80 of 1909 - Ordinance 80 of 1909 – Sewer Extension No. 185, Fourth Partial Estimate. p.:
An ordinenoe confirming the assessment upon the property herein-
after described within the district bounded en the north by the north
jside of Fifth Sixth Street, ea the west by Vein (formerly East Temple)
Street, es the south by the sinter line of Ninth South Street, and en
"pest by the west 11ae of sewer lzteasioa Is. 180, la Sewer Die-
/or trim It.. 2, for the odastruetioa of sewers.
Be it ordained by the City Ceuteil of Salt Lake City,'Utah:
.53C ION 1. ?hat thi sseeemem t list made by the:City Treasurer
as a rrected, approved ani completed by the Beard•:of lquellsstien and
Rewiew, heretofore duly appetsted by the City Osutsil fir' }t pur-
Ge, "of the property SO Leto b, i, 7 and 8, Bleck 20; 1 ss&`2, lleck
35; 1, ,6, 6, 7 sad 8, Bloch 3; and 1, 2, 3, 4 end 8, Bleok 16, all in
Plat "A", Salt bake City Surrey, abutting ea both sides of Sixth South
'Street between State sad Seeend East Streets; en both sides of Eighth
South Street between Isis (formerly last Temple) sad state Streets;
and oa the west side of State Street between Seventh South and Ninth
South Streets, is Sewer Distriet Ie. t of Salt Lake City, for the
purpese of eoaitruetiig sewers upon said pertieas of said streets, is
hereby confirmed, and the assessments note and returned in said sea-
pleted lists are hereby confirmed.
SECTION 2. this lordinasoe shell take effect upon approval.
Sewer Extension No. 186.
Fourth Partial Estimate. ( �' ( /
Passed by the City Cound.1 of Suit 7aPe City,TTtah, Juno
1909, aixi referred to the P r>,uor for hi ,' v -�
_ecor cr.
Approved this C ay Of June, 1009.
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