1969, attached to bonds numbered 1501 to 2500, both inclusive.) (Form of Certificate) AUDITOR's CERTIFICATE I certify that this bond is within the lawful debt limit of the City of Salt Lake City, in the County of Salt Lake and State of Utah, and is issued according to law. Dated this day of , 1959. (Do Not Sign) City Auditor -10- Section 7. That the Mayor, the City Treasurer and the City Recorder of the City of Salt Lake City are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and execute said bonds as herein provided. Upon such execution said bonds shall be delivered to the City Treasurer to be by him delivered to the lawful purchaser thereof at a price not less than the principal amount thereof and accrued interest to the date of delivery. Section 8. That the funds realized from the sale of the bonds authorized by this ordinance shall be applied solely to defraying in part the cost of expanding and improving the municipal airport by constructing a building to be known as Administration Building No. 2, consisting of a structure to provide office space for airlines, together with all facilities necessary or convenient for the use of the traveling public and others using the airport, but the purchaser of said bonds shall in no manner be responsible for the application or disposal by said City, or by any of its officers, of any of the funds derived from the sale thereof. Section 9. That at the time and in the manner provided by law, commencing in the year 1959, and annually thereafter while any of the bonds herein authorized are outstanding and unpaid, in order to provide for the payment of the principal and interest as the same become due, there shall be levied on all the taxable property in the City, in addition to all other taxes, direct annual taxes sufficient to provide for the payment of such prin- cipal and interest, and said taxes, when collected, shall be deposited in a special fund to be known as "The January 1, 1959, General Obligation Airport Bond Fund," and such fund shall be applied solely for the purpose of the payment of the interest on and the principal of said bonds, respectively, and for no other purpose whatever until the indebtedness so contracted under this ordinance, both principal and interest, shall have been fully paid, satisfied and discharged. The sums hereinbefore provided to meet the interest on said bonds and to discharge the principal thereof when due are hereby applied to that purpose, and said amount for each year shall be included in the annual budget and the appropriation bills to be adopted and passed by the Board of Commissioners of said City in each year, respectively. Nothing herein contained shallbe so construed as to prevent the City from applying any other funds that may be in the treasury of the City and available for that purpose, including but not limited to the net revenues to be derived from the operation of -11- Administration Building No. 2, to the payment of said bonds. Section 10. That it shall be the duty of the Board of Commissioners of said City annually, at the time and in the manner provided by law for levying other taxes, if such action shall be necessary to effectuate the provisions of this ordinance, to ratify and carry out the provisions hereof with reference to the levy and collection of taxes, and said Board of Commissioners shall require the officers of and for said City to levy, extend and collect such taxes in the manner provided by law for the purpose of creating a fund for the payment of the principal of said bonds and the interest accruing thereon. Such taxes when collected shall be kept for and applied only to the payment of the principal of and the interest on said bonds as hereinbefore specified. Section 11. That from and after the delivery of any of the bonds authorized to be delivered under this ordinance and so long as any of said bonds are outstanding or unpaid either as to principal or interest, the entire gross income and revenues of Administration Building No. 2 shall be used (1) for the maintenance and operation of the building, (2) for the payment of the principa of and interest on the bonds issued pursuant to this ordinance, and (3) in such other lawful manner as may be determined by the Board of Commissioners; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as conferring contractual rights on the bondholders insofar as the application of such revenues is concerned, and provided, further, that the income and revenues derived from the operation of Administration Building No. 2 shall be collected, held and disbursed in accordance with procedures established by law governing public funds. Section 12. That the Mayor, the Commissioner of the Department of Parks and Public Property, the Treasurer and other officers of the City be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to take all steps and to do and perform all things necessary or appropriate to accomplish the purposes herein recited and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, said officers be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to execute such certificates relating to the authorization, execution and delivery of said bonds and a certificate to the fact, if it be a fact, that no litigation is pending or threatened affecting the validity thereof, as may reasonably be required by the f -12- purchaser of said bonds. Section 13. That if any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this ordinance shall for any reason, be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this ordinance. Section 14. That by reason of the fact that the airport facilities of the City of Salt Lake City are not adequate to supply the present and future needs of the City and its inhabit- ants, and for other reasons, in the opinion of the Board of Commissioners an emergency exists, and this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the peace, health and safety of the City of Salt Lake City, and shall be in full force and effect immediately after its final publication and passage. Section 15. That this ordinance after its passage shall be deposited in the office of the City Recorder, shall be recorded in the Book of Ordinances of said City kept for that purpose, and authenticated by the signature of the Mayor and attested and countersigned by the City Recorder. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 11th day of February 1959. (SEAL) Attested and Countersigned: ill`• " `Ci o -13- Theodore I. Geurts It was then moved by Commissioner seconded by Commissioner L. C. Romney , that all rules of the Board which might prevent, unless suspended, the final passage and adoption of this ordinance at this meeting be, and they hereby are, suspended. The question being upon the adoption of said motion and the suspension of the rules, the roll was called with the following result: Those Voting Aye: Adiel F. Stewart, Mayor Grant M. Burbidge, Joe L. Christensen, Theodore I. Geurts, L. C. Romney, Those Voting Nay: None A majority of the members of the Board of Commissioners having voted in favor of said motion, the presiding officer declared the motion carried and the rules suspended. Commissioner Theodore I. Geurts thereupon moved the adoption and final passage of said Ordinance, which motion was seconded by Commissioner L. C. Romney . The roll was called with the following result: Those Voting Aye: Adiel F. Stewart, Mayor Grant M. Burbidge, Joe L. Christensen, Theodore I. Geurts, L. C. Romney, Those Voting Nay: None A majority of the members of the Board of Commissioners having voted in favor of the passage and adoption of said ordinance, the presiding officer thereupon declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted. On motion duly adopted it was ordered that said ordinance be numbered 8 of 1959 and that after its approval by the Mayor and attestation and countersignature by the City Recorder, -14- it be published in The Deseret News-Salt Lake Telegram , the official newspaper of the City of Salt Lake City, and be recorded by the City Recorder in the Book of Ordinances according to law. Thereupon, the meeting adjourned. Ma" (SEAL) Attested and Countersigned: -15- STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) SS. CITY OF SALT LAKE CITY ) Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of the City of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing pages numbered 1 to 15, both inclusive, are a true and correct copy of the record of the proceedings of the Board of Commission- ers of said City taken at a meeting thereof held on the llth day of February , 1959, so far as said minutes relate to Ordinance No.8 of 1959bf said City, a copy of which is therein set forth; that said Ordinance haslEen duly authenticated by the signature of the presiding officer of said Board of Commissioners and countersigned by myself as City Recorder, sealed with the corporate seal of said City, signed and approved by the Mayor thereof, and recorded in the Book of Ordinances of said City kept for that purpose in my office; that said Ordinance was on the 25th day of February , 1959, published in full in The Deseret News-Salt Lake Teleeram , a newspaper published and of general circulation in the City of Salt Lake City, Utah. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said City this 27th day of February , 1959. 14"tk t o N`' (SEAL) -16- c Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, It as. County of Salt Lake S. Iv:. Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Ordinance Pro. 8, Series 1959. An Ordinance awarding sale of $"2,500,000.00 General Obligation Bonds to Halsey, Stuart and Company, Inc. was published in said newspaper on February 25, 1959. Legal Advertising Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of February A.D. 19 59 Notary Public My Comrg ssio ire5.961. 1 (ATTACH AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CF ORDINANCE NO.8 of 1459) • • NOTICE - _ . ST:.1'b:OF UTAH OUN TY OP SACS LAKE .CITY OF SALT LAKE CITY—NS I The Board of Commissioner.s of the City of Sall Lal,C.,.in the. 'C t I.f Salt L State of Utah to t- 1' in full. fqq ita th] dthe d:nances- tl 1 f l C-t. at tt1 me A C to B '1 boom Lake C t Ut 1 b lh u- 1 meeting lace t said board, retard af,the loth dlr if I FIlowing BOSH, at thethe hour re 10'.00 o'cleek a. . O' roll gal.the following were Mang to he ar 1: Mayor'. a Grant F.Slewatt Commissioners:Grant.ChB'sf.sea Theodore I.Ge% Absent: L. Romney I Also Present: James L.B.alkor', it.,City Attorney I ),pals E Hotcr,City' ndltor Other G.Ellls,Cite City'mer I Hermon-J.Hwas the' time Recorder Th e'Ci:y Recorder a norrpnced that-fhi4 as LhB timeu nd place for"f i ng nd P blicly e tje sealed bide tar the p r base E City of Satt L,xlr City, Otah,rGcncral Oblication Airnor�Bo+��ts, I S rl .fntlaay L I9a9 the C11re{�ate Priaaipal am aril 52.Onf.- I Recorder also la Cecedt that notice of"the bolid sealeS t Jecn Cab lishcd The Bond Boyer and The Deseret News-Salt Lake Trle- 1 in 'cr Proeeedetl to 71:1-nthethjds"so rece:`,' It w ordered a1 t th c dos id t b i d b ih - fe - d dt towhich bid d best bid.d tpt t h p Wot -f a dot - -I tJ+t l hid biivv``g�gt d b H I Stuart'ld C Thee pee there wa.of t-adocedt,reaRtaeddc nsrderea the 11 w rng Ordinance: - ORDINANCE NO.8 - SERIES]9s9 'AN ORDINANCE T TO CONTRACT AN INDEBTEDNESSYAN VPONETHE CRFDITETHFREOt..By'LrTtVTH CAKE I71ITvG THE OBLI ATI F THF. NF THECITY�.C OVPON GENERAL 7N LTHETAGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT-y or SALT LOF 82.50n.- V100 PRESCRIBING THE FORM Or SAID BONDS:PRO- DiNG FORrTEE LEVY OF A TAX Cl)rat THE cAr.1 r, 'M1tOVIDINti THE DIRFSSITION OS THE PxVPNtlP O AE.r)rentet FROn° ADM NISTRATION.BUILDING. I Wt P td t DETAILS�N CONNECTION THERE RF. ART AND HcnT P*n NIN,.AND SAID GNDS TO A ASSOCIATES LASYTHE BEST nfS.-Rc. 'PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF OF INANC . w 1 FrAS of S It L l:e C't the C f Salt r L Slate 'f�l Utah.1 e i 1 cot-notation stl' .. C ft d d existing d the law 8 of The Stat f Uah a Oily f the • first µHERE�AS.the City new and operates a municipal airport under the jurisdiction of the Owns f Parks and Public Prop- I She F b dee y. [rs sneei t bone etra tier. debt Iled and held n the City d+y S n �195p,iher ea b Ig affection.ha otecto it,of the City modified tloa ti thereon the bearing rig aue bob. III he 1 he toy ofi�olt,interest b S general obligation hones of tiroCity of Solt Lake uo int the t ere Cate nr cool a nu mt of c2,590.erst a ee a much thereofas mayynte ti ne°Ot?woes- n atvrino e eiZI av perod f not o a eed twrnty ys from date,t nor segue.rest at ate e exnest of foam'bey tt tam nor ex issued far .!e ravine E nit U1o. daft icin restart; cart tee rest f r<oanttlln^and,improving v the i,1 I v e .. C .te e- he known I Ad ' B 'e f ei 2 t- t t eo • sse a convenient feeines.+.he use of the traeelmt pubic ' acilities ande others using theairport? and WHEREAS. n than n orlta of the Qualified.+ectn,t f the City voting enoythe oucstiol:so su'omitted vted fn avor'of the ssua:tee of tire-heads:an" WHEREAS,Seetlee le 7-9,Utah Code Annotated,1053,provides that.wheetnit bonds shad have been sued for the purpose :up- utility:airytree r town with a to service lint.raster ter antltra utility,the rates o f i s rv' E the p 1 ` • 1 toted b mnnin ff' :tom t I shall Sion eg o rte d ne and esi and expenses.end Lewes shall be levied fo mg..t En-- d 4HE.r the ff— i doter mined.find doer III benefit. determine, that I ti d submitted. bq Halsey., tuartb I 'd J d t i �tl I f a� d - A n, e r k fi1E Fn AI ll RV TEf RO1 FD Cr • .nE opi N.,RS n THE CITY OF SALT LARP. CITY, SALT LAN^.Section /P That St ?eid or 1'ne ie S t _ h t. -^,- cult d 1 'nth - f tl 1 bl '+'o [hoods C the thereof CI,reo f Salt rekerfy .the a t f ,sakiOn0.es rl e o,h declared 'd question. d the 1. [ id Section eeer TI art h -I f 1 b.ahe Ca,dR t1.,f La1��- irs y t ai 41+1r ctt-nri t!Building.etoa!.2 Lit, r 1.C1[e -t A 1 t t t tl f th hl cl tl III 1 .Sd the t Tl't b.bd ftk 1 Heloey,SPEW and Coen d i_ 'tl h of the otil S Sarre, at i 10 0 ht. rat Ol o 14-xeerate a. aA ountt of SR.00 00 00, he. and Ufa sa..sc III h SectionI t d f 1 of n- fuhe nds defray.,n reorwoot I t f t d h Id imrrovilig- A t t E Pipal airport 'e t tod ff f-,f l n. aarifer"rah f: t' ..rd f rht flpf -hl id to it 1 - n l 'i,,l r rotIo* - m P hit the Cety f 1 cake c a • 1 OhReatinn Air er a SO,s . Jauuarg 1,t9 i r the 42 00000 t f T bl rr 1 c lorf 0 It b f. 11 5 Iry • l b f l f bl July n e 'l hereinafter' t Cannery d I icy t „,.IJ111 �re,eel ta1d+�.^te oil rbe fi ir,days of able it lay 11 h tl DID ad t ',de r'a+ t h.,/-n.f TI,,,' N L mt'1 lt ; Boot.S-t New Eoat S .New Veil.pt*bp notion f Ito adds atari'ser1e11 each veer,and boa.loin in,erest,as fellows: first.day [ Jam.,. • Bond Nos, Veers Interest Rates Amounts All 1nc'.uyvc Maturity Per Annum ;Natnrite -ton 9a:1 4c S1t10,On0.0u toitee lean 4': 100.00hCO 201E00 10fi5 41 oot,50hen 201-sei t96A 4a.. tit,pnn.en nei.eei 100,0oo.nn I,u .Let-tot tees 275Eri- o.00n.00 901-ton 19r0 Ott eit,itn.an �1 p01-non 090 _00,000.0n 1101.1,On 1901 2.GR°. 200,000.O9 loot-.son 1912 2 75if 200.000ID 1 sax-t vonI i 2oaono0,no 90Lno 40O0nn0 So-Inn 175 iii0n.i 210t-?00 7 'MI 1 2301.2500 diet t0 2.i5',-. 200,000.00 III Bola, 1 I to 1500.both Inclusive.maturinffu, I In the 1961 to 1072.both Inclusive, are not b I to d t- t ..t1 6 .ed l 01 1 ..Od l h .mib b,ylt — 1 L--.'v e,aI.,.d-_.,, i t rcde nP t..t the 1.+'.,1 Si I,Cit-. III —17- Lego! Notices l Legal Notices in inverse l order on J 1 19d0 yinterest Ib d 1 tl d d b. law. payment Y par Pegaion leas the 1959.- d minus],thereafter while 1v f d date thereafter, th t teas,thirtydate, days'together with t ^ d t 11 any to f h l d d d computed'in accordance with the l h t Ih f the 1 d Interest h same f I + th A ebee nrovide on all h.t bl n the 10,00'; d redeemed i January I ton d i I d l 1 sufficient to said lo'DOie -fredeemed hers{lc,,but on or error to Ally 1, 1the 1 f I.w l' n interest. s 19 Il. b chat d t 1 1 d In be i.]0 ,D�o F 1 1 theiea[ler,but on or Prior to July 1, l 1959 ! l OI.1' Airport Bond 971 f rtec 10L-00't redeemed lhereattel,but on or prior to July 1, I. 1 shall h.smote') 1. f the b pin 101.s0'.o he 19 redeemed thereafter,but on or prior to July 1, .and f•1 t I d I whatever 1t f th.a 1 I t dt ss shall 1one t.Ieen f d Ir• eh d.The h befmc Notice f0tredeemed thereafter lit It s b thion of such e City ice t Treasurer f theast once. e-i _ t i .h .1 yd bongs sorted to thatd 1.arge tell 1• h thirty d than [ d 1 thed 1 t shall 1included the it'dcet 1 dote. fgeneral It 11 City of Salt I .t Ito 1. d eo seid rite in each d dtby hNBeah L C t a f periodical f 1 I ^ shell [ d t e 1 C fan ng calatioc in-1 City 1 d f t tshallb , Awe,eorMinod 1 f that 1 the t 4 .it8 d rom e i t 1...least thirty t nothitice redemption bl� h I t t nit. t h rev. d t! original h f I1 t S I [ shallspeed.,an i to h d t ti f Administration Building a b 1 the b t b t d if Less than 11 me to t-redeemed. d de data fd f redemption.and shall N t t l e the opionen!, dby d f th Bna,d of Cmnmis f tl t I 1 1 It date h will become ore I C. 1 t h T d Tr h bend tobe redeemed at the office of 1 1 h l II b -.saa v t C' T - 1 _ f S t Lake City,Utah,the ale, d-', o r t 'v o f Canal amount thereof with d interest tothe redemption date, 1' f h l 1 11eetton of 11, f' and oft, such dale interest ill a to e h !t hueineh the I bf 'rid theco- i t 11 manner h hoods given d II b d payablef t fond 1 meet op.the I 1 t d d t t thereof b interest - i ih tree„ at the often I C' T together .h all t 1 I f 1 1 d la to the b i t t t theredemption date. the Cli. f pl 1 [ d the interest -d bonds s here- 9 It C 1 h h b n - I red f redemption. Section f Thht said bends shad be signed b'the Mayor and C-ty b n.-f,e, That ail.,fire' 1 r et f the bonds f 1 1 shall F .t. M1 h C' Recorder and sealed 1 1 d t d' d 1 c any t 1 f h C[ 1 Salt I C The coupons1 I I h t -harked h 'h'+l 1 1 'e o the Cityef oh,hoodsd niltial or lOn 1 f b the f d bonds.shall adona l n i d 1 f 1 I - of d d'ration as and f. h t the '1 thereof c 1 I C l bongs i 1 the t f the l' d 1 3 h oilier ifest f' thef 11 g tl [shall bethelid d `� 1 Commission- pod bl I Cite [RIt7 k City.notwithstanding f11 b H f shalt Ice t before the d l ih arid t therefor, all f d i th' h appeal thereon shall have ceased to ft. II t 1 1 1 h d-d {le.'as -.h - 1 ` th E Ad 1 Seethe, a. t 8.41 ',nu, and the coupons thereto attached 11 ',le en,. held t b ref In shot] , `+ list.,UNITED bSTATES Adieu'," A T TA ,i,>" 1 r d. established 1 li d y law governing public STATE Of UTAH e+ ar TY OF SALT LAKE f I C the `^t CT,,' 1t RAT m0oll f v I d h often', fthe OF\'F.P.Ar SERIES 1C\Tr^N Ln PnnT BONDS I.. 1 "t t't 'tn Na JANUA72Y 1,19 i9 <1 0 0.D0 ' ' The City the County of Salt Lake.and State nl F. lid th Ili b` V Vole, t. if d bled and hereby 'muses to pay to d 1 1 t 0 t!he hearer hereof t, - f et a se ON Tit 01. 1ND POPLARS d on I f 1 that 71 said 'lend',d tl t first d f 9 with Interest tl t the 1 Y reasonablyb d by the A 11 h. 1 If d f 1J o on l d Jule • 1 `ou I i.,aoy section.neragra..h.clauseI i or trne 1f in „eh • f the e nth..., o 1 hale.", interest at Zb F1'=1 Nat anal Bank f. ihe she.' onn any reasen.la 1 hold or i. h. hinvalid,tnata5 • It 1 n 1 t Ill on.o Tie Chase Manhattan o shall n of affect f theg p tr A Y 'City.N v the Len f the holder,u t tl d h bond and of the annexed coupons on r f thet that theIn facilities several,as they needs o'hoPeced t le 1 1 na.both ircluslve maturingJaguar, I c 1 It^ 1 t 1 1 iv then nt in the e,:a t, e 1 e +e111 in c,bl on'Totem,. d E, I t end 1 h t 0irsd an for elide r iPa- I t P. t t 0 00.both inclusive, _ h. the oginion of thei slimed tf d Slob lilt t ]-ion f7 thboth C tinclusive.in ea,e 1 force and effect immediately ftter heeith end saohy,the con, no llits final nubhca Win t L t t f ,, o redo accordance inionestt d h it d , with ds each r shall l' the h 1 c d commuted 1n an ce by a premium for the following l -a d i Lilo:, a led, n the Mayer and ettoel d and countersigned .e fter. 1.19d9 by ADOPTED A 10J.00'�+ „deemed thereafter.hut on or tier in July 1, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this i11M1,hee.fewr y.1000. AdMayorte t war 192.50'8 1io n7� ie —deemed thereafter.butth n o, prior to July i, 10.00',v 71—.deemed thercaoter,but on nr prior to July I. ,,AL, d, e 101-0 7a,edermed thereafter.hut on or prim to July 1 1 '0 R a. 7d C 119t. h 1 I. 0 '{' 1 d 11 II 1 I C.R h[ II I f the Board n t I he madethan thirty 1 p mine), the d 1pence ho 1e t - circulate, h ,. d' t thissuspended, be.final 1 th passage b , f C t __ f dl ] fX. f "'d t the the• 1 't_ a beidatnic in I C the ordinance authorizing'the issuanced of su-seen_ t b t I eioo ono, I milted with h following result: t I TheseeVp`. A A P S f.Mayor - 1 'f d d t. t t f 1h'_bend t P H h' en 000li`isol to vete h.the m e1 f b l bondelectionI1held't li d ane Ci`v Lee r. If fd -t d1 1 t U all thet. f T N tine. A 11 i I d ih f f is 4 - f h 1 [ I E -`i 4 f[' I I 'cdhthe I t 1 1 d f I i nl f f I t did e a t b { t I. f the C tE f motion C d the roles TI J.f` t th d the adoption the 1licli 1 seconded by ihn •nit i sufficient to Comm one L C.Bruhn,.d The roll a called with a they following interest tte .t and tin: pal of this band amount, the same result:Commissioner Those Voting Ave' Td'el F.Stewart.Mayor ha.ohih and coedit of n C. Solt olt Lake Cityn rebv tea t M.Bmbldce r the punctual payment t the principal of and the i terest a I'-C'l+nistense'n • 1 \Jlb S \ RC Cityf It Cityh d I d I.C t fl 1 b T d C i. d t - Those t N C R I hereto.attested t F d d A t -fitmembers^f then I f Commissioners having the d f bean 11 -'ire signature of the voted f f the Iadoption' f sa1G ordinance,and C-.v Treasurer as of the first no day of Jan 9 0. g f - declared d ordinance duly d d 8TaYmi adopted motor1,go-looted it was orderedthat said ordinancebn cr•Ai 1 City Treasurer ihn d E 1.5 9 d!hot f ts l by the May Il=la d t 1 t -e h the CityRecorder,It bei bl 1 ed • Record, -T .tl official o.f A i h C Deco,'f h I Solt Cr,C d Irecorded by tl City A corder i ' 'FleeF Coupon) 1 the J 1 f 0 d' d' t Na1 Thereupon.the meeting adjourned. Adlel Sl {. 1 I t f J 9 '(unless the bond to which r�iaate t I h called f o r'de,notron.l the I !SEAL) CO- T Salt 1 CRY, the County of Salt Lake and Stale of Utah, 4test d and Cottlersignert will par to the healer Fhcrm, BelleniCe .LAPs C -)h iTi National➢ J k f call ak a C t DOfIt 10 •e Cite.Utah. '1 or t The Chase 1✓ nt into Park,New America,Y bet g six York months'1tlawnit o at n its General Obligation Airport Bond. Series a January 1, 1,9,andoht tinned States earine N0. (Facsimile urerature) he lesertcd- coupons maturing low Treasurer July 1. "959.attached to in niumher'ed 1301 to 2500.both inch al.a.l ire, of rorefiealel AJIDITO,RB C,ATJlICATE J rtle,I ttal+hs bond Is wlthhl the Inwhd debt limit f Unc and• of Salt Lake Colin i the Cotmty of Salt Laka and State of Utah, and issued aceerclin'to haw Da[ed this--- day of- 1959. Citn Auditor Pecc eeionf the Citytnf Sall Lake City arc T,hernb�l authorized and 1ended t a,N c rent^ said bonds as herein n oyi ded. jonn„oho r1 fig said bolds shall be delivered to the City Treas- r to lbe h.him n delivered the lawful v. rchaser thereof at a Inca`h^a(he principal amount thereof'and accrued interest to�tNseetio o r dTh;t'i Y� + antheTe n y That +e funds re-,lho Imm the sol sale of the bonds d b,y this ordinance shall he aonhed solely To defraying 1 Snit tin east Of 7an and imp then ul,heel ar'or by n ns,,,s.„a a hull dlbecturee I<n owni a officer sna e n Hairlines g to. ��lhoi,s s.111 of a i+ies necessary n ovide office snare ins . he hit,al facilities n e k toe the of She ho ',Wale end other,i she the a hie but the n chaser of Ici things shell o manner h�r,0 0-ficer for the aof the nn r •ci ec a enfiyro Y of its oo[flae,'s,of aer of the funds i.. ^^d s n'tl,^ =1P+oh^rcn. 8 aDM.30n Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D. M. Ockey Being first duly sworn. deposes end says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language wills general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. Thatthe legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 0, Series 195 . An Ordinance awarding sale of k -,500,OQ0.00 General Obligation Bonds to Hulsey, Stuart end Company, Inc. was published in said newspaper on February 25, 1959. Legal Advertising Clerk'/ / Subscribed and sworn to before me this $5th day of February A.D. 19.59 Notary Public My Commission Expires Malt.....2-5s---1.961... - i_s (v NOTICE • COUNTY OF SALT LAKE CITY OF SALT LAKE CITY S The EEo� d tt' t ' of the City f 'ltL City, fbe C mq2 i.a{dtI,L 1 d Stateof Utah, t lat•crslnt full ,yifh I nd the d uc L'ir.Sbe tar eoeeti,th risceno fBlatE board, r Wedvesctay.�the'ltthl eddy of February.I959deet the'hour' f 10:00 o'clock a tn. Oir co00 call tha following were Inund to be➢1'esent: Mawr: Adel F Stewart Commissioners:Coen t M.Bstense" Theodateh I Geurts r Absent: ent' None C.Ro y {{WW'1. Al Frese t S otuin9E ��-- Holley,Cily Aj�ljtertorncy OliverG.Ellis,C-iN'I The City It ottrrl1 avirrer ano 1 ed that this:H was s they iiFe li I dl cc f f l 0eeiving d 9,sib1-cly°omit,sealed bids for ORR ourchai.e of e -City of Salt n Utah. General dilfRo,S. nar I, 59 n the ag0re^ate'nncOsi:n�0 o nS n_inda dnred tOil 14 bids had'been to et\'ed. The City 1j,ee r Is R t the,notice of O b d 1 h d b .b- Fq 51G ble•th hd.B tde to're�dnthe hid .. -E Nyer�F SIIII L 1 lered U de shy bid b-tabulated by the t.'ty c.No and Yot't n s 10 which bid w 9 lhr.brst bld.DPoe r tut pf suoh'ren t,It f rI d c. f d tha. h h A b Rteot I...• 'ly,Stuart aftrl Co n Inc.nd associates, s the eabest'bid...• 1 the follaw- inv Ordinance. 55 oe Lt d ea, ' a and. nsigeret w ORDINANCF.NO._0 AN ORDINANCE'A3'tb CONTRACT,AN-OIIIIDEBTEDNESS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF SALT LAKE-CITY AND •VRON THE CREDIT THEREOF BY:,AIITHORIZING TILE 16SFJANCF OF THE'NFGOTIABbE.aODD£OtV GENERAL • I(CATION BONDS OF THE CITY OF SALT LAKE.CITY IN may AGGRFGATE TTtNCIPA{i.-AJ4Opt[J1NT";OF 52.500: 0n0,o0'FOsi00RIFING TftE FORM FlF"NAID'BONDS.PRO- - RIIDING POR't uF LEVY OF A TAX TO. AY THF.SAM5:; O 1DIN fs o TH 011SPOSITI N e 0`HE P V N rr AF pann RI n FROnl PDMIN STP N AUI Dl\C, ii,NG tt TA1LS 1 A M A Nr'-SAID AONflc'M,sS Y S S'``Y 1I ART •h Cn tPq Y INC.AND A.SSGDq F. kS TIIF HEST TioSlRS. p nROVIDING THE"EFFECTNE DATE OF OAr1IN ANC, Id Ii end SA9 I of Salt Lake C Vole ha Comity .`heed Iake 1 iodating tnd Itheh lawvsa ofn theclState of as.i:l. I city of f the first Wcawc and , ; H R A 1 Cityvones and ii, to rc'ny 1 I al inert underthe iu'.d tl f theD u..t sent YYdsrh 3 d Public Ploy- t W ERFA.- t 2 a 1 bond I ct.10, fN called d held o th f lath day January.lent.there war eubinitted to the c'ecio,s of the City'u.1 f0 d t th onC sgnc e.t 9ha I 1 g tvb t tY>" a] bl halide nt h C to of S It f 1 Outo:Z th :R_eeal rn.l amount t 25000n 00 h 1V f: a h neo i ea period,pi t S exceed t scars R dale.bearing interest 1 a t I" d f eon,oor 'met he t f exuandirc he i d for the, of no aitIneo A si jktE II b Bhtldf e known hs N dr.4. '1R of 5 upt n Ash.05 d$Nsoar LV ..ie t fairlines.Ih use thew travelRrs s Tact So( g botbhc d d others L61 1he i t ,IFRF Sc thant .hI.sLc oualified electe.s the-C t yo'inc on thr onestionb'ttlie3 noted In favor of the Utah ihovides that`'h n vA55n0a shall have h tow,' od for the nut ated. R e oC a., - 4,51eioa city on town with erbficialtE t hr gi rsr-the I t b- h few t 1e service to tof theh system to tfa 1 ,d n int cane; .and taxes shall be Icvled in Hefei Anm�anet „=ha=drteemincd.nod does hereby rb s nine. ,0that the bid fn lltettcu':Iia�r H[ss'ti Steal d d bonds'00. and ncrnctr^�t�.ct "n nRnnl "� Bar THE so ARP n1' D a 'aRS a'HF CITY OE SALT I AICP CITY, SALT ,'t(aid sr. the o:t or the s n dt hoar, Of Salt I ',," ef25000 ava,Eleen F e csd ^ibe au n and the It f nc dt 1 T hoeteiv o dwnb he Ar,Ird or •^f ,the ,ccr he� ;cifl�^ �yd�nnti r:n etd.t �rhas �t!^� Hof 5,•I`, nP e` oats a,n ottrnrszsoo,non_OD. be. old the some •Tn.. -t1.o n rt. ..:iin1•f,;nrt,.r°,mn'av hoo sw cos,of ett ^=dton e H•r n ,.nH ir . ;hkno st£; n.R,.; l O'F for the d O 11 1 rd t-� t f h�CGro f se I 0 frlhrr f S2- n00 n !l •=F thEer e.At�i daysh r hob,f Jo lv it .�I nth e,n` 1';a to',1,, ih Atllh"^d G n4 eriraTe,-t . at ^ref N=Liar, Raols;oo'vC��t .. the o �i The aita• r cit.. ;hr non ^E t =n e r�soaP;btaa oaf, in each veer a;a n�;n,1 to t reif efirt�un,�'s� Bond Nos. Too, Interest Bates Afhounts All h;ct>ive Ivl190,1 y Pear Aunum ti 11 00 ,.10n 19n1 St00,00n.On oUL^.00 1A.4 h'. 100,000.00 20,200 0n5 9'� 1n0.n00 .1-E00 1.51. q I00,00n.oft QOl„n0 1010 tux,00 On 501; tarn 8fin 10000000 701 D. tarn 0 05G 2_00 000 O0 col-non ,990 o95't 2n0.0o0.00 11o1-1^n0 102 29S^. roan.02 1am.1200 ,972 200.ehe00 19aa /SO.00n,on -pane 9vn 2.7s zan.oannn 0101-2 n 100 19Sn - ofl,no0.nn 2,01-2000 199R 2.S5' 000000 2301-2500 1977 2.00', 200.000.00 Bnl orbered t w 150n,boll,)nelusivc,matu_inc e,Sanuary 1 th 'ci 1969 YI 1012,Bb III 1 numbmda 150, 1. 0n. lli irr. 1.1tclusive,a.�sublcet totr01101 r0denf101101s,at the•ontioti o[011te Ciii,f I by law. Legal Notices Legal Notices of ° d 1 thereafter 9 9 a t d R d d me t d - 1 1989 an y of realnranido for 1 ti Iinterest n the M1 1 t d direr. t b ffl t t P datethereafter, tl thirty d t fee in d d' h h d t t d d d accrued t t l the redemption date,together with 1 d t b iillo [ h bond redeemers computed In accordance with the 11 Moil C159, ql -t General 1 Airport Bond following rchadule, hike 10200 f d c el or January 1 1969 Fin id I chilli I solely[ the p. f th 10J.00 d lord therea fief but op or rr0t to July 1. t t fi ri 1 f" d hoods, - 19R0, d f h- until the debt d 102.50% 1 redeemed thereafter,but on or prior to July 1, 1971. ^n iv .ee 1 wl,nl,. d1 The rol m I intore'It b'E It 102.00 if redeemed thereafter but on o for to July 1, id d discharge the 10t 0: ff red d th fter,but on or prior to July 1, • I skarairan h:f align oho,hl-rincludedld to the t annual Old t a01.t0: f9Iredeemed thereafter. p id h t 11 1 h noels ei dt by l th NHpis a Noticef .d t' shall F bythe City Treasurer in the 1 F 1 rt f the Cit publication f h [ at least not h the t of t CCITY 1es.,s,th,ia,ii thirty days nor more than SiEly d t thedemp- h h I t to t t I h h f al 1 t C f Salt t rd t f AdministrationBuilding L isCt - t noWSInaper 01.periodical f general N h^ bonds. ]tan the City f N York. d E t t shall t b t d f the B d Cominias sent h -t d mail t least thirty d . t the de fe to the original nurchaser of said bonds.Such notice shall 'fy h 1 h t ilf 11 bd - t the numberb f the bonds to be so redeemed,if less than 1 dt All orc to be redeemed. d the date fixed for redemption,and shall f th state Vol h redemption date there will b and be f - tofficers t 11I f iti..'. of dee d hl I bond t h redeemed 1 1 office of the 'd Ct T 1 theft f Salt L k Utah,the min r f t df 1 t lanai i thereof F d interest t thea tna date. r, M1 I 11 t 1 u that s d otterh date interest will toc 1 h- ,,en, d Notice h b - t t -h f provided.the f 1 f d theinterest -d bonds ior l as t here- bond boo,,o coiled f ',dominion h] become due and payable S f the bonds on the t t ,td a presentation thereof l 1 d 1 I . ftil 81 h ff [ 'd C1 T together with III appurtenant t i.ed t r s any cannons motorino I [ 1h d tl date the City f 1 d eitherto i t f ration Salt . C '.t theb bonds £ d t I, I 't 16 t said bond,shall be signed by the Mayor ond CIE" I d fit 1 ion T e I h 11 1 attested by theRecorder d led I f t the r 1 1 f d d i ter r 'I i I f h fit f Salt k City.The ks I t b rl 1 1-11 thefacsimile si t theCity f l 1 1. d h A inskrae ddJ[ `- T e which fF b the t d b d h 11 dot I r ',hips,7 t shalt b s I a, oral f h t thef 1 thereof R deosin's,. Sold 1 1 I h h d d f'10 he fofficeb A time f l bearing g th h11 R f 1 thehe signatures f lid past binding oblicationsh Cityf Salt LakeCity. 4 itb t dive iciraiion Thum",ton c 1' ho ontleotod. Fdisbursed I dut if It n - h before delivery thereof d t th t all f e d t bl,1 d F R putheir blic ftttbtelinc tho n ant urethereon hall have ceased to fill a t i C S Th t d bonds h coupons thereto attached shall he b it.r1 I une I i iieto t talus all STATE OF UTAISUITEDSTATESD. A R mAy or SALT LAKE 1 he rip,nP 9er,T 7,1,...Crmy GENERA.. ICATrON AI RP OnT BONDS I d f - 1. rp.1,011,to rag SERIES 5 RIGS JAI.DARY 1 1959fial'il.-g-.kr.-C;Oli,7r il l•o"p'-1.1W."11 aten0lifipallnoia o0nOini thi,tened he City of Solt T n C ntv f Salt Lake and OStatn f seasonably 1 e required r the f iriall art es If- d b.d. d hereby promises to pay to ) l f the bear hereof Om h h d 1, h 1' ON T OU AND bO ,h'l r snobsection, - on I first dayf 1 19 withinterest th t the f U h ll affect of the g - t f t nay-ableJuly 1 1959 d II.-thoinareer on thisfirst days of lanuoiky coot Jolly t I th facilities in I I d t t b. payablelawful 1 to supra,lhpresent mono,'or h rd States f A t F National 1 Bank S ll k )t a t Utah.or i The ChaseManhattan f 1 t a b f d f th H iv y k C in.Now York.at the lion E h holder. n lion tat this bond and of the dcoupons r End,norahme.1 To INC.both 1 1 Jana ary ]tl t Cif d { rood f LimmediatelyIt It final bl a- 1. ih 1 - a b- tode ts llama, e. t P b 1501 00.both inclusive, p. oh,ffii. 00000 .< M1.II ho shall fl the 1 19'1. to1'f both _lho schlock, d h l, tree notionf It CUE a trite il 11 ilo,osl or tiko or and attested anti countersigned hrta,ct to he redoininloo no..tou Cher'with o ..- m r n o ; for P h At10PTr'IJ ANN APPROVED this it1 ^`^EStewmt y.1009, d o,d road so redeemed comed in accordance with the y following ached. Maor ule' .ioa nn's.1.1062- rc-4rcil cued: ]01.00 d elm d thereafter.but on or or rlor to July 1, H Tr' Sr t 1 thereafter,ft. but onto July 1, ( d 1 'd I i p' 102.00 11.1 I th t but on or pro to July 1. t it tfi all1 1 Rf tl I Board f t1 b d lhpassage . hereby 101.50 ENC. _d dthereafter.but on or prior to July 1, Tim r Od 9 73. the asiOnlion f l d i1 1fir Re o t 11 d t leas than t °Cmrl t' f 1circulationin ncslnn o. hn 1l nl d IM1 its;follownR : Tiara Voting A ItFD. P- h' M City salt conceal Ill Cf Y C t f 1 periodical of I fdCsourts this provided the d- th g the e of Theodora R I ey h h d If' d it d that 1. - f this d A -tl N b N f 1 II f Commissioners h - 11 th th t f h E 5 L City 1ira sold l 1presiding officer eclared the duration( t l bond election held ld in t he d] did homing r n 1 1 ion as the adoption 1- 1 t -t tat 1a of oral L.C.Romney.The er'oll was called with the following 1 tI ff- f aCommission, mins d f this h i o tl t 1- d - ofs said resulti oxoeed any limn Illcsa Voting Aye: Ad F.Stewart.M b . fl S., aE C tM F b r levy-and 1 lion Joe T Christensen .h t .,t f'. ame Theodora SG t h -t d th i f thisbond h tl C.A n N None d f f l C f Solt I Cityhereby A - f tho membersf the Boord or Commissioners1 R 1 '1 1 punctual payment of the -al of the interest t - [ i d:Manikin f -d ordinance,the t NFATNESS P h.Cityt if k.C-t h sod adorned. f I declared d duln poised and this d b b t d Cif, d rt d [ ordered that 'd br T t h i t..£d h t. Recorder. 18 £19 9 d that after It I F the 11 1 1 nature of the tt _ 1 _ t h II_City Recorder.It b bl'1 1i City'11.en urea as of.he fu.t day of Sanyo',f 1059. signature Cl,'Deg N a Lake T.1. O tile official a t TI.', the flit. f of Salt ase City,a d recorded by the City P,ccorldei In the Poo',of Ordlnenees according to law, City Treasurer Thereupon,the meeting;airman,.cnAL) Ad. F.Stewart A frost Mayor City Recorder ISP.AL1 Np _ 1T nt of C01.10011) 41.1esteri. and Counlerslgitedi 5 H liogensen On thet f J?illy. I9 •!miles the bond to which SC T. 0a ;7 r f.11,•- off Solt ,he CIf`'.dmlos the Counten y lofd fm prior Salt Lake anddState of Utah, Published Pub r 1719 will nay to the hearer ILM. , at yiionLo, i00h.vrt^icnh 13m1;,Salt Newe yoty.Ciil LFS.City,Utah, la'fill pioneer r irP Ne"i yoroln n s1 ifs General Oblisailon AirnortnH nd,'Series January r1, �Os9.and bearing No, (Citysi'I�cTsure rature) •ml-ln be l ter coupons maturing aft, 1. July 19N9,attached to bonds numbered 2500,bOtn.- ` sive.) r l.n01 of V INEIC` I -f;Cv that 1hisAlbo ,i wfrltlnTtheClwful debt limit t the Cl[v of,Snit T,a ice C)fv,i the County Of SaIE Lake and State of Utah. and I 100 Itt ordin¢to duo Dated This ce say of 1952: Cites Auditor Accord,nioof IherCity at to(Salt Mayor. aketile City areTreasurer author)ed he Cr E Urn,diraet d to d t 'd bonds herein ,road: In bo h hi deliver,I de shall be lawfuliverdahto thethereofsee T to tha..,rtteeor d�rf.eive rincipal amount thereof and accrued interes at t 8 tiro funds fired(' thele 1 thebonds ih d 1 li h 1 he applies?stloly in(terra nn in P. t t. .o 1 ri d o the municipal t by t n h'le'- be kr o s nrstratie-Sir 1 :ng No. 'l,-^r,atf,r.of a si•adore to n video office x a e for airlinos. withForam f.."t1 f t for the use of the hoodstraym o I d th the t hut.the purchaser of Mid by shot'd b he resnonoifile f its If coo for of the of)the Ion fundds deal` d min ths,sale More,' an 3