83 of 1911 - Ordinance 83 of 1911 – Paving Extension No. 43, Second & Final Estimate. T A D O R 3 I D A C E . An ordinance confirmii.g the a ,sess:,:ent upon the property here- inafter described on Fourth East Street bet,;een South Tec:uple and Fourth South Streets, in Paving District Do. 27, for the strhose o providing for the grading, guttering and curbing, end p,:vine thereof. it ordained by the City Council of 3ali Lace C`_ty, UtEah: ..11CTIOIT 1. That the :assessment li:t made by the City Tre.a.sur- as corrected, approved and,completed by the heard of Equalization and Review, heretofore dilly appointed by the City Council for that purpose, of the property in Lots 1, 6 and 7, ;dock 36; and 4 and 5, Block 37, Plat "B", Salt:.Lake City Survey; abutting on both sides of Fourth East Street :between Third South and Fourth booth Streets, in'iavinh District Do. 27,. of Salt Lake City, for t?ie purpoee of providing for the grading, guttering; and curbing, and pavieg of said portion of said street, is hereby confirmed, and the aasess- meats made and returned in watt said completed lints are hr:rehy confirmed. SECTIOiu 2. Thin or.dinarce shall take effect upon approval. Paving Extension Do. 43. Second and Final Estimate. Pas sed by t he City Council of Salt Lair City,Utah, August 28th, 1911, and referred to the Mayo f pr va .. .f ,recorder. Approved th is day o August, 1911. • J ayor. 83 is _ ..� . � ram- u R' 1C�. ' . ,)`' ice'• . ld'J • , • • i.,.Cr • i. $ \1 rt