82 of 1909 - Ordinance 82 of 1909 – Sidewalk Extension No. 108, Fifth Partial Estimate. f,
AS O R D I ' A I C I .
AR *rams** levying a tan aid fir the as ussaeat of property ea
all stroato within the distrist boosted a tbs west by the water lie
of Stato Street, on tho Mast by Wm osatMr lies of Thirtesath East
Strout, oa the north by the Meth side of Bath !Mutt Street, Mid 6a
the south by tie sty limits, is Sidewalk Bistri Ns los. 29, 30, 32,
88, 34, 86, 37, 38, 40 sat 48, for the eeastraetiea of sesioat side-
Be it ordained by the City Osasadl of Salt Loki City, Utak:
1#Oli01 1. 'bat the City Oeiasil does kss+aiy levy the tax and
previa* few the aetssaauat of the ma* ups* the property heroiaafter
dsseribsd is Sidewalk Sistri.N les. 29, S0, is, SS, 34, 86, 37, 38,
40 ant 43, for the sesstreetiea of *swat sidewalks, to-wit:
Ia Lets 1 to 6, iaslesiv*, and 'S to 47, iaolusive, Block 3; 1
to 49, iaelasiv., 31ssk 2; and 1 to 28, iaelaaivo, 'look 1, Porkies'
Sssaad Addition. Bleak 1; 1 to ST, iaslativs, and Si to 57, iaolusive,
Block 3; 1 is 49, iaslasivs, Meek 2; sal 1 to 27, iselasivo, Bleak 1,
lost 'read Ties faidivisisa, Kook 1; S, 10, 11 sad 18. Block 1; 56,
aid 16 to 23, iaslewivs, Bleak S. 1aaktas' Grand Tian Addition, Blsok
1-A; 1 to 10. imamate. Sleet 7. Porklas' Nodal Addition to Greed
now, 'leek 1-A; 10 ea4 11. 'look 1-A; 1, and 40 to SO. laslusivo,
Blsek 1, Peebles' Third AdditleR, Bloek 16; I, Bleak 18; 1 to 11, la-
elusive, eat i0 to 58, iaslesivs, Block 1; aid 1 to 6. iaolusivs,
311e2 S. Porkies' Additisa, nook 16; 1 to 19. iaolasivs, and 49 is
66, iaolusivs, ereystsae Addition. Block 16; $ to 12, iaolusive, Viso
1; 1 to 2. ieolisivs. tad 101, 101 sad 102, Block 2; 94 to 103, ix-
slisivs, Black 4, Liaosla Park Subdivisiox, Block 16-A; 1 to 17, 1n-
d aaivs, Bleak 1; 1 is 17, laoluaivo, and 66. sad 47 to 52, inolnsivo,
Bleak 2; cad 1 to 9, iaolusivs, Block 8, Whitaker's Subdivision, Bleak
16-A; 32 is 56. iaolusive, Block 1; 1 to 26, inclusive, sad 32 to 56,
iaolusive, Block 2, Hsaelaere Subdivision, Bleak 16-A; 1E, 15 sad 16,
Bleak 16 A; 1 to 40, inclusive, Berth Indlewood Subdivision, Block 1.71
lE to 16, inclusive, Block 17; 1 to 24, inclusive, Block 2; 1 to 24,
iaslasiv., sat 42 t. 11, inclusive, Sleek IS, Perkvi.w Sabdivisiss,
Sleek 17-A; sat 1, sat T to 11, iaelwsiv., Elsa 1T A, ell is live
Airs Plat "A", ltt Piolt Sarre, *butting is the Korth side of Toupees
Osseo bites*. Seventh East sat El.veath lest Streets; es the south
site of lowest Avenge between liath last sal rievsath lest Streets; •
is beta sites et Elaine Arenas between Ninth lest sad lleveath last
Streets; lithe east site et Ninth lest Street between tempest Avenue
and sits finite; Zia ben silos of Nilema Avenue bstwees liiath last
sad E1ormeNi last Droste; es the west site if Tenth last Street be-
twee as Aimee eat sits limits; a the salt situ of teeth last
jStreet betimes Loess see Nilsen rlrss+s; ea the west side if Eleventh
lest Street between Elan South Sliest at liartin Avenue, and bete***
tempest set liaise Avsssaes; a the east site of Elevsstk last Street
b.teeea l.nsisst Avenue eat eit,Jlisits; es the south side if Leese
Avenue betases tenth lest set thirteenth lest Streets; es the Korth
'site of LSeea Menne between teN111h last glempok eat Thirteenth lest
Streets; is both sides of in rema Avenue between E].issth lest and
thirteenth lest Streets; ea boll' sites •f Roosevelt Avenue between
Eleveatk lest and thirteenth list Streets; ea the south side of Ear-
rises Avenue betimes llov.ath lest eat lhirt.enth last Streets; en
beta' sites if Sri Meese between Eleventh last esd thirteenth last
Streets; ea both sides if Nessiaetoa Avenue between Ei•vsath lest es
thirteenth lest Streets; es the south sits of weed Amine between
Twelfth lest see Tbirt.sale last Streets; ea the south side of Hartln
Venus between Wirth lest sad Thirt..ath lest Streets; ex the north
site of Martin Avenue bottom Eleventh East sad thirteenth last
Streets; ea the south side of Browsing Avian* between Eleventh East
sad Thirteenth last Streets; es the south side if Harvard Avenue be-
tween Ninth East end Eleventh East streets; and en both sides of
Princeton Avenue between Eleventh East sad Thirtesath East Streets.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing cement
sidewalks four (4) feet wide and four (4) inches thick upon the por-
tions of said streets opposite the property hereinbsfore and herein-
after described to be especially affected and benefited by said im-
provement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established the,
said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full amour,
of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed
at an equal and unifora rate in a000rdance with the linear foot fron'-
age upon said portions of said streets fronting upon c:,ni to a depth .f
twenty-five (25' feet back therefrom, and the tag hereby levied and
to be assessed neon said parcels of land is sixteen thousand seven
hundred eighty-eight and 39/100 (416,788.39) dollars or
6714649/10,000,000 (30.6714549) dollars per front or linear foot of
abutting property for sidewalks upon the streets above mentioned in
Sidewalk Districts Kos.E9, 30, 9E, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40 and 43, there
( being 25,003.01 feet of abutting property within the boundaries of
the lots, blooks and streets above mentioned in said *istricts, whio
is the total cost and aost per front foot ofii said sidewalks accord-
ing to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and
making said improvement, with James Kennedy, dated the 28th day of
September, 1908, and. the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed
to assess in a000rdance with the provisions of this ordinance for th
purpose herein mentioned:
The north side of Lets 1 to 5, inclusive, the south side of Lots
29 to 47, inclusive, and the west side of Lots 25 to 29, inclusive,
Block 3; the north side of Lots 1 to 19, inclusive, the south ,side of
Lots 49, and 29 to 47, inclusive, the west side of Lots St* to 29, in-
clusive, and the east side of Lots 48-and 49, Block 2; the north side
of Lots 5 to 24, inclusive, the east Fide of Lots 1 to 5, inclusive,
' a.nd the west side of Lots 24 to 28, inclusive, Block 1, Perkins'
Second Addition, Block 1; the north side of Lots 25 to 37, inclusive,
the east side of Lots 1, End 53 to 57, inclusive, the south side,n ,.,
Lots 1 to 24, inclusive, and the west side of Lots 24 and 25, Block ,
3; the north side of Lots 26 to 49, inclusive, the east side of Lots
1, and 49 to 65, inclusive, the south side of Lots 1 to 25, inclusive,
sand the west side of Lots 25 and 26, Block 2; the north side of Lots
.5 to 27, inclusive, the east side of Lots 1 to 5, inolusive, and the
1west side of Lot 27, Block 1, West Grand View Subdivision, Block 1;
! the south 262.35 feet of the *est side of Lot 8; the south 220.2
Mest. and the north .f feet of the east side of the west 726 feet of
! Lot 10; the west 118.8 feet of the east 151.8 feet of the north side
Hof the south 880.8 feet, and of the south side of the north .9 feet
! of Lot 10; the west 118.8 feet of the east 151.8 feet of the north
; side of Lot 11; the east side of the west 726 feet of Lot 11; the
! south 262.35 feet of the east ride of the east 726 feet of Lot 15,
! Block 1; that portion of the right of way of the Jordan and Salt Lake
! City lanai abutting on the west side of Eleventh Fast Street between
Blaine end Wilson Avenues; that portion of the right of way of the
Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal abutting on the north side of Wilson
Avenue between Tenth East and Eleventh East Streets; that portion o
the right of way of the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal abutting on
the south side of Wilson Avenue between Tenth East and Eleventh East
Streets; the west side of Lot 66, and the west side of Lots 16 to 23,
inclusive, Block 3, Perkins' Grand View Subdivision, Block 1-A; the
west side of Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, Block 7, Perkins' Second Addi-
tion to Grand View, Block 1-A; the south 125 fret of t'..o north 167.9
feet of the west side of Lot 10; the south 152.1 feet of the west
! side of Lot 11, Block 1-A; that portion of the right of way of the
I Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal abutting on Eleventh mast Street be-
twoen Blaine and Wilson Avenues; the south side of Lots 1, and 40 t•
46-, inclusive, Block 1, Perkins' Third Addition; '?lock 15; the south
side of Lot 2, Block 15; the east side of Lots 1 to 11, inclusive,
and the south side of Lots 1, and 50 to 58, inclusive, Block 1; and
the east side of Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, ??lock 2, Perkins' Addition!,.
Block 16; the north side of Lots 10 to 19, the west side of Lots 1 to
10, inclusive, and the south side of Lots 1, and 49 to 56, inclusive,
Greystone Addition, Block 16; the north side of Lots 6 to 12, inclus-
ive, and the west 115 feet of the north side of Lot 5, Block 1; the
north side of Lots 101 and 102, the west 115 feet of the north side
of Lot 103, the south side of Lots 2 to 8, inclusive, and the west 115
feet of the south side of Lot 1, Block 2; the north side of Lots 94
to 102, inclusive, and the west 115 feet of the north side of Lot 103,
Block 4, Lincoln Park Subdivision, Block 16-A; the north side of Lot
I1 to 17, inclusive, Block 1; the north side of Lots 55, and 47 to 52,
; inclusive, the south side of Lots 1 to 17, inclusive, Block 2; and
the south side of Lots 1 to 9, inclusive, Block 3, Z7hitaker's Subdi-
vision, Block 16-A; the north side of Lots 32 to 56, inclusive, Block
1; the north side of Lots 32 to 56, inclusive, and the south side of
1 Lots 1 to 25, inclusive, Block 2, Haselmers Subdivision, Block 16-A;
1 the east 448 feet of the north side of Lot 12, Block 16-A; that .dor-
tion of the right of way of the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal abut-
ting on the south side of Martin Avenue between Eleventh East and
Thirteenth East Streets; the north side of the west 202 feet of the
east 212 foot of the south 177.2 feet of Lot 1b, and the south side
of the west 162 feet of the east 172 feet of the north 87.8 feet of
Lot 16, Block 16-A; the north side of Lots 1 to 40, inclusive, North
Inglewood Subdivision, Block 17; the east side of Lots 12 to 16, in-
clusive, Block 17; that part of the right of way of the Jordan and
Salt Lake City Qanal abutting on the north side of Princeton Avenue
between Ninth East and Eleventh East Streets; that part of the right
of way of the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal abutting on the south
side of Princeton Avenue between Einth Eest al_d 71 -h .,-at Street- ;
that part of the right of way of the Jordan sod. Snit Lake City Canal
abutting on the west side of Eleventh East Street between Princeton
and T.lartin Avenues; the north side of Lot:; 1 to .d , i of tsi.ve, Bloch
2; n.c. south ride of Lots 1 to 24, inclusive, and the west side of
Lots 42 to 51, inclusive, Block 3, Park View Subdivision, Sled: 17-A;
the west side o' Lots 7 to 11, ;rclu iwe, flock 17-A; and the east
446 feet of the south side of Lot 1, Block 17-A, ail in Five Acre
Plat "A", Bi Field Sure , as --• r.;lh o-rn a on the o''ficial
plats of Salt Lake City to a.depth of tventyafive (25) feet hack fro;
said streets, collect said tax.
SEoTIOi 2. Said tax: C'aall become and be delinquent in five equ I
installments, as follows, to-wit: Onefifth thereof one: year'after
tle approval of the ordinance confirming the levy of-ther t z5ifor the
payment,for such improvement; one-fifth thereof in t'o years:`:after
such approval; o_ne...fifth thereof in three years ffte aiioh 4p.p 'oval;
otve fifth thereof in four years after such approval; and one f fth
t}ferd'of in give years after such approval. One or more,-of r d in-
stalluonts or t i..e Bide tax may be paid on or before ten days after
the approval of the ordinance confirming-: the levy of the tax. One o
more instsllmonts, or the ,hole special tax moy be paid on the day
any installment becomes due, by payint the amount thereof a.n1 intere t
to date of payment. Each of said installments shall bear interest a.
the rste of six (G) par cent per annum from the date of the approval
of the ordinance confirmin the levy of said tax until the date of
Jelin:uency, and ei;ht (8) per cent ,,er annum from delin.iuency until
2E021011. 3. This o-rdinance shall take effect upon ,approval.
Sidewalk Est en on ?To. /O 1Gl �/
_ r ir,71 a ii.nate. t� PLC
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, to.h, June,21,
1909, and referred to the L1ayor for his --pp .
Ci y lt000rdcr.
".pproved this <. -, day of June, 1909.
CMG¢ Mayor.
,..";,i,,-Z:Lt.4:4* :ff ", .'!- :131 "I—,-; •• as,,,,,,e, if.,.:,... ;,.. _, ,,k.. , ... F,,,..
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I _ .a nr', .,OT" .'ilrf _ y 'et. . •n (d) ,, ,
1. Ii., r1 xc;` 5;stc� '10 \',V:ii ell'', ..I'1''"r: " ., ` r