82 of 1960 - Amending Chapter 8 of Title 31 of R.O., 1955, relating to Power and Heating Contractors. net.1VS ZOO I-bU y.r. .
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, JIL1,.L_i, 1 Uu , 196
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen - - '—
Piercey V \. �,� Jv A ti •_..
Romney . . . V
Mr.Chairman ._ - ...- AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 8 of Title 31 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Power and Heating
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Chapter 8 of Title 31 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Power and Heating
Contractors, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 31-8-1. (a) Designation. The name tPower and Heating Equip-
ment Contractors shall include persons contracting to install,
repair, alter, change, remove, maintain or service any power and/or
heating equipment, and/or fuel burning device.
"(b) State License Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to
engage in the business of contracting to install, repair, alter,
change, remove, service or maintain any power and/or heating equip-
ment and/or fuel burning equipment whatsoever or appurtenances
thereto within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City unless he
(1) is licensed so to do by the State of Utah Department of Con-
tractors pursuant to the authority contained in Chapter 23,
Title 58, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as enacted by Chapter 115
of the Laws of 1957; (2) has registered with the Power and Heat-
ing Division of Salt Lake City as hereinafter provided; and
(3) has secured all necessary permits and paid all the required
fees as provided under the ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah.
The license requirement above set forth shall be satisfied only
by one or more of the following specialty contractor's licenses
when properly issued by the State of Utah Department of Contractors:
Plumbing and Wet Heating Contractor, Furnaces and Burners Con-
tractor, Boilers and Steamfitting Contractor, Air Conditioning,
Dry Heating and Sheet Metal Contractor; Industrial Piping Contrac-
tor; and Swimming Pool Contractor.
'1;c) Registration and Duties of Power and Heating Equipment Con-
tracE'or. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in business
as a power and heating equipment contractor in Salt Lake City
without first registering his name, address and state license
classification and number with the Power and Heating Division.
All power and heating equipment contractors who sell or deliver
fuel burning appliances or equipment for use within Salt Lake City
but do not install the same, must be licensed as power and heating
equipment dealers under Section 31-9-1 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, and it shall be the duty of each power
and heating equipment contractor to register with the power and
heating division the name, type and kind of each and every fue urn-
ing appliance or apparatus sold by him for use in Salt Lake City which
is not installed 1r said contra trwr, together with the name and
- 2 -
address of the purchaser and/or user thereof. Such information
shall be mailed or delivered to the office of the Power and
Heating Division within seven days from the date of delivery of
such appliances or equipment.
"(d) Approval of Fuel Buatng Equipment. It shall be unlawful for
any person or contractor to install, to sell, deliver or offer for
sale any fuel burning equipment that has not been approved by the
Power and Heating Division of Salt Lake City.
"(e) Rights. Any person licensed and registered as a power and
heating contractor as provided herein, shall be entitled to con-
struct, install, alter and repair any power, heating or fuel
burning equipment; provided, however, that the actual work of
constructing, installing, altering or repairing such equipment is
executed by a power and heating equipment journeyman duly
licensed under Section 31-7-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1955, or that such work is executed under the
direct supervision of such a licensed journeyman.
If) Installation by Property Owners and Tenants. Property owners
or their tenants may install fuel burning appliances or equipment
upon their own property subject, however, to all inspection
requirements and regulations relating to the installation of such
appliances or equipment. Such property owners or their tenants
desiring to do their own work as set forth herein, shall be
required to sign an owner installed affidavit or waiver in addi-
tion to paying the regular inspection permit fee."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance become effective July 1, 1960.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon July 1, 1960.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 22nd day of June , 1960.
Temporal Chairmar
( S E A
BILL NO. 82 of 1960
Published June 29, 1960
; Legal Notices
ed Ordinances f Salt•Lake
and.Utati a CO relating to Power
a Fit ordained Oon by tors.
CS CTION 1.of cThat Pie'Board yf Affidavit of Publication
Lame That
t s
kiting toPower Ind HeatingSCoo-
tractors,be,and the se hereby
1s,amended to d xoilows:
"Sec. 31.MT CONTRACTOR'• tr
The ec,a 31-81Hnweal ➢aeionatlon. )/
ESOP""` and rteabeO 69.pment Con[raactor' shalt ht-
lutll9, pe o pat�g.ern'
'fn./1 alrla o'r'ttor'cp{y,e C, over
Soli ip Acatin&eeautpmeq and/or
License D. Ma Ockey
1{)S[ete License Iieauirea.It
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I Jnla Sul Sur a
to ..gc i t the bushrCe6=ofcrson
tractlnS to Install, ceeah•. alter, ,
7tap KE,�r pp r / i r
eau' nene power antlor?heating Being first dilly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
t d/ar fuel burntnK
to anoes"the eiowitnl°'the°cot- clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
PoSalhelimits of 1palt lrtmsLake
C'ito nc
et'the Stalef vwh Dcnartment GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
f Dpmraotors purLant to the dn. lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
�53i as'
enacted°i°necls""t°rain Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah,
of thed Lvawe f 19G9: 12)has reK-
ing Di [h cif Yowler ntl£ieat-
Division p£Salt Lake Cily
all necessary
permits has That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
paid-secured the required fees as and
LTided nnaer ue.omh�ancce of soli Salt Lake City Bill Nos 82 of 1960.
atialtemont Utah.The th oltol
sfied tabo�eysetforr shall bf
the following specialty contractor
licenses when properly issued by An Ordinance relating to Power and
the State f Utah Department o£
Heating Contractor.Furnbind aces add
St 011a Contractor, Boilers' and Heating �'ontractors
Burners Co Contractor.Air Corr- ' Heating It U
e'tait tttrovaclo,ca Iadust.i nboltnt
lug Coett'actor; and Swimming
Pool Contractor.
tnl ,eeglatr,eon and untie,of
Cnelnaetordl�i ns'I'iK be u"`pmfnf
�. for sang person toengage lnabusi-
me tac iist registering
e ii t Salt his'City
without an`d°otaie`iv e se eias°iica:
andL '.d nwnber w,m me rower
each. Division all p er June 20, 1960.
• and_sell o eaeliver t el burning
was published in said newspaper on
who sell of deliver fuel burnung
w ilthin Salt�talce uClivcbut£tl`,not
install the sand, ns.be]tcensed
t drat s eunde lSe-ctia,e31-9.1 enf
the Revised Ordinances of Sad'
Lake City Utah, 1935, and it
shall be the duty of each power
d heating
eou pment contractor
anad.,kind division the
and e v ten,
o eewer 1
b, Ing ap llancic a or atm:t t.
isoltW him
`or no a "'sa'` aid Legal Advertising Clerk
elf,"which is not installed by said
o tractor,inset her with the
and address °E the u:hasher
,d/nr usciotheret,f.Such informa-
tion -hall o m-:led o dolivered
kn the office of tyre Power and
of;such-ppliances o cut.
I:nutipinen'L➢'It hall bc1 Hlavfut
for any person'deliver
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tal. to sell, deliver r offer far rate ,y£del burning cap before me this day of
br" h nip San sat been asp •�d a
the a and NeafingrDivi-
£ ghts.alre city.
ateoHiic�c danv petsan licensed60
A.D. 19
• s shall tu.h t tl d t it
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ing such equipment ipexecutedby a Dower and beating couinment pp Z
S ro 3I ld 1':he R tla o a1°5re f S-It Lak CA,
ed is Utah,
Notary Public
v90d nthe theh doct vision of such a licensed journey-
"If, Installation Installation by Property
Owners and Tenants. Prot':ty
r their'tenants m -
• stall e1fsuel horning pliances�°
enurement n n their n,
€tend b hZin,e,reyor,'an Fran. 1961
tins re,t:e a it ,
of such relating os nr erminment.
f such applianeea n nOr Chet.
Such ' pertll ` e i iholr
ten nta'set log tondo th tIt
sit forth heroin,shalt he
stalled affidavit Kro n an owner d.
(Mina to theat Kulat' In-
SECT mite Seere e
the Boardpart,
is necessary to the dance. health
,d esafety of the 'i habitonts
lne£ertiyd,Tulh'sr ordinance
Su1Tn0N 3.This ordYnanc xvoll
taPassed eby the Board. ffCom-
nttssiuners of Salt Lake City.Ptah.
this 22nd d0Y.0 of ROM June toNe;Yss..i. .
Tc,npor'm0y Cheirmnn
City Recorder
City Reenedee
DM No.92 of 1960
t`vbli_h ed.rune 29.1990 IA-101