80 of 1966 - Specifying the capital improvements for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1966, and ending June 30, RE. - 5.500 ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, , July 19 196 6 Barker . . . . .� I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . . �JJ Harrison . . . /y/f Holley . . . . / . .„-(_ — Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE specifying the capital improvements for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1966 and ending June 30, 1967. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the capital improvements for the fiscal year begin- ning July 1, 1966 and ending June 30, 1967, to be paid for from the appropriation ;.'x the budget for said fiscal year to a reserve for capital improvements, are hereby specified to be as follows: Previously approved Sugarhouse .Park Authority $ 45,000 Kiwanis-Felt Building 35,000 Equipment, Health Building 22,000 Hall of Justice 215,000 Sub Total $ 317,000 Reserve for Emergency Awpropriations 50,000 Public Affairs and Finance Improvements at City Cemetery $ 25,000 Garage and Storage Building 26,000 New Roofs for Existing Building 1,000 Installation Gas Heating System 1,200 Remodeling Treasurer's Office 5,000 Streets and Public Improvements Streets Department Repair Garage $ 275,000 Balance of Bridge - Jordan River & California Ave. 20,000 Public Safety Remodeling and completion of New Fire Station on property acquired at 2360 Parley's Way $ 45,000 Additional Land for New Fire Station #2 and be- ginning of Architectural Designs for New Fire Station #2 $ 10,000 Parks and Public Property Land Acquisition 135,800 Landscaping Hall of Justice 15,000 Remodel Legal Offices, City & County Building 20,000 Merry-Go-Round Building, Liberty Park 16,500 80 -2- Major Tree Planting on New Addition of Sherwood Park 2,500 Major Tree Planting, New Park at Sunnyside Avenue 5,000 Completion of Backstops on Baseball Fields at Sunnyside and Sherwood Parks 10,000 Recreation Equipment Garage at Liberty Park 20,000 TOTAL $ 1,000,000 SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt bake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall become effective upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 19th day of July, 1966. �' /C �:- % ate'-6/7 4 , r Mayor AP:IriVitY%*\44's ( SEAL ) SILL N0. 80 of 1966 Published July 22, 1966 80 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, es. County of Salt Lake _, D M Ockey Legal Notices (legal Notices Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising AN ORDItgin al gl. �ferk of the DESERET NEVUS AND SALT LAKE TELE- Yea Abeai nsDinN Jul E7,e1966 end en InaeJUne 30,p796]menb for the fl!<el Be rt°re9ned KY ti Board of C mlmisslonen of Salt Lake Ct nhe'. RAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- SECTION1.That the Plfat Ume P;pvO 96�isto betfe lC!!Dr irvm 1b¢� gi r)rzJuly 1,1966 ntl,ending °Priatlpn In t(le b°dget 4°r Sala n!<al year toe eery.ror<apvai ish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in inero-Sverdems,are hereby nPad11ed tabs ee t011pNe alt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. Pr1",,,lY aPProvetl S,a5,gp0 Ki?garh°use Park i ing lfy 05,000 KlWanis—Felt,BUIItlM➢ / y,°� Nall pDf eJUfl[`alih emlmng 21540° That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Sub Total f019,000 Reserve for Emerg PPropr ency Alatlone 50'� Salt Lake city Bill No 80 of 1966 Public Affairs and Finance $ 25,000r Improvements at City Cemetery26,000 Garage na 5tors a B°Iltllil 1000 NeW Roora t°r He,atig BUimin5 1.20° An Ordinance Specifyilg the Capital Improvements Remodeling Treassurer's➢Office, s,000 Streets and Public Improvements Streets.Daperfinent RePalr Garage S275,00° Belem°f BrmBeJDraan River A Cellfornla Ave. 20.000 for Fiscal Lear beginning July 1, 1966 and "VoSafely , propenq end irmpat 23 o/New s a station on • onal acquired a Fir Parley's No. te- f N�000 AaaMritig o d.for New Fire Station No.a and ire ,� 1967e gglnnln➢.of Ar<hltedural Designs for New Fire a la°°° Ending June , Parkeafdtl'ubi ,rrOPertY Land ACgUisifin 313M' ``ndscepin0 Mall is J city' _ 20,00° :.RamOtlG.005n OBuildyi Building, Liberty County pa BYlldln➢ 16,600 Major-TreC Planting ing ong,NewAddition Park 12,500 Me Melee Tree Planting On. of sIde Avenue Perk..__ 5,000 MefoY Tree Planting,New Park at SunnY5lde Avenue 5,000. Co sunnvoslaoe BacheeWwdnP;rksball_RICO,at 1o,000 cos published in said newspaper on.. July 22, 1966. • R°itreatiob Equipment Garage at Llberly Park 20,000 SECTION S.In the°ninon of the Board of Commissioners 1of Salt Lake City,'.Uteh,it Is Suer to the Peace,health°and,Welfare of the InhaSECTISON 3.Tula wdNanoe ahati bl000me tefalMlvad Pe,Yits first',obit. cation. Passed'by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,NB T. 19th day of July,1966. J.BRACKEN•LEE, Mayor - /4/(-CI', c r"•_--T "MERMAN J.NOGENSEN, C ilv Recorder Clerk PobU had J 1pl12r. LL9al Advertising lJlerk Published JUIY it,ISd6 tBe9! / Subscribed and sworn to before roe this 22nd day of July A.D. 1966 Notary Public My No rpissip xpires SO