80 of 1916 - Amending Section 171-3-9-180-81 Divisions of Weights and Measures Salt Lake City,Utah, ,71,1 VOTING AYE NAY Green In tt rif.tter of Brill 1:o. 30, for an or lice Newman rixiJiri !3ectioil=i 171-3-9, '..[")0 o,t1:11,;1 relotive o tUe Scheid 1ivi.!3ion of Weic:1-11,1 on.; 7. CC:31.11'''S, presented td the Wells of Cxajti ei Caere on Au.L;'_wit 7tn, 394, taken up Mr.Chairman 4' :t.lict ltid ova:' utJ 1. Audxi t 1 , 1')11), t;,.t:c:1 up on Result 19, 191 a and lad over =,..11-, t t cli, JO3 tL,Icen on ()04,:0',,e.:2 I , and referred to 1-nc, Committee of the \Mole; I rlove tInt jU or inance o, token up in rer;nlar Order. C11: 1•11.:n onTris,tee of t Passed by the Board of Commisisoners of Salt Lake City,Utah, int- r 1917 ,191 .. City Recorder Mayo RC l_.1., r+41 ., .191.2.. VOTING AYE j NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, -� Green_.. _. I move that the ordinance be passedSbaasatil WQlls "r 141 Mr.Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE An ordinance repealing, amending and re-enacting Sections 171, 173, 179, 180 and 181 of Chapter 5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913, amending Section 178 of said Chapter 5, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners June 27, 1914, and creating two new sections in said Chapter 5 to be known as See- tions 181x and 181x1, relating to division of weights and measures. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 171, 173, 179, 180 and 181 of Chapter 5 of the Revised Ordinan ces of Salt Lake City of 1913, be, and the same are hereby repealed, amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: SECTION 171. DUTIES OF SEALER OF '3EIGHTS AND MEASURES. It shall be the duty of the Sealer of Weights and Measures, and he is hereby authorized to inspect and examine at least once in each year, and as much oftener as he may think proper, all weights, measures and scales, beams, steel-yards and other instruments used in said city for weighing and measuring. And it shall be his duty to mark and seal with a stamp, or by pasting a card thereon, as he may deem best, all weights and measures, scales, beams and other weighing or measuring instruments which he shall find to conform, or which shall be so adjusted as to conform to the established standards. Said Sealer of Weights and Measures may for the purposes above -1- mentioned, and in the general performance of his duties, enter and go into or upon, and without formal warrant, any plant, place, building or premises, or stop any dealer whatsoever, and require him if necessary, to proceed to some place which the Sealer of Weights and Measures may specify, for the purpose of making proper tests. It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse or fail to exhibit such weights, measures, scales, beams steelyards, or other weighing or measuring instruments to the Sealer of Weights and Measures, for the purpose of examination and inspeotion as aforesaid, or to obstruct or hinder him in the performance of his duties imposed upon him by law or ordinance. It Shall be the duty of the Sealer of Weights and Measures to keep a record of all scales, beams, steelyards and other machinery or appliances used for weighing or measuring, by him tested, sealed, adjusted, repaired or made to conform to the established standards, as provided in this chapter, together with the name of the owner or owners thereof, the time when so sealed, adjusted, tested, repaired or made to conform to the established standards; and shall make an annual report of his official acts to the State Superintendent of Weights and Measures, as required by law; and shall also make report annually of all his official acts to the Health Commissioner of Salt Lake City. SECTION 173. CONDEMNATION ON INCORRECT WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall condemn and seize, and may destroy incorrect weights and measures or weighing or measuring devices which in his best judgment are not susceptible of satisfactory repair; but such as are incorrect and yet may be repaired, he shall mark or tag as "Condemned for repairs". The owner or user of any weights, measures or weighing-or -2- measuring devices of which such disposition is made, shall have the same repaired or corrected within ten days; except upon satisfactory showing the Sealer of Weights and Measures may extend such time, and they may neither use nor dispose of the same in any way until corrected and approved by the Sealer of Weights and Measures. Any weights, measures or weighing or measuring device which has been condemned for repairs and has not been repaired as required above, shall be confiscated by the Sealer of Weights and Measures. SECTION 179. COMMODITIES. FRUITS. VEGETART.RS. STANDARD PACKAGES OR CONTAINERS. When any commodity other than as herein specified is sold within Salt Lake City, the exact weight of such commodity so purchased or sold shall be plainly marked on the container of such commodity, or on the bill rendered for the same. It shall be unlawful to sell, except for immediate consump- tion on the premises, liquid commodities in any other manner than by weight or liquid measure; or commodities not liquid, in any other manner than by measure of length, by weight or by numerical count, except as otherwise provided herein, and except fruit and vegetables usually sold by head or bunch. Berries or small fruits shall be packed in quart cups having a capacity of 67.2 cubic inches, and containing not less than 21 ounces net; or in pint cups having a capacity of 33.6 cubic inohes, and containing not less than 10.5 ounces net. Concord grapes may be sold by the basket, and each basket must contain not less than 6 pounds net. Peaches may be sold by the box, provided they are packed in boxes 11-- inches wide by 18 inches long, inside measurement, with not less than two layers in each box, closely packed and of uniform size throughout. -3- Bunch-goed. such as lettuce, beets, radishes, carrots, ,:ou4ena, bananas-,._atc., may be sold by count. SECTION 180. It shall be unlawful to use berry cups, boxes, orates or sacks a second time as receptacles for fruit or vegetables, or to use unclean or unsanitary orates, boxes or sacks. It shall be unlawful for any dealer or vendor to transfer berries or small fruits from one container to another, or from the containers in which such fruits or berries are packed by the producer. It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to weigh any package or receptacle containing any article or property referred to in this ohapter, kept for sale, sold or offered for sale, upon demand of the Sealer of Veights and Measures so to do. SECTION 181. RENOVATED BUTTER OR OLEOMARGARINE. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer to sell, barter or exchange, any butter or renovated or process butter or oleo- margarine in any other manner than by weight. It shall be unlawful for any person to put up, pack or keep for the purpose of sale, barter or exchange, any butter, renovated or process butter or oleomargarine in the form of prints, bricks or rolls in any other than the following sizes, to-wit: one-quarter pound, one-half pound, one pound, one and one-half pounds, or multiples of one pound. Each print, brick or roll shall bear a definite, plain and conspicuous statement of its true net weight on the principal label, where there be such a label, otherwise on the outside wrapper thereof. Such statement shall be in Gothio type not less than twelve point. The prints, bricks or rolls referred to in this section shall be construed to include those prints, bricks or rolls put up by the manufacturer or producer, or when put up priof -4- to the order of the commodity by the vendor. SECTION 2. That Section 178 of said Chapter 5, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners June 27, 1914, be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SECTION 178. STANDARD OE' WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. The standard of weights and measures for Salt Lake City shall be the weights and measures and other apparatus approved, sealed and certified by the Superintendent of weights and Measures of the State of Utah, which shall conform to the standard of weights and measures certified by the National Bureau of StaMerds of the United States of America, in accordance with law. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation to sell or offer for sale in Salt Lake City any commodity which is not in conformity as to weight or measure with such standard. SECTION 3. There is hereby created in Chapter 5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913, two new sections to be known as Sections 181x and 181x1, said sections to read as follows: SECTION 181x. BREAD. All bread kept for the purpose of sale, offered or exposed for sale or sold, shall be sold by weight. To each loaf of bread shall be attached a label plainly showing its correct weight and the firm name of the manufacturer thereof, such label to be of the type and size specified by the State Superintendent of Weights and Measures. It shall be unlawful for any person to make or keep for the purpose of sale, offer or expose for sale, or sell, any bread other than such as shall be in accordance with the provisions of this section. SECTION 181x1. Whenever any commodity is sold on a basis of weight it shall be unlawful to employ any other weight in such sale than the net weight of the commodity; and ell oon7, -5- tracts concerning goods sold on a basis of weight shall be { understood and construed accordingly. Whenever the weight of a commodity is mentioned in this chapter, it shall be under- stood and construed to mean the net weight of the commodity. The words "Sell" or "Sale", as used in this chapter, shall be construed to include barter and exchange. SECTION 4. This,.ordin2.nce shall take effect u}iGio.4 Passed by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, xX xxxxxxxx cx.lakli[.Augkiet i'$;td. 1917. Mayor . 4„ „47,„,,- i y xecorier. -6- Ir. "."1":: - 97 `' Lei n �j ACC2 ,.- C.'a„ i,.� • Og. 8 m : ' ., I G1I.-S"Ui" _1 iJ _-% �:t 2� ni oJi ii �.,tr i �rl. _�J: ,ri SCCt&1- 'r tf t`J :I'.4'1� ;A- L.,Yr r9.E: 11 rt f r, - ,. . - ' c, ', - 'i:,. 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