80 of 1960 - Amending Section 20-2-78 of R.O., 1955, as amended by Bill No. 17 of 1959, relating to licenses of W rt..0..I06 .00 6.80 MHO.PTO. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, August 22, ,196._0. VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . Harrison . . . . ) 4 Piercey . . Romney . . . Mr. Chairman V AN ORDINANCE Result . Ar AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 20-2-78 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended by Bill No. 17 of 1959, relating to licenses of Waste Disposal Contractors. Be it ordained by,the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Subsection (d) of Section 20-2-78 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as enacted by Bill No. 17 of 1959, relating to licenses of Waste Disposal Contractors, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "(d) The license assessor and collector shall license no more than seventy-five (75) vehicles under Class "A" licenses. Upon acquisition of a new vehicle by a licensee hereunder, the license plate may be transferred from the old vehicle to the new vehicle after the same has been inspected and approved by the Board of Health." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants ofSat Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 22nd day of August , 1960. )*(4110 g‘ritr.. Mayor ( SEAL BILL NO. 80 of 1960 Published August 31, 1960 80 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake 1) Ui Pokey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- AN an°nrv�c^N RieNOj • hell language with general circulation in Utah, and published in dP„U;°�a'oi"sSaIL H�ciix',"�i n:! Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. 5055,n nose,ded by Hill�No: II Waste O lanceolfnl Uz;',;,n';a nibs°&sa°ii,i1)t 4rt That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto 0hsCTIoNxlo-zieto+% adrrq. fi<)l G Lake Ci ty Nill. clv 80 of .1.960. /di/taller, of Salt Inky City Utah.1955 as c ucto�by D!Il Nr, 1'1 of iUSB,rolnGnr.: lcenxes [ Fria ti,vanierebv Jsic9amended. s.n Ordinance relating to Licenses of nd Cl n^hero s Upon 1,asi,e Digpo:,al C�a'�����Lnr:c, under ltlnn of a new eilcle by plate licensee hereunder.the license r to may he :...a fe,cd from u ota yrhl�in to ibenn``nc n son.'ei a,,nd nn��snved by tho - th SECTION ZI [;Cnrnhnisapinton of salt Lake mace, Ilan,tt Is n I rl�cvC I t tt health h f 111 b tdt tS k I R n c i..l l 1 a Alf'tl.eb 33.e 196i00 SI:CI una Its fl.t Vu bllc�� was published in said newspaper on e..- P�--rr(hi Ih^Sloard nf Cn,n- thi>1t2itiT ayS�ff Lakn C'Clty.U[flh. a1_�Argckanl tiec, �fv trft�roi�d��e Feneen N(avo 5:Il PILL N(t. u'u,1 R hlisl.t Auquel.1.91 I960. (C-3), Legal Advertising.Clerk,' Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Se�r)tF;i9b 1t' A.D. 1960 Notary Public My Commission Expires oov. 25, 1P67.a