83 of 1907 - Ordinance 83 of 1907 – Franchise, Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, spur track on and partially MT Crn7F:lNC .
An ordinance `,ranting to file Eta Grande ,:estern Railway
Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise and right of way
to construct and operate a spur railroad track on and partially
across Fourth ':Test street between First and Second South Streets
in Salt lake City, Utah.
De it ordained by the City Council of Salt lake City, Utah:
Section 1. A franchise and right of way is hereby given and
.'astern •
granted to The Rio GrandeA:ailuay Company, it successors and
assigns, to lay, construct and operate a switch or spur standard
uage railroad track leading from a convenient paint on its rail-
-a„ line on Fourth Weft Street, and about one hundred. (100) feet
South from the South line of First South Street, in Salt Take
City, Utah, and running from Whence on a curve partially across said
Fourth West Street to a point approximately four hundred ninety-
nine (499) feet South from the South line of said First South Street
and twenty-five (25) feet East of the west property line of said
Fourth Pest Street, said spur track being opposite a portion of lot
Eiaht (6), and the i;orth one hundred sixty-nine t169) feet of a.ot
One (1) , in Block Sixty-four (64) Plat A, Salt lake City,Survey.
Section 2. During; the term of this franchise the grantee
shall be eubleot to the following conditions, viz! •
(a) That said switch or spur track shall be laid upon and
conform to the established grade of said street, and if said grade
is afterward changed by order of the City Council the grantee shall
at its own expense change the elevation of the traok so as to con-
form to the same.
(b) Whenever said Fourth 'Pact Street between First and
Second South streets shall be paved, then said grantee, its sue-
; 1
oessors and assigns, shall pave between the rails and for a space
of two feet outside of each rail with the same material as that used
in the street pavement.
(c) Said krantee shall put in and ;. •inta::n ouch crossings
over said *witch or spur track as shall from time to time be re-
guired by the City Council.
(d) The said switch or spur tru.“ shall be laid, cad the
road operated, so .:.s to cause no unnecessary impediment to the com-
mon and ordinary use of said street upon w ioh it is laid.
(e) Good and sufficient boxes to convey water shall be
laid ...nd maintained in -;ood condition at the expense of said grantee
in all the water ditches crossed by the said s•iitch or spur track,
so as to .dmit of free passage of water.
Section 3. Slothing in this grant shall be so construed
as to prevent Salt lake City or its authorized agents from paving,
severing, laying gas or water mains or pipes, altering, repairing
or in any manner improving said Fourth West street, but all such
improvements shall be made with as little injury as practicable to
said spur track and the operation I:hereof.,
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Section 4. This franchise is granted.„ tionemOraimbiat
the pleasure of the city council.
Section 5. This grant and all the terms and conditions
thereof snail be accepted in wri4ng by the grantee herein within
thirty days from the approval of this ordinance, otherwise the same
shall be void and of no effect.
Introduced by
Passed by the City Council of Salt La'a `.!'ti r,''`• ,'n,Decenber. 9, 1907,
and referred to the Mayor for his aporva 94
it;r Recorder.
Approved this - ay of December, 1907.
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