80 of 1956 - Amending Chapter 2 entitled Pinball Machines and other similar devices of Title 32 of Revised Ordina ROLL CALL Y � � �� Salt Lake City,Utah, 195 VOTING Aye Ney I move that the ordinance he passed. Burbidge . . . . l / Christensen . . . Nicholes .... . .. ittl9g9lia . . . Z/ Romney . . Mr.Chairman . / AN ORDINANCE I / Result / AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2 entitled PINBALL MACll-NES AND OTHEE SIMILAR DEVIC ,S of Title 32 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1955, which chapter is scheduled to be effective and in force on the 10th day of January, A.D. 1957. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Jalt Lake City, Utah. SECTION 1. That Chapter 2 entitled Pinball Machines and Other Similar Devices of Title 32 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, be, and the same is, hereby amended by changing the exclusion reference in Section 1, Subsection (b) , to exclude the items set forth in Section 2 rather than Section 3 of said Chapter 2. Said Section 1, Subsection (b) shall read as follows: "Section 32-2-1. (b) Any game, device, contrivance or machine which contains a pay-off or award device or mechanism for the return of money, coins, slugs, checks, credit, tokens or for the delivery of anything of value or representing or exchangeable or re- deemable for anything of value; provided, that this section shall not cover the items included in Section 2 of this ordinance." SECTION 2. This ordinance shall become effective and in force on the 10th day of January, A.D. 1957, which is more than thirty (30) days after its final passage and approval and more than twenty (20) days after its publication and posting. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this15th day of November, 1956. C' RECORD' ( A L BILL NO. 80 of 19 Published November 17, 1956 so ADM-35 Affidavit of PublicatioH STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake J - D, 1 Ockey AN ORDINANCE ----- - ---- - ,TCR ORDINANPEN AENDING('HAP- Briny first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is adver- • Titre 3_of the Revised Ordinances of +Sett Lake oty,1953,which chanter 14 aeheanlla tot effeett.e and fo>ca taa'ing clerk of 7111 SALT LAKE'TRIBUNE, a daily news- o lne mm aay oa.lthe Bo.d of Coin. ae la by the roan f cnin� stoners f Salt 0e City,lita'itlod paper published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lace County,in the Pinball Machines and 011ier Similar Devices of Title 32 of the Revised Or_ State of Utah. dinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1959, be,and the same s,hereon,a nende.d in Sectioncha'1,n Sub,section si b i, to:ef exclude the Section ms t faith in a1Cllum- 22'Sain That the advertisement of which a ropy is attached Section I S bmotian(nl all read as follows:n1 hereto O Any sale 1. A demachine vice nnay-oft " ' h alb L2ico C Env 'tiJ 7 lo. 1'n O 1956, r m nmoney, i fa value del ihnies:nfind oti'eo hb- d: ,core coins,�1 An Cedi�once Imend1l Chant 2 cniii;l.ed. i of y l ich e'tI 'l it tl h II t thn it included l i S 2 f thin , o d -oj_tll 11 i3S(01111[tes et,f;, sec'1ION z rn a an«shall nn- . ffec.,..and n force on the lhih dal of Jan thirt A.1J ]clan, .afti r tO final than thirty anu s,.clays after re Ilion twenty e(2001 days after more [ion and hosting. a ter its nubtica 'Passed by the Board of Commission.. rs of Salt lake City,Utah,this 1501; {iaY of NoueinAD L 1 -- ---- - ------ ADiEL F. STEWART, HER�IAN T.IIOC:E NSEN. ,alY Recorder was published in said newspaper on sear PiLr.NO ea of 12.16 Published November 17th,1951 (A-711 Aovember 17, )/6 e C • Advertising(Cork Subscribed and sworn to before me this.. 101- _ day of soltx4i her A.D.195(t... c = < Notary Public My Commission Expires 11IQY 2,5 1Q5'7