82 of 1947 - Vacating streets running between Rambler Drive and Lafayette Drive and between Lafayette Drive and P VOTING AYE NAY
Salt Lake City, Utah, r'1}
, 194
Affleck L%
Matheson I move that the ordinance be passed.
Romney > j
Mr.Chairman . .
AN ORDINANCE VACATING styeet running between Rambler
- Drive and Lafayette Drive and betw n Lafayette Drive and Picture
Drive in Rose Park Plat "A" in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That streets running between Rambler Drive
and Lafayette Drive and between Lafayette Drive and Picture Drive
in Rose Park Plat "An in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly
described as follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 12, Block
6, Rose Park Plat "A", a subdivision of Block 102, and
parts of Blocks 91, 92, 93, 100 and 101, Plat "C", Salt
Lake City Survey, and part of the south 1/2 of Section
26, and the north 1/2 of Section 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W.,
SLB&M, said corner being in the westerly line of Rambler
Drive, thence N. 45°00155" W. 203.24 feet to the easterly
line of Lafayette Drive, thence N. 44°59'05n E. 9.0 feet,
thence S. 45 00'55" E. 202.76 feet, more or less, to the
westerly line of Rambler Drive, thence southwestwardly
9.02 feet around a 210.64 ft. radius curve to the left
to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 11, Block
Re:) 6, Rose Park Plat "A", a subdivision of Block 102, and
parts of Blocks 91, 92, 93, 100 and 101, Plat "Cn, Salt
Lake City Survey, and part of the south 1/2 of Section
26, and the north 1/2 of Section 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W.,
SLB&M, said corner being in the westerly line of Rambler
Drive, thence N. 45°00'55" W. 202.29 feet, to the easterly
line of Lafayette Drive, thence S. 44°59'05" W. 4.,0 feet,
thence S. 45 00'55" E. 202.35 feet, more or less, to the
westerly side of Rambler Drive, thence northeasterly 4.0
feet around a 210.64 ft. radius curve to the right to the
place of beginning.
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 27, Block
9, Rose Park Plat "A", a subdivision of Block 102, and
parts of Blocks 91, 92, 93, 100 and 101, Plat "en, Salt
Lake City Survey, and part of the south 1/2 of Section
26, and the north 1/2 of Section 35, T. 1 a., R. 1 W.,
SLB&M, said corner being in the westerly line of Lafay-
ette Drive, thence A. 45°00'55" W. 200.0 feet, to the
easterly line of Picture Drive, thence N. 44°59'05" E.
9.0 feet, thence S. 45°00155" E. 200.0 feet to the
westerly side of Lafayette Drive, thence S. 45°59105"
� . 9.0 feet to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 26, Block
9, Rose Park Plat "A", a subdivision of Block 102, and
parts of Blocks 91, 92, 93, 100 and 101, Plat "C", Salt
Lake City Survey, and part of the south 1/2 of Section.
26 and the north 1/2 of Section 35, T. 1 iv., R. 1 W.,
SLB&M, said corner being in the sesterly line of Lafay-
ette Drive, thence S. 44°59'05" W. 4.0 feet, thence
N. 45°00'55" W. 200.0 feet to the easterly line of
Picture Drive, thence A. 44°59105" E. 4.0 feet, thence
S. 45°00'55" E. 200.0 feet to the westerly line of
Lafayette Drive, which is the point of beginning.
be and the same are hereby vacated s.nd declared no longer to be
public ;)roperty for use as a street, avenue, alley or _pedestrian
Said vacation is ;ina.de expressly subject to all existing
rights of way and easements' of all public utilities of any and
every description now located in, on, Under or over the confines
of the above described property and also Subject to the right of
entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repair-
ing, replacing, removing, Lltering, or rerouting said utilities and
all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme-
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication. )
Passed by the Board of Cora,nissioners of Salt Lake City,
pta.h, this /7 a-day of , @., '1947.
1 j
City Recorder r
o. r.
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
SEP 171947
First Publication in
s rr. /q- !9 5'7
-- 4
rz 1 t
1 AN ORDINANCE f Section 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 idle
I SLB&M, said corner being In the
if ->1.1 AN ORDINANCE VACA'ITNG eeterly live fr Lafayette Drlvo,
'C W
strives Lafayetterda between Rndrb e- -thence 0 dto. ea 55 '
rn V �I Drive Lai ileDrive
Drive andiure ofW ct feet,Drive,to the e N.
44ly Ina
i' l' tweenDrive in No Lafayette Drive and Picture of Picture thence feet
44 clog.
�(� Drive In City Park Plat "A" in 59 min. .00 E.9.0 feet thence
iI j \ ,SaltLit City, by fS.eet
45 deg.00 min.55 sec.E.200-0
,f,,, "V.;
V. I BeH it ordained by the Board feet to the as side . 0 viii.
<.' I Utinmissloners of Salt Lake City,t ette Drive,thence.0 to4 deg. la m
Utah' 05e sec.W.9.0 feet to the place Hof
(,f) SECTION 1.er Drive eeets an r Lafa- beB ginni
between Rambler taand La fay- o Beginning at the southeastcorner
c]i ette Drive and between nLafayette of Lot 26,s Block 9,Bose Park Plat
Drive ,nd Picture Drive in Hose "A", a ubdivision of Block 102.
. ,h., Park Plat.r"A" In Salt Lake City, and parts of Blocks 91,92,93,100
tj5l Utah, mo e par,:culvrlY described and 101, Plat 'C",Salt Lake City
a as follows: Survey,and part of the south ', f
aeglnning at the northeast cornerSection o2f6 and the north z ,,
' ., of Lot 12, Block 6, Rose Park
f Lion 35. T. 1 N., R. 1 W.,
r1. '- Plat "A", a subdivision a Block 9 Westerly
said corner being In the
102, and parts Of Blocks f91, 92, Westerly Inc o[ Lrtiam¢tte Drive,
93, 100 a d 101, Plat "C:' Salt thence S. 44 deg. 59 in. 05 a
1', Lake City Survey,and part of the W 4.0 feet, thence N. 45 deg. 00
oath " of Section 2fi, nd the min. 55 sec.W. 200.0 feet.to the
1'nnorth if, of Section 35, T. 1 N., easterly line of Picture Drive,thence
H.1 1V.,SLHR.M,said corner being N. 44 deg. 59 min. 05 sec. E.4.0
br the westerly line o0 nitamUler feet, thenoe S.45 deg. 00 Imn. 55
Drive, thence N. 45 deg. 00 0.E.aretl feet.to the westerly line
n',? in. of Lafayette Drive, which Is the
,) 55 sec.W.203.24 feet to the easter- pent.of beginning,be end the same
ly tine ea Lafayette Drive, thence re hereby vacated and declared n
lN.e 44 deg. 59 in. 05 .s E. 9.0 are
to be public property for use
feet, thence S. deg. 00min, s a street,avenue,alley or pedes-
trian s E.202.76 feet,moreor less, trjan
to the westerly line of Rambler Said ayac Lion is made expressly
feet, thence southwcstwardly 9.02 subject to all existing rights of way
feet, around a 210.64 ft, radius and easements of all public utilities
curve to the left to the Place of of any and eery description i
beIteginnrng at Lire southeast c _ located in, on, under or over tile
fines of lathe above,described
' n t of Lot 11,Block 6u Rose Park property and also subject to the
Plat `A", a subdivision of Block right f entry thereon for the pun_
102, and parts of Blocks 91, 92, pose of inspecting,maintaining,,rn
1• 93, 100 and 101, Plat "C", Salt i pairing, replacing, removing, Iter-
D �. Lake City Survey, and part f the lag, routing said utilities and
south of Section 26, and the all of them.
north V. of Section 35, T. 1 N., SECTION 2. In the opinion of
R. 1 W.,, SLBkM, said corner be- the Board of Commissioners, it is
lag in the westerly line of Rambler necessary to the peace,health and
I Drive, thence N. 45 deg. 00 min, safety of the inhabitants of Salt
eta , 55 c.W.202.29 feet,to the Silence Lake City that this ordinance shall
ly line of Lafayette Drive, thence become effective Immediately.
X S. 44 deg. 59 min. 05 see. W.4.0 SECTION 3.This ordinance 'hall •
feet, thence S. 45 deg.00 in. 55 e circa upon Its first publica-
n c.E.202.35 feet,m lion.
r less,to lion, .
�,e the westerly side of Rambler Drive, Famed by the Board f Commis-
northeasterly 4.0 feet around sioners of Salt Lake City, Utah.
n 210.64 ft. radius curve to the this 17th day of September,A. D.
CI, right to the place of beginning. 1947.
,.rp , ''n Beginning , the n rtheast o- EARL J.GLADE,
r of Lot 27,Black o Rofe Park Mayor.
7; 02t "A", subdivision of Block IRMA P.BIT City
�' 102,and 101,01,s I Blocks On 92,93, City Recorder.
100 andy, cto the Lake BILL
City Survey,and6 part the
the.south PubL NO. 02
,- Y Section 26,and tare north !'z Published September 19, 1947.
City and County of Salt Lake,
I Frank A. Shields, Deputy, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating; streets running; betJaen__Rambler_Dri.ve--and—Lnf-ayette
Chive and between Lafayette Drive and Picture Drive in Rose Park Plat
tAt in Salt Lake City, Utah."
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, September 17th, 1947
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City, this_ 6th._--.__---day of November, 1947 irfax
he City
NO. 82 � h of Deputy City Recor r.
Published Sept. 19.,___1947__Mc.___.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notices
etween Remoter D M Ockey
- Drive and Lafayette Drive and be-
tween Lafayette Drive and Picture
Drive in Rose Park Plat "A"'in
Salt Lake City. Utah. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Be it ordained by theLa Board of
Commissioners of Salt ke Ci ty,
Utah: vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
SECTION 1. That streets running
between Drive and Lafay-
ette Drive and bween et Lafayette published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the S
Rambler tate
Drive and Picture Drive in Rose
Park Plat"A" in Salt Lake City,
'Utahws:,more particularly described as of Utah.
Beginning at the northeast corner
of Lot 12, Block 6, Rose Park
Plat "A." a subdivision of Block
tot. and parts of Blocks 91 92,
93, 100 and 101, Plat "C", Salt That the advertisement
Lake City Survey,and part of the
. south t5 of Section 26, and the
north V5 of Section 35, T. 1 N., Ordinance Bill No B2
R.1 W.,SLBA5M,said corner being
in the westerly live of'Rambler
Drive, thence N. 45 deg. 00 min.
65 sec.W.203.24 feet to the easter- Salt Lake City
ly line of Lafayette Drive,
N. 44 deg. 59 min.OS sec. E. 9.0
feet, thence S. 45 deg. 00 in.
55 sec.E.202.76 feet,more or less.
to the westerly line of'Rambler
Drive, thence southwestwardly 0.02
feet annum! a 210.64 ft. radius
b curve to the left to the place of
Beginning at the southeast cor- was published in said newspaper, in,its issue dated, the
tier of Lot 11,Block 6,Rom Park
Plat "A", a subdivision Sr Block
day of A.D.19
Lake City Survey:ancteparCt of the
south ik of Section 26, and th
north iO of Section 35 T. 1 N!, Sent 19 1947
R. 1 W.. sL13&34, said'corner be- and was published
Ina in the westerly line of Rambler
Drive, thence N. 45 deg. 00 min.
55 sec.W.202,29 feet.to the easter-
/y line of Lafayette Drive, thence the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
S.44 deg.59 in.05 sec.W.4.0
feet, thence S.45 deg.00 in.35
sec.E.202.35 feet,more or less to
the westerly side of Rambler Dilve.
thence northeasterly 4.0 feet around day of A.D. 19
a 210.64 ft. radius curve to the
right to the piece of beginning.
Beginning at the northeast cor-
ner of Lot 27,Block 9 Rose Park
Plat "A", a subdIvisio'n orB
102,and parts of Blocks 91,9lock2.93, Advertising Clerk
100 and 101, Plat "C", Salt Lake
City Survey,and part of the south
to of Section 26 and the north Os
of Section 35, T. I N., R. 1 W.,
SLE&M, said corner being In the •
westerly line of Lafayette Drive'
thence N.45 deg. 00 min. 55 sec.
W.200.0 feet, in the easterly line
• of Picture Drive,thence N.44 deg. or to before me this 20th day of
59 min.05 sec.E.9.0 feet.thence
S.45 deg.00 min.55 sec E.200.0 '
feet to the westerly side*of Lafa A.D.19
ette Drive,thence S.45 deg.59 min.y- 47
05 sec.W.9.0 feet to the place of
Beginning at the southeast corner
of Lot 26,Block 9,Rose Park Plat
"A", a subdivision of Block 102,
and parts of Blocks 91,92,93.100
and 101,Plat"C",'SaIt Lake'City
Survey, and part of the south Vs
of Section 26 and the north V s Said vacation is made expressly
of Section 35, T. 1 Subject to all exieting rights of way
SLB&M, said corner being in the and easements of all public utilities Notary Pubvc
of any and every description now
westerly line of Lafayette Drive,
thence S.44 deg. 59 min. 05 sec. located in, on, under or over the
W. 4.0 feet, thence N.45 deg.00 confines of the above described
Property and also Stibleet to the
min, 55 see, W. 200.0 feet to the right of entry thereon for the Inc.
easterly line of Picture Delve,thence
N. 44 deg. 53 min.05 see.E.4.0 Pose of inspecting,maintaining,re-
feet, thence S.45 deg.00 min.55 pairing, replacing, removing, alter-
ing,or rerouting said utilities and
sec.E 200.0 feet to the westerly line all of them.
of Lafayette Drive, which is the SECTION 2. In the opinion of
point of beginning,be and the same the Hoard of Commissioners, it is
are hereby vacated and declared no necessary to the peace,health and
longer to be public property for use safety of the inhabitants of Salt
as•street,avenue,alley or pedes-
trian way. Lake City that this ordinance shall
become effective immediately.
SECTION 1. This ordinanm shall
take effect upon Ito first pub-
Passed by the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 17th day of September,A.D.
City Recorder.
Published September 19,1947