8 of 1962 - Amending Section 18-1-9 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended, relatin .ROLL CALL Salt Lake Lily, Ulan, -
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . .
Harrison . . .
Smart, '1.� 1
Romney . . .Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 18-1-9 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1955, as heretofore amended, relating to Organization and
Salaries of Officers and Employees in the Health Department.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1 . That Section 18-1-9 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1955, as heretofore amended, relating to organization and
salaries of officers and employees in the Health Department be, and the same
hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 18-1-9. Organization and Salaries. (a) The Health Depart-
ment shall consist of the following officers and employees, who,
except for the Health Commissioner and members of the Board of Health,
shall be appointed by the appointing power, subject to the approval
of the Board of Commissioners, from the certified list of Civil
Service Commission of Salt Lake City, for each such office or position
to be filled, to-wit:
Health Commissioner
1st Ass't Health Commissioner
2nd Ass't Health Commissioner
Clinical Psychologist
Chief Sanitarian
Sanitarian Supervisor
Director Meat Inspection
San. Supv. Meat Division
Sanitarian I
Sanitarian II
Ass't Sanitarian
Health Educator I
Health Educator II
Director of Nursing
Ass't Director of Nursing
Nursing Supervisor
Nursing Consultant 1
Nursing Consultant II
Public Health Nurse
Graduate Nurse
Director of Laboratories
Sr. Bacteriologist
Jr. Bacteriologist
Dep. Registrar Vital Statistics
Office Manager, Vital Statistics
Epidemiological Investigator and X-ray Technician
Sealer- Weights & Measures
Inspector Weight & Measures
Clerk, Weights & Measures
(b) Effective March 1 , 1962, the monthly salaries of the following
named officers and employees shall be as follows:
Health Commissioner $700.00
1st Ass't Health Commissioner 33740
2nd Ass't Health Commissioner 264.00
Chief Sanitarian 650.00
Ass't Sanitarian 320.00
Director of Nursing 635.00
Clinical Psychologist (part-time) 400.00
The monthly salaries and the respective 12 months' merit ingrade
salary increases to be paid as salariesand merit ingrade salary in-
creases to all other officers and employees of the Health Department
shall be, as to the various officers and employees, the respective
amounts specified in the several columns contained in Bill No. 111
of 1959, passed December 29, 1959, published January 8, 1960, the
beginning salary being in Column 3 and increasing each 12 months
from column to column from left to right, as amended by Bill No. 40
of 1961 , passed May 25, 1961 , and published June 2, 1961 , and as
amended by Bill No. 72 of 1961, passed August 22, 1961, and published
August 25, 1961, increased to the amounts as follows:
3 2 1 I. 1B
Sanitarian Supervisor $515.00 $540.00 $560.00 $580.00 $600.00
Sanitarian I 435.00 460.00 490.00 510.00 550.00
Sanitarian II 375.00 400.00 425.00 450.00 475.00
Director, Meat
Inspection 515.00 540.00 560.00 580.00 600.00
San. Supv. Meat Division 465.00 480.00 495.00 510.00 525.00
Veterinarian 490.00 505.00 520.00 535.00 550.00
Director of Laboratories 515.00 540.00 560.00 580.00 600.00
Sr. Bacteriologist 435.00 465.00 495.00 525.00 550.00
Jr. Bacteriologist 400.00 425.00
Ass't Director of
Nursing 525.00 550.00 575.00 605.00
Nursing Consultant I 520.00 540.00 560.00 580.00 600.00
Nursing Consultant II 475.00 500.00 525.00 550.00 575.00
Nursing Supervisor 475.00 500.00 525.00 550.00 575.00
Public Health Nurse 355.00 380.00 405.00 430.00 455.00
Graduate Nurse 325.00 345.00 365.00 390.00 415.00
Health Educator i 475.00 500.00 525.00 550.00 575.00
Health Educator II 460.00 475.00 490.00 505.00 525.00
Epidemiological Investi-
gator and X-Ray Technician 390.00 410.00 425.00 450.00 475.00
Deputy Registrar, Vital
Statistics 405.00 425.00 450.00 475.00
Chief Clerk - Vital
Statistics 325.00 345.00 360.00 375.00
Sealer-Weights &
Measures 515.00 540.00 560.00 580.00 600.00
Inspector-Weights &
Measures 375.00 400.00 425.00 450,00 475.00
& Measures 355.00 365.00 375.00 400.00 425.00
Clerk-Weights & Measures 335.00 345.00 355.00 365.00 375.00
Stenographers 314.00 328.00 341 .00 355.00
Clerk-Typists 283.00 295.00 308.00 320.00
Provided, however, that the said Increases in the amounts stated in
each of the several columns over the amounts stated In said Bill No„
iII of 1960, as amended, shall be effective and payable as follows:
50% of such increase as of March 1 , 1962; 25% as of July 1, 1962, and
25% as of July 1, 1963. Provided, further, that as to stenographers
and clerk-typists, the amounts stated above shall be immediately
In addition to the salaries set forth above, nurses in the Health
Department shall be paid the sum of $15.00 per month as a uniform
(c) The following named officers and employees shall be entitled
to receive the following monthly salaries based upon longevity of
Sanitarian I - from and after 10 years of satisfactory service
as sanitarian - $565.00
Sanitarian II - from and after 10 years and 15 years and 20 years
of satisfactory service as sanitarian II - $490.00 and $505.00 and
$520.00, respectively.
Senior Bacteriologist - from and after 10 years of satisfactory
service as senior bacteriologist - $565.00
Jr. Bacteriologist - from and after 10 years and i5 years and 20
years of satisfactory service as Jr. bacteriologist - $440.00 and
$455.00 and $470.00, respectively.
Public Health Nurse - from and after 10 years and 15 years and 20
years of satisfactory service as public health nurse - $470.00 and
$485.00 and $500.00, respectively.
Graduate Nurse - from and after 10 years and 15 years and 20 years
as satisfactory graduate nurse - $430.00 and $445.00 and $460.00,
Epidemiological Investigator and X-Ray Technician - from and after
10 years and 15 years and 20 years of satisfactory service as Epidemio-
logical investigator and x-ray technician - $490.00 and $505.00 and
$520.00, respectively.
Inspector-Weights & Measures - from and after 10 years and 15 years
and 20 years as inspector of weights and measures - $490.00 and
$505.00 and $520.00, respectively.
Weighmaster - from and after 10 years and 15 years and 20 years
satisfactory service as weighmaster of weights and measures - $440.00
and $455.00 and $470.00, respectively.
(d) All officers and employees whose employment in the Health
Department commenced prior to March I, 1962, shall receive credit for
the length of service theretofore rendered in the department, which
service shall be considered satisfactory under the terms of this
ordinance, and shall automatically have the length of service status
as shall entitle them to receive the monthly salary authorized by
this ordinance based upon the several 12 months' service, as specified
in columns 2, 1, IA and 1B, and based upon longevity of service
as specified in paragraph (c) above and subject to the percentage
increases provided in paragraph (b) above.
(e) To have rendered "satisfactory service" as used in this
ordinance, and so be entitled to receive the increase in salary
based upon longevity of service, and ingrade monthly salary
increases, as authorized by this ordinance, the officer or employee
shall comply with and accomplish the requirements of the rules and
regulations as to training and conduct promulgated by the Health
Commissioner and approved by the Civil Service Commission of Salt
Lake City, and the Health Commissioner shall certify to such
satisfactory service and merit ingrade monthly salary increases."
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
29th day of January , 1962.
BILL NO. 8 of 1962
Published January 31, 1962
Affidavit of rueiication
County of Salt Lake
D Y. Ockey
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal advertising
GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Salt Lake City B131 No. 8 of 1962
An Ordinance relating to organization
and salaries of officers and employees
in the Health Department
was published in said newspaper on.
Jar 31, 1962
�( (/_�-Tii (�( r
L #at Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of
February A.D. 19 62
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Nov 25,__.1965
of Sell RD/NYA UEIOSAiA 19%DIN6 Be�h. 45n C Chereati g10p°ry1 lid
tlarl nd Snlerles of amoten.and Employes In the Haalih Depa to By� "
Eta It ordained by The Beard of CommisSIOners of Salt Lake C iW Utah
SECTION 'I. That Settler 187-9 of the Revised Ordl n eS Of Salt
Lake City, Utah,1955, es heretofore relating toorganization
aetr !melt! ofy II e r°d d tars4 d I'-1 lle Intl 0¢Pa 1�1 h and
MRel15'.11 9 O e I{t d-7e1 rppe (I) TheHealth{apt Torment ,
H C hoist OP 1fi f 11 tll �A J
lih Comma 41a a b shall be e elnlyd by the p Inting t to the f proval of the Board f CommHsloners.!ream theser(lied rlsf of Civil Service Commission f Satt LeH nth fore io such earl[¢o pOSlliOn to be filled,f0-W112
1st Assn.
Commissioner l missioner
Ass-1 Health Commissioner
i Chief t P,Ychalogl5t -
Socitarl nit Supervisor '
SaneCSvpvfA.Meat Dlciitties
-t..Salehrian ,
He h Educator I •
Director of Nursing
Assn.Director of Nursing
Nursing Supervisor
Nursing Consul tans I II
Public Health Nurse
Graduate Nurse
Director of l-oVlerlef
000Gfce Menater.VVital Sieitistlee
Epidemiological Investigator end X-ray Technician -
Plee'1 Typist
sr¢ctarWeieh e S Measures
Clerk Weights&Measures
(a) Effective March 1, 1962,the monthly salaries of the following
named Officers and employees shall be es frinows: ,.
Health Commissioner 5700.00
lot Assn Health Commissioner 337.00 '
One Ass'(Health Commissioner 26d,t0
Chief Sanitarian 650.00
Ass'1 Sanitarian 320,00
(Part-time) 400.0000
The monthly salaries and the respeclivee 12 months' merit roar de
tglary Increases to b ped as salaries and It Inrede saary i
o all other officers and employees of te Health Deparlmesst Shalt`bo,as
to the various officers and employees, the respective amounts sP hied
In the several coumns contained in BM No,171 of 1959,passed December '
end!increasinoheach 12 amefhs9 fromhe columns Ito column from In
tCtouri right. '
as June 2,nder/by 1261,and Sill amended 47. (bY610111 reseed May
of 1961 5.�passeddAugust published2,
1961,and published August 25,1961,increased to the amounts as follows: • -
3cre 2 1 1A 1B
Sanitarian Supervisor 3515.00 S540.00 $560.00 $580,00 8610110
Sanitarian I 435.01 460.00 690.00 51n.41 550,00
Sanitarian II 375.01 400.00 25.00 51.00 475..
Director,Moat Inspection 515.00 Sdn.DO 360,00 S8n00 601.00
San.Supv.Meat Division d65,n0 680.M 5.0n ln.on 5)5.00
Veflrinerlan 490,00 505.00 520.00 535.00 550,r0
Dirinec of Laboratories 575.00 540.M1 560.en 020.00 610,00
Sr. Bacteriologist 635,00 465nn 495.00 525,00 550.00
Jr.Bacteriologist 401.00 425.
Azs't Director f Nursing 525.nn 5500040 575.00 605.00
Nursing Consultant I 520.00 5dnnn sorts SPO.nn nro cM '
Nursing Consultant II te,On .01055 s.nn rotor 57s,00
Nur.vl„cr Svpnrvisor es.. 500.00 575,00 5541.17 5a75,M1
Public Heelih Nurse 3.55,00 140An 05.nn n 5SM a.
Graduate Nurse 3n5,M1 5d5.n0 365,n0 39n..M 41.5.0n
Health Educator I 475.0n son.. 521,0e mops 57.Sen -
Health Educator 11 460,00 475.00 400,00 505.00 525.00 .-
Eoidemlologlcal Investigator
d X-Rey Technician 39n.n0 Almon arson Assn, d75,00
Deputy Registrar,Vital.Statistics 40500 4t5,m 35nn0 on.ne
SCeeler-Weoltre&tal 5Measures ott.mn S4n.11n 5y.nn sttnn snore
ensoecter-Welohts 6 Measures 37S.nn son ea rases Amon d7;00 '
WelPhmaster-Wn1'ghts Measures 3 365.nn sm.. 475,00
Clerk-Weights&Measures 105M Scion 375.00
Sterkgraphers 314,0n ;mxnn 105 M 305 00 ,.
Typists 283,00 295.00 108,00 370 40
Provided,however,that the said-Increases in the amour's staled in
each ,the Sever 1 limns overe amounts slated in said Bill 13n.111
su.h9iscreasewoof March1 ib 19e tVte 75h asand f Julvble 1962 as falndv MS as of
amounts tts stated above!salt Mat
immediatelytesr ffectiveend clerk Npisis,
In addition to the !arias set forth above.n in the Health De,
eerlment shalt be paid the sumof 675.00 per month as uniform altowance.
receive the fellow!.monthly monllr y salaries basedmu'one longevitylt bof shoved td
e Sanitarian I-from and seller 10 years of satisfactory services as
Sanitarian II-from and after 10 Years d 15 years and 20 Years
of satisfactory service as sanitarian II-S49000 and 7505.00 end 1520,00
salve Y.
senior bacteriologist1555.00.eller 10 years of safisfactorY
Yeast.f satisfactory service as nJr.^bacteriologist 04 and da.eand$155.00
and S470.00,respectively. ,
Public Health Nurse-from and after 10 rears and 15 rears and 20
Years of satisfactory service as public health nurse-$470,00 and$55.00
and S500.00,respectively.
YearG rao et HNucrlsaer Y-e rerdoum te nndu raf te- 04 3De e n d 00y ead VIM,
respectively.ears andlo 5 y rs and O0 and X-Ray Technician n-from pi arc.
logical investigiatorecod c-ray Otechnician satisfactory
ands 8505.00 as Epidemic.
Inspector-Weights S.Measures-from and after 10 Years and 75
Years end 20 years as Inspector of weights and measures-5490.00 and
MAY/end S520,00, respectively.
Weltory deter-from and after 10 veers and 15 rears and 20 Years
end$405.00 service. weig 00tivear of welghis and measures-tdd0.00
ana d)All and E470end employees
(d)All and or to Me whose 62,shall
rl in the Health for
pertinent of commenced prior to March 1, Pi sdep receive which far ice
length of service theretoforeaisfant rendered udpr inthe department, rn e,
shell ebec considered f el th fen under fro terms of s shall ordinance,tend
ther give the mo thly the 1y au of sed by status as n !cried them
to receive the monthly salary aslhoced by this mns 2 1,based u
Theseveral o g service.s.asspa Ind. s 2,a IA and up
and in coon longevity of service Increases
srevided in ps ra9raph hI above
and el rot o the d tentage Increases service'.
in used
n this
end(no be entitled rendered ive the
increaseilnes salary based based upons longevlty
ordinancee,'the°invade receive
hall comply es Witauthorized
tank accomplish
by this
the requirements f the n rules and regulations to training end`co Auci
Services Commission one Salt Lake ICHv,ands the sHeellh by
shell certify to such satisfactory service end merit ingratle monthly
salary increases."
Passed r by the Bnnrd of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
29th day of January,1967.
L.C.ROMNEY,Temporary Chairman.
Publish ad deovarrd331,1962. (C-en)