82 of 1970 - Amending Schedule 14-d, Section 144, prohibiting parking at all times in the west side of Baltic Cou RVLL %.IYLL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah July 28 197 0 Barker . . . . j Catmull ✓ I move that the Ordinance be pa fled. Harrison / Mr. Chairman . ANCE Result . . . . ad( AN OR'DD AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Schedule i4-d referred to in Section 144 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to parking prohibited at all times. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Schedule 14-d referred to in Section 144 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to parking prohibited at all times, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding to said schedule the following: Baltic Court, west side, from 4th North Street, south to its dead-end. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 28th day of July , 1970. Ce- ' G,/9 CL1A/t2� l IMIZERTemporary Chairman \ CITY C R (SEAL) BILL NO. 82 of 1970 Published July 31, 1970 82 Arsw•aaA Affidavit ®f Publication STATE OF UTAH, I ss. County of Salt Lake L._K.._Carr she is Being first duly.sworn,deposes and says that R0legal adver- tising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE — - County, in the State of Utah. AN ORDINANCE AMEENDING Schedule 14d lerretlto In Section 1a1 of the Tralflc Cotle of Salt L:.ke Clly, a to parkin prohibited That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto 7 p:jires. 92 tlalned by the 8o3rtl t GdA`Inif�sionen of Sa!t La ke Clfy,. urs erigrr-,.rnar:�sel,adyle,s.d r __-pub-an-ordinamee-emending- chedut-e--j4 ,}.-rCd'erred to ferred a 5action e the Tra1 rin code of Salt hake o$iy,rela,lnnl i.n Sect 144 of the Traffic Code of SL City, relating to to kJt� ff�� hlbded tf--all ilmes,i be, SR,.ttte..Same Hereby i e deed be add A to said schedule - parking-prohibited-et-all tines -Hi-±I Btsa-82uf'1.970 the tiVTirn North Streeurtsn�E SO Its head-endfi. lt SECTION t..In he apinlon of l': Lake lv, Oemmitsiorjsnehs of Saln l tneko9ac9,Carth'and see,ofY'ho 1110 n 400 of Salt Laka City thrat Ihls o�d:nanc¢.pecofie ofketive -I merllatelv ---'---- '- -- ECTION .This ordinance sao assedf t Salt Lek,City,Utah this I, l Passed b�the 9da rd I Commis 28rh dL yC ONR i H - ) Temporary Chairman. MERAMAN J.HOGENSEN was published in said newspaper on BILL ND,B2 of 1970 Published July 91,1970 (Ca) July 31, 1970 C` ss Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this __________ _ 61h day of August A.D. 19 7° . Notary Public My Commission Expires Feb 12, 1974