81 of 1949 - Granting to D. & R.G.W.R.R.Co. ( Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company ) franchise to const ROL.L.CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, DEC 22 i49 , 194 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Affleck . . Matheson . . . o' /✓ cf �f Romney . . . . Lingenfelter Tam . . . . Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, its successors and assigns, the right to construct, operate and maintain a standard gauge railroad spur track over and across the east 54 feet of Fourth West Street between Eighth and Ninth South Streets in Salt Lake City, Utah. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. A franchise is hereby granted to The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company and its successors and as- signs to construct, operate and maintain a standard gauge railroad spur track over and across the east fifty-four feet of Fourth West Street between Eighth and Ninth South Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah, the center line of said spur track being more particularly described as follows: Beginning in the center line of the existing easterly track in Fourth West Street 123 feet south of the south line of Eighth South Street and about 54 feetvwest of the east line of Fourth West Street; thence southeasterly on a turnout to the left from said track on a curve with radius of 193.19 fees 151 feet to the east line of Fourth West Street at a point about 65 feet north of the south line of Lot 5, Block 8, Plat "A". The location of the center line of said track is graphical- ly shown in yellow upon the attached print, which is hereby made a part of this ordinance, SECTION 2. During the term of this franchise, the grantee its successors and assigns, shall be subject to the following condi- 'ions, viz: (a) The said track shall be laid upon and conform to the established grade of said street;, and if said grade is afterward changed by ordinance of the Board of Commissioners, the grantee 81. -2- shall, at its own expense, change the elevatioh of the track so as to conform to the same. (b) Whenever said street where said track is constructed shall be paved, repaved, restirfaced or repaired, then said Grantee its successors and Assigns, shall pave, repave, resurface or repai between the rails and for a space of two feet outside of each tail with the same kind of material used on said street, or with such other material as may be approved by the Board of Commissioners. In the event said grantee shall fail to pave, repave, re" surface of repair and surface any area as herein required for a pe - sod of thirty (30) days after notice from the Board of Commission- s fers so to do, the City shall have the right to pave, repave, resur face or repair between the rails or said surface or area and the { Grantee agrees to reimburse the City for the total cost Af said work, labor, and material. (c) The said track shall be laid and the road operated so as to cause np unnecessary impediment to the common and ordinar, use of said street upon which it is laid. (d) Good and sufficient conduits to convey water shall be laid and maintained in good condition at the expense of said Grantee in all water ditches crossed by said track so as to admit of ffiee passage of water. (e) Salt Lake City reserves the right to regulate and control the speed of all trains, engines and cars operated by the Grantee, its successors and assigns, upon the track aforesaid. Neither the engines nor cars shall be permitted to remain on said track. (f) If, in the replacement or maintenance of said track Grantee shall remove or in any manner interfere with the pavement sidewalk, curbs, gutters or waterways on said street, it shall re place such pavement with the same or such other material as shall he ordered by the Board of Commissioners and shall replace such sidewalks, curbs, gutters and waterways to the satisfaction of th. I Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements and shall so con- struct the gutters and waterways that they will allow the free passage of water to the satisfaction of said Commissioner. I -3- 1 fl (g) Said grantee shall put in and maintain such crossing- , Ijdlvor said track as shall from time to time by required by, said Board of Commissioners. SECTION 3. Nothing in this grant shall be construed so las to prevent Salt Lake City or its authorized agents, contractors,' persons or co1lporatiOrW; o whom a franchise may have been or may !hereafter be granted from paving, sewering, laying gas or water 'mains or pipes, altering, repairing, or in any manner'(urnfiroving ` said street, but all such improvements shall be made with as littl !oinjury as practicable to said track and the operation thereof, Whe ! Salt Lake City undertakes to place any utility under said track, , jthe grantee shall at its own expense underpin and protect its trac 'while said utility is being placed under the track. SECTION 4. The said grantee herein, its successors and assigns, shall, and by the acceptance of the privileges and fran- IlIchi.ses herein granted and in consideration of the same does bind litself, its successors and assi=;ns, upon lits)acceptance of this franchise, to save the City harmless from all suits, claims, deman•s and judgments whatsoever, whether in law or equity, which shall be iiasserted, found or rendered in any manner whatsoever, against said City for `njury or damage to abutting property or otherwise by II �reason of ,the granting of this franchise or by reason of the opera- ! ' tion of said track, and that the grantee, its successors and assigns, will pay the amount of the judgment, determination or adjudication which in any suit or proceedings may or shall be found against Sal► Lake City, and the said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall !i 'appear in and defend all actions brought against Salt Lake City fo any injury or damage by reason of the construction, operation, or !Imaintenance of said track, provided, however, that said grantee, its [successors and assigns, shall have had notice of any suits and an i! inopportunity to appear and defend the same. SECTION 5. This franchise is granted for the period of Ififty (50) years from and after the date of the passage of this liordinance. provided, however, that if for a period of nine consecu- tive months during the life of this franchise said track or any par thereof is not used for the purpose for which this franchise is ! -4 granted, or if there is a substantial abandonment of the use of spur said/track or any part thereof, this franchise shall be voidable spur at the option of the Board of Commissioners, said track shall, within thirty (30) days after notice, be by said Grantee removed from the street and the street restored to a condition uniform with the balance of said street with respect to grade, materials, and 'construction to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements. In the event of failure of said grantee spur to remove saiJtrack and to restore said street upon said notice and within thirty (30) daffi thereafter, the work may be done by Salt Lake City at, the.,expehse of said grantee.; SECTION 6. UnlesSthis franchise.,and all the terms and conditions thereof shall be ,accepted in writing by the grantee herein within thirty'C3A) ,tlays after this ordinance becomes effect spy., '` � ive, and unless,4saiB/trac Abe constructed within one year from the date of such passage, then this ordinance shall be null and void. SECTION 7. WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Board of Com- missioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effedtive immediately. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall take effect ypon its first publication. /2o, ,' '` (� --_ Ri Passed by the Board of Commissioners f-Salt Lake City, Utah, thid y��. day of AaGtr ✓�-�/ a‹ ,'a79< g: /.lamP , ✓- : /'' ayor 977- ‘ --____,,..) City Recorder. / _ I. .,. rn n IZ T T� K' II a O c.D e • ii ,. Proof of Publication OF Attorney Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, as County of S ILIda>� ' Legal Notices AN ORDINANCE . -ORDINANCE GRANTING TO A NR RIO O'RANDY uc ssorsA OAV COIISPrigh ..- ,_.C101,1Y 1 the right �� i a 4tand rdi and ins maintain construct, 'd`and gauge s the6d °54 Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- featkof Fourth Wee Street between Salt tLakeand City,Ut South Streets'° vertisin clerk ofTHE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Be 1t ordained by the Board of 9 efonare of Salt Lake City, Utah: published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State SE V ggrCTI(}N I.A irnncriles Is hereby Gr ntde tkeateo`Rallroard Company and its succerate and assigns to of Utah. e construct, operate d maintain sandard gauge the,d spur track and across the east fifty-four feet of Fourth West Street between That the advertisement Eighth and Ninth South Streets,Salt Lake City, Utah, the center er linec P said spur track being re _ particularly escribed as follows:ne of rul)lishir.l ixi `ordinance Hill :�fo, 81 the evicting easterly tr the ack to er Fourth West Street line of fzEighth South Str3 feet aouth of eet e south about 64 feet west of the east line f Fourth West Street;thence southeaeterly on a turnout to the left from said track on a curve with radius of 193.19 feet 151 feet tb the east line of -Fourth West Street at a point about 65 lest north of the south line of Lot g, Block 8,Pat"A". Said°trlac location n e aphteaenterly line wn of was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the rint, which ie hereby made yellow upon• the taapart eched l this ordlganre. day of A.D.19 SECranchie,During the term d- this rs andlle,the grantee,1 suc- cessors and assigns, hall be via:subject On 8cc. 24, 1949 W the esaid following conditions, la: and was ryry�tublished (n)The a Id track halt bi laid C upon and conform etoe the established grade f er street, and If aaid le said B hanged by r- the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the stonerdinagce afterward the Beard of Commis.lie wn expense, the grantee the elevation cowl thPetra, change o m he e track so as to conform tO the same. day of A.D.19 (b) Whenever said street here bald track is constructed shah be paved, en said resurfaced /6/� passed,and id s,Grantee,itspave, sue- i �,�(,�'-� eaore and assigns,shall Abet,between ` Advertisin k resurface o repair b f two gall f the tam railsthe kind o f for r used en and eme,or material on said Erem or with such other material of may be approved by the Boned of Commissioners.thev In the event repave, grantee shallo failalto.end`surface any nyur[aa es ,afore me this �-fs_�h day of a hekeln required for a ported aof thir- ty )ci day. ers so`to doe r� au the City shall have athe orright pa to A.D.19 between Wre.raile`or ee16 rfide or area and the Grantee agrees to're- lmburee the City for the total coat of saidrk,laor,and material. (a)Thewo saidack shall be aid d the road opted so as to cause _ Notary P ace expense o}said Grantee in all water'ditches crossed by said track so ea to admit of free passage"of water. (e) Salt Lake City reserves the right to regulate and control the speed ofall trains,enema and care suc- cessors by'ass gns,antee,upon the`track aforesaid. Neither the englner nor ears shall be permitted to remain On said track. (I) If, In the replacement Sr bralateaance of said tryst Grant.. ♦hall remora or in say manner 1n• terfers with the pavement, side. Walk,.curia, gutters or waterways o said street,It shall replace such pavement with the same or such other material as thall be ordered by the Board of Commiseloners and shall replace suoh sidewalk&curbs. gutters Satis- faction and the waterways Commlesioneratlof Streets and Public Improvements gad shall ao construct the gutters and waterways that they will allow -the free pamage-Ofs-wate,to-DIe- • toners sa `ction.of said Eatd grantee shall put inBad { (e) track as shall front maintain such crossings over time to time be required by said Board of Com- [r? SECTION 3.Nothing in tills grant 4(4( shall be construed to prevent Salt Lake City or its authorised- agents, contractors,i ersons or cor- porations to whom franchise may have from paving.sewering,'lays water mains or afag eriag,reeppairing,-or•In any Man- nar improving said street, but all such Impr0Vemsnts shall be made with a little Injury es practicable o said track and the operat1i�opn thereof. When Salt Lags City dp- dertskee to place any utility under said track,We grantee shall at its own cadence underpin and protect Its track while said utility Is being placed under the track. ' SECTION 4. The said grantee herein,is au eesors and assigns, shall, d by the acceptance of the privilegesnted and in confrsideratio herein n of the same does bind itself,its successors nod assigns,upon it acceptance Of this franchise, to Pave the City • harmless from all suits,claims,de- mands and Judgments whatsoever, whether in law or equity, which shall'be asserted,found or rendered o any manner hatsoever, against said Clay for injury or damage to abutting.property or otherwlee by reason of the granting of this fran- chlte or by reason of the operation of said track.and that the grantee, Its euorrssors and assigns,will Day min t oatlon unt or d)udicthe {{ation whichM1p- any suit or roceedings may or shall be found against Salt Lake City, and the said grantee.its su00easora and sasi Ce, shall appear in and defend all actions brought against -damaget Lake by reason City f f`the injury truo till, peration, r°m maintenance f mild treat,provided,however,that said grantee,its succeesore and as- signs,shall have had notice of any sults and.n opportunity to appear and defend the same. SECTION 5. This franchise _1s grantedperiod s of years from and after the date the `however,te of hat ifdfornaeperiood of nine consecutive months during the life of this franchise said track or any part thereof is not used for the purpose for which this franchise sn granted, bandonsment there f the use of ` cub.statial said spur track or any part thereof this franchise shell be voidable at the option said spur Btrack shall,with- mss thirty(30)days after notice,be by Grantee treet removed fromto t condition uniform with the-balance of said etreet with respect to grade. materials, and construction to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements.In the event of failure of said grantee reetore remove said upon track notice and within thirty (30)days there- LIter,the work may be done by Salt ake City at the expense of said grantee. SECTION 6.Unless this franchise and all the terms and conditions thereof shall be accepted in writing by the grantee herein within thir- ty days and after this unless la ordinance becomes effective, said spur track be constructed within one year from the date of such passage, thenolt is ordinance shall be null nd v SECTION 7. WHEREAS, In the opinion it ist neo ssary toofthe peace. health and safety of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this Oren. natl. become effective Immediate- ly. SECTION 8.Thsa ordinance shell take effect upon its first publica- tion. Passed by the Board of Commis. ' this°rs 22ndf day Salt ofLDecembeake r. A.a D 1949. EARL J. GLADE, Mayor. IRMA F.BTPNER - (SEAL) City Recorder. Bill No.81. Published December.24th, 1948. V 1