82 of 1951 - Vacating portion of 13th Avenue east of ' J ' Street. ROLL (..HLL_ '1; ,J Salt Lake City,Utah,Df c 1 1 1951 ,195 rVO > iTING Aye Nay v Burbidge x JEcix I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . . y ' — Lingenfelter . . • ter, N...-Nk Romney . . . / Mr. Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result i AN ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of 13th Avenue east of 'Jt Street in Salt Lake City, Utah. • Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt `4") Lake City, Utah: a SECTION 1. That a portion of 13th Avenue east of 'Jt Street in Salt Lake City, Utahmore particularly described as . follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of Block 4, North- crest Subdivision, Plat A; a subdivision of part of the v ... SW* of the SW4f Section 29, T. 1 N., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., thence east along the south line of Block 4 extended, 41.25 feet, thence south 19.5 feet, thence west 350.0 feet, thence north 19.5 feet to the south line of Block 4, aforesaid sub- division, thence east 308.75 feet to the place of beginning; be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub- lie property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing OC rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property and also subject to the right of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, re- placing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, heal th and. safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall to t upon its first publication. L1c -2- Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, ttiia _//r.t' day or O�CEMBE , A. D. 19 ("fr:,‘ ayo . ./ City ecorder. • • • 9 STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, Bessie Judges, Deputy , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance vacating a portion of 13th Avenue east of 'J' St. in S Talce City, Utah" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, December 11tht x 1951 as appears of record in my office. IN `''ITN ',SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal 2.7th December 1951 of said City,this:, day of ' (SEAL) • ,• BILE NO. $2 /IA/2.,.A.A.-41A.ot.. Deput City Recorder. 1 Published December 13,_..Vt2c 1951 • CD 1 44 D. n CI W m,,: ) Qo AN ORDINANCE. a AN ORDINANCE VACATING —I portion O[ 13th Lake Cit east 1 ']' Street in Halt Clty,Utah. Q(�Crl" Be Commlite ordained by the Board of v) \ UtSECTIONerI. Thats or ala pot ktlon e City, t� I3th Avenue east } '3' Street in • Irk Salt Lake City. Utah, more par- ticularly ticutarly described as follows: Commencing L the southeast a U corner of itt i 4. North nest 6ub- dlvlb St Piet A, a subdivision Of A•p (a; part of the 3W'/a of the 9W'/.. V Section 29. thenceT. l N,. N. I E,. S.L. (� B. & M., east along the r� f� south feet, f Block 4 'tended, / ' 1 91.25 feet, thence south thence tee[, thence west 350.0 feet, north a I 19.5 feet to the south line of Block 4. aforesaid s bdihe place . thence ''L' q east 308.75 feet to the place f be- ginning,ginning:be and the same Is hereby m aca fed and declared ono longer to _l,le be Putrlavenproperty use as a \y`if t_ street. alley for" use rlen way. -45 Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of Nay and easements of all public utilities _r. f any and e description e rp now in. On,every under over the confines of the above described 1 right property entry thereon and also for thte pur- 1 Q pose,of Inspecting. maintaining,re- pairing. replacing. removing, niter. O log routing said utilities and all [{ rho SECTIONf 2. to the opinron f ' v the Hoard of Commisslo ners, It is O (i3 necessary o the peace. health and rarelyna of to Inhabitants of Salt . N '� ake City that this ordinance shall -elf become effecttve Immediately. 21 SECTION 3. This ordinance hail CT 4.+, take effect upon oft first pubilca- p� m' Passed by the Board of Commis- sioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, t0' - this Ilth day of December. A. D. 1951. Earl J.Glade .2Mayor, D ri'. Irma P. Bltner 8 City Recorder. (SEAL) aid 00 BILL No. 82 Published December 13, 1951 t) C IN- • cti \. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,1 } ss County of Salt Lake AN OIUINANC,. Aet ORDINANCE VACATING: a °limn of till,Avenue eat nt •A ]i, 1' Of",YlfY Street In Sell.Lake Oily. Utah. Ile II ofdalned by the nna!A of Commisaloners of Salt Lake Cl, 1.1,111 Being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is ad- SkC",•_'ON J.. Thar, a norlioh of 1 lath AVAIILIE Past al 'J' 5ta'ecl. In 11 alarlyke�rac'1A d asaf follow, "°' vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper Cnmmenc.ng at the ol:thea st Rom, of°` R'""k '' Nn""to,n`r es,"5°of published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Plat A, a pall. of the SW I;a at Elie SWI/+, Set,.29, P. 1 N., 11 1 2...S-L. A. k Ivf., thence east along the of Utah. A1uh °1 Alnck ed. 25 fe.rs !hence , h 11 thence nsh 195furst','he fee,then ra oft!,k I9.d fact'n the snutla Il:;n of Alork 4. Eel said sub:MI/Inn' thence That the advertisement east 10a rl5 feet to the"tare of be- glnalnc be and,he sane Is hereby beGated and declared no Inngef to pnhlln propelly for lire , a An On' (lance 1 it1 iio. °2 street, avenue, alley or pedeatrfan Sari v raaon call;early aabJact In all existing rlyolt nl b.y and o. of all publlr,uI11Ante of any send n every-des ortption now local tonllnes In. of nthe l'tlabove Jesort i the rl to f be liproght of' ene 9 the'ee knell afko � t n-Inrlhe pur- pose or Ilnpectlltg;:o,alntalnIng,alring, epleclnlf,Ismoving, r- Int natal nl.tlltles d all of.he.m. SECIIOtI'2. ; tlet opinion toe Anard-af Co rmtfteli!ts, It 10 recess!, In the.peare, hcal'h and befety of the Inhagitenle of knit. Cake Clty.that thin xirdhiauce thall become el fenttve Immedlatefy. SECTION 3._hiss r1tfmnne shall take<C9,1,11051 At u[ e fist n,14Ara- was published in said newspaper on Deco pb r 13, i<'5,1- Pea�l�,My').he-Ana. of G°In,.lr- lonole nt 531y',ak C11V, ut ult, Ili, 3443?.fA'+Y,q�;nnumecr. A. a sal. YIIH n2 ita y 2 1 bt , aor. IrmaI,r ltn+�41i Cd,Reoorder.' /L f SNAtI 22 Pubfls Nn December l:L 13h1 Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of A.D.19.5.1.... Notary Pub