82 of 1910 - Ordinance 82 of 1910 – Amending Section 88, relating to cellarway or area, permit and bond. . ..., . , I 1
1 November 22, 1909.
A W UnD1 LO. li GB .
An ordinance nmonding and ro-onacting Oootion 88 of the Revised
CrOinonnoo of f;lelt Lone City of 1900, relating to otallorwoy or aria,
oormit sod bond required for conetruotion, waiver, agreement to ingest-
nify tho city, new bond, ko, ea toneojed by an ordinence pond by the
City Council Docombor 28, 1908, end approved hy to ::oyor 71ocember 29, !
I . - Be it ordnined by the City Counoll of 3olt ::,oke Gity, Ttrth.!
1 SOOnTnN 1. Tbot 000ttor 88 of tat, Stovieed. OrdinonNeo of ',telt
f r•kki, City of 1900. reloting to oellarwOy or A006t, pormit ond bond re-
ouired :or ourtot.rootion, nAivoir, ooroement to inOtomnifo .t: e uity, new ;
f bort!. Q. oo ;ItIndod by on orC.inonee pawned by the City Council Dmeomo 1
Iher 28, 19O0, ond opprovel )oy 1:',o ntyor Deconber 29, Inf.?, be, nod
t the 000ttOio ooroby onondod oni ro-onnuted no w to rood an followal
1 88. 0O'ol.ohlAY. C.:, o.-.OA. Onenie onl ItoonO OnnUIR-I.Ot FOR 00N....
1 .
-. T.0(.:T . I.0 .,:01. . :, lInOine CLTY. If BOTD.
1 It oholi be onlnwful for any oorwon, firm or ourporotion to
1 °notate under ftny oidorook at any otreot intoroeotion hetwoon bite
i property line and tho (sorb line, noo no pornit oholl bo trotted
i . for any ouch exoevation.
It ohall be unlowful for any poroon to erect or conotruot
1 eny oteirwoy or poosage leading from any otreot, avenuo or lley,
into tho bosenent or ceLlnr of nny haildioo wit-io ttw limits of
Solt T,oke City, end thoreby ocoopy any 000tion of tno street,
IaOlon or onleooln, or Lo oxoovoto or troot any 000a or vault
ender any oileealk or any oortion on toe public otrooto, avenues
or t11eyi of Ovit otoo City, orlooa tint party an 0000truoting the
I name sholl reeve orocormdoo pornit do to do from the City Cormeil,
1 and otioll hove nivoo o but in on 000uot flood oo teo building
nop'ntor, not lens than one Cool/nand ( 1,000.00) dollar* nor
more than ton thrmaand (i!10,000.00) Dollars, which oholl be 1.17-
1 provod by the Couvoil. Such bond obeli run to Salt Lon* City,
1 o
A ' • • and tO any person injured, and shrill be conditioned for thel(0*i',,
i i 82 ' 'l
ralllt of Al :.v.- 410 [Trtnst h1i r them, Or
Lt obld 01;1 on to-ount oeany irOnry Which mey bropen to
any , eron or pl*oparty by retoon of eath ottirray, X' fOrift, area
Or lre'Alt, or by reor o" arl. Pf.* or drnroroye comiltiOn of
the same, or of eny f;rttir- or rOlinr hmin over or
nbolt the owe, Ane, In ro orne obril er..envctions b rde nearer
tic curb tin four Zeot.
Tormit shall be issued for ;In; of tho ,furpooni mentioned
in this ;elotion lxn10 p,plic:rnt for such -i)ermit shell be the
owner 05 tho )roperty, or t-e lessee .t. creo:; nnti if wan,
owner sh611 in o,on.,A.I';rsti.:,c 1rn ri I orruc, crs.11t, in writing
w$1vo ii tio cno su-h ;:.. 11o4nt, h-r, t-mir or its,
heir." oTac;:tor.:, rThinirt -nsizns o- nlcooto-s,
&toiric 2or d:reInges of everj cr. or 11,,tnre tnnt wry ocour or so-
cr,ao to thn b,d1dihr'. :lhattir;[ on ilrh ^-xorvntlon, sr to the *on-
tenta of u:Ad baillinr, by relr, ofTItor from tee st.r!er, curb
or otter A.De. oitcr the :Art, !‘nd in an11ritir -11ell agree
to Irrdf lt ko C'dty r. c toot oil c,lnims for
Armr,gor .1o,q, to to ..-opert of uny tertnt of nriJ 1.) 1.1ding, or
ir, rnhn or i;ro-onr-ty, hy rryon of Thter from 1-1.,.r newer,
curb or vetor plonr rtreet, recoltinr in vhole or in
j,,art by renror of ourb lcriver sf.hvIL be duly
aokhowlodroj acrdlrr to lrn fouch bo the 109400
of t'llo abuttirf- 1:1roprrty, In ce.rrilerfltirn of rrrntA,A, %nen per-
nit, hm, she, they or it 21".ell elreoute r1)ond ln nn frmonnt fixed
4 by the Buillinz 1;:ci;ector, o not 1ro t4tn one corc ( 1.000)
no-!- morn lb-n tcL thoTlr,,d 1 rs, which
u;lail be adproved t,j tbr o a10t1 iph br;ni s, 11 -rin to tal'
1A..1:o it ro to Ilhf...11 be oorA,itioned
for tIt payrt4nt of 11 i!-rr- Ten tiv't may be adjudged against the
principal in said bond, or :-Against *aid pity on aaoonnt of all
olaims for &mates of ,very name and nnture thnt mny occur ov
nobrue to 11:e baildinc sbuttine on nuch exobvotion, or to the
conttntE of neid boildin by rei,Aor of T'EACV from tbe
curb or water pipe blonL the atrtet, bra seninnt t.11 dvmages and
claims for eirvteee done to tbt property of hny tenant of WI
bolldirE, or other porron or property by rtnnon of miter from
the Le.-r!er, ourb or water pipe alone to street rersltinr, in whole
or in part by reavon of ,uoh exoevation.
if at $ry time after tan nrovn1 of any of the 'condo men-
tibned in t ob:tido, thw oAnoranip or or leasehold In the
property therein mentioned otiIbe ohnngod, tufo principal end
nureties in aria bona may tri.ve tab VUMA) ornaelled arId iuoherged
upon ottn3rinf3^, tho n:,proval c tt'ro City idrancil of a bond by the
near owner or lea:.-Ae f t opremies, whie n bond shall be for the
OSVje a:Itount ani cont•do all tna conditions, liabilities
and proviUons on;-Ataine6 14tntt i.ona acuent to liaitt onnnelled
and diaaharged; evfvidod, that oa?ore any cinch now bond le es-
oeptod by tine Olti Connell, t b owner of tbo abottinE lfromiaes
ohoil, in writina, bnd in oonni o r tion of t ,1 acooptie of said
taro bond, executo wriver and ereemont to inaomnif Lake
City an hercinbefare provided; end tint before any ouch liew blind
Ehnll be nooapted by tne the nev 1. 100 f !" the .
• abfattin fromtnan nhnll oxocnte a nen' Land in conA,doration of
the at:looting of svld no.:. bond oontr.idir the conditionz, obit-
,cct,tionn and weelentn to 7!!, dontv,iei in the bond be,n)in pro-
viied to he executed by r seleense anon the ernntlne or the
permit heroin manti,.zaa.
]rovided furtor, tat 4 ron of thin Kroat laint tho
r Op not no,ialia f. t1i1 to lend on exc'..vated
beyotnt t'as oriGima J7rdpc:t:7 ilea.
Tact bond mentioned in thin zootion, aoi any bond given in
renewal or place therof, U4 norein prpvided, shall expire at
the end of five yearn from taeir date, provided, the principal,
AV 0-e
str.1 nurltion ter in shrll t'ne end ofery five yenr øriod
after the upprovr1 of the bond beretn m,rtlornd obtein the ap-
provtri. 1:1,1 City .;runoll of r new bond for the 21101110, fli MOUlt
co/Aril:ire the err.,* conditione, liebilitiets end provi Pions me
sad first bond; otnarwis.,e the bond provided for in thin seettoit,
or Amy bond subsequently riven, simll continue in full fore* and
7171'?“,1 2. Pill ordirimieS sd reaelstiohs; oriierts cif ordinalistee
and reo1u i&nr .111:;ooni,tot ',.;mr--I th tIre ')It1401;`;,,' 0 the extent
301371..i Ct
I I .
lrily: ,or4.,inr:rolk#:-.:.11$11 e #
'1: • "
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,"nah, J ne 1Sth
1910, and referred to the Mayor for his apErova
_eoor er.
Approved this /.1"-- day of June, 1910.
MaYor• Pro Tem/
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