83 of 1903 - Ordinance 83 of 1903 – Sidewalk Extension No. 36. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property on the west side of West Temple Street between Fourth South and Ninth South Streets; the east side of West Temple Street between Sixth South and Eighth South Streets; hthhe—rre,tie stele er ate"eesbi r__., I OttS-treet---betost Tomplc and Pirot W7cot 0trccts;'and the west side • of East Temple Street between Sixth South and Seventh South Streets, in Sidewalk Districts Nos•. 7, 8 and 20, for the construction of sidewalks. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that it purpose, of the property abutting on the west side of West Temple Street between Fourth South and Ninth South Streets; the east side of West Temple Street between Sixth South and Eighth South Streets; . and the west side of East Temple Street between Sixth South and Seventh South Streets, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 7, Sand 20, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing sidewalks upon said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. i Sidewalk Intention No. 36. �� . 4 64!711 1_ Passed by the City Council of Salt Late City ,%C.I-ei, July?0th, 1903, and 'referred to the Sayer for his aporova.l. r Aeproved this 21 day of July, 1903. 4'r _ 8 rder. *A_,rYf�vl.k1 C Sayer. 83 . 5 11 A H I Q A o IA � no ti37ogo'rci end. nequ Jnoasaimaz aria natant/nos sonsattbne a► r.r:;ni . h1-:71 ,l_ rro" ri3^rnol naowted *twill oigmaT ?alai to sble *saw ad* iitxla mewled *earn8 e(gmsT taaW To able *ase art*y;atorrt2 r`3uoa Fiv3jFA, .,:gri;, 'to iG :iwlan :.iY ;a3een,8 1luo4. iTfl.t.� bna sidlr a \�\W \. I e.uia 3 ol; ari-3 bns ;aJ o`,t2 *car twin brse eiT 0T *11 olvt * �i 2 , re3:, •Y32 rr3uo2 *novae hiss rTl0,8 rilaat8 t 1use7 �sp,[rt # `to noi3orr•sano�o �o�,OS bna 8 '�,�•as\,\ f.),.k„otrd.�E[ 'Utah 6 i c .... .:'. 3L e_a a r, ki:Ame x10 t o a1 L , L, co 00 3 itrwaRso.IT v.t1) eri m �41 trcuaaa ri � �oI \,a - ' io.Jantinupt To$biaog4rl=-d h,Ssi+ita� _gJF,ba#ss�as Ak ' I J.nAt zo3 tieasuo011.010 int 14 bsttIogga T • 'ac+T elixi ,t ei*afi b etu: e'T 3^aW lc obis *sew aria no lntJJrrda lcago•sq aria/0 ;taoq . abia ?sae or./ ;a&o6'r18 rf1uo2 !instil has riJuo2 riJsuo'ii nsewJed Jon/J-2 ;a3c,e rJB fitue8 ritrinla hna iituo7 ritxt8 noewtsd Seel/2 alameT taeW To Jr,-:Y" brrs otgaro. 34c:" rsoovrtad toort8 rieue« rrtn3Yr3 To ebte :IJ-ron aril s3xia naav: ad teait2 oLciaT l'aa To CAB Jaasr arid. bn,s ;atoo130 JaeW bns8 ,C .no: atol^rJatUI ilatrabt8 n! , 0e0-rt8 rituo8 ritnevwe bar rituo2 pr:terabte nniiou-r3erros To ssagsuq en/ YeT 0010 eza J.La2 To ,OS ant boa ,bwaltTrroe 'sieci et oefaatta blaa le anot?iaq btaa nogas xcfe•se ': ala alati baJstgiaos hiss at bearauto7 brut ebara atnot'taasaaa .bacsttnos .tavo-rc?cis n>::u *DeTTo 'dal Itade sonsastbie atdT .9 ti!oITJt2 .74 .o. nolJnetal Slanabt3 \�;1