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80 of 1903 - Ordinance 80 of 1903 – Relating to the preservation of a record of City real estate.
AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance in relation to the preservation of a record of City real estate. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. . Whenever any real estate, or any interest therein, is transferred to Salt Lake City, the deed or other instrument of transfer shail,without delay, be delivered to the City Auditor, who shall immediately cause such deed or other instrument to be recorded: in the office of the County Recorder of the county in which such real estate is situated. After such deed or other instrument has been so recorded, it shall also be recorded at length in the records in the office of the Land and Water Commissioner. Thereafter such deed or other instrument snail be deposited in the office of the Auditor. SECTION 2. The purchase price or other consideration for the transfer of any real estate, or any interest therein to Salt Lake City, shall not be delivered to the grantor unless he shall furnish to the City a complete and accurate abstract of the title to the property. All such abstraots of title shall be deposited in the office of the Land and Water Commissioner. SECCTION 3. Whenever any real estate, or any interest therein, is transferred or granted by Salt Lake City, the deed, lease, con- tract or other instrument shall be recorded at length in the office of the Land and Water Commissioner before being delivered to the grantee. If, in any case, it shall be impracticable to record said deed or other instrument before delivery, then a true copy thereof shall be immediately furnished the Land and Tater Commissioner, who shall record said copy. SECTION 4. It shall be the duty of the Land and Water Commis- sionor to keep a complete and accurate record, properly indexed, of all transfers of real estate to and from Salt Lake City Corporation, and also to keep a complete and accurate record of all other instru- f SQ -2- merits and transactions w].iich affect the title to real estate belong- ing to the City. SECTION 5. It shall be the duty of the City Recorder to notify ; the City Auditor and the Land and Water Commissioner of all final acts of the City Council which pertain to the purchase, sale, trans- fer, lease or encumbrance of any real estate in which the City is interested. SECTION 8. It shall be the duty of the Land and Water Cosiis- sioner to deliver to the City Auditor, within thirty days after the approval of this ordinance, a complete list of all real estate be- longing to the City, together with an estimate of the value of the several parcels thereof. He shall also deliver to the Auditor, during December of each year, a revised list of said real estate, together with an estimate of the value of the several parcels there- of at the time said list is made. SECTION 7. It shall be the duty of the Auditor and the Land and Water Commissioner to promptly inform each other of all trans- actions affecting the title to real estate belonging to the City. SECTION 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. _lei 140 • rar j < lc�z �. eG �� -:;"otecf ot6tee Leal of oltt3 ordt toa33s uolr[w arrottoaaaaz3 bile e3rrtur: .1310 sift of :,-.)di L'Yiton o,i sob-woofi ,,;t10 er[t 30 \tub aril eci .ir:_: tI .? LIOITO a 1.sni/ LLB to 'Y'ono.aatnmto') -tot.r3W LnE £r!LJ or::: bra; -;o..gbuA ,.;1t0 ardt .2, ;'\ -ails:3 ,of a ,�+s:;rfozucf ar.f3 of atatRoq riotrfr� ltoru�O ci3O sr';; "�o et � at 1t.t") ad* rfoidw nt etalee La 40 sona �V 0 i 1�jra 't44aron�Rqseaot ,R i ;:, -aiitn:i,o8 7e;3aW bile bnsza fad& SiN .t 4 Yam- a'�.� �^ , �IT;�id „ r e ram- ,�• od:t Redo e :b -0/11:3 ntrdt.4 tIo k; ti� e ire ls0 03 14 i 1 CO -O_r of .o trot rta io JRtL ego tf z `'a 3C a © to t:.+voz., s ,e O c4 o g w e,1J 'lo evldv er[d to ot� tew na: rft zer $ , 3t'9�arfi,ot 3rttzrlkI ,zottbjA oift of zavtlib oala II�ar[a S o. oe `aft *Wig Isloy Ok ,9di e la®z btse 30 tell beetvoz a ,zcox do to *draaoEQ n2 Cv c 0 w r i eleoz,aq .a%ovu.: on3 3o oulc,v oft to 03.:,.,te nJ'rr-ilw lodtoot .eb::.a7 et *ei.f. ' tre emit ad& 3a 30 bad.' o.It bna3 zottbuA er:3 20 143u1) uri3 ed !L-,rta tI .% TiOITOa2 -aru13 11.6 to zorito rfoao mzolnt yllgmozq of ierroirelagon RotoW ;ycr; .-,;,:ti'' or[t o3 ;rriyno€ed :tastes LEVI of altlt vi..t ,:;nitoolad eooitor• tnr:tal :r--oor:t eeonz nibzo to atlas' brrs oeonrntbzo Ilk .8 ?_OITD T .beXaegol We1eri J'..e r:.`iFieioti .lavozv,ga now 3osi1e eafa3 IIacie sotasUblo elAT .11 TOITOU2