81 of 1972 - Amending Title 25, by adding Chapter 9, providing sick leave conversion to vacation time, and paymen VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, August 1 19 72 W.Chairman Barker I move that the Ordinance be pas ed. Hammen ✓ Harrison f1 i(w�"y Phillips Result AN ORDINANC /: ? AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, by adding thereto a new Chapter 9, re- lating to sick leave and vacation benefits. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new Chapter 9, relating to sick leave and vacation benefits, to read as follows: Sec. 25-9-9. Sick leave conversion to vacation time. Effec- tive and commencing January 1, 1973 and on each January 1 there- after, any employee other than a member of the combat division ofi-thg fire department, who has accumulated to his credit thirty (30) sick leave days and any member of the combat division of the fire department who has accumulated fifteen (15) shifts under the provisions of 25-9-1 of these Revised Ordinances may choose to convert a portion of the yearly sick leave grant for any given year to vacation under and subject to the following provisions: (a) If the employee making the election has used no sick leave days during the previous calendar year, he shall be entitled to convert five days, of the current calendar year's fifteen day sick leave allocation, to vacation days. Such converted sick leave days shall be permitted as vacation days in addition to any other vacation award to which said employee is entitled under the provisions of this chapter. (b) If the employee making the election has used one sick leave day during the next previous calendar year, he shall be entitled to convert four days of the current cal- endar year's fifteen day sick leave allocation, to vacation days. Such converted sick leave days shall be permitted as vacation days in addition to any other vacation award to which said employee is entitled under the provisions of this chapter. (c) If the employee making the election has used two sick leave days during the previous calendar year, he shall be entitled to convert three days, of the current calendar year's fifteen day sick leave allocation, to vacation days. Such converted sick leave days shall be permitted as vaca- tion days in addition to any other vacation award to which said employee is entitled under the provisions of this chap- ter. (d) If the employee making the election has used three sick leave days during the previous calendar year, he shall be entitled to convert two days, of the current calendar year's fifteen day sick leave allocation, to vacation days. Such converted sick leave days shall be permitted as va- cation days in addition to any other vacation award to which 81. said employee is entitled under the provisions of this chapter. (e) If the employee making the election has used four sick leave days during the previous calendar year, he shall be entitled to convert one day, of the current calendar year's fifteen day sick leave allocation, to vacation days. Such converted sick leave allocation shall be permitted as vacation days in addition to any other vacation award to which said employee is entitled under the provisions of this chapter. (f) If the employee making the election has used five sick leave days during the previous calendar year, he shall be entitled to convert no days, of the current calendar'ypar's fifteen day sick leave allocation, to vacation days. Sec. 25-9-9.1. Sick leave credit forward. The bal- ance of the sick leave days allocated pursuant to the provisions of Section 25-9-1 of this chapter, not converted to vacation days as permitted above, less the number of days used during that calendar year as sick leave days, shall be carried forward as accumulated sick leave days pur- suant to the provisions of Section 25-9-3 of this chapter. Sec. 25-9-9.2. Notification of election. Any election by an employee to convert any sick leave to vacation time must be made by notifying the personnel department of Salt Lake City Corporation on a form to be provided on or before January 31 of each year; otherwise, no conversion will be allowed for that calendar year and such conversion privi- lege shall be deemed waived for that calendar year. In no event shall sick leave days be converted for other than the current year's sick leave allocation. Sec. 25-9-9.3. Presumption of use. Any sick leave days properly converted to vacation benefits under the terms of these Revised Ordinances as above described, shall be deemed to be taken prior to any other days of vacation time to which the employee is entitled under the provisions Of these Revised Ordinances; provided, however, that in no event shall any sick leave days converted to vacation days be entitled to any pay or compensation upon an employee's termination under the provisions of Section 25-8-6 of these Revised Ordinances. Any sick leave days converted to va- cation days remaining unused at the date of termination or retirement shall be forfeited by the city employee. 25-9-9.4. Retirement benefits. In addition to the sick leave conversion privilege to vacation days above de- scribed, at retirement an employee shall be paid in cash, at his then current pay scale, a sum equal to his daily rate of pay for 10 per cent of the accumulated sick leave days reserved for the benefit of said employee at the date of his retirement under the provisions of Section 25-9-3 of this chapter. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. 81. Passed-by the PAugrdtof Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 1st day of J F 1972. Mayor . ATTEST: tkOtieN (SEAL) BILL NO. 81 of 1972 Published August 8, 1972 (NOT PUBLISHED) 81. ROLL CALL /; "VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, August 22 19 72 Mr.Chairman , I move that the Ordinance be passed. Barker Harmsen Harrison Phillips Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 9 of Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, by adding thereto a new section to be known as sec. 95-9-9, relating to sick leave and vacation benefits. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter 9 of Title 25 of the Revised Ordin- ances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, be, and the same hereby i$, amended by adding thereto a new section to be known as sec. 25-9-9, relating to sick leave and vacation benefits, to read as follows: Sec. 25-9-9. Sick leave conversion to vacation time. Effective and commencing January 1, 1973 and on each Jan- uary 1 thereafter, any employee other than a member of the combat division of the fire department, who has accumulated to his credit thirty (30) sick leave days and any member of the combat division of the fire department who has accumu- lated fifteen (15) shifts under the provisions of 25-9-1 of these Revised Ordinances may choose to convert a portion of the yearly sick leave grant for any given year to vacation under and subject to the following provisions: (a) If the employee making the election has used no sick leave days or shifts during the previous calendar year, he shall be entitled to convert five days or, in the event said employee is a member of the combat division of the fire department, two and one-half (21/2) shifts of the current calendar year's sick leave allocation, to vacation days. Such converted sick leave days shall be permitted as vacation days in addition to any other vac- ation award to which said employee is entitled under the provisions of this chapter. (b) If the employee making the election has used one sick leave day or shift during the next previous calendar year, he shall be entitled to convert four days or, in the event said employee is a member of the combat division of the fire department„two (2) shifts of the current calen- dar year's sick leave allocation, to vacation days. Such converted sick leave days shall be permitted as vacation days in addition to any other vacation award to which said employee is entitled under the provisions of this chapter. (c) If the employee making the election has used two sick leave days or shifts during the previous calendar year, he shall be entitled to convert three days, or in 81. -2- the event said employee is a member of the combat divi- sion of the fire department, one and one-half (11/2) shifts of the current calendar year's sick leave allocation, to vacation days. Such converted sick leave days shall be permitted as vacation days in addition to any other vac- ation award to which said employee is entitled under the provisions of this chapter. (d) If the employee making the election has used three sick leave days or shifts during the previous calen- dar year, he shall be entitled to convert two days or, in the event said employee is a member of the combat division of the fire department, one (1) shift of the current cal- endar year's sick leave allocation, to vacation days. Such converted sick leave days shall be permitted as vacation days in addition to any other vacation award to which said employee is entitled under the provisions of this chapter. (e) If the employee making the election has used four sick leave days or shifts during the previous calendar year, he shall be entitled to convert one day or, in the event said employee is a member of the combat division of the fire department, one-half (z) shift of the current calendar year's sick leave allocation, to vacation days. Such converted sick leave allocation shall be permitted as vacation days in addition to any other vacation award to which said employee is entitled under the provisions. of this chapter. (f) If the employee making the election has used five sick leave days or shifts during the previous calendar year, he shall be entitled to convert no days or, in the event said employee is a member of the combat division of the fire department, no (0) shifts of the current calendar year's sick leave allocation, to vacation days. Sec. 25-9-9.1. Sick leave credit forward. The balance of the sick leave days allocated pursuant to the provisions of Section 25-9-1 of this chapter, not converted to vaca- tion days as permitted above, less the number of days used during that calendar year as sick leave days, shall be carried forward as accumulated sick leave days pursuant to the provisions of Section 25-9-3 of this chapter. Sec. 25-9-9,2. Notification of election. Any election by an employee to convert any sick leave to vacation time must be made by notifying the personnel department of Salt Lake City Corporation on a form to be provided on or before January 31 of each year; otherwise, no conversion will be allowed for that calendar year and such conversion privi- lege shall be deemed waived for that calendar year. In no event shall sick leave days be converted for other than the current year's sick leave allocation. Sec. 25-9-9.3. Presumption of use. Any sick leave days properly converted to vacation benefits under the terms of these Revised Ordinances as above described, shall be deemed to be taken prior to any other days of vacation time to which the employee is entitled under the provisions of these Revised Ordinances; provided, however, that in no event shall any sick leave days converted to vacation days be entitled to any pay or compensation upon an employee's termination under the provisions of Section 25-8-6 of these Revised Ordinances. Any sick leave days converted to vac- ation days remaining unused at the date of termination or retirement shall be forfeited by the city employee. Sec. 25-9-9.4. Retirement benefits. In addition to the sick leave conversion privilege to vacation days above des- cribed, at retirement an employee shall be paid in cash, at 81. -3- his then current pay scale, a sum equal to his daily rate of pay for 10 percent of the accumulated sick leave days reserved for the benefit of said employee at the date of his retirement under the provisions of Section 25-9-3 of this chapter. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect January 1, 1973. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 22nd day ofLiclSt$ 1972. August Mayo ATTEST: i ty°42-br r �/lA (SEAL) BILL NO. 81 of 1972 Published August 30, 1972 81 ADN-fosA Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 9 of Title 25 of the Revised.Ordl- ,minces of Salt Lake y,,� known as Sec.25.99.relatingato sick leave and vocatioto a new n benefitssecelen to be _-- --- Batt p}k�i l••act Be It ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah: ��N SECTION S.That Chapter 9 of Title 25 of.the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake CO,Utah,I,1945 be,and the same hereby is,amended by adding thereto s tiph'fa be Known as Sec.25.9.9,relating to sick leave and vacation !benefits,toradmvmmwe: Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal a ver- Sec.25-9.9 Sick lave conversion to Vacation time.Effective and corn meriting Janutry't;1923,and on each January 1 thereafter,any employee tisi.ng clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) I other than'-a-member of the combat division of the fire department,who has I accumulated 10 MSYEPedlt thirty(30)sick leave days and-any member of the newspaper printed in the English language, with general cir- mbat dIvIsiqr0tiir fire deportment who has occurnolated fifteen 05)shifts der the•proVis o e f 25-9-1 of these Revised Ordinances may choose to con. culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake veil portion a t yearly sick leave grant/o any given year to vacation de dwele the I provisions: County,in the State of Utah. (o)Htth9 eth�ll(sYe9 e ki g thetl shun d no sick leave days niys d lylg th a hYol i tl y h h et t n slot rt fi day f Ih ffthnee et P and ply 1 b fin b cal i i fin That sickdleaanve olkCa�tau,,lo vaatiionf days.SUM aooerred sick leave days shall' `hat the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto ibe permltte,P a tl days in edrdth ec to any other vacation award to whidh sold ehf Lye�,2�a1s raked under the provisions o1 this chapter. (b)infiI re king the election has used one sick lave day rt An Ordinance relating, Q_�,ZCck�..@aY@_axid_va catien tar d oral 1119 ed loud-emplevo year,he shall be helloed at convert far daysa II{e h Y T said employee f t e a member t calendar comsat divisive rlo ti ac"poMettfne a vs.such converted sick l a days shall be oermii benefits. Bill Not 81 of 1972, t d as wedded-6.s•In addition to any other vacation irtl to which said -- Employee the ta11 d 4 tl the provisions f the chapter. ()If the MINA Y.o Making thee electionhe d t sick leave days or shift during Ins�Nrrt� lend 'V hehall be to convert three MY,orin AteRYf tft ltl employeeIsmember Sc, combat division of the ---------- 1 clyl Partmeq rpi d -a-n If /)shifts of o t calendar year's sic ed dotjga t vacationdays.Such convertedsickleave days shall be permitted as yfoe non days In addition to any other vacation award to whitNsald emal Vp is titt d under thevisions of this chapter. ---------- (dkIf the a pipe ys oeie the -n s used three sick leave days or shifts during iH ppk vlous:calend year,he shall be entitled to convert two dayson,In the 0, so1aid smolt the Is a member of the combat division of the Yire(Ieaorlc o due(1)SCi11 of the torrent calendar Year's sick leave alioca-., _ tlo io vacation days.Sy h converted sick leave to all be permitted as', vacation days In addition to any other vacation award to which said employee Isertltked under the provisions of this chapter (e)If theNtnaloyeeaking the election has used four sick Iey y e de or was published in said newspaper on y ,tp s Curing ire nrevlod calendar year,he shall be entitled to convert one Boyar;In the'e t did employeeIs a member of the combat division of the flre dep0/fmkilt hall MI shill of the current calendar year's sick leave Imeaton,5d.vocation days:Such averted sick leave allocation shall be AUg_ust 30L 19Lp 2 Paid etcod¢So atl a ys In r She many other vacation award to which-- --- said f)It t4eemaddledunder the election nnh s used five sr. tN Jtthe s yrefdm-cal theelectionhasused five sick to convert or- hts :daring thee¢1 lender year,mh eh II b entitled di ision oft __ tlay Nine event tbitl pl yes lsamembe of the dlvis'on of the------ -- -- -� ` ` ( '''''is' \\ \ 11 M 1 (0)shifts,f the current cal tl year's sick leave alio. ) \\ \l lion,to qua do days.- SeB25-9.9.1..Sick.leaM 0.w sioforward.The balance I th'ick leave days allocatedp t toihrt R Islons of Section 25 9 1 of this chapter,not coat - rted to vacationdays permitted above,les the number fdors used dur- ing that calendar Year osslck leave days,shall be carried forward as etcumv laced sick leave days Pursuant to the provisions of Section 25-9-3 of this chap-I ter. Sete 010k9.2.Notification of election.Any election by an'employee the ee to con- vert any sick lave to ke CIl op time must be made by notifying the personnel department of Salt Lake City:Corporation on a form to be provided on or be. fore January 31 of each year;otherwise,no conversion will be allowed for that calendar year and such conversion privilege shall be deemed waived for 1p that calendar year.In no event shall sick leave days be converted for other 30t}i _._ day of man the current year's.sick lave allocation. :me this Sec.25-9-9.3.Presumption of use.Any sick leave days properly converted to vacation benefits under the terms of these Revised Ordinances as above de- scribed,shah be deemed to be taken prior to any other days of vacation time / nn o which the employee is entitled under the provisions of these Revised Ordi-A.D, 19_4L-- s;provided,however,that In no event shall any sick leavedays convert- ednto vacation days be entitled to any pay or ompensation upon on emOrdinances Any terminationloyee's under sick leavedays c Section onverted to vacation 5 days-84 fremaining these l una used at the date or termination or retirement shall be forfeited by the city `/ 1 employee. Sec 1•.25.99.4.Retirement benefits.In addition to the sick leave conversion privilege to vacation days above described,at retirement an employee shall '�- .�ci.-2 3't"y.-.J-C__ _ be paid in cash,at his then current pay scale,a sum equal to his daily rate or NotaryPublic me for 10 percent of the accumulated sick leave days reserved tot the benefit of said employee at the dote of his retirement under the provisions of Section 25-9.3 of this chapter. SECTION S.This ordinance shall take effect January 1,1923. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 22nd. day of August,1972. E.J.GARN • Mayor HERMAN J.HOGENSEN City Recorder (SEAL) BILL NO.81 of 1972 Published August 30,1922 fdf..1 February 12, 1974 J '