80 of 1964 - Amending Section 15-1-15, establiching fire zones in the conjested and potentiallu conjested areas o ✓ 'ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, November 19 , Christensen I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . Harrison 11 a^�— kt'µos v •��_ Smart-. Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . /% AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sec. 15-1-15 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to fire zones and dividing said section into four separate sections to be known as Sections 15-1-15, 15-1-16, 15-1-17 and 15-1-18. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 15-1-15 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to fire zones, be, and the same hereby is, amended by dividing said section into four separate sections to be known as Sec. 15-1-15, 15-1-16, 15-1-17 and 15-1-18, to read as follows: "Sec. 15-1-15. Fire zones established. For the purpose of this title and for the administration of the uniform building code and other city ordinances, the entire city of Salt Lake City is declared to be and the same is hereby established a fire zone, and said fire zone shall be known and designated as fire zones 1, 2 and 3, with the territorial limits set forth in the succeeding sections. Any building, the major portion of which lies within any fire zone, shall conform to the require- ments of that zone. "Sec. 15-1-16. Fire zone number 1. Fire zone number 1 shall include all areas within the following described limits: "Commencing at a point 10 rods west of Second West Street and the south line of North Temple Street, thence east along the south line of North Temple Street to 10 rods east of State Street, south to 10 rods north of South Temple Street, east to 10 rods east of Second East Street, south to the north line of Sixth South Street, west along the north line of Sixth South Street to 10 rods east of State Street, south to the north line of Ninth South Street, west to the east line of West Temple Street, north along the east line of West Temple Street to the north line of Sixth South Street, west to 10 rods west of Second West Street, north to point of beginning. "Also commencing at a point 521 feet north of Twenty-First South Street and the east line of Windsor Street, thence East to 100 feet west of Eleventh East Street, north along the east line of McClelland Street to the south line of Ramona Avenue, east to 300 feet east of Eleventh East Street, south to 10 rods north of Twenty-First South Street, east to the west line of 80 -2- Thirteenth East Street, south to the south line of Simpson Avenue, west to 10 rods east of Highland Drive, south to the north line of Ashton Avenue, west to the east line of Eleventh East Street, north to the north line of Sugarmont Drive, west to 10 rods west of McClelland Street, north to 10 rods south of Twenty-First South Street, west to the east line of Windsor Street projected, north to point of beginning. "Sec. 15-1-17. Fire zone number 2. Fire zone number 2 shall include all such areas or portions of Salt Lake City situated within all commercial and industrial zones as designated by the Salt Lake City use district map, officially adopted by the board of commissioners, except those areas which lie within fire zone number 1. "Sec. 15-1-18. Fire zone number 3. Fire zone number 3 shall include all such areas or portions of Salt Lake City situated within the corporate city limits and not included in fire zones number 1 or number 2." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 19th day of November, 1964. i �J MAYOR (S E A L) BILL NO. 80 of 1964 Published November 24, 1964 80 noM.36a Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE ISANS ORDINANCE AMENDINGS of II: ld Oc key j Salt Lake CIiv,Ulan,1955,d latine tC ri fire zones and dividing said section to Mara i l aen tl 1S5e-c1ef1lo8n.s i61-15, Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he Is legal advertising vertisin g ` BiicbSt"t Crne ordained of bait City, clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- B Utah: SECTION 1. That Beaton 15Salt GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- I f the Revhetl Ortllnancio 1 Salt I. Lake City, Utah, relating to lire d a,b¢, ," the toe hereby is, lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in °non ed by diitlingm'ale clone Into four sasepar t°15sis'tii,'to Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. and 15-1-18,to red as follows: 'Sec. 15-1-15. Fore zones estab- lished. For the purpose pur f this title and for the dmnfitratiOn That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto of the uniform nmldina cede and other CItY ordlnanc¢s, the ntir0 Ity of Snit Lake Ciiv is declared J rs to be a see is herebY said Salt Lake (:1 t 7 1l_ No DO of l9e�a. established firee and said yti re Zone shall be eknown andd de59n I ,fire,z s I,9 and ��3, th ti 1 rldl Im�is set rnrin m the u CI' s non, An Ordinance relati ng ro Fare zones and din,�dintr paid_ 'fe A i belies p`the manor orllon of hich Ileh `," a Y fire zon rl mall n rm to ine I'enulremenls °t"Sec.1,1.16. Fire: a ber :;ec;:i.on into four sepsra.tr. sections. �^ 1., Flre ione5'number shallzone in. Basin nil areas re s'limit wihin the ollowing weei°or'Second We toStreet rods s me sc lte Hire of Nortn Temple Street,thence ass long the South lineCl North Temple Street to 10 rode coil of Stain Street,soelh to 10 rods north,of South Temple Str¢er, east t0 10 rods east of north Eb$o Street, uth St the w°rrha.rina of Sixth' i°U0hafs'S�xth was published in said newspaper on Noveruber 2 , 1 ybl South Skeet to 10 rods east of Slate Street, south to the north line eY aarl l South rslet, we t SI the a st flue of Well Temple • Slreel, north along the sr lino r WCst empo Street to,West In k line ds wash SoSeh ndr See,west io - 10 rods west n Second west Street, o north to point ne beginning. 52Ile "Also C acing 1 polnl South'Bet norm l'a. lien of - Windsor Street et, the cast ens / L wt d feet west thence East to i d G�- 1tre feet esi of Eleventh line ( r Clerk ofrMc north Inns me east ou Legal Advertising of McClelland along to Inc south fine of Rfell 5 Avenue, east to Street.osouthtlto 10 rods°nortlh of TweniV.Firsf South`Street. east to the waif lino of Thirteenth East Street,south to the 50u111 line of Slmoson Avenue,west to 10 rads east of Highland Drive, south to oho north line f Ashton Avenue, Ewelt to the cast line of Eleventh ast Street, north to Ina north L lin¢ f Sugarman!Drove, west to ZLt 10 ds f McClelland Street, sefore me this h day of Firorst to 10s r ds tooth of T"o'"ge east. south Slreel, w•1 to Ind least tone f Windsor Street n • ac led,north to paint of beginning.` A D. 4 9.lu�ire flne nua lbe a0¢r2 sh t 9 shall port b of Salt Lake Cityosiluate,l�within all commercial and industrial N11105 as designated by the Sall Lake Cory e tl'str lcl I Ilv • aadnfaie ey ept nose r _ en - i cps'nose which c ram( (_ lie witni lire r nuntoc 1. �" 'Sec,15-11.18. fire.z number J. Fire n n ber 3 sl in- Notary Public of IuSalt iLakf City sifuaiea°1wlilhin the or er city limits and not nclhnea to°pre zones number 1 °SECTItON 2 In the onlnion f the Board Commissioners of Sall Lake City, of is r d nrnss a ine i of Salt Lake City, Utan,IItt heh aabti fanrtordinance become effective Immwis s aely. SECTION 1. This rdinanre.hall Mace effect a arrst uCorn tls,'fj loPers¢of b5u f hr,Be Cdtvttlliihne4 • lees dap of November,1000. -. J BRAK CEN LEE HERA1AN J.H GENDS EN L) CIA''e RECORDER 15E robl Nd-o0 of Published Novemberer gd,1964 (8.111 f1�Y