8 of 1963 - Levying a tax and propviding for the assessment of property in Curb and Gutter Extension No. 288, wi REC.108 230 3.Q1 JON ROLL CALL I( Salt Lake City, Utah, January 29 196 3 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . Harrison . . . ✓ Romney . � ... .... Smart . . . —� Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . .^ /4, AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 288) for the purpose of constructing curb and gutter, paving, miscellaneous and private driveways. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described for the purpose of constructing curb and gutter, paving, miscellaneous and private driveways, to-wit: AREA: South Lawn Subdivision, Grand Haven Subdivision, Violet Subdivision, Perkins 4th Subdivision, Perkins 3rd Subdivision, Marlborough Place, Robertie Place, Blocks 14 and 15, all in Blocks 14 and 15 of 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. BOUNDARIES: North - 13th South Street South - 17th South Street West - 5th East Street East - 9th East Street STREETS: Along the following named streets the abutting property will be assessed for improvements built at the herein below listed rates per front foot of abutting property, for designated widths of standard roadway pave- ment measured out from the street edge of the curb and gutter to the center of the roadway, for concrete curb and gutter where they did not exist, and for the abutter's portion of all miscellaneous costs incurred in the con- struction of the improvements as follows: SHERMAN AVENUE - Both sides - between 8th and 9th East Streets - Rate No. 1 HARRISON AVENUE - Both sides - between 8th and 9th East Streets - Rate No. 1 HARRISON AVENUE - North side - between 7th and 8th East Streets - Rate No. 2 HARRISON AVENUE - South side - from a point 159.5 feet east of 7th East Street, thence east to 8th East Street - Rate No. 2 HARRISON AVENUE - South side - from 7th East Street, thence east 159.5 feet Rate No. 3 BROWNING AVENUE - Both sides - between 6th and 7th East Streets - Rate No. 1 BROWNING AVENUE - North side - between 7thand 8th East Streets - Rate No. 1 tJ -2- BROWNING AVENUE - South side - from a point 127 feet east of 7th East Street to 8th East Street - Rate No. 1 BROWNING AVENUE - South side - from 7th East Street, thence east 116.54 feet - Rate No. 4 BROWNING AVENUE - South side - from a point 116.54 feet east of 7th East Street, thence east 10.46 feet - Rate No. 5 BROWNING AVENUE - Both sides - between 8th and 9th East Streets. Rate No. 1 ROOSEVELT AVENUE - Both sides - between 6th and 7th East Streets Rate No. 2 ROOSEVELT AVENUE - North side - between 7th and 8th East Streets Rate No. 2 ROOSEVELT AVENUE - South side - from a point 82.06 feet east of 7th East Street to 8th East Street - Rate No. 2 ROOSEVELT AVENUE - South side - from 7th East Street, thence east 82.06 feet - Rate No. 3 LOGAN AVENUE - Both sides - between 7th and 9th East Streets - Rate No. 1 8th EAST STREET - Both sides - from 13th South Street, thence South to points between Roosevelt and Emerson Avenue where new curb and gutter ends - Rate No. 1 8th EAST STREET - Both sides - from points between Bryan and Logan Avenues where new curb and gutter starts, thence South to 17th South Street - Rate No. 1 8th EAST STREET - Both sides - from points between Roosevelt and Emerson Avenues where new curb and gutter ends, thence South to points between Bryan and Logan Avenues where new curb and gutter starts - Rate No. 6 CLEVELAND AVENUE - Both sides - between 5th and 6th East Streets - Rate No. 1 The tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing curb and gutter, paving, miscellaneous and private driveways. CURB & GUTTER, 16 FT. PAVEMENT & MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the South side of Browning Avenue All of Lots 5 to 26 incl ., and the West 40 ft. of Lots 1 to 4 incl . together with the alleys between Lots 26 and 22 and Lots 4 and 5, Lots 1-26 incl ., Grand Haven Subdivision of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the North side of Browning Avenue Lots 27 and 28, the South 14.4 ft. of Lot 29, all of Lots 31 to 52 incl . , and the alleys between Lots 27 and 31 and 48 and 52, Lots 27-29 incl . and 31-52 incl . , Violet Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the South side of Browning Avenue All of Lots 5 to 22 incl . , all of Lots 1 to 4 incl ., the alley between Lots 4 and 5, and the East 1/2 of the alley adjacent to Lot 22 on the West, Lots 1-22 incl . , Violet Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the North side of Browning Avenue All of Lots 2 to 24 incl ., all of 1 and 56, Lots 2-24 incl ., and 1 and 56, Blk. 3, South Lawn Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. 8 -3- Fronting on the South side of Browning Avenue All of Lots 25 to 48 incl . , and the North 19.83 ft. of Lot 49, Lots 25-49 incl . , Blk. 2, South Lawn Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat r"A" Big Field Survey. Fronting on the North side of Sherman Avenue All of Lots 2 to 24 incl . and the West 50 ft. of Lots 1, 55 and 56, Lots 2-24 incl . and 1 , 55 and 56, Blk. 5, South Lawn Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the South side of Sherman Avenue The North 66 ft. of Lot 25, the North 66 ft. of the West 12.5 ft. of Lot 26, the East 12.5 ft. of Lot 26, all of Lots 27 to 47 incl . , all of Lot 48 and the North 23 ft. of Lot 49, Lots 25-47 incl . and 48 and 49, Blk. 4, South Lawn Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the North side of Harrison Avenue All of Lots 2-24 incl ., and all of Lots 1 & 56, Lots 2-24 incl . and 1 and 56, Blk. 5, South Lawn Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the South side of Harrison Avenue All of Lots 28-49 incl ., Blk. 3, South Lawn Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the North side of Browning Avenue All of Lots 27-48 incl ., and the alley between Lots 27 and 31 and the West 40 ft. of Lots 49-52 incl . , Lots 27-52, Grand Haven Sub- division of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the North side of Logan Avenue All of Lots 8-30 incl ., Perkins 4th Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Lots 33 and 34, Lots 9 to 26 incl ., Lot 1 , the South 10 ft. of Lot 2 and the alley between Lots 26 and 34, Lots 33 and 34, 9-26 incl ., and Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 2, Perkins 3rd Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the South side of Logan Avenue Commencing at the Southeast corner of 7th East St. and Logan Ave. , thence East 726 ft., Lot 2, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. All of Lots 10-31 incl ., Blk. 1 , Perkins 3rd Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the West side of 8th East Street Commencing at the Southwest corner of 8th East and 13th South Streets, thence South 688. 15 ft. of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. -4- Commencing at the Southwest corner of Harrison and 8th East St.; thence South 222.55 ft., Violet Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Commencing at the Southwest corner of 8th East St. and Browning Ave.; thence South 240.90 ft., Violet Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Commencing 33 ft. West of the Southeast corner of Lot 7; thence North 74 ft., Lot 7, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. The East 44 ft. of Lots 184-186 incl ., Marlborough Place, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. All of Lots 1-9 incl . , Perkins 4th Addition, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Commencing at the Northwest corner of 17th South and 8th East Streets; thence North 287. 1 ft. , Lot 2, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the East side of 8th East Street All of Lots 23-26, Blk. 5; The South 56 ft. of Lot 25 and the South 56 ft, of the West 12.5 ft. of Lot 26, Lots 25 & 26, Blk. 4; All of Lots 23 & 24, Blk. 4; All of Lots 25-27 incl . , Blk. 3; All of Lot 24 and the West 1/2 of Lot 23, Lots 23 & 24, Blk. 3; All of Lot 25 and the West 15 ft. of Lot 26, Lots 25 & 26, Blk, 2; The North 74 ft, of Lots 22-24 incl . , Blk. 2; All of Lots 21-29 incl ., Blk. 1; All being in South Lawn Addition, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. All of Lot 15, the South 25 ft. of Lot 16, and alley along the South side of Lot 15, Lots 15 & 16, Marlborough Place, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. All of Lots 27-34 incl ., Blk. 2, Perkins 3rd Addition, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big held Survey. All of Lots 30-38 incl ., Blk. 1, Perkins 3rd Addition, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. S -5- Fronting on the North side of Cleveland Avenue Lot 27, the South 0.33 ft. of Lot 28, Lots 6-26 incl . and the alleys between Lots 26 & 27 and between 8 & 9 also, Lots 6-28 incl ., Blk. 1 , Robertie Place, of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the South side of Cleveland Avenue All of Lot 34 and the North 14.5 ft. of Lot 33, Lots 35-52 incl . and Lot 1 , Lots 33-52 incl . and 1, Blk. 2, Robertie Place, of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. CURB & GUTTER, 13 FT. PAVEMENT & MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the North side of Harrison Avenue Commencing at the Northeast corner of 7th East St. and Harrison Ave.; thence East 728.86 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the South side of Harrison Avenue Commencing 159.5 ft. East of the Southeast corner of 7th East St. and Harrison Ave.; thence East 569.41 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the North side of Roosevelt Avenue. Commencing at the Northeast corner of 6th East St. and Roosevelt Ave.; thence East 640 ft., of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Commencing at the Northeast corner of 7th East St. and Roosevelt Ave.; thence East 729.18 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the South side of Roosevelt Avenue Commencing at the Southeast corner of 6th East and Roosevelt Ave. ; thence East 638 ft. , of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Commencing 82.06 ft. East of the Southeast corner of 7th East and Roosevelt Ave ; thence East 647 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. 13 FT. PAVEMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the South side of Harrison Avenue Commencing at the Southeast corner of 7th East St. and Harrison Ave.; thence East 159.5 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the South side of Roosevelt Avenue Commencing at the Southeast corner of 7th East St. and Roosevelt Ave.; thence East 82.06 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A" Big Field Survey. it -6- 19.2 FT. PAVEMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the South side of Browning Avenue Lots 23 to 26 incl ., and the West 1/2 of the alley between Lots 26 and 22, Lots 23-26 incl . , Violet Addition, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. CURB & GUTTER, 19.2 FT. PAVEMENT & MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the South side of Browning Avenue Lots 23 to 26 incl . and the West 1/2 of the alley between Lots 26 & 22, Lots 23-26 incl ., Violet Addition, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. 16 FT. PAVEMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the West side of 8th East Street The east 44 ft. of Lots 184-186 incl .; The East 45 ft. of Lots 148-153 incl .; Commencing at the Northwest corner of Bryan Ave. and 8th East Streets; thence North 223.06 ft. ; All of Lots 99-101 incl . All in Marlborough Place, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the East side of 8th East Street The West 40 ft. of Lots 96-98 incl , Commencing at the Southeast corner of Emerson Avenue and 8th East Streets; thence South 223.06 ft. ; Commencing at the Southeast corner of Kensington Avenue and 8th East Streets; thence South 223.06 ft.; Commencing at the Southeast corner of Bryan Avenue and 8th East Street; thence South 134.37 ft., Lots 15-17 inch ; Al ! in Marlborough Place, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. ASSESSMENT FOR DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO REGULAR ASSESSMENT Fronting on the North side of Sherman Avenue Ail of Lots 18 & 19; $ 60,30 All of Lots 16 & 17; 64,64 All of Lots 12 & 13; 68.00 All of Lots 10 & 11; 68.00 All of Lots 6 & 7; 59.35 All of Lots 4 & 5; 59.35 The East 75 ft. of Lots 1, 55 & 56 and the South 6 ft. of the East 75 ft. of Lot 54, Lots 1 & 54 to 56, incl . 68,00 All in 81k. 5, SouthLawn Subdivision of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on theSouth side of Sherman Avenue All of Lots 30 & 31; 59.35 All of Lots 32 & 33; 63.68 All of Lots 36 & 37; 63.68 8 -7- All of Lots 38 & 39; 63.68 All of Lots 40 & 41; 68.00 All of Lots 42 & 43; 68.00 All of Lots 44 and 45; 59.35 Ail of Lots 48 and the North 23 ft. of Lot 49 92.58 All in Blk. 4, South Lawn Subdivision of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Fronting on the North side of Harrison Avenue Commencing at the Northeast corner of Harrison and 7th East Streets; thence East 148.5 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 43.84 Commencing 148.5 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East Street; thence East 41 .25, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 27.82 Commencing 189.75 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East Street; thence East 41 .25 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 29.41 Commencing 231 ft. East of the Northeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East Street; thence East 41 .25 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 27.82 Commencing 272.25 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East Street; thence East 41 .25 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 29.41 Commencing 313.50 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East Street; thence East 41 .25 ft. , of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 29.41 Commencing 354.75 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East Street; thence East 41 .25 ft. , of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 29.41 Commencing 396 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East Street; thence East 41 .25 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 29.41 Commencing 437.25 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East Street; thence East 41 .25 ft. , of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 29.41 Commencing 478.50 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East Street; thence East 41 .25 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 31 .02 Commencing 519.75 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East Street; thence East 41 .25 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 29.41 Commencing 561 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Harrison Avenue and 7th East Street; thence East 41 .25 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 29,41 Commencing 602.25 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East Street; thence East 41 .25 ft. of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 29.41 8 -8- Commencing 643.50 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East Street; thence East 41 .25 ft., of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 27.82 The East 15 ft. of Lot 20 and all of Lot 19, Lots 19 & 20, Blk. 4, South Lawn Subdivision, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 59.94 All of Lots 17 & 18, Blk. 4, South Lawn Subdivision, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 59.94 All of Lot 11 and the West 15 ft. of Lot 10, Lots ' 10 & 11 , Blk. 4, South Lawn Subdivision, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat Plat "A", Big Field Survey 61 .59 The East 10 ft. of Lot 10, all of Lot 9 and the West 5 ft. of Lot 8, Lots 8-10 incl ., Blk. 4, South Lawn Subdivision, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 61 .59 The East 20 ft. of Lot 8, and the West 20 ft. of Lot 7, Lots 7 & 8, Blk. 4, South Lawn Subdivision, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 61 .59 The East 5 ft. of Lot 7, all of Lot 6, and the West 10 ft. of Lot 5, Lots 5-7 incl . , Blk. 4, South Lawn Subdivision, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 53.26 Tne East 15 ft. of Lot 5, and all of Lot 4, Lots 4 & 5, Blk. 4, South Lawn Subdivision, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 70.77 The West 45 ft. of Lots 1 & 56 and the South 2.5 ft. of the West 45 ft. of Lot 55, Lots 1 and 55 and 56, Blk. 4, South Lawn Subdivision, of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 61 .59 Fronting on the South side of Harrison Avenue Commencing 159.5 feet East from the Southeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 50 ft. 31 .02 Commencing 209.5 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 50 ft. 25.14 Commencing 259.5 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Harrison Ave. & 7th East St.; thence East 54.05 ft. 25,14 Commencing 313.55 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 41 .25 ft. 31 .02 Commencing 354.80 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 41 .25 ft. 21 .13 Commencing 396.05 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 41 .25 ft. 21 .13 Commencing 437.50 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 41 .25 ft., 29.41 Commencing 478.55 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 41 .25 ft. 31 .02 8 -9- Commencing 519.80 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 41 .25 ft. 29.41 Commencing 602.30 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East St. ; thence East 41 .25 ft. 27.82 Commencing 643.55 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Harrison Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 41 .25 ft. 29.41 All in Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. The north 40 ft. of Lots 25-27 incl; 61 .59 All of Lots 28-31 incl .; 61 .59 All of Lots 32 & 33; 65.69 All of Lot 34 and the West 1/2 of Lot 35, Lots 34 & 35; 44.76 The East 1/2 of Lot 35 and all of Lot 36, Lots 35 & 36; 57.42 All of Lot 37 and the West 1/2 of Lot 38, Lots 37 & 38; 61 .59 All of Lots 44 & 45; 57.42 All of Lots 48 & 49; 90,73 All in Blk. 3, South Lawn Subdivision of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Fronting on the North side of Browning Avenue The West 42 ft. of the East 83 ft. of Lots 27 to 30 incl ., Lots 27-30 incl .; 55,30 The East 41 ft. of Lots 27-30, Lots 27-30 incl .; 43.37 All of Lots 31 & 32 together with 1/2 of the alley on the West, Lots 31 & 32; 55.76 A of Lots 33 & 34; 58.95 A of Lots 35 & 36; 55.30 A of Lots 37 & 38; 55.30 A of Lots 39-41 incl .; 58,95 A of Lots 44 & 45; 58,95 A of Lot 46 and the West 1/2 of Lot 47, Lots 46 & 47; 58.95 All in Grand Haven Subdivision of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Lots 31 and 32 together with 1/2 the alley on the West, Lots 31 & 32; 49.72 All of 33 & 34; 49.72 All of Lots 35 & 36; 56,69 All of Lot 37 and the West 9 ft. of Lot 38, Lots 37 & 38; 49.72 The East 16 ft. of Lot 38 and the West 21 ft. of Lot 39; Lots 38 & 39; 49.72 The East 4 ft. of Lot 39, all of Lot 40 and the West 2 ft. of Lot 41, Lots 39-41 incl .; 53.21 The East 23 ft. of Lot 41 and the West 11 .00 ft, of Lot 42, Lots 41 & 42; 53.21 The East 14 ft. of Lot 42 and the West 20.03 ft. of Lot 43, Lots 42 & 43; 49.72 • -10- The East 4.97 ft. of Lot 43, all of Lot 44 and the West 4.03 ft. of Lot 45, Lots 43-45 incl . 53.21 The East 11 .97 ft. of Lot 46 and the West 22.03 ft. of Lot 47, Lots 46 & 47 34.87 The East 2.97 ft. of Lot 47, all of Lot 48 and 1/2 of the alley on the East, Lots 47 & 48 42.75 The West 40 ft. of Lot 49 to 52 incl . and 1/2 of the alley on the West, Lots 49-52 incl . 56.69 The East 40 ft. of the West 80 ft. of Lots 49-52 incl . 53.21 All in Violet Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Al of Lots 20 & 21 ; 67.87 Al of Lots 18 & 19; 67.87 Al of Lots 16 & 17; 69,00 Al of Lots 14 & 15; 69.00 Al of Lots 12 & 13; 54.98 Al of Lots 10 & 11; 54.98 Al of Lots 8 & 9; 67.87 Al of Lots 6 & 7; 67.87 Al of Lots 4 & 5; 72.55 Al of Lot 1 and 56 and the South 6 ft. of Lot 55, Lots 1, 55 & 56. 91 .23 All in Blk. 3, South Lawn Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Fronting on the South side of Browning Avenue The West 42 ft. of the East 83 ft. of Lots 23-26 incl . 62.60 The East 41 ft. Lots 23-26 incl . and 1/2 of the alley on the East 62.60 All of Lot 22, and the West 16 ft. of Lot 21 and 1/2 of the alley on the West, Lots 21 & 22 55.30 The East 9 ft. of Lot 21 , all of Lot 20 and the West 8 ft. of Lot 19, Lots 19-21 incl . 58.95 The East 17 ft. of Lot 19 and all of Lot 18, Lots 18 & 19 58.95 All of Lots 17 & 16 and the West 6.25 ft. of Lot 15, Lots 15-17 incl . 58.95 The East 18.75 ft. of Lot 15, all of Lot 14 and the West 6.5 ft. of Lot 13, Lots 13-15 incl . 54.01 The East 18.5 ft. of Lot 13 and all of Lot 12, Lots 12 & 13 41 .47 All of Lot 11 and the West 12.5 ft. of Lot 10, Lots 10 & 11 51 .65 The East 1/2 of Lot 10 and all of Lot 9, Lots 9 & 10 58.95 All of Lots 7 & 8 58.95 All of Lots 5 & 6 and 1/2 of the alley on the East, Lots 5 & 6 29.49 The West 40 ft. of Lot 1-4 incl . and 1/2 of the alley on the West, Lots 1-4 incl . 29.49 8 -11- The West 40 ft. of Lots 1-4 incl . and 1/2 of the alley on the West, Lots 1-4 incl . 55.30 All in Grand Haven Subdivision of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big {field Survey All of Lot 22, the West 12 ft. of Lot 21 and 1/2 of the alley on the West, Lots 21 & 22 42.67 Tne East 13 ft. of Lot 21 , all of Lot 20 and the West 0.5 ft. of Lot 19, Lots 19-21 incl . 53.57 The East 24.5 ft. of Lot 19 and the West 13.5 ft. of Lot 18, Lots 18 & 19 53.57 The East 11 .5 ft. of Lot 18 and all of Lot 17, Lots 17 & 18 26.80 All of Lots 15 & 16 26.80 All of Lots 13 & 14 53.57 All of Lot 12 and the West 9.67 ft. of Lot 11, Lots 11 & 12 53.57 The East 15.33 ft. of Lot 11 and the West 19.34 ft. of Lot 10, Lots 10 & 11 26.80 The East 5.66 ft. of Lot 10, all of Lot 9 and the West 4.01 ft. of Lot 8, Lots 8-10 incl . 26.80 The East 20.99 ft. of Lot 8 and the West 13.68 ft. of Lot 7, Lots 7 & 8 53.57 The East 11 .32 ft. of Lot 7 and the West 23.35 ft. of Lot 6, Lots 6 & 7 53.57 The East 1 .65 ft. of Lot 6, all of Lot 5 and 1/2 of the alley on the East, Lots 5 & 6 57.40 The West 40 ft. of Lots 1 to 4 incl . and 1/2 of the alley on the West, Lots 1-4 incl . 57.40 The East 40 ft, of the West 80 ft. of Lots 1-4 incl . 57.40 All in Violet Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey All of Lot 25 and the West 15 ft. of Lot 26, Lots 25 & 26 72.55 The East 10 ft. of Lot 26, all of Lot 27 and the West 5 ft. of Lot 28, Lots 26-28 incl . 67.87 The East 20 ft. of Lot 28 and the West 20 ft. of Lot 29, Lots 28 & 29 67.87 The East 5 ft. of Lot 29, all of Lot 30 and the West 10 ft. of Lot 31 , Lots 29-31 incl . 67,87 The East 15 ft. of Lot 31 and all of Lot 32, Lots 31 & 32 67.87 All of Lots 33 & 34 72.55 All of Lot 35 and the West 15 ft. of Lot 36, Lots 35 & 36 66,66 The East 10 ft. of Lot 36 and all of Lot 37, Lots 36 & 37 66.66 All of Lot 38 and the West 16.67 ft. of Lot 39, Lots 38 & 39 67.87 8 -12- The East 16.67 ft. of Lot 41 and all of Lot 42, Lots 41 & 42 67.87 All of Lot 43 and the West 16.67 ft. of Lot 44, Lots 43 & 44 67.87 The East 8.33 ft. of Lot 44, all of Lot 45 and the West 8.33 ft. of Lot 46, Lots 44-46 incl . 72.55 All of Lot 48 and the North 19.83 ft. of Lot 49, Lots 48 & 49 65.65 All in Blk. 2, South Lawn Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Fronting on the North Side of Roosevelt Avenue Commencing 39.5 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40.5 ft. 29.41 Commencing 80 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 29.41 Commencing 120 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 27.82 Commencing 160 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 29.89 Commencing 200 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 80 ft. 17.17 Commencing 280 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 29.41 Commencing 320 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 27.82 Commencing 360 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence €ast;40 ft. 27.82 Commencing 400 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 31 .02 Commencing 440 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 20.99 Commencing 480 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 16.46 Commencing 520 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 29.41 Commencing 560 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St. ; thence East 40 ft. 29.41 Commencing 600 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 31 .02 All of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Commencing at the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 103 ft. 37.31 Commencing 103 ft. East of the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 62 ft. 25.82 Commencing 165 ft. East of the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 40. 1 ft. 16.71 8 -13- Commencing 205.1 ft. East of the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 37.5 ft. 20.63 Commencing 242.6 ft. East of the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St. ; thence East 40 ft. 27.25 Commencing 282.6 ft. East of the Northeast corner of Roosevelt 'Ave. and 7th East St. ; thence East 40 ft. 25.82 Commencing 322.6 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 21 .55 Commencing 362. 6 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 21 .55 Commencing 402.6 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 25.82 Commencing 442. 6 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 27.25 Commencing 482.6 ft. East from the Northeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 39.58 ft. 27.25 Commencing 167 ft. West from the Northwest corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 8th East St. ; thence West 40 ft. 25.82 Commencing 117 ft. West from the Northwest corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 8th East St.; thence West 50 ft. 27.68 Commencing 75 ft. West from the Northwest corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 8th East St.; thence West 42 ft. 19.72 Commencing 34 ft. West from the Northwest corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 8th East St.; thence West 41 ft. 25.82 All of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Fronting on the South side of Roosevelt Avenue Commencing at the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 80 ft. 43.84 Commencing 80 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 31 .02 Commencing 120 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St. ; thence East 40 ft. 29.41 Commencing 160 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 33 ft. 27,82 Commencing 193 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 29.41 Commencing 233 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 47 ft. 27.82 Commencing 280 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft, 27.82 Commencing 400 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St. ; thence East 40 ft. 29,41 Commencing 440 ft. East from the Southeast corner of RooseveltAve. and 6th East St. ; thence East 40 ft, 32.63 Commencing 480 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 29,41 8 -14- Commencing 520 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 29.41 Commencing 560 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 29.41 Commencing 600 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 6th East St.; thence East 38 ft. 27.82 All of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Commencing 82.06 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 62.15 Commencing 122.06 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 66.00 Commencing 162.06 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St. ; thence East 40 ft. 96.80 Commencing 242.06 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 62.15 Commencing 282.06 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 36.66 Commencing 322.06 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 48.60 Commencing 362.06 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 58,30 Commencing 402.06 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 29. 15 Commencing 442.06 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 29.15 Commencing 482.06 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 40 ft. 62.15 Commencing 522.06 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 50 ft. 53.38 Commencing 572.06 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 50 ft. 62,67 Commencing 622.06 ft. East of the Southeast corner of RooseveltAve. and 7th East St.; thence East 60 ft. 58.30 All of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Fronting on the North side of Logan Avenue All of Lots 28-30 incl . 51 .65 All of Lots 28-30 incl . 73.57 The East 14.89 ft. of Lot 26, and all of Lot 25, Lots 25 & 26 25.83 The West 6.5 ft. of the North 76.51 ft. of Lot 24 and the South 135 ft. of Lots 23 & 24, Lots 23 & 24 25.83 All of Lots 21 & 22 51 .65 All of Lots 17 & 18 113.74 All of Lots 15 & 16 55.30 All of Lots 13 & 14 and the West 20 ft. of Lot 12, Lots 12-14 incl . 69.92 -15- All of Lots 8 & 9 95.48 All in Perkins 4th Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey All of Lot 33 & 34 and 1/2 of the alley on the East, Lots 33 & 34 80.74 All of Lots 25 & 26 and 1/2 of the alley on the West, Lots 25 & 26 52.20 All of Lots 23 & 24 66.47 All of Lots 20-22 incl . 66.47 All of Lot 19 59.35 All of Lots 17 & 18 72.34 All of Lots 15 & 16 59.35 All of Lot 1 and the South 10 ft. of Lot 2, Lots 1 & 2 59. 16 All of Lot 1 and the South 10 ft. of Lot 2, Lots 1 & 2 59.35 All in Blk. 2, Perkins 3rd Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Fronting on the South side of Logan Avenue Commencing at the Southeast corner of Logan Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 80 ft. 55.30 Commencing 80 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Logan Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 85 ft. 55.30 Commencing 165 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Logan Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 72 ft. 60.94 Commencing 237 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Logan Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 60 ft. 52.80 Commencing 237 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Logan Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 60 ft. 49.42 Commencing 297 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Logan Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 66 ft. 56.73 Commencing 363 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Logan Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 55 ft. 58.95 Commencing 418 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Logan Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 45 ft. 55.30 Commencing 463 ft, East of the Southeast corner of Logan Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 49 ft. 51 .65 Commencing 512 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Logan Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 49 ft. 51 .65 Commencing 561 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Logan Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 49.5 ft. 51 .65 Commencing 610.5 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Logan Ave. and 7th East St.; thence East 49.5 ft. 51 .65 All of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey 8 -16- All of Lots 30 & 31 59.35 All of Lots 28 & 29 62.50 All of Lots 26 & 27 59.35 All of Lots 24 & 25 59.35 All of Lots 22 and 23 59.35 All of Lots 20 & 21 59.35 All of Lots 18 & 19 59.35 All of Lots 16 & 17 59.35 All of Lots 14 & 15 59.35 All of Lots 12 & 13 55.65 All of Lots 9-1l incl . 89.65 All in Blk. 1, Perkins 3rd Addition of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Fronting on the West side of 8th East Street Commencing at the Southwest corner of 8th East and 13th South Sts.; thence South 576.9 ft., Lots 10 & 11 77,07 Commencing at the Northwest corner of 8th East St. and Harrison Ave.; thence North 111 .25 ft. 67.05 Commencing at the Southwest corner of 8th East St. and Harrison Ave.; thence South 111 ,25 ft. 77.07 The East 44.11 ft. of Lots 49-52 incl . , Violet Addition 72.06 The East 41 ft. of Lots 1-4 incl ., Violet Addition 72,06 Commencing at the Northwest corner of 8th East St. and Roosevelt Ave.; thence North 129.6 ft. 67.05 Commencing 41 .5 ft. South from the Southwest corner of 8th East St. and Roosevelt Ave.; thence South 74 ft. 53.70 The East 44 ft. of Lots 184-186 incl ., Marlborough Place 53,70 The East 45 ft. of Lots 151-153 incl ., Marlborough Place 156,06 Commencing at the Southwest corner of 8th East St. and Kensington Ave.; thence South 106.53 ft., Marlborough Place 168.97 All of Lot 99 and the South 23.27 ft. of Lot 100, Lots 99 & 100, Marlborough Place 131 ,42 All of Lots 1 to 3 incl ., and the North 16 ft. of Lot 4, Lots 1-4 incl . , Perkins 4th Addition 63.43 The South 9 ft. of Lot 4, all of Lot 5 and the North 9 ft. of Lot 6, Lots 4-6 incl ., Perkins 4th Addition 63.68 The South 16 ft. of Lot 6, and all of Lot 7, Lots 6 & 7, Perkins 4th Addition 68.00 -i7- Commencing at the Southwest corner of 8th East St. and Logan Ave.; thence South 133.55 ft. $73.00 Commencing 133.55 ft. South from the Southwest corner of 8th East St. and Logan Ave.; thence South 10 ft. and commencing 33 ft. West of the Southwest corner of 8th East St. and Logan Ave. ; thence Wcst 33 ft. 64.55 Commencing at the Northwest corner of 8th East St. and 17th South St.; thence North 143.55 ft. 58.56 All of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Fronting on the East side of 8th East Street All of Lots 25 & 26, Blk. 5, South Lawn Addition, 6f/07W/10 97. 11 All of Lots 23 & 24, Blk. 5, South Lawn Addition 87.09 The South 56 ft. of Lot 25 and the West 1/2 of the South 56 ft. of Lot 26, Lots 25 & 26, Blk. 4, South Lawn Addition 71 .81 The South 42 ft. of the North 82 ft. of Lots 25-27 incl ., Blk. 3, South Lawn Addition 67.05 All of Lot 24 and the West 1/2 of Lot 23, Lots 23 & 24, Blk. 3, South Lawn Addition 66.11 Commencing at the Southeast corner of 8th East St. and Kensington Ave.; thence South 106.53 ft., Marlborough Place 145.08 The South 25 ft. of Lot 16, all of Lot 15, to- gether with the alley on the south, Lots 15 & i6, Marlborough Place 80.99 All of Lots 27 & 28, Blk. 2, Perkins 3rd Addition, 63.68 All of Lots 29 & 30, Blk. 2, Perkins 3rd Addition 51 .33 All of Lots 31 & 32, Blk. 2, Perkins 3rd Addition 51 .33 All of Lots 32 & 33, Blk. 1 , Perkins 3rd Addition 63.68 All of Lots 34 & 35, Blk. 1 , Perkins 3rd Addition 59.35 All of Lot 36 and the North 1/2 of Lot 37, Lots 36 & 37, Blk. 1 , Perkins 3rd Addition 59.35 All of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Fronting on the North side of Cleveland Avenue All of Lot 27, the South 0.33 ft. of Lot 28 and 1/2 of the alley on the East, Lots 27 & 28 97. 12 All of Lots 25 & 26 and 1/2 of the alley on the West, Lots 25 & 26 72.06 All of Lot 24 and the West 1/2 of Lot 23, Lots 23 & 24 58.59 The East 1/2 of Lot 23 and all of Lot 22, Lots 22 & 23 58.59 All of Lot 21 and the West 1/2 of Lot 20, Lots 20 & 21 72.06 8 -18- The East 1/2 of Lot 20 and all of Lot 19, Lots 19 & 20 77.07 All of Lot 18 and the West 15 ft. of Lot 17, Lots 17 & 18 67.05 The East 10 ft. of Lot 17, all of Lot 16 and the West 5 ft. of Lot 15, Lots 15-17 67.05 The East 20 ft. of Lot 15 and the West 20 ft. of Lot 14, Lots 14 & 15 67.05 The East 5 ft. of Lot 14, all of Lot 13 and the West 10 ft. of Lot 12, Lots 12-14 77.07 The East 15 ft. of Lot 12 and all of Lot 11 , Lots 11 & 12 72.06 All of Lots 9 and 10 and 1/2 the alley on the East, Lots 9 & 10 77.07 The West 40.0 ft. of Lots 6 to 8 incl . and 1/2 of the alley on the West, Lots 6-8 incl . 77.07 The East 42.5 ft, of the West 82.5 ft. of Lots 6 to 8 incl . 72,06 All in 81k. 1 , Robertie Place of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey Fronting on the South side of Cleveland Avenue All of Lots 37 & 38 77.07 All of Lots 39-42 incl . 77,07 All of Lots 43 & 44 and the West 10 ft. of Lot 45, Lots 43-45 incl . 77,07 All of Lots 43 & 44 and the West 10 ft. of Lot 45, Lots 13-45 incl . 56.09 The East 15 ft. of Lot 45 and all of Lot 46, Lots 45 & 46 56.09 All of Lot 47 and the West 1/2 of Lot 48, Lots 47 & 48 77.07 The East 1/2 of Lot 48 and all of Lot 49, Lots 48 & 49 77.07 All of Lot 50 and the West 1/2 of Lot 51, Lots 50 & 51 67.05 The East 1/2 of Lot 51 and all of Lot 52, Lots 51 & 52 77,07 All of Lot 1 107.14 All in Blk. 2, Robertie Place of Block 14, 5 Acre Plat '"A", Big Field Survey The tax hereby levied and assessed is levied upon each of the blocks, lots, parts of blocks and lots, lands and real estate within that special improvement district known as Curb and Gutter Extension No. 288 8 -19- fronting or abutting upon or adjacent to the streets which have been improved within said special improvement district. This tax is levied and assessed at an equal and uniform rate on such property in accordance with the linear front footage thereof and to the full depth of each such parcel of real property held in the same ownership but not exceeding 330 feet in depth and, as to the undivided tracts, not to any greater depth than the average distance subdivided real estate is taxed for the same improvement. An allowance on said tax has been made for corner lots so that they are not assessed at full rate on both streets. It is hereby found and determined that the real property hereby taxed and assessed is benefited by the improvements which have been completed to the full amount of the tax hereby levied. The tax hereby levied and assessed is in the total sum of $141 ,412.75 and consists of $92,853.10 or $7.67 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 12, 106.01 feet of curb and gutter, 16 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $27,225.54 or $7. 16 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 3,802.45 feet of curb and gutter, 13 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $433.99 or $4.74 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 91 .56 feet of 13 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $239.27 or $5.76 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 41 .54 feet of 19.2 foot pavement and miscella- neous; $85.56 or $8.18 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 10.46 feet of curb and gutter, 19.2 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $5,307.02 or $5.25 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 1,010.86 feet of 16 foot pavement and mis- cellaneous; and $15,268.27 for constructing private driveways. The amount of the tax hereby levied and assessed does not exceed the total cost of the improvements in said special improvement district including interest on interim warrants and the total contract price due under that certain contract duly let to Huber & Rowland, the lowest bidder, on July 7, 1961. The City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess the real property hereinabove referred to in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance for the purposes herein mentioned and to collect said tax as provided by law. -20- SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review, of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 288) of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing curb and gutter, pavement, miscellaneous and private driveways upon said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed and the assessments made and returned to said completed lists and the report of the Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commis- sioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in ten (10) equal yearly installments as provided by law and ordinance, with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the rare of five per cent (5%) per annum, payable at the time each installment is due; provided, however, that one or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective, one or more installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax may be paid after said 15 days and before the first installment becomes due by paying the same with interest from the date of levy to the date such first installment is due. One or more installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may be paid on the date any installment becomes due by paying the amount thereof and interest to the date of payment. Default in the payment of any such installment of principal or interest when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal and interest to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of the unpaid principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten (10%) per cent per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date of sale or foreclosure, the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments past due with interest at the rate of 10% per annum to date of payment on the delinquent installments, and all accrued costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to pay in installments in the same manner as if default had not occurred. SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. • -21- SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 29th day of January , 1963. ' Mayor (SEAL) BILL N0. 8 of 1963 ' Published January 30, 1963 8 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, as. County of Salt Lake D II Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the,Eng- lish language with general circulation in'Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City An Ordinance Levying a Tax and for the assessment of property. Curb and Gutter Extension to 288. ,F. was published in said newspaper on January 30, 1963. 'hal Advertising Clerk .__... Subscribed and sworn to before me this let clay of February A.D. 19 63 f ).<:L.--"(Y' � a z.Lr'/i.f �j'""� No-tary Public My Corr ovor5 xpjrs65. 8 ~''{ - - -- I All of Lofs 23-26,BIT,S; LB9U- 6k , --:'Legvl Notices - me soul,sa rt ° for zs end fna saran ss t.20 the well Ixs ft. of Lot xd, Las 25 b]6 BIk All of Lofs.V and 24,BIk l' AN ORDINANCE I All of lots 2sod Intl, BIk. 3 Al,ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX d'I a th 1 of All of Lot 2G and he'west/ f Lot 23,Lots]3&24,Rlk.a uerlY(Curb gutter. Gutter Extension No. CURB) d R b tl f constructing All of of Lot 25 North 74,and the eLotss 22116 fti oIr,ot'26,Lets 25&76,Rik',"7, SECT(Nal omen lha Boaotl of Commioionere of Salt Lake City,Utah, A I Ail bPinv1n29Sou Ih'LBwkn Addition,of Block 15,5 Acre Plat"A," does hereby levy the tax and proVtle for the assessment of the s me Big Field Survey. the Sullen, aving,alter tlescrlbetl(or the urpeso of COn lrucl!ng All I 115, he South 25' Lot 16, sod alley along he South• curbold utter,paving, miscellaneous and private driveways, to-wit: .de of Lot a15, Los 15 b 16,Marlborough Place,of Black 15, 5 wore AREA: ',Plat•A,"019 Field Survey • South division,a Perkins 4t1sl Subdivision,PerkinsSJdlvSubdivision,t Marl S gcre oPt tots A2]-]dB Igo cF laid lk50100 Park ins 3rd Addition, of Block 15, borough Place,Robertie Place,Blocks 14 and 15,all In Blacks 14 I All Lots 30.30 Incl., Rik. 1, PerkIns Srd Addition, of Block 13,, and 15 f 5 Acre Plat"A,"Big Field Survey. 5 Acre Plaf A;' Big Field Survey BOUDARIES: it Fronting n the North Ida of Cleveland Avenue North-13th South Street Lot 21,the South 0.33 ft. of Lot 28, Lots 6.26 Incl, end the alleys' South--4]th South Street between Lols 26&27 and between 9&9 also, Lots 628 Incl„Ek. 7, West-5th East Street Fool le Place.of Block 4,5 Acre Plar ' ," Big Field Survey, Erin-'("East Street Fronlll o }ha South side f Cleveland Tongue STREETS All of Lo}34 end the North 745 71, a Lof e, Lofs 35-52 Incl.and Lod y Along, the following named rr ens the Cutting o,o= will hr. �•Lots 33-52 Incl.and 1,BIk.2,Roherlle Place,of RN.id,5 cra Pled foosled for trap v e is btLilr al the htr¢in ba!ow lisfetl tes per irnnt •A," Big Freld Survey. t of bUltin re penly for ticstenatcd widths a stanrdartl roadway CURB ANSITER.7J FT. PAVEMENT b MISCELLANEOUS e tmeasuredro't from the street edge of the,curb and tter t 0 Fronting en the North sNo f Harrison Avenue the Pavement center of ihe roadway,for concrete cub and g9utter were BtheY did t Commencing at the INorthenst n of Ifh East St d Harrison not xisL and for the abuft°r'.s Dorf ion fall miscellaneous costs Incurred • Ave.l thence East 72B.A6 ff.,of Block¢15,5 Acre Plat"A,"Big Field Survey. S Iho construction f the nrovC tic as olows: . Frcnttng on the 5ovtn side (Hafrif°n Avenue Harrison Ave., thence ff,c 51 f the Southeast SHER MA s1VVE-Roth sides-between 61h and 91h Fast Streets or I]Ih Eosf St, td Rate No. : i Ave.; IhNoll East ose el Wk.Is,nS Acre Plat 'A,"Btlg HAR RIEDN AVENUE--Roth .sides-Vetwern 9rh and 9Ih F_ns; Slreots- / Field 5urvon, Rate Nn,1 Fronting 1M1e North side of Roosevelt Avenue i, HAR R!SeN AVENUE--North side-between ]IM1 and elh East Streets-- Commencing ai the Norlheasl earner of 6ih East Sf and .ROesevclr 1 - - 1 Ave;thence Easf 610 iL,of Block 1A,5 gcre Ptaf A;'Big Field SrrveV. 1 ate N°.9 CClnmencirg t he N°rrheasf or et]nt Easf St, ntl Roosevelt iIAR East St AV ENUEe En°ih sid h East eet 159.5 leaf east o!]1h Aye.; thence Easf 129.10 It,of Block el5,5 Acre Plai "A," Bin Field EaIS Nrref. thence East 0: Bih Fast St rears Rare,t , Survev. ' HARRISON AVENUE-South side..-Irom]ib East sheet,thence Past 159.5 I I Fronting an the South side of Roosevelt Avenue j fr„^1Rote No 3 Commencing of the Southeast corn¢r of dth Eas' .d Roosev¢Il Ave,;BROWNING AVENUE--a°Ih sided-between d1h end )th Fast Sirens- thence East fi39 11., I Rlock ld,5 Acre Plaf ;' pig F,CId Sur VCy. Rain No.1 Commenctng 92.Ofi if. Easf 1 the Southeast of]Ih East d d BROWNING'AVENUE-North slde�elween ]ttl and Alh East Streets-- i Roosevelt Ave.)thence East 641 11.,of Block 15,5t"Acre Plat"A,"Wig Rate No.'AVENUE-South .Field Survev. ,AROWNINC et EN 8th Beath Ire-from a pclnt 127 teat east of ]in 13 SFT.ou htole ofPAVEMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS Ea'o Slreef N Eh East Street-Rate No. 1 Fronting en the aSCuth stole of Harrison Avenue ft ROWNING AVENUE-South side-from 7th Easf Street,1Fetico earl 116.SA Camme ra t}he Southeast r of ]th Pool S}. A Harrison sett-Rate No A I Fro.;nhanes Eas}ouch side at Block se S Acre Plat"A,"Bip FIaid Survey. •BROWNItIf.AVENUE-South -from a ncinf 716.5/ feet eat! of]fh Fronting o the South Itle f Roosevelt Avenue East Slrer, hrnrn ns 1°,46 fre-Rote n. 5 Commencing t the Southeast rn df 9'I Ee s}St.end Rea S¢vel7 ORO aleINC AVENUE--B'XI titles-aetween 91n and 9fh East streets-- Ave.t thence Eas2eF'r. f1,of E T' 5 Acre Pla}"A,"BIg F!'id Survey,Role No.1 15.2 FT.psid of Br wni MAvenueAN EOVS' RO05 EVELT AVENUE-Roll/sides-between fifh and 71h Eant Weds-- Rate No.1 Fronting n }he ?op side f BrawI Avenue I ROOSEVE LT AVENVE--North side--between 7th and Bih East Street-- Lofs 23}0 26 Incl., tl the Wes'Browning f the Ilea between If 26 tl I 22,Lofs Survey. Incl.,Violet Atltlition,Cf 91ock 15,5 Acre Plar A;'BIg Rote No.1 Field Survey i 2005EVELT AVEN UF_- outh itl¢--� Doi t 92.06 tert cast of)dh- CURB d,GUTTER,19.2 FT PAVEMENT b MISCELLANEOUS East SI 1 i A h I 51 .t-.ro t'a nt 2 F 11 s fl Seulh s de at o Avenue s ROOSEVEL3 AVENVC 5 ih tl.-I )I' East Street, tit as L . f 26 I.and the W I f the alley between I ots 26&22,' a2.06 feet-R N 3 L t. 2 26 VI r Addition, 1 B k 15 5a Ac.e Plat'A,' Big Field LOGAN AVENUE B d b I ]th d 91 I Et..t-Rat¢ SU N°.1 16. PAVEMENT At,MISCEL;ANE0U5 ATH EAS STRE- t Id 1 South thencesouth 'Fronting the V s s de of 0th to Poi b t d C. A where new curb Th. E I 44 f•. of Lots A4111 l S t ar d tt d. R SrI TheEast 45 I. f 1 Isl 14A 153 I.' ATH FAST STREE -i. h -I I. between Rryan are/ Loges Commencing If N hw r c r Bryan Ave and BIh Ea, Avenues where.new colo and nutter rts,thence South to']Ih Se rh �Street,/ bcrce otter o 8THS EAST ST1F Eat-Both sides-from points between Roosevelt and Ern All of Lints 9N9r101 Due 0d I„ ors Avenues where 'r curb ntl gu tr ends,w there °urh to Field Survey. rouyit Place, of Block 15, .S Acre Plat "A," Bip nits between Bryan andwLonan Avenues•whrtre ne turn antl guider Fronting e the sf side of 9fh East Street tart-Rate Me d The on 40 If. f Lots east loci, CLEVELAND AVENUE-Both sides-between Slh and bth East Streets- Commencing at too Southeast r of Emerson Avenue and A:II Rafe N°,1 East Streets. thence South 213.36 It corner The fay Is oclevlecl,ell}o defray the cr eins of constructing curb and Commencing al the Southeast 1crr of Kensington Avenue and Alb goiter, I d private tlrivrways. East Streets; thence South he 06 f CURB & GUTTER, 76 T PAVEMENT & MISCELLANEOUS Ceat the Southeast f Bryan Avenue and At! Fast Fronting h S rh d f B' ,Ind Ave"ur Sheet; h nooulb 1]Agh Pla I00 In 1lI All of L} 5 f 16 i I d s' West 40 1t.of Lots 7 to!Intl,1n. A I Marlborough Place. I Block 15, 5 Acre Plot 'A;' nip ill'eir wlli the alleys b two n Lois 26 ntl 22 e d Lots 4 nE 5 Lnts F d guru.v, Incl.,Grantl Haven suhdivlslaa of Block Id,5 Acre Pfai 'A," Big ASSESSMENT FOR DOIVEWq YS IN ADDITION TO REGULAR Field Survey. ASSESSMENT Fro Ltots 2lnantle28 tthe Soeth 3Ag f7.'ef7ot29n all of Lets 31 to 52 Incl.. Fronting on the North side of Sherman Avenueand the alleys between I nts 20 and 31 and 48 and 51. Lets 21,09 Intl. and 31-52 Incl..Violet Addition of Block 75,5 Acre Plat"A,•' Big Field Fronting ° the South side of Browning Avenue LotsAI and 5, a 5 the2Eastl4 of the alley is 1 tIacent to Lot 21 onYthee'ween West, Los 1-22 incl..Violet Addition of Block 15,5 Acre Plat"A.o'n Big Field Surve.Front Fronting the North side f Browning Avenue All IOLn's 2 t°24 Incl., li of ill 6•Lots 2-2A Incl.,a d 1 otl 56, BIk.3,South lawn�ull,Cn of Alock wn5 Acre Plaf"A,"BIg FI¢Itl Survey. Fron ling Un the Sou lh side of Browning Avenue Incl Alelk.2otSouth t Lovainl 040,l,olni of Blecckf115,95 Acre of "At 9'•Oins Fies. Survey. Fronting l f nLotsn2 to 14hincl.side the Sherman It not Lots 1,55 on5 56.Lots• 2-24 Incl. ntl 1, 55 ntl 56, 01k. 5, South Lawn Addition of 01oek 15, 5 Acre Plata"A,"Big Field Survey. Fronting c the Booth side of Sherman Avenue The North 66 II. I Lot 25,the North 66 if,of the Weal 1of.11. of Lan 26,the Eaot 12,5 ft i Lof 26,all of Lots 21 to 49 Intl„all of.Ln!oo ntl the Norilt 23 II.of for on,Lots'L5-49 Incl.antl 40 end 49,Bfk.4,South Lawn Atlditl°n of Black 15,5 Acre Plal •A," BIg Field Survey. Fronrllo on the North clde of Harrison Avenue 1 andll5 of BIk.s5?Southn incl., end all of(Block&1565 Acre 2Plat l"Al,d'eAa Field Survey Fronting o the South side Harrison Avenue All f tL.ots 2049, Incl., BIk. 3. Sovfh Lawn Addition of Block 15, 5 Acnn Plal A;'Biy Field 50rvey. Ft•001120 0n the Nortll side of Browning Avenuebetween All f LoIt.2]-49, Incl., and the alloy between Los xe and 91 and the West 40 is.of Lots 9-52 cl. Lola 27-52,Grand Haven Subdivision /Block 14,5 Acre,Plat"A,"BIg Field Slaver. i Fronting n ihn North sloe of Logan Avenuo All of Lots A.30 Inc', Perkins ih Addlll on of Bieck 75, S Acre Plat Lots s 33BandF 3Ald Lots v 9v to 26 Intl„Lot 1,the South 10 1f,rof Lot 2 Loha Ifs e&,1"BlbetR PterK nit Zr Adtlllkn Lollsol°cka I5,35 Acre Plall,,AIttl F rein ilnrsinons then South cide 0' Logan Avenue thence East 726 ft.,the Southeast,ei Block 15,15,1C5 Acr of e Plates lASl.BIgd Field Survey., All I lots 10-31 Incl., Bk. I, Perkins 3rd Addition el Block 15, 5 A¢rn Plat A;' Big Field Survev. Fronting onthe'West side of 9fn Eadst sirens Streets,ih000euseuthib09.15uitwolt B100kois,5 Acre EPlg1 8'A,"1ra F:o'd Survey. thence Southt222.55 fl,r,Violt¢A edd!tlonerol IB ockrt l5",SaAcrleh PEefs}"A,' Big Field Survey. Commencing at the Southwest corner of 9fh East St. end Browning Ave.; she a Souh 240,90 it.,Violet Additon of Block 15,5 Acre Plat 'A;'BIg Field sV30 01 Commenctng 3 f}.West f the SOUL beast ern r I Let Yr thence' North]4 a t Lof, of osck o- 5 Acre Psr orou t,Placeltl survey. The East Ad" of Lots 794-{96 Incl.,Marlborough Place,of Block iS, 5 Acre Plat 'A;'Big Field Survey. All of Lots ay cl„ Perkins 41h Addition, of Block 15, 5 Acre r Plat A;'BIe Flatd the No. I Streetr, oloenca Norlhn 3971r ft.WeLOtc 0l of Biockfh1555f Aersed PM Aaf1•I I Frontingd or toevPeso.side of Ath East Sire} 8 All In Ilk..3, South Lawn Addition of Flack 15, 6 Acre ' Plat"A,"Rio Field Survey. Fronting re the 50u1h ;de f Brownln9.Avonue The Well 41 M.9f Ihe E6In 83 ft.of Loll 001 Intl, 61.6n Ile nl Notices !Le nl NntIOC9 A East 41 ft!LdtS 2326 Incl.and fie Of of a7(rev On the east 61.60 Al11 of Lot st,and the West 16 It. of Lot 21 and 'h of the v-__��.,."�_____ __ -._- „.._,.._ alley a theEa West Lots 21&12 .55,30 Al'of Iots IR&II: $60.30 The East 9 11. of Lot 21, all of Lot 20 and the Well A 11 II; Lnls d&1 4-6d of Lot 10.Lots 19�21 incl. SR 95i / The East 111t. / of 19 a tl all of Lot 18,Lnis 1A&19. 58.95I AI of Lofs le&11, 6,001 All of Lots 1I& 16 antl the West 6.25 (t, of Loi 1rs, Lnfx Is t0&I I, .33 15-I] in I. 58.95 AI of Lots 6&I; 411 Si The cEast 18.75 it of Lot 15,all of Lot 14 and the Well 6.5 ft. Al f Lots A&5 59.35 of Lot 13 Lot: 3 15 incl. 3,1.01 ll e East/S it,of Lots 55&5.nod the S Ih 6 II,of the The East 8.5 ft of LIII end all of Lot 11 Lots 12&13 I.A/ East 7 1 1 . 5 & 5 - 6 I I. 6802 FlII of Lot theW. 2.5 0 el Lot 10 Lois 11&11 51.65 A Blk. $ 5 71 c 5 tl (BIOck 1.5,3 Acre The F t : Lot 10 d all al 1 9 Ly. ots 9& 10 50.95 FrontingA. he South 1 side Sot Sherman Avenue All of 1 1 J R e 58.95 till Of L - ISO nd " f I' a Me East, ors 5&6 29.49 Ik All Lots 0 S 8' 50.35 'he West f of Lot l Incl.and f the alley nn the r(Y97q Ail Lots 32&33; 63.68 iW,f Lol I-4 I 19,49 A I f I 36&3I- 63.68 Toe W t 0 1.al I. 1,4 d f the alley n1 the All f L t..30&39 63-68 West, LO 1-4 55.30 All 1 Lots d0&41; 68.00 All In Grand Haven Subdivision of Block 14, 5 Ac e et All of Lots 42 A,43; 6&00 Plat 'A," Big Field Survey All T.Lots 4A&n5- 92.58 All of Lot 21,the West 12 ft.of Lot 21 and'Vs of the Alley on All All Inc Ilk 4.Snuhtn Lawn Subdly iron Lot dE lock 15,S Acre 9R,59 the Wesf, Lots 21 R 22 12,61 R&M Blk B.sr FI¢Id Survey. The East 13 ft. I Lot 21,al Of Lot 20 and the West 0.5 ff.�•Frontin,g on the North side 0 Harris,Avenue of L01 lE, Lols 19 t. incr. 6J,51 Comm.,. t the N 9r theasl corner Harrison d 7th LO15TI18 East g24.5 ft.of Lot 19 And life Weal 1J.5 11,of Lot 1A, 3337 r' Ea,'Streets;thcn<c East 018.5 I.of ock ol.5,5 Acre Pint"A," The Easl I1.5 If.at Lot 13 end ell of Lot 17,Lots 11&18 16.A0 i' Big rlerd Survey 43.8d All of Lots 5&16 2680 5 Commencie.0 1485 ff. East from the Northwest corner I All of lots 13&14 53.51 Harrisoon Ave.and' East Street;thence Ezsl 1.25 ft,of n Block All Of Lot 12 e d the Wesi 9.6I lit f I.Of 11,Lott 11 &12 53.51 3 TS Comm-seine 190219 ft Field Survey the Northeast c of 21 A2 n Lots 10 &s17115.33 ft.at L0}11 and the WE5119.34 it.of Lof 10, 26,80 Harris ((5s antl I L Slraef; thence Eesl 41,21 corner of The East 5.66 Cr.of Lot 10,all of Lot 9 and the West 4.01 ft. 0lock 5 3 «e Pla A Blg Field Story 29.41 of Lof 8, Lois 8.10 loci, /6,80 (.a M. ,- 1 E the`o-'hest c ner of Harrison 0 The East 99 ft. f Lot A end the West 13.68 ft,of Lot 7, h 11 Est St l; II 0 ,s 25 II., of Block II, Lots I&8 5331 t 5 Ar A 5I FI Id 5 v 2/.83 the East 11 32 It of Lot 1 And Ihe West 23.35 If.of Lei 6, d Co 212 5 tl E from 'r0 No-Iheasl o le- 01 f LO'5 6&1 $3,57 Ida:i Ava. and / East Slreel; tM1encc East AI.t5 rrfl., el The East 1.65 ff.of III 6,all Of Lot 5 end 1sx o/the alley o Blacks 15,5 Acre Pl l"A,"Big Fi_id SarvdY 29.41 a F.asl,Lots 5 R 57.40 M Commencing o 3,50 II East tram the NOEIhe_ast r 01 n Tha Wes'AO^S.of'Lots 1 to 4 Intl,and 4x of the aIIP-V o n Harrison nod ]Ih ' Slreel; 00040 asl A1.25rnll. of 'Ihe West.Lots 1 Incl. n S1.at 81ock 5.Commencing 54.7 'Fs," Big FI¢I0 lorvav 29.41 The Easi O It- r Ine West II IL nl Lots'-d Ircl- SI.40 Cson Ave. 0 25 IE Easl thorn a Northeast 4 corner of All 'n VSur AOditlOr of Block 15. 5-Acre Plat "A;' e Harrison 1 . ena Ile East Slreel; Survey East 125 11., of Big Fiala ool the Bock 15,5 Acre 96 f 'A,"Big Field Survey 29,/1 All 0 East 15 and he Wg26 15 fl.of Lot 26.LOSS 15&26 11.55 Commencing Ave.an J96 II.East tram the Northeast r of Harry of The23 as Lots 26-28f Lot 26, eft of Lof Z)An< NIP West 5 11. �j , Ave,and Ilh East`Sheet; thence East A1�25 of t.,of elock 67.07 ComsnerleIne 63705 It.East from the Northeast corner of Harrl- 29,41 1 iT)xg Easg 20 ft. of rLol 18 and 'he West 20 fl, of L01 29. 6>& 6' an Ave,and Ilh East ClioStreet:thence East 41,25 ft.,of Block 15, o Tee East s H. f Lot 29,all 01 lot 30 and 111¢WP.sI 10/E 5'Acre Plat ' Big Field Survey 29.4I of Lot 31,Lot:19 31 Incl. 7.00 o Commencing A78.50 H.Fast from the East Northeast corner of Narrh The East 15 3 of Lot 31 and ell of Lol 32,LotS 31&32 61.81 n Ave.and ilh Cool Street;I,crde East 1.25 N.,of Block 5, All f Lols 3J&34 66.661 n 5 Acre Plai 1 00 air, I girl Survey71.02 All of Lot 35 no the West 15 all of Lot 37,Lots 16&36 66.66 r s Coe.and 711 teas(t East them the'slNortheast,23corner o/Block 15, The East 10 1E of Lot 36 and all of Lot 31,Lots o 36&37 66.66 r son Ave.and A'L 0 C 4 Survey Mast 1.25 tl„9t BIOCk 15, All of Lot 5.and the West 16 n1 ft M Lot 34,Lois 34&39 61.81 . 5 AcrePlat 'A, N f.,tl 5 rye 19.41 The l r.t 1uo old of lot 41 d all 01 1 0f 44 Lots 410 & 1 61.81 Commencing 561 I F II Northeast rof Harr1, All Of L01 A3 and the West 1616]It I t of dd,Lela 3&11 67.81I f 5 Acre Plat'Ah''CBr,Mime', Survey Fast 25 corner not Block 15 29.AI of Lotnld,a Lots 31d e16,reel of 44,all of Lot 45 end}he West A.33 ft, 115511 f Commencing 60125 ft East from Inc Northeast corner Of Harry All Of Lot 48 and the North 19.83 ft.of Lot 49,Lots 48&49 65,65 f Ac't0 6/.toed At11:6a;'1fel9 Serecv:.Eat.I i01.)sBlock II. 29,41 PIa1In ABIk.B,Hato'Survey.Addiion of Block 15, 5 Acre Co 643.50 It F t'f the co f f H0 I, Fronlh a o Nerlh Sitl R eft Avenue nn Aveand lll n t Street; 1 c East 41.75 1 4L Stock 5,. Commencing 395 It E.i the Northeast corner of 5 Acra'Plat Field S ',27.82 Roosevelt Ave.and dth E-1 S h. e Fast 05 ft. 79.41 The East 15 Ott.of I-1 20 I all I 9 L:nt 19 t,of,,,'.AqI..�.a. Commencing A0 ff. E f II Northeast cos of 4, 55 Lawn Subdwv s on of Block IS , Acre Plat A § R.Seve11 A and 6ih East St,thence East 40 11. 29.41 •Field U SUMMY 59,94 Commencing 120 ft. Earl from the Northeast corner of All . Lott I]&18 BI S L 8uhdly Of B n<k Roosevelt Aved 6ih E 31. h_ a E 0 II_ 77.82 15, 5 Arre Plal 'qd B F'Id S ¢ 39.94 ConnO 60 1t E, IF N ih.,sl no 9f 4, SOUlltf LewnllSobdivrs'on,•01 Block or 15,5 Acr01 P1a01&A,7'R9I9 CommencingRcoi 200 uI'. East from Oa hE$W orlheast corner of 29.89 Field 5urv1Y 61.59 ROosavelt Ava.and 61h East 3E;thence Easl 60 Il. 17.17 The East 10 ft, f lot 10,all f Lot d the West 5 ft' I commencing 180 It Easf from Ihr. Northeast corner Of Lol 8, Lots 0.10 Incl.,elk. South Lean Subdlvislen,of Black • Roosevelt Ave.and 61h East St.,thence East 40 il. 29.41 IS, 5 Acre Plat 'AA," Big Fxield Surver 61.59I Commencing 3"e0 II. E0.s1 Irom the Noortheast corner of &2,TBill 4,sSouthl1Lawn Subdivisilon,l f f Block015,t.5 of Plot"Aots" ROOComlmencingen360f. East from the siNortheast corner of 21.Bx BL9 Field Surrey n 61.39 Roosevelt Ave.and 6th East,St.;thence Eecf 40 It. 27,82 The East 5 ft.ot Lot 7,all of Lot 6,and the Wesf 10 ft.of Lot CommeAncin 400 ff East from the Northeast corns et 5 AcrLots otl5.7"A,I'Big.A,South Suboivislon,of Block 15, 53.26 RooComllne ace and d0dth ltEasCoot,fhenCerom Ohs stSorrtheasl corner Of 31,02 The Easl 15 It.of Lel 5,and all of Lot d,trots 4 S.5,Blk,4, Roosevelt Ave.and 61h East SE;thence East 40 It. 20.99 South Lawn Subdivision,of Block 15,5 Acre Plat"A,"Big Field Commencing 480 ft East from the Northeast corner of 3urvev 70.71E Roosevelt Ave.and 6th East S1.;thence East 40 ft. 16.46 West 40 1,Cf4Lot155f Lotss 11 end 565 arnd 156,01k b 4L Soutth nt avhn Rooe elt Commencing 5,and 6thSt..from th thence The Northeast Itast corner of 79.41 Subdivision,o1 Bieck 15, 5 Acre Plat"A," Ill Field Serve), 61.59 Commencing 560 It. East from the Northeast corner of onhnn o e Sod', side Harrison Avenue Rooseve'I Ave.and 6th East S1.,thence East 40 ft. 29.41 r n t g 159.5 feel East from the Southeast corner of Commencing 600 fir East from the Northeast corner of Harrison Ave. d 711 East; thence East 50 31.02 Roosevelt Ave, and 61h East St.;thence East 40 11. 31.01 1'olnmenring 109, I. East from he Southeast corner of All of lck 14, 5 Acre Plat "A," Big Field Survy. I Has ISOn Ave. and Ilh East St; hence East 50 ob 15,11 Commencing al the Northeast corner f Roosevelt Ave. and Con 259.5 East from SC Southeast corner of Ifh Fast St thence East 103 t' 237,31 Ave. ]h E 51. the Fast 54.05 It. 75.14 Comma 103 Cl,East f he Northeast corner of Roosevelt 4arCoo /re, g 3 3.5 It, Ens from Southeast corner of Ave and I h Past St.;thence of 62 ft. 25.82 Harrison Ave and /th East St., hence East 6105 f1, 0 31.02 Commencing 165 ff. East of Me Northeast corner of Roosevelt r HeIrloonm AVOrrg000 Ofh Eas EaSt.;from„the Eacf uil1.25s11c n r of 2113 Ave. Commencinca Itl.1 r ft East efst M. Northeast corner of Roos, 16,11 Commuting 396.95 fl. Easi from Ihe 50ufh0asl It corner of volt Ave,and IIh East St.: Ihence Est 37.5 It. 20.53 Harrison Ave. and Ill East 51-i thenci East 41,15 1t-n 21.13 Commencing 240 6`I. Easl 0 the Northeast corner of Ro0s0- Comhtencing 750 11. Rost Iron) II 5oulneesl corner of yell Ave.and 7th East St,thsnes East 40 t- 17.25 Harrison Ave. arrd3 Ith Easf St.; thence East 4�1.25 ft. -nt 29.41 Cnm.nay"9804 ft Fa t of th,Nnrthe,II corner of Roosevelt Commencing 47855 It. Last from the Southeast corner o/ Alr and 71,FasI c t ^s Fe:t he 25.82 Harrl.so A a l III Foot Sf,ta0r<e East 41 I5'I 34.02 C, n n f' Ea,' ton Ih Northeast f Of Come Inoi 519.0I0f Il. East front he 5oulheast corner of Roe'.-'elt A IrI F 0 S rss-E .10 If. -ta3r 21.55. Ha0Coa, A ,any0157o F11.t EIf ifs Earl 5oulheast corner Of 39•4 Commencing.6,6 ff.E f I Northeast Corker of Rome. Harts A end III,East 5-:thence East 41.15 ft corner 27.82 ,ell om . 7 Easl S ' East 10 'f�me nl 15 nstnosclno 6A355 ' East fromthe Southeast c of C. m 2. fl.F Northeast corner of Roosevelt I Harhse A nd Off Pool SI tit E 0 41.95 It. 29,41 IA e i E:1- o It. 15B2i All In Bock 15. 5 Are ,f A, 6 0 F-old Survey. C d) F h NO60ft.t corner of Roose The north 4 II.or Loll 25 27inc, 61.89 Ave. '¢d Ill $ on. L 0 . 2I.25 i All f L I.-28-1 .I 61.59 CAye. 8 5 Northeast ner of RooiO All t Lots J R 3,; 65.69 vet Ave. t E I Si.: 1 East Northwest ft. a 1I.25 Al Lot 3 and West/x I lot 35,Lots 34 A 35/ 44.76 VetrAve And 81h_ 6 W h.es M .t r f R .e a) of LotJS ail of 105 Lots 35 R 36; 57.42 IC amine 1 fl Ektrost I N West corner of Roosevelt 75. A11 I L 31 e Sh West of I-at 30, Ors 37& 8 Aveand 8tl Fast St; thenceWear 5r0 II. 27.58 All L A &A 57.4', I L mme 75 It vie.: 1'. Northwest earner 0RnaSe A lMI In ts na B ka,IIS I_ s,hd vNln of Black 15,9 Ara Commencing /t • If CommencingAve.and t 34 ff.sWes!from the Northwest corner of Roosevelt 19.11 Plat N n Big veld Ii ro ThcAWet,Ih42ItrtlnlS Me Elarlt3lVllynivt0lt 21 l0 30 Intl.,IOIs .7.30 incli 55 3n The East II II. of I.Ms 27ao, tots 27,0 lncl-I 433/ All of 1 015 31 E.32 together with V of km aver on life West, Lots 31& 32; 58 7, ' AO of r_of s 33 6.,-0, SA es • AO et Lek 35&36.E S(.30 Ar.n 'Lois 37 R 36: 3n All of tots 39-41 incl.; nil of Lots Ad&45; 95 All A'Lot 46 and IF,West i.,of Lr'41,hn . 46&47 00 58.95 All In Grand Haven Subdivision of Block 14, .5 Acto Plan"AA Big Held Survey. Lots 31 a 32 together with Its MP alloy on the West, Lots 31''All 32;f 4'9.7 All o Lots 33&36; 4971 All Of Lots 35&36; .66.69 All Of trot 37 and the West 9 ft.of lot IS,Lets 37&30; 9.73 The East 16 It. Of Lot 38 end the West 21 /t. Of Lot 39, L015T 1e Eas1�'4 ff. of Lot 39,ell of Lot 40 and Ihe West 2 ft 49.12 of 1 nr 41. tot,39�41 Incl.; 53.21 Tire East 23 ft.of Lot 41 and the Woof 11.00 ft.Of Lot 42, Lois ho F 41; 53.21 'she Fool Id It.of Lot.11 and the West 10.03 11. of Lot d3, 49.12 Lotsf 42 R to Ir e u r ,'Snit"•" r The Fast 11.9197(l.of Lot A6 end the West 22.03 ff.of Lot d7, 81 onThe Easf Lot 1t.of L4 41,all of I.of AS and 1/r n7 7hrt alley on the F:.sE Lot. 41 A 48 The Wall of Lot AO to 52 Incl. and'.4 of the alloy on the West,1Its 49-t. Incl. 5669 The Fo'An ft. of the West en If. n1 Lets sA Toot. 53.21 'Inan o'er ndd'tlon N 91ock 15, 5 Ar'e Not "A," Big t10id Surrey. Alin Lo'1^R hr., 87 Al of Lots A R 17; Al Or Lots le AR,17; f9 m Af n 409 At of Lofs 10 8 i11 4or AI of Lots A&a Al of Lots 6&7; .57117 A', Lois 4&5; 725.5 0 All f Lot 1 and SA old the South 6 ft of 1al e5, I of, 1, 53 & 5A.. 21.23 i 8 Commencing at the Southeast corner M Ph East St.end kens- I _— DESERET NEWS AN gipn Ave.; once Sou. 106.53 a.,Marlborough Piece ds.Da1' The South 25 ft f Lot 16, It I Lot IS together with the ellev • on Its south, Lots 15 & 16, Marlborough PlaCe 80,99 I Al of Lols 21&'1A,Elk. 2, Perkins 3rd Addition 63.68 I I Al of Lots 79&30,Elk.1, Perkins 3rd AddrtiOn 51.33 Legal Notices l!Legal Notices AI of lots Jl 8 31, Blk.1. Perklnf 3rd Addltlen 51.]3 - West 40 - ---- — AI 01 Lots 32&33, BIk.I. Perkins 3rd Addition 63.6A 25.02 At I Lots Jd 8 S, Blk. 1, fPerkinsot3rd Addition 59.35 Ave and 8thBlock East 51.;crrenPl t"A 11 fl. AI of Loi di and rho North V Of Lat 77,Lots]d&77,BIk.1, All of Commencing en Acre Plat A idea of Field It Ave. Perkins 3rd f Blocktion 59.35 An of Block 15, 5 Acre Plat lend ale Field Survey C:nmt oncing at ire Southeast corner of Roosevelt Ave. and Fron ling the North side f Cleveland Avnue t 6fh East Si.;thence East AD ft. I3.84 All f Lot 27,the South 0.33 It.of Lot 28 and W of the alley Commencing 6e ft,East from the Southeast corner of ROOSrvell on the East,I nts 21&28 97.11 1 Ave. and 61h East St;thence East 40 ft. 71.0t I All of Lots 25&76 and"7 of the alley on the West,Lots 25&26 72.U6 I n 120 ft. East from the Southeast corner of Roane. All of Lot 1d and the West Ss of Lol 23.Lots 23&24 58.59 volt Commencing and 61h East St.;thence Earl 40 fl. 29.I1 The East,; f Lot 23 and all of Lot 22, Lots 22& 23 58.59 Commencing 160 ft.East from the Southeast comer of Roose- a All of Lel 21 and the West r,i of Lot 20,Lots 20&21 J2.06' Veit Ave.and 6th East St;thence East 33 ft. 27.82 5 The East';- of Lot 20 tl ll of Lot 19 Lots 19& 10 77.01 Comencing 193 It..East from the Southeast corner of Reese All 0 Lot B and the West 15 ft, f Lot 17,Lots 17&15 67.05 j m veil Ave.and 61h Cast St.;thence East 40 ft. 29.11 5 the East 10 If.01 Lot 1/,all Of Lot 16 end the West 5 ft.of Commencing 233 IT East from the Southeast earner of Room- I Lot The Lots 20 If,of Lot 15 and the West 20 11.of Let 1/,Lots 67.05 volt Ave. d 6th East St;thence East 7 ft. 27.81 I Commencing 280 ft. East from the Southeast corner el Reese- 14 A IS 67.05• Yell Ave.and )h East 5t,thence East 40 ft 2].82, The East 5 ft.of Lot 14,elf of Lot 13 end the West 10 en.of Commencing 400 It.East from the Southeast corner of Rome- Lot 12,Lots 11.14 77.07" vela Ave.and 6th East St.;thence East 10 ft. 29.41 ' The East 15 ft.of Lot 11 a.all of Lot 11,Lots 11&12 72,06 Commencing 440 ft.East from the Southeast corner of Roosevelt All of lots 9 antl i0 end'h Ine alley On}rye Edsf,Lots 9&10 1/.07 Ave and acts East St.;thence East 40 if. 3163. Oha West 40.0 IL of Lots 6 l0 8 Incl,and'/�of Ine alley on Iha Co,rn0ncing,t Ba!r.Ensi from the Southeast corner Of Roosevelt West, Lots 6.8 r cl. 77,07 Ave.and 61h Eas! St; Ihonce East 0 ft. 2/.11 Tio East d15 1}, 1 Iha Wesf 01S}t. f Lela 6 10 8 Incl. 71.06 Commenring 5,0 fi. Ea,,from the Southeast earner of Rene. All In BIk,1,ReberoL Place Of Block 11,5 Aera AArr"A," v Cll Ave, and 61h East St; thence East ee It, 29.11 Big g FICId SUth¢V Commencing 5600.East from the Southeast corner o1 Roosevelt Frenling0 the South ids of Cleveland Avenue Ave and 6th East St;thence Fast 0 ft. 19.41 All f Lofs 37&]8 Tl.W r Commencing 600 ff.East from the Southeast corner of Roose- All f Lots 39-41 Inca, 77,07 volt Ave and 6. East St.:thence Erst 38 ff. 1).82 All o/Lots d7&Nand Me Wesf 10}t,of Let/S,lee/]-I51ntf. )1.D) All of Block 14,5 Acre Plat A Big Field Survey All of Lots d3&et end the West 10 fL of Lal IS,LOh 4L1 Inel, 56.09 Commencing 89 od ff East of IM1e Southeast corner Of Roosevelt The East 15}i.Of ill 45 enC all Of LII 16,Lots/5 b 16 56.09 Ave and 71h East St.; thence East 40 fr. 62.15'.. All of Lot 47 antl the Wesf , f Let 9,Lets 47&4e ]7.01• Commencinn 12?06 11,East of Ice Southeast corner of Roosevelt The East Vx of LOi 48 andall f Let 49'Lola 48&19 77,07 I Ave. and 71h Ent St.; thence East 40 ft d6110 All of Lot 50 and the est x of Lot 51,Lots 50&51 6J,g5 Commencing 16206 ff. East of the.Southeast Corner of Reese- I The East th of Lot 51 and all of Lot 52,Lots 51&52 77.07 i Yell Ave, and 71h Fast Si: thence Easl AO It. 96.A0 All of Lot 1 10]lA CSue.on in^211.06 N.St.; of the Southeast corner of Room. All in Elk.1,Roberti'Place of Block 11,5 Acre Plat"A," I volt Ave-and Ste East St.; In nee East 10 ft. 61.15 Big Field Survey Commencing 182,06 ft.East dt the Southeast earner of Roe- 76.66 The tax hereby levied d assessed Is levied Upon each of the blocks, r Yeti Rue.and Yth East St.;thence East f blocks and lots,lands and real tote within that special Commencing 327.06 tt,'East f the SOUtneast corner Of RoOSe- /f.60 improvement district known a Curb and Culler Extension No.208 fronting I vole Ave, and 7th East St.; }hence East 40 It,O or abutting upon adjacent the streets which have been Improved t Commencing 162.06 Ft.East of he Southeast corner of Roose- 53.30 within in said special or district.This ax Is levied and assess..t �vetl Ave. and 71h East St.r thence East 40 If, at an equal and uniform rate onsuch property In accordance w he Commencing ast.0S it.hent of In¢Southeast corner of Roosevelt 29 15 linear front footage thereof and o he lull depth f each such parcel ot�l Ave and 71h Easf St.; thence F.asl 40 It real property held in the s OY, rsnlo but t exceeding 330 feel 1 Commencinn 442.06 ft.Easr of the Southeast Canner Of Roos,. 29 15 depth antl, s f0 h ntliv;d�ee tracts {p Y er dpplD—thanJhels Wit Ave. and]IM1 East t.: thence f theace 40 B. average distance suabdevided al s beeIs lazed for the Improve-_n veIlCorn ono d'DIhe E'a611t5t Eatheer the st vi et}st owner of Reese- 6215 err.An allowance said fax has been made for corn a lots s that C 1 Comma ncintr 5220e.11 East Of the Soulletst corner pl Roose- they are not assessed en toll rate on both streets. ¢ v¢IL Aye.and Jlh Ensi Sir fh¢nfe Easl 5n ft 53.3A It ishereby foundsoli a determine that the real properly hereby faxed< Cnntmencing 7'?.06 1 c SOatf St Corner or Roos•- n0 assessed is Deno fitetl by Ine Improvements which hove been completed c; volt Ave.and Ile Easl II.;thence Fast 50 fta 62.67 to the full o f the tax hereby levied. , CAV0. endassessed fib East 51.: thence E101 60 ft. 58.30 and Consists of S92,85310 or 17.67 per linear front foot of abutting nosot g -All 01 Bieck Is,5 Acre Plat 6'A Big'Field Sb a erfy for c slruclln0 12,11M.01 feet of curb and utter,16 Soot pavement h and miscellaneous:Se7,215.54 37.16 per ulcer or front foot f abutting Oh s PrOnting on its¢'North side or Logan Avenue $1 65 Pr hoty or Constructing 3.802.15 feet O Curb end gutter,13 foot pavement in All of",to 788.20 Incl. 73,571 end miscellaneous: 5433.99 $471 per Ifnear front foot of shutting'or All f I_ol ntl of c1, Tl¢East Id B9 II. I lot 26 d all of I el 25,Lots 75&26 25.8, $119.71 of$5 constructing 91.56 feet or of 13 f t'a emeng and mIscelperty}dneousl p fh West d. I 1 the North]6.51 It of Lot 24 and theSouth 15 BsJ.. tructlne 41.54 leer 1 19.2 foot pavement osod miscellaneous: 18556`pn r 1351t et Lots 23&2d,L01s 13&2A. 51,.SIi S8.13 .r linear or front foot of abutting rep ty for constructing 1e,16 or A I el Loll 1r L 9 115A feet f curb and lofts,, 19.2 foot pavement end lscell U. 35,307 02 All of,lots 11 F IB • < 35.30'II 1595 linear or front foot of abutting property f constructing r 19 All f Le�ta 15'&16 1,010.86 feet 0t 16 foot pavement and misceltaneous, d S15 268.27 for All of LLots 8 td and M8'W., RO/1,Of Lot 17r Lots 1&11 tool. d0:92h All r Lots 8 &s 9 95�e II .Th i 1 nn driveways. hereby levied d .ntl d0 f en All in I &5 CdBh JKdgIIle40f block 15,d Acne Fled"A"r -hl the I cost f the i i d I Improvement d Irlcf— Al of Lot 3 &34 and'h Of the ailev on the Eel Lets 33&34 52.20 ", interest1 etc and he r t w contract e e t Al of Lots 25&26 and'h of the alley on the WlSi,Lots 25&16 52.20 I that tract duly let to Huber & Rowland, the lowest AI of Lots 2J&21 66.47: b eld-e. n July 7, 1961. AI of Lots 20.22 Incl. 66.dJ l.a IThe on Treasurer Is hereby authorized and directed to asses,the 59.35; "rag.v heraina Mva totem d t0 In ae rdaace vtlls the Fro'len< B All of Lo1�11J&18 72.31 las r ordinance for the purnnses herein of it n¢d antl tO collect seIS tax AI of Lots IS F 16 59.35 -s "C IOer,by la u, assessment Al of Lot 1 and IM1e South 70 It,of Lot 1,Lots t&2 59.18�1 0'SECTION 1. That the e t IfSt ode by the Cily Treasurer, At 1 L01 1 ntl the South y 11. 1 LOI 2,Lols 1 L 2 59.J5 1 es corrected.approved d completed by the Board f Eor,ellxellon and All In Rlk 2, Perklnf 3rQ AdZi"n Of BIOck 15,S Acre Rer,i¢v,of h+Property tle<rribatl in,Section 1 a ihle ordinance (Curb Plat"A Hle Fleftl 5 ev and Gutter Extension Ne.288/of Salt Lake City,for the puree.of o C Fronting o the South old O/Logan Aven Ve I structinag curb and gutter,pavement,miscellaneous and private drlveways,c Commencing al the Soulhetsl core 01 Logan Ave!. ntl 11h u1O said portions f said Streets, is herebyconfirmed and the assess.,a East t; thence Exsr 80 ff. .55.30 i cots made and turned to Id completed Is1 d the report te Coinmencintl 00 I.East OI the Southeast corner Of Logan Ave. I Board f Edualllatlan end Review to the Beard of Commissioners of Salt and Irh East St;thence East 85 It. 55.70 Lake City re hereby retitled, approved d confirmed.i Cominenc ina 165 It.East of the outheast corner of Logan Ave. 603,( SECTION 3. Said tax hall be payable In-ten (103 0 uel Yearly In-1 and 0th East St.;thence East 2 It. steltrents s CIce rate bS law end ordinance,with Intoner on the whole 0 Comma ncing 137 II.East o1 the Southeast corner of Logan Ave. m unpaid of the r fe of 11v0 pert(Sre per a ,nee able at the and 71h East SI., thence East 60 It. 52.80 u lime each Installment Is due; prvided,however,that o or Ore I 1 Commencinn 237 ft.East of the Southeast corner of Logan Ave, 1942 such Installments In the order payable,or the hole lex,m be pall antl 7th Fast 5t.;thence East 60 ft. without interest within fifteen(151 deli from the date this mew be-1 Commencing; ft.East of the Southeast corner of Logan Ave. 5613 0 corner efective,o or more Installments In the order In hlrh they are and 7th East St., thence East 66 ft. ref Levan Ave, avhle.or the one spa tea tax m be Sold after said 15 dove and Commencinn 363 ft.East of the Southeast corns Se.95 9 before the first Installment becomes due by paying the ems with II' land Jtt. Earl 51.; Inence Fast 5 It. 7 retest thorn the date o/levy to the dale such first installment Is due. , Commencing 1B ft.Ease OI iho Southeast corner of Loper Ave. 55.70 One orr Installments in the orderwhich they a payable,or the , end 71h Easl St;thence Fast 5 It. F '.,hole e more a v be paid on the inate any Installment becomes due Commencing 460 ft.East of the Southeast corner of Legars Ave. SI.65 I F,v n n the a 'of leerier and in erect to he date a payment Default end Ian Last 51.: thence East A9 M. t to n any ear installment o onlnciAal or Interest when d Commencing'12 II.Fool f the Southeast Corner of Logan Avs. 51.65 1 =F.sharl���mth,��t^0 er tie rr^old ran Oat an.i�r-,n to n and Irh lncn St thence East/0 R. I led n are immediately and the whole`r out Or they unpaid prin0 pal Commencing 561 If,East of the Southeast earner of LeAan Ave. 51.65 ran Iv reetier draw interest a ,e rate Of amount n(105s1 v t per an um and>Ih East St.,thence East 12.5 it t'I id.hit time the dale I.o f the Commend 6105 ft, East r theSoutheast earner of Logan j theamount all d installments past 3 t in- Ave and 7th East St.;thence best 49.5 it 51.65 I I it f 10 t date of payment n delinquent nt Al All of Rind, 15l 5 Acre Flat A", Big Field Survey 59.35% -r scat c and a a in r ntl M1a I r aye be annex ra.0 in he een0 esl A Al of Loin 18 R 19 6250 ihi nil had toapavd oT'slallmenls in the m s Al Lolls 26&2J 59,05 u u t d ^ n 5• Al of Lo 2A A 15 59.,1s,c e'SECTId not oche Ini0 of he of lI Of Commissioners,it is P Al of '1.-'Ell ot 21 tl 23 9.: nary to the nance,health antl safety nr the inhabitants of Sall Lake Cgs, A Alnt Lots 1n I 21 s.15 r u,a'�this ordinance become etinctive immediately. ll 01 Lots 1B I. 10 50,'1,5 1 SECTION 5.This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. A, All of Lots 16 17 0.35 Passed by IM1¢Board 0l COmmisSleners of Sall Lake CIN,MM.this AI' of Lots le& nth 50.F5 th day of January,1963. J.BRACKEN LEE,Mayor Allll Lois -'I Intl. A c Let;: q1& 'J 0965 HERMAN J.HOGENSEN,CITY Recorder All In Bpk. 1,Perkins 3rtl Addliron of Block IS, I, (Seal)Bill No.5 Of teat Acre t 'A," B. Field Survey. f Published:January 30,1963. 18-30)I lFronting n the West sad¢ f 8th East Street ') Commencing of the Soothwnsr ern East end 131h I,cn Commenchi thaw, At the INerllewont co Lots e i78h East St.and Hersh 7707 •' I son Ave.; thence North 111.25 f} then of67.06 E Ino Comm:nein, the Southwest corner of Aln East St,and Harrf- nTheeFast¢ai.11Sfl.tof11LoIs A9-52 Incl,Violet Addition 72,d6 e The East AI ft of Lots 1-4 Incl., %Beret Addition 72.06''jf Cemmener/et the Northwest corner Of Bih East St.and Rome- yell Conrm Onthencl South South from the 10vlhwe<t corner e/Bln 67,05,, Cool St. and Rooseuell Ave.: thence SOUih 74 ft. 53.70 f The Easf 41 it I Lots 104-1A6 Incl.,Marlborough Place 53.7D Commencing at the f Southwest corner of0th tEast Ste and Kens- 156.06 jl Ireton Ave.; thence South 106,53 ft, Maribor0u0h Place 1,68,97 All of 100t 99 and the South 23.17 ft.of Lot 100,Late 99&non, MarAllroof'Lots It cto 3 Incl.,end the North 16 ft.of Lot 4,Lets 1.4 171./2 lnel Perklns 41h Apdttl1n 63,13 The 53uth ll. f Loi 1,all t Lot S and the North 9 0.of Lot A,Lsn°tl lath"Ill"dl PLe0116,s andn efii ofllol 7,Lots-6&7;N.H. 63.6e J111 Addition 68.00 Commencing it the Southwest corner of 01h East St. end Logan Commencingn¢111.5SSft.1 SouthM1 1rorn the Southwest c f Oth 73.00 East St.and f man Ave.;thence South in ff.and commencing 31 ft.West 1 the Southwest corner of Bm East St.and Logan Ave.; thence Wes}33 ft. 64.55 South r5'm;¢inedcatNlwln Nl.1)SSOft_cornor at AI East 8f.end 17th 68.56 All 0f Blork 15,5 Acre Plat"A," Big Field Convey . Fro Aloof i nItoC tO 1 Rh e01k,Bch Some lawn Addltfon 97.11 The SouIS1 no If o12LOt B15 and 1 etWest Yu Ot dldrall South S6 11. 81.09 of Into 16, I.Its 25&26, BIk. <, South Lavin Addltlen Of.81 The South 1 11.Of the North e2 ft.of Lets 25-2)Incl.,BIk.S, • ISoutAll Lo/l of 1<Itnnfl the Wesf V,of Lot 23,Lets 23&14,BIk.S, 61.05 South Lawn Addition 66.11 8