81 of 1951 - Levying a tax, Sewer Extension No. 617. rtvt.a.. •..ALL. Salt Lake City,Utah, DEC 11 1951 ,195 VOTING Aye Nay Burbidge Mk* /' I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . Lingenfelter e\ \ � w Romney . . . Mr. Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property (Sewer Extension No. 617) for the purpose of constructing a sewer. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide fog" the. assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described3(Sewer Extension No. 617) i for the purpose of constructing a sewer, to,:w t: CC Lots 13 and 14, Block 7, 5 Acre ,Plat' 'C', Big Field Sur- vey, & F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sed. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; Lots 1 and 20, Block 16; 5 Acre Plat 'C', Lot 7, Susan B. Subdivision of part of Block 7, 5 Acre Plat 'C' and F.M. Lyman Jr's. Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.E. & M.; Lot Lots 14',and 15,,Bl.ock'19, ,Amented Plet oZ' Blocks 11 to 18 incl., 4, Block 2, Country Club Acres,/Caunty C1ub.Acres;':subd'ivisiOns of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; Lots 14 to 24 incl., Block 3, Lots 9 to 16 incl., Block.4, Ontario Subdivision of part of Block 24, 5 Acre Plat 'A', B. F.S .; Lots 1 to 9 incl., Dolan's Subdivision of part of Block 24, 5 Acre Plat 'A', B.F.S.; Lots 3 to 7 incl., Block 2, Lots 1 to 5 incl., Block 3, Lots 1 and 16 to 24 incl., Block 6, and Lots 3 to 21 incl., Block 7, Glendale Gar- dens Plat A, a subdivision of part of the S.E.4 of Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 W., S.L.B. & M.; Lots 15 to 26 incl., Block 3, Lots 30 to 44 incl., Block 4, Oakley Subdivision of part of the N.W.g of Sec. 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.B. & M;; Lots 2 to 8 incl., Block 20, Lots 1 and 15 to 20 incl., Block 21, Plat J, Salt Lake City Survey; and part of the N.E.4 of Sec. 21 and part of' the N.W.* and part of the S.W.g of Sec. 22, T. 1`S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M.; -2- abutting an and adjacent to both sides of the following: Wilson Ave. - from 20th East Street to a point 135 feet west of 21st East Street; Parleys Canyon Boulevard - from 20th East to 21st East Streets; Oneida Street - south 259.5 • feet from 21st South Street; DeSoto Street - 350 feet north from Clinton Avenue; Aspen Avenue - 240 feet east from 3rd West Street; 3rd West Street - from Brooklyn Avenue to Dalton Avenue; Stewart Street - From Montgomery Street to California Avenue; 13th South Street - approximately 150 feet east from Stewart Street; Colorado Street - 380 feet south from 4th North Street; abutting on and adjacent to one side of the following: Foothill Drive - easterly side - from Skyline Drive to 17th South Street. This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing and laying sewer laterals consisting of 544 41inear feet of eight (8) inch and 303.0feet of twelve (12) inch vitrified clay pipe, in- cluding manholes, flush tanks and 'Vs for house connections, all complete, under the portions of said streets opposite the property thereinafter and hereinbefore described to be especially affected and benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, de- Itermined and established that said property will be especially ben:-- fited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at a uniform rate in accordant with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Twenty Thousand, Five Hundred Nineteen and 55/100 ($20,519.55) Dol lars; Eighteen Thousand, Three Hundred Fifty-two and 33/100 ($18,352.33) Dollars or Two and 19/100 ($2.19) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for half rate, there being 8,380.06 feet abutting said improvement; Two Thousand, One Hundred Sixty-seven and 22/100 ($2,167.22) Dollars or Four and 38/100 ($4.38) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for -3- full rate, there being 494.80 feet abutting said improvement; whic« is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said sewer, according to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making said improvement with Lambson Brothers, dated the 31st day of July, 1951, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordi- nance for the purposes herein mentioned: FULL RATE. Fronting on the easterly side of Foothill Drive. Beginning at the intersection of the north line of 17th South and the easterly line of Foothill Drive, thence northwesterl 694.80 feet, of Lots 1 and 20 of Block 16, 5 Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. HALF RATE. Fronting on the north side of Wilson Avenue. All of Lot 7, Susan B. Subdivision of Block 7; the west 203 feet of east 338 feet of the north 254.85 feet of Lot 13 of Block 7; and the west 256 feet of the east 594 feet of the north 237.85 feet of Lot 13 of Block 7; 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Surve'. Fronting on the south side of Wilson Avenue. The east 938 feet of west 371 feet of Lot 14, and west 203 feet of east 338 feet of Lot 14, of Block 7, 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the north side of Parley's Canyon Boulevard. Commencing at a point 100 feet southeasterly from the intersection of the northerly line of Parley's Canyon Boulevard an. easterly line of 20th East Street, thence southeasterly 865.80 fee• , of the N.W.* of Sec. 22, and N.E.4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the south side of Parley's Canyon Boulevard. Commencing on the southerly line of Parley's Canyon Bgul- vard at a point 651.9 feet southeasterly along said southerly line from the N.L. corner of Lot 14, Blk. 8, Idlewild Add., thence sout-- easterly 906.91 feet, of the N.W.-14- of Sec. 22, and N.E.4 of Sec. 2 , T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. -4- Fronting on the north side of Parkway Avenue. Commencing at the intersection of the north line of Park way Avenue and the west line of 21st East Street, thence west 391.17 feet, of the N.W.4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the south side of Parkway Avenue. Commencing at the intersection of the south line of Park feet,Lots 14 nd way Avenue and the west line of 21st East Street, thence west 366. 7f p5 Block 19,Amended Plat of Blocks 11 to 18 incl.,Country Club Acre:, a sUbddiW#8i0n of part of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the east side of Oneida Street. The South 244.32 feet of Lot 4, Blk.2, Country Club Acre, of the N.W.h of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the west side of Oneida Street. Commencing at the N.E. corner of Lot 4, Block 1, Country Club Acres, thence north 259.5 feet, of the N.W.2 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the east side of DeSoto Street. All of Lots 2 to 8 inclusive, of Block 20, Plat 'J', Sal. Lake City Survey. Fronting on the west side of DeSoto Street. All of Lots 1 and 15 to 20 inclusive, Block 21, Plat ',It Salt Lake City Survey. Fronting on the north side of Aspen Avenue. All of Lots 17 to 24 inclusive of Block 3, Ontario Sub. of Block 24, 5-Acre Plat 'At, Big Field Survey. Frontin• on the south side of Aspen Avenue. All of Lots 9 to 16 inclusive of Block 4, Ontario Sub. o Block 211, 5-Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the east side of 3rd West Street. The South 56 feet of Lots 14 to 16 incl., and all of Lot 17 to 19 incl., of Block 3, Ontario Sub. of Block 24, 5 Acre Plat 'At, Big Field Survey. Fronting on the west side of 3rd West Street. All of Lots 1 to 9 incl., Dolan's Sub. of Block 24, 5-Ac e Plat +At, Big Field Survey. Fronting on the north side of 13th South Street. All of Lots 3 and 4 of Block 7, Glendale Gardehs Plat 'A , -5- of the S.E.4 of Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 W., S.L.B. & M. Fronting on the south side of 13th South Street. All of Lot 7, Blk. 2, Glendale Gardens Plat 'A', of the S.E.'i of Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the east side of Stewart Street. All of Lots 5 to 21 incl. of Blk. 7, and all of Lots 3 to 7 incl. of Biz. 2, Glendale Gardens Plat 'A', of the S.E.1- of Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the west side of Stewart Street. All of Lots 1 and 16 to 24 incl. of Blk. 6, and all of Lots 1 to 5 incl. of Blk. 3, Glendale Gardens Plat 'A', of the S.E of Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the east side of Colorado Street. All of Lots 30 to L}!} incl. of Blk. 4, Oakley Subdivision of the N.W.4 of Sec. 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the west side of Colorado Street. All of Lots 15 to 26 incl. of Rlk. 3, Oakley Subdivision of the N.E.4 of Sec. 34, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M.; as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth of the same ownership back from said streets, not ex- ceeding 330 feet, and to collect said tax. SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review of the property described in Section I of this ordinance (Sewer Extension No. 617) of Salt Lake City, for th:. purpose of constructing a sewer upon said portions of said streets is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists and the report of the Board of Equalization and Re view to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake C.ty are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in five equal yearl' installments as provided by law and ordinance, with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable a. the time each installment is due; provided, however, that one or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax, -6- may be paid without interest within fifteen (l5) days from the dat= this ordinance becomes effective. One or more installTents in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may be said paid after/fifteen days and before the first installment becomes due by paying the same with interest from the date of levy to the date such first installment is due. One or more installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax may be paid on the date any installment becomes due by paying the amo .t thereof and interest to the date of payment. Default in the pay- mezit: of any such installment of principal or interest when due she 1 cause the whole of the unpaid principal and interest to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of the unpaid princi- pal`ishall thereafter draw intereq't at the°•Ppte of ten per cent per anhum until paid, but at any timeFWor_to $he date .of sale or for.- .. clgsure, the owner may pay the amount of ali unpaid"installments r. past: due with interest at the ratre cof tenrcent per`annum to da e • of payment on the delinquent insta4mentsn4 all accrued costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the rigl'{tx thereafter to pay in installments in the same manner as if default had, not 'occurred. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall t. - ,ff.ct"one day after publication. �//I✓ Passed by the Board of Co - -ners • /Salt Lake City, Utah, this //1,' day of , , A. D. 95 Jam, /X/ib aY o City Recorder. Sewer Extension No. 617 3rd & Final Estimate. Legg) Notices AN'oR'' UlkA1fI4v l (i At}OAt a aseep L Yi A?A,. And for in - .Sent, f p0 t1Iy purrooz F"a-Eli kI6ii,otip 171 for the rloirrIklistd I 'theg g.wcr. Hl It fonevs, d D Ilthe Bma9 of Mph:afs0neaa of Salt Laketr 6lty, Mph: SECTION�.r{.Tbat. �paaQ4 of Commisrlmlera I Sift;4.?,CI{ n hereby levy ttie4{ak 'hop roq Po the assessment of the same Ispd i the,, prop(Sewer ExtensionExtension r ty r t00.tr517)O er 1 fpy,the purpose of contracting pcwe L tot a.. lotss, end Meld Survey, 7;8 •re{ took Plat,'C',Blg N'leld Survey,85 • Lyman J0.'s Survey Ot scr.:. B ����5S,1 12 , .B ,Ir 5 A0Ll0b0l.:'C", Lot 1,5 n B-re iot'l]hl0•;Y'"art f Block 01,010a 5 t So Plat'flh'1n; I•I M Lyman J[.'S .Salves of.r,0. ti L. 1 Block5 2 Let 4 and ,CB'lock 9TP-•• Lots 11 and s 1 Block 2incl,: p) try u Blocks 13 0 la 1nC1., 0 1' try Club Acres:s F.,0 sL. o Lo,T.1 S.02 R.24 F.S.I..: , 1.001 Lots 14 to. Intl.,oa BOnt:rib Lott' el to I5 of p hr1 of 4.kn24,S Soh{{ Platen of p1tt.; Albeit Or 1'Aced Fort'A',A. 1 slo Lots I to 9'0ncLrfoia , tr Sn..5 Acre,PlatIs'oe 0t pm rt of 10000 00 o Inc PI t t, . o Cara to 7 Inc!, , o 2. Lots I 4 Incl.,Buck 3:Lars 1 and 15 to21 Incl., I12/6p80,6, and Lots 3 L0 21 Incl.Plat 61145 rn1; Glendale lc (gaFoci of F1mt n.;an Submylslon of part of ihivs y F;f r1,rti,;tinT-is io as 1 l:c1. Bgla d',�J}.} Lis:0 to 14 I,cl., ce the 01,'C lil11r'of Srcl35. 1 parr. 0'the''k0,t_'.4 0f Scn.35.T.I N., R. L o.W Bloo'I.20,:Lots M.;Lot^,2 t0 A 1n01. Bloc;Q1,Lott 1 and 01 to 21 leer.,Black 21,Flat d.-Seh Lake City sue'0ey;and RACE of the N_c. of Se(.'21'i44 ltar9*of-the N.W r4 nod part'o'L tbe.a,W. of sec.22, abuttlIog f. on and d tltlioant t0 00th Wes of rile following: W 1p,n Ave—from et In th Fast Street I point .a a t: .5 fret weft II 21sf tl 6t act: Paltry, Canyon East Staid --Iron, 20th East to Street a tot Streets; One(da Street-'oath 250.E trot from 210E South Street; De0Cie 1tceet-050 feet north from Cl1nton Ashen Avenue; Aspen Avenue-290 feet eat L`om trd West Street; 3rd WestStccet—Icon, 00100k'•vn Avenue fn Daltbeet, Ao mle; Lew xot l 101011,Avenue.Mani ga,nery fi t,cet t0 ethic rota t3 fee, South 1tract-appox trretl> 150 Par;rnsf.from E00 rt t soul Colorado Street.Street feet south, fronmod 4th Forth roe alas of the fol.• mao,a: Foothill 1 Di Drive to 1Ill, p stria trrom Bk his Ur1ye to ted to Strap., This tax It constructing to 000 laying the • axper l 10 c ,consIsna and 5421 • r laterals e n t (8) of 54^_nd 10iNe0r tee' of eight (1 loch and 110 0 feet of twelve f12,loco'Rei- fied Clay pipe, I Aril Ud01 n house con- motions. 1 'au k<and let Zun rt all y streets under the.the p00 of said sets opposite the ttr prsert/ry htolnart0,'and hero ed to he especially effecte'S ed I andbenefitedII ' hereby sa hd Idged e etet, a d It 1 00s shed adjudged deter- mined and cstabllahad that said t h0111,1 tollltI fc1111 ctiftdyntenff'Cryd tax hereny levied and said parcels of lend a e hereby assessed at a unl- fol in o elan faith the Onset Soot frontage upon and to the entire depth of th0 s ship hack therefrom not ex,lading 330 feet,and the tax 1,00,0v feefad and to hn asserrod',pan.said parcels of 1.,ad my Thousand, llvr 'Hundred Nh>rtcern and 5.5/1 U0(syn 'I lI,r551 dollars:Flrh f0en'Choose) T re he Itnndrerl 212r-two a 3-100 ra14352111 Dollars cr Ian 0,.1 • F1 1,1U0(82.1,Il 'onars' pee tenet :' linL of.ab4L prune,tlna prope tone half rate the, hot,8,3,10.06 too bottle,: told impro • helma, One 11und,'ed":holy-snr�'r,s slut 22i100 (t2,167.221 Boller,¢ Pole and.1A/100($4.38)Dollars'ncr 49018E or "near toot f nb4tfing .Affidavit of Publication ProPertY for frill rate, there beret 494.80 fee` abutting said lmpeov's tint; d cos it the focal b vIm cost and Po' contract"le`n and I Into for the performance of'sett] with rod making rath,s."a Dean ine ��'11rr�y1'1,tF� 1 nlst day f July, 1951, and the tJIA I, I T_easurce Is hobby authorised and directed to assess In accordance }SS with ththe rrovlsions of thleaordinan]e��t Lake for the purpoect he•eto m n.lonod L K 1r111.1,RATF,. a unting nn the writ�lae of. Fronting n the caste,!, tilde oft y1,°Z. rt Foothill Drive. Alt of Lots 1 and 01 to 24 Incl. Be firth line t the Inter.ec ton, f" then north line of lath Smith an the f Blk. 6, nna fill pf h16 1 Or 5 easterly Hue of Foothill. Drive17555,l''aO vL 1r0 00 maul[ecd.a lO thence northwcsorly 94.80 fret,of ,.,o S L B.ae M. Lott 1 and 20 fe Block 16,S arc 1 ender n bn'the'east tide.of Colorado i� Plat C',Big Field Survey 'nYatr, - a•i D. N....OVIr(Y Fronling an Bthe north Taide of Wlhen .tAeh-df Loa Off to 44 Incl.of Bl k. Avenue, AIL of f Lot 7. Small B. Sul AN- 0f{7ak1oy''T..11:INIan R.l lthw N,2Pl.'a elon of Block 7 the West 203 f B .S•k M ng first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- f t 338 feet of the north 254.35 E tl g nA tl :Ide C I- THE DESERET �f F��1//1 1tT�lrx'(Y feet of'-t 256 ofeet3 of the c t 594 fee[ A11nt a 4:ti 5 t 26 I cl f BI.fising clerk of l H DLl!S RIJ/l NEW U a newspaper (the. north 237.85 feet f Lot 13 iS{.Ord y Wei afnt: E, ✓ f Block 7; 6-Acre Plat 'CI' Bl6 f• d.tt I N.,R.;W.,6.L. Field Survey. ; B.5t Nii�I he lama ale 1,^,°n"'"'"dished in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Fronting o the tooth tilde of 5Y11- the o 1Fik�Plate Of told Itry to the )� so Avenue. entire depth Crrthe tame p�tayG. The 7 338 feet of west 871 feat rSlr"'t'' Street+,unt•"n edln0' f Lot 14,and west 203 feet f°eat ISO t�� eDa rcSllect taxi to 338 feet of Lot 1.4.of Block 7-5-Acre Tits, he '.e'"neon Plat C', on Field Survey.side letkiIrhd9 tlitlWti an compl ee by a Fronting o the net .side of Par- BYkEWad Ofdo CO eT and io anti es Ice's Canyon Roulevnrd, tie oftAb e,OG/IIO�•1,�1F crib n ec- Comaste [, t point 100 I I gtaAh Rt490IS114F l(Er I S That the advertisement soutthe n ly f the f t a U' ,kftifittmale• -L 18ttPt S (8 L- n[ the northerly 1 a E Parley's I IcRe purpose 18tPo S It Lake Col,a Carton Boulevard easterly 1 f the p t- st. tl g 81 r oh p t street, el scut,r-e -hereby confirmed, I La YubliSh-L7r��, Ari Ol'dlilal-1Ce ail' ;'gin. Jere, 865en feet, of the NJh L' - ,gl6O�C',"5t ,"In of 1 tics 2 d N 1:.'/n I 9. 21, rt T 1 S.'"R.1 . S.L.A.N M. I('' 11iI1 of Betnjue.and d Ar.- eport leyls ng on the Louth tide o[Par- (FA osl�''tB of Eof Commits and a of n��(a ((, la,'s Canyon Boulevard. �'•gIZll Lake hoard ere horcby ratified, of C a eneln8 on the.rc,rLllao ' .. It Lake CltI hereby ra Llflod, Of Par601.9 feetEon,.so t➢oule00 y t a t oiol led and eO lfLaned- Sohit 651 9 feet ro t ly 1 9f,,,pt S I t ' 1 1 be s0 south 0 11 from the N.E. b 1 fl equal 'ly intl..- of Lot et 110 8 Idl .11 t p' it tl"a 1 d -- - tdrler th th ass.ly 8(16!11 ,� 1 It 1 feet,at th.e.W/ }e 22 d N.E„of Bee.21,T.1 B a 1 E., �p p Id Ln y I`I 1.� um, eh published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the Fronting Mh th tide.of 1'Ark- inst allment„t m is due- 'Boyle.,ib PE av Avenue. t II t In ti 1 al bl way portCommencing t the Intersection h I t y p Id day of A.D.19 the north west f Park a ue I t r.st witht 11f f �=d Ito, -- "' d the a lit t ( 21-E , of 1 data III. 1 bee f- ' Street, .E, e. 2,T. feet, of f tl One Installment:,In the N W of hoc.22 T. S. R. tl d ' in I k y-' f. 2 ll rr Fronting on Etc M.th aide of PArk- able,or the whole nCal I t v!C published..0:'l._�BC£ll11143T:.1ti�.-19J1 way Avon.. t n e pall after whole tiLten days tine commencing at the haterocetlon al before Wm first Installment become, he totals II=,. of Paei:way Aper"1n der by paying with interest Tact publication thereof being in the issue dated the and the west line of 21st East from the date of Inv-v to too tlata Street thence t 266 77 feet.Lots such ErsEinstallment le due.One or 34.4 15 Block 13 Artlended Plet of MCA, 1 At II l In elte order in Blocks rl to 18 incl., Count,Club which they are PaYabte.or Ine whole Acres subdivision 1 par f NM, p k l tit h p m the to day of ;� A.D.19 2.T 1 8 R.I E S.L.P.g M. y I t 11 t b a by p Fronting the 't old f J,.Id 1 ti t o ( 1 Interest //// Street. t h f payment.Default 1 7 `G'L -(�GC-_L-_ The South 244.32 test of Tat 4, the payment of a, euch install- Elk. 2, Country Club A of the f I ' In 1 I t, t 1 7g /Y]_,,_ N W/of Sec.22,T.1 u B„1 E.. d shall cal 1 whole of h - / Ad'Uertising'G er7 b-L.B.N M. paid^edge 1 I I west l b ._ Fran tin,on the wet elite of Oneldt due end payable it ntedlatcly and°the Street.Commeneing at the N.E.c nee of pal shall thereafte�'draw l Jnterest aul oat �J 1,01 4,Slack.1,Country Club OA Acres, the rate of ten Per cc t per a , thence north 229.5 tent, n.il pnld,b,:1.at or,,,,nthne prlori[o N.WSn of Sec.22 T.1 S.,R.1 F., i.:,. . -I .r cl r he ,�` Frot,ting on hthc exeI etch eI"°s°In 3rd day of y{r tl d f 11 n:this nn 't..l 1 l L d do Sreat. I L th t 1 - 1- t All f Lots 2 t, 8 t Lake [ t I t f i-y t tar] . Block Z0, Plat 'J, bolt Lake Cityr. 1 7 L t II 11 I 11 19 Cl Fronting on the west elite of petiole' o is and.111 thorn,pen bet 1J Jl area\Lc the right thereafter to Street. of Lott I art 15 to 20 1nc14 's i' Block 21 Flat J',Salt Lake f 5`'iIt left t t d ht o- d Gil Surrey ,ACTION 4 This, 'ill e shall k ..I t d y ft., n i t. ` Fronting thenorth I I f A.Pcn tl ` / Avenue.All f t 17 to 24 Inclusive f 1 by h B Ad t C rl..- rrr/// fi--- 1' p k 3. Ontario Sub. f Block 24, sinners°[Salt 1 Cltr Utah.this ,i f x�n� 5 A Plat A Big Field 9 y. Ilth day of December,A.D.,1951. i` 1, Fronting thesouth 1l f Aspen EARL J.GLADE, or,. Notary Public—_— Avenue. Mayor. All f Lots 9 to 16 Inclusive of IRMA E.BI']NIIP. . Block 4. Ontario Sub. f Block 24. City Recorder. 5-Aerl lat'A',Big Pled;Survey. f Fronting on the east Otte of and l 111 No.], I Nn. ,117. pest Street, to Tire 9nri;h Sfi feet qj 7 t 10 f. IF I F Ina!L li n feel.,era Il o(Lore tot 19 i-cl.. , ._a D I r 1],1n51. of Block Plat'4'.'Ble Field Sua- 2M1 Fronting en the vast .1i1c.a of 2rd West Street. All of Lots 1 to 9 InN.;P01011 s Sub. of Block 24, 5-Acre",flat 'A', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the north elan of 13E1 South Street. All f is 3 and 4 of Block7. Olandale Gardens Plat 'A', of the S.E.Y of Sec.10,T.1 B.,R.1 W., F L.➢.StM.the xonih fade 4! 18th' Fronting on - South Street All of Lot 7,Blk.2,°Pinnate Gar- dens rFlat 'A'.°3 W1the ,0 l.1s1of0a See. ee. Fronting on the reel eldo of Sleteer, Street. 5 In 11 incl. of 1.'k- AI: 8 Loh,- 1 a d all of Loth ri t0 7 incl.'of J 11k. 2 Gland arc Bre, 00.Plat 1 i the 8.15,1/4 of 8n. 15 T. ] i9., R.