83 of 1950 - Lighting District No. 29-A, 2nd and Final Estimate VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, 22._195O ,19i
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Lingenfelter . . . '_ e'-..
Romney . . . .
Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property
in Lighting District No. 29-A, for the purpose of providing for the
operation, maintenance and patrolling of incandescent tamps and the
furnishing of electrical energy therefor.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same
upon the property hereinafter described in Lighting District No.
29-A, for the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance
and patrolling of incandescent lamps and the furnishing of electrical
energy therefor, to-wit:
Lots 1 to 9 incl., Block 1; Lots 1 to 27 incl., Block 2;
Lots 1 to 34 incl., Block 3; Lots 1 to 43 incl., Block 4;
Lots 1 to 46 incl., Block 5; Lots 1 to 14 incl., Block 6; and
Lots 1 to 8 incl., Block 7, Rose Park Plat B, a subdivision of
Blocks 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, & 17 of Oakley, a subdivision of
part of Sections 26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S. L. B.
& M. and a subdivision known as part of Blocks 12 and 13, Oak-
ley. Lots 20 to 24 incl., Lots 37 to 39 incl., and Lots 45 and
46, Block 12, and Lots 39 and 40, Block 13, a subdivision known
as part of Blocks 12 mid 13, Oakley. Lots 7 to 10 incl., Block
14; Lots 36 and 37, Block 16; Lots 30 to 35 incl., Block 17;
Lots 1 to 4 incl., and 51 to 54 incl., Block 18; and Lots 1 to
4 inch., and 51 to 54 incl., Block 19; Oakley, a subdivision
of part of Sections 26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S. L.
B. & M. Lots 1 to 12 incl., Block 1, Waverly, a subdivision of
-2 •
part of Sections 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M.
Lots 1 to 11 incl., Block 1, Riverside, a subdivision of part
of Sections 26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M
Lots 1 to 13 incl., Block 26, Oakley Subdivision of Blocks 26
27 and 28; Lots 1 and 15 to 26 incl., Block 1; Lots 1 mid 15
to 26 incl. Block 4; and Lots 1 and 15 to 26 incl., Block 5;
Cone and Roberts Addition ubdivisions of part of Sections
and par of S. e of S9ec. N., R.l M.;
26 and 27, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M./hbutting on the
following streets, to-wit:
llth West Street - west side - from a point 169.85 feet south
of Lafayette Drive, north to 8th North Street;
Oakley Street - east side - from a point 279.85 feet south of
Lafayette Drive, north to 8th North Street;
Oakley Street - west side - 5th North Street to 8th North Str=et;
Sonata Street - both sides - Lafayette Drive to 'ltalisman Driv:;
12th West Street - both sides - 5th North Street tp 8th North
5th North Street - north side - Oakley Street to 12th West St eet;
Lafayette Drive - both sides - llth West Street to 12th West
Talisman Drive - both sides - llth West Street to 12th West
8th North Street - both sides - 11th West Street to 12th West
Street; in Salt Lake City.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of providing fo
the operation, maintenance and patrolling of incandescent lamps an.
furnishing with electrical energy sixty-seven (67) 4,000 lumen in-
candescent lamps on the all night schedule for a period of ten
years from August 5, 1950, to August-5, 1960, and it is hereby
adjudged, determined and established that said property will be
especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby
levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an egxal
and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon
and to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not
exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed
upon said parcels of land is Eighteen Thousand, Eight Hundred Tan
and 00/100 ( 18,810.00) or One and 310798/1000000 ( 1.310798) Dol-
lars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being
14,350.04 feet abutting said portion of said improvement, and the
cost of which operation, maintenance, patrolling and furnishing of
electrical energy and the property benefited thereby is hereinafte.
set out, and all within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and
;streets above mentioned in said district, which is the total abut-
ters, cost and cost per front foot of said improvement for a perio.
of ten years, according to the contract entered into for the per-
formance of said work and making said improvement with Utah Power
& Light Company, dated the 5th day of August, 1950, said levy to
date and be effective from August 5, 1950, which is the date ser-
vice began, and the city treasurer is hereby authorized and direct
ed to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance
Ifor the purpose herein mentioned•
Frontage on the west side of llth West Street.
All of Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 1; all of Lots 1 and 27 to 46
incl. of Blk. 5; and all of Lots 5 and 6 of Blk. 7; Rose Park Plat
a subdivision of
B,/of Blks. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, of Oakley, a subdivision
of part of Secs. 26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.B. & M.
and part of Blks. 12 and 13, Oakley.
Fronting on the east side of Oakley Street.
All of Lots 7 to 9 incl. of Blk. 1, all of Lots 3 to 24
incl. of Blk. 5, and all of Lot 1, Blk. 7; of Rose Park Plat B, a
subdivision of Blks. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, of Oakley, a sub-
division of part of Secs. 26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.
L. B. & M.,and part of Blks. 12 and 13, Oakley.
Fronting on the west side of Oakley Street.
All of Lots 1 and 2, 19 to 27 incl. of Blk. 2; all of
Lots 1 and 24 to 43 incl. of Blk. 4; and all of Lots 1 to 4 incl.
of Blk. 6; of Rose Park Plat B, a subdivision of Biks. 12, 13, 14,
15, 16 and 17, of Oakley, a subdivision of part of Secs. 26, 27, 4
and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M.,and part of Blks.12 and 13,
Fronting on the east side of Sonata Street.
All of Lots 3 to 23 incl. of Elk. 4, of Rose Park Plat
B, a subdivision of Biks. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, of Oakley,
a subdivision of part pf Secs. 26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R 1 W ,
S. L. B. & M. and part of Blks. 12 and 13 Oakley.
Fronting on the west side of Sonata Street.
All of Lots 1 to 3 and 20 to 34 incl. of Blk. 3, Rose
Park Plat B, a subdivision of Blks. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of
Oakley, a subdivision of part of Secs.26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N.,
R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M. and part of Blks. 12 and 13, Oakley.
Fronting on the east side of 12th West Street.
All of Lots 5 to 16 incl. of Blk. 2, all of Lots 4 to 18
incl. of Blk. 3, and all of Lots 9 to 11 incl. of Blk. 6, Rose
Park Plat B, a subdivision of Blks. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of
Oakley, a subdivision of part of Secs. 26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N.,
R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M. and part of Blks. 12 and 13, Oakley.
Fronting on the north side of 5th North Street.
All of Lots 2 to 5 incl. of Blk. 2, Rose Park Plat B, a
subdivision of Biks. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of Oakley, a subdi-
vision of part of Secs. 26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.
B. & M. and part of Blks. 12 and 13, Oakley.
Fronting on the south side of Lafayette Drive.
All of Lots 16 to 19 incl. of Blk. 2, and all of Lots 2
to 7 incl. of Blk. 1, Rose Park Plat B, a subdivision of Blks. 12,
13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of Oakley, a subdivision of part of Secs. 26
27, 34,and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M. and part of Blks.
12 and 13, Oakley.
Fronting on the north side of Lafayette Drive.
All of Lots 3 and 4 of Blk. 3, all of Lots 1 to 3 incl.
of Blk. 4, and all of Lots 1 to 3 incl. of Blk. 5, Rose Park Plat
B, a subdivision of Blks. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of Oakley, a
subdivision of part of Secs. 26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W.,
S. L. B. & M. and part of Blks. 12 and 13, Oakley.
Fronting on the south side of Talisman Drive.
All of Lots 18 to 20 incl. of Blk. 3, all of Lots 23 and
24 of Blk. 4, and all of Lots 24 to 27 incl. of Blk. 5, Rose Park
Plat B, a subdivision of Bike. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, of Oakle ,
a subdivision of part of Secs. 26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W.
S. L. B. & M. and part of Blks. 12 and 13, Oakley.
Fronting on the north side of Talisman Drive.
All of Lots 4 to 9 incl. of Blk. 6 and all of Lots 1 to
a subdivision
5 incl. of Blk. 7, Rose Park Plat B,/of Blks. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
and 17, of Oakley, a subdivision of part of Secs. 26, 27, 34 and 3.,
T. 1 N., R: 1 W., S. L. B. & M. and part of Blks. 12 and 13, Oakle .
Fronting on the south side of 8th North Street.
All of Lots 1 and 11 to 14 incl. of Blk. 6 and all of
Lots 6 to 8 incl. of Blk. 7, Rose Park Plat B, a subdivision of
Blks. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, of Oakley, a subdivision of part
of Secs. 26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.B. & M. and part
of Blks. 12 and 13, Oakley.
Fronting on the west side of llth West Street.
All of Lots 7 to 10 incl. of Blk. 14, Oakley, a subdivi-
sion of part of Secs. 26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.B. , M.
Fronting on the east side of Oakley Street.
All of Lots 39 and 40 of Blk. 13, part of Blks. 12 and
13, Oakley, a subdivision of part of Secs. 26 and 35, T. 1 N., R.
1 W., S.L.B. & M.; and beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 1,
Block 7, Rose Park Plat "B", and running thence northerly 151.33 .et,
(part of SW4 Sec. 26, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.E. & M., and Lots 30
to 35 incl. of Blk. 17, Oakley Subdivision) part of Secs.26, 27, 3
and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.B. & M.
Fronting on the west side of Oakley Street.
All of Lots 20 to 24 incl. of Blk. 12, parts of Blks. 12
and 13, Oakley, a subdivision of part of Secs. 26 and 35, T. 1 N.,
R. 1 W., S.L. B. & M.
Fronting on the east side of 12th West Street.
All of Lots 45 and 46, and all of Lots 37 to 39 incl.,
of Blk. 12, parts of Blks. 12 and 13, Oakley, a subdivision of
part of Sees. 26 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.B. & M.; and all o
Lots 36 and 37 of Blk. 16, Oakley, a subdivision of part of Secs.
26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.B. & M.
Fronting on the west side of 12th West Street.
All of Lots 1 to 12 incl. of Blk. 1, of Waverly, a subd -
vision of part of Secs. 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.B. & M.;
all of Lots 1 to 11 incl. of Bik. 1, of Riverside, a subdivision o,
part of Secs. 26, 27, 34 and 35, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.B. & M.; al
of Lots 1 to 13 incl. of Blk. 26, Oakley Subdivision of Blocks 26,
'27 and 28, a subdivision of part of Secs. 26 and 27, T. 1 N.,R.1 W
S.L.B. & M.; all of Lots 1 and 15 to 26 incl. of Blk. 1, all of Los
1 and 15 to 26 incl. of Blk. 4, and all of Lots 1 and 15 to.26 inc .
�of Bik. 5, Cone & Roberts Addition of part of Secs. 26 and 27, T.1
'N., R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the north side of 8th North Street.
All of Lots 1 to 4 incl. and 51 to 54 incl. of Blk. 19,
and all of Lots 1 to 4 incl. and 51 to 54 incl. of Blk.18, of Oakl•-y,
a subdivision of part of Secs. 26, 27, 34 and 35, T.1 N.,R.1 W., S L.
B.& M.; beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 54, Block 19,Oakl.y
Sub., running thence east 16.25 feet, of the N.W.* of S.W.4f Sec.2+•,
T.1 N., R.I W., S.L.B. & M.; beginning at the southeast corner of
Lot 1, Block 19, Oakley Sub., running thence east 22.0 feet, of th.
N.W.* of S.W.4f Sec. 26, T.1 N., R.1 W., S.L.B. & M.; beginning at
ithe southeast corner of Lot 54, Block 18, Oakley Sub., running thence
east 16.25 feet, of the N.W.4 of S.W.*, Sec.26, T.1 N., R.1 W.,S.L
B. & M.; and beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 54, Block 18
Oakley Sub., running thence west 22.0 feet, of the N.W.4 of S.W.,
Sec. 26, T.1 N., R. 1 W., S.L.B. & M.
Fronting on the south side of 8th North Street.
All of Lots 30 and 31 of Blk.17, Oakley Subdivision of
part of Secs.26,27, 314 and 35, T. 1 N., R.1 W., S.L.B. & M.; begin
ning at the northeast corner of Lot 30, Block 17, Oakley Subdivision
and running thence east 8.13 ft.,part of S.W.*, Sec.26,T.1 N., R.1 W.,
S.L.B. & M.; beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 30,Block 17,
Oakley Subdivision,and running thence west 24 ft, part of S.W.*fSe .
26, T.1 N., R.1 W., S.L.B. & M.;
as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the
entire depth of the same ownership back from said street not excee.-
ing 330 feet and collect said tax.
SECTION II. That the assessment list made by the City
Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of
Equalization and Review of the property described in Section I of
this ordinance in Lighting District No. 29-A of Salt Lake City for
the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance and patrol
ling of incandescent lamps and furnishing with electrical energy
is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and' returned in said
completed lists and the report of the Board of Equalization and
Review tts the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby
ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION III. Said tax shall be payable in ten equal
yearly installments, with interest on any delinquent installment
unpaid at the rate of ten per cent per annum, which interest shall
be charged from and after the due date of each installment, to-wit:
One-tenth thereof fifteen days after the ordinance levying the tax
for the payment of the improvement becomes effective; one-tenth
thereof one year thereafter; one-tenth thereof in two years there-
after; one-tenth thereof in three years thereafter; one-tenth ther=-
of/four years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in five years there-
after; one-tenth thereof in six years thereafter; one-tenth there-
of in seven years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in eight years
thereafter; one-tenth thereof in nine years thereafter; trovided,
however, that one or more of such installments in the order pay-
able,or the whole tax, may be paid without interest wiithin fif-
teen (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective.
Default in the payment of any such installment of prin-
cipal when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to
become due and payable immediately, and the whole amount'.of the
unpaid principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of to
per cent per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date
of sale or foreclosure the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid
installments past due, with interest at the rate of ten per cent
per annum to date of payment on the delinquent installments, and
all accrued costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the right
thereafter to pay in installments in the same manner as if default
had not occurred.
SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effect one day
after its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 22nd day of August , A. D 0
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C 7,--)/42471
y Recorder.
Lighting District No.
2nd & Final Estimate
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1 ,
Affidavit of Publication
Legal Notices
d lot the at Tsmnent Lighting DENIM No o129A'nfor l tat
toDENIM11• ri• ocic,-J1
the ,Iipose of providing f the
fm_atlon, main.enance and patrol-
n a „`ecent lamps a thn Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
fufnlahingocf loch l:.nl Ygy Lhere-
B`n,;,lo;;Eis1eo,l'althrr,lrar&r; vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
CO21 SECTION s That the
ke t City published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
does hereby levy the tax and movldc
for trio:...aeaso-nt of the same non
the Li0lt0 D1st,drt y allor time.ll fed of Utah.
the pnrpoee of providing for the
operoho,, male tong.e ant
ling n];n nde.anei lamps and.patrol. That the advertisement
nnm.nhngca 1 ent.ca r
horrfn:. . ,r it,
I 1 al d Incl., „look 1; Lois
1, to. .f.ot 2; !},n Ord inancc
21 Incl, Lotk 0,fos 1 tod_t Incl_
ms 5;i,o to 1 in hli Ina„!f.ock d
,'.�s o 11 Ind., )hock 6; -
Lop to 8 Inc l. Mork 7 Rom
park Flat tR, A ,titglivnion of
SetMo Oakley, a andl4 an 35 part of
Sections 20,I 2n and J5.T.1 N.,
Walston 1 W,S.L.H.At aI a .anh-
ndknown, Oa a t of Ploc24
In and 1J, Oakley, mei,20 to is
Incl.,Lots'J"to J9 Ined., and Iota
95 a d W."lock 12 and Iota,9 was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated the
and n40, lock 13, a subdivision
) )
knownpa of Rlochs and
13, Oakley. Lots Y , 10 Incl.,
24:Lots-nd anr.J4 Blnek ate day of _ A.D.19
Lota 30 to 3G In al 1 ,Al4; net,
h Incli and 51 o SA Incl.,
Blot): 18; and Lots 1 '.n Q incl.,
and Lsai,rilyislo,l"R'intart`a'f Sao- and was published on August 22, 1950
'bona 2e.27, f1 at 3�, T.1 N.,R.
w- :1. L.R O IN I.ot., 1 to 12
ook oak 1, Wavrrly. n nrllvl-
sipn of'part p,So,Imo r 34'avl 35, the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
t I I, M.
LOGS 1 to 11 lolon nlopa I, River-
aide. I„ day of A.D.19
11 na' 27 1 and 9- 1 No
W I In,x b L 1 to
13 1n h k 9f 2 Oakley 4 IIVI- { �
Mon of➢I k T. 9d LB'Iots C-��_
1 and] t 26 1 cl III k 1.rots
1 and 15 to 26 line liteI Mork 1 and
Lots 1 and 15 t. 2G inel Block.5; - Advertising Vler ..
ConeCon, and Rol,ertf ectininn, ,cnb-
a of part o_ Adrlith , llb-
am'1'. of
d part o[S, W. v. of 26,
] N.,R. 1 W. S L. )1.. to tr Cr ah /
ntting on the following streets,
1th West 1 suere_"e`t ,df—fray- orn to before me this 23 day of
t'.d Dr tve, north '.0 9th North
Oak Mg Streit_et aide-LOOM a A.D.19..50..
point 279,B5 Ie,1 son. of I.,fav-
etto llndvn north eto Mb North
Oakley Pito,-West.h -5,North
Street in lath North St 1
Sonata RCN, hid!,-.af ay- .'
etto DriVEL Tallotnan
12th West Strcet-bboth phlox_-5. 11,ig iQ 1- =U. ---"l}(.-A-1)
North SDe,t to lith North SE cot;
5th North Street. -north.side—Oak- Notary l n
lee Street to 12th West Street:
Laf aye t to Dr ivr—dtnth Idc.-llth
West Street to 12th Welt Store,:
Tallman D1d0e- both ohlm -11111
Wool:Otter-to 11I11 West
Bth North:Arcot -holy.Ate„-1110r
Wool Ott rat tn 12th West Sib cot;
In Call Lake Cll.v.
'this I evlerl Ln defray the
of p'niciin;;; the okete-
tion, maliitroance. patrolling f
1 l r� 1 1 ty ,fin 1 1 30 a 9 Ik. 17,
t6i 0001 'l tl p Legal Notices
I P.
n elhc all 1 schedule 1 f s 15,T.1 R 1 W
✓ ,I o f.1 ft��.l en, gl ! - the
.. 19f, it of Biks 12 13 16 1 .d 17, nelth 1 L 30 Block
h9.0b addA tt d h t 'u1 4 e f Oakley a s bd- lion of pa,of ''. Oakley Subdivision n running
tal.1 she, that said pewit, ll Secs 26 27,34 end 35.T 1 N 13 thin t 13 It. part f 8 W"�,
1 II ben¢fllod the 1 the 1 W. S. L. B. d. M. and part of Sec 26 9-1 N-,R.1 W 5 L.B
1spcv��4' vic 1, Elks_12 and 12.Oak1oD .Y 4,t bohinn!nq t Etc r orthwc.st
andn unt et ithc tax het ch4 ^ antlnh the n nth side of of Lot 30, Block 17, Oakley
l .Id p ^ Talismayn Drive ..11 noel rms., thence
<I } inl All a Lots 4 to 9 Incl. f BSc.6 s1.24 I. part of s9W.6k Sec.26,
etc In a I all of Lots 1 to 5 incl. 1 BM. 'I 1 N.. R. 1 W.. 5 L. B W M3
Itol trot'. p 0. a Park Plat B, a subdivision s tl ne r '1 upon the
I 1 1 of Elks.12.13 14 15,16 and 17,of offer I plats of tale,a'd city to the
1 hereby 1 ', ! 3 to Oakley a subdivision of par.of Secs. hark
old depth tt f the -'ship
assessor( upon said l e'; I f land 26, 27 34 a. 33 n part o1 Blka ha t31 t1 f...t and,Lr, not 1,c. ced-
Is Eighteo T rc.SF. I tdred W S.L.B.&M.and
Tern and 00/too '19 19.90 12 and 13,Oakley. 3Le1 o it 1. .rent
Fronting, n the south side of eth list b the C
One and 11079f 10000.0(1.31079fl' North Ftrcet I car L p Pf tent
Dollars pen [not or Il a nl loot ofln[ All f Lots 1 d 11 to 14 incl, by the i:nard of r N and
sutlllg p p of.Bik. 6 and all of Lots 6 to g Review of the Pro crl:
3`III 01 fee! abutting said portion
of Incl. f Blk 1,aRose Park Plat B, Section of tips o n blg't
subdltisen o4 Blks 12 13 14,15,
sold Improvement. d t. f 'n3t0 t-1 t N f 5 1 L.ke
1I h aP t P 16 and 1'1 of Oaklev a subdivision City 1 1 purpose 'gig
III s I [neut./tinef electrical of 1 of S cs 26 27 34 and 35. I operation, I
eneigy and the laroPPAY t T.1 N R.1 W. S L,13 & M.and
s'1 (L 1 part f Bl 1 d 13,O kley. Patrolling
furnishing 1 It g iv with 1
l l h 1 f and 1 hereby confirmed. c,
l,l l tort s ROSE PARK PI,AT B assessments made d t I
1 <.tr1 l I h - rer ¢nn the west stele of llth a completed B.t 1
Wes Street, of We Board of i 4nalr 9 and
mt Oilitroveinvid I '1 All of Lots 7 t. 10 1 cl. f BF.. Review to the R f Commis
or -
14'It,; - 14. O k! s bdl ision of parttra• ct stonersf Salt La C t hereby
is I into [ oar- :S 2: 39 c 35 T 1 N., ratified, 1p' d and C- I.
forma, k 1 ng R.1 4V S.L.B.&a M. SECTION III. I shall be
said 1p' f r'tY.,v:II t 1 P sr Fi ting on the east side of Oak- payable in ton equal s otly install-
&LFih,( P doted the 5th day ley Street. IN Interest ,r
t 5 1950, All of lots 39 end 40 of B1s. 13, n I ll Ic 4 at the
t L.t 9 p d ) t d
• I R Il [ d part I Blks 12 and 13 Oakley. I li 1 l I
whichla 1 date 1'l.. began,th subdivision f part of Secs 25 d which t 1 I charged
1• city t 1 35 T I N of
1 W,9 L E.&M, I 1'o i f - 1 d h
i�.l rl and I beginning t he northwestcor - f h.r-
1 with tl ! nvl I t LI^ car er of Lot 1 BI k 7 Rose Park I after I :II .
• 1 cr ( tl c P:"pe o lame, Plat"B' and running theme north- le_ tlie ten ire Ilm payment t of
nientioned s ly 15133 fret (part f SW'/Sec, _ fl.r vc
one-tenth th cuf one year thole
PARK IN A'1 p of II and Lots 30 to 35 Incl. f Blk. 17, after;one-tenth10 thereof 1n two years
T'ronte p on the west',ids Oakley Subdlvlslon) part f Sees, thereafter: •tenth thereof ltn
r'2 Pik. l: 11 26.27 34 and 35 T 1 N,R 1 W., three years othrrea(Let; ne
1 n[ Lets 1 S L B &M the f l f years thereafter;
1 I t Id 7 46 �[nik. F tfng on the west sldc of Oak- one-tenth thereofin five years thetc-
r�all f ! 1 f I )'k_ IrY Street after,one-tenth thereof 1n six ynare
,. 1 "n All of Lots 20 to 24 htel. of Elk, thereafter;one-tenth thereof in sav-
ill-a 1. 1 i..;Ial 12, P 1 Flks 12 and 11 Oak- a p0090 thereafter;one-tenth tJto�'e-
1 z,clr '1'o f t [ 1•y, subdivision of part of Secs. of in elrbit years thereafter; t,-
end 3.1.1 N. R 1 W. S.L.B. tenth thereof In Inc )sacs there-
s.t li F 4. and part lof Mks. As 11. suer;thereproyof
I nine
that e
tl.-_ of F' I the east side of 12tR or more of such 13110II010011 In the
and13 Erran13. a l West ft' order paynbae, the whole tax,
idatleJ Sweet. All of L .13 and 46. and all of may be paid without interestwith
:ill f L L ) 9 1 i f I.1, lots 37 L incl.,of Hik.12 parts In fifteen /l51 days from the date
of.01+Si, o 24 I, 1 I Mk. of Elk. 12 d 13 Oakley a sub- this fteenn ace becomes effantivn-
all f I.nt 1, Blk. I. of Rose. division f par:of Secs.26 and 35, Default [n the payment of any
Pulrk Plat , xu hdlvisao.,of Elks. T.1 N.,R.1 W.,5.L.B.&M.;And urn Installment ne01 of Prlenlp.01 when
12,1,14,15,16,and 17,of Oakley, i; f Lots ll and 37 1 Blk. IF, due hall l one the whale o1 the
I sdivision of part of Sees. 25, Oakley, a uldivlslon of part of unpaid shall
cause to become due and
27,s 34 and 35,T.1 N..R.1 NV,S. Secs. :6, 27, 24 d 35, T. 1 N. unpaid immediately J' and the whole
L. II. , M., and part of Elks. 12 R�Frontl o on the M.st side of 12th me. of the unpaid orkielpal
and 13t Oakley. West Street. wont
shall amount
drew Interest at
Fronting on the west side of Oak- the r tc of ten per cent Per nnnurn
ley Strect. Alf f Lots y 1 to 12 fool. of part until a paid, but at any line prior
All [Lots 1 and 2,19 to 27 Incl. o,o[Waverly.a snT.1lsfon of part t the date yf salt r foreclosure
f Elk.2; )1 of ; a 1 and 24 to II Sec, 34 and 3el T.1 ot, 0 1 W1 the owner v pay the amount of
4 iS.n l f B M.; 11 (Lots 1 to 11 a' s" n
43 1nn;. of Elk, 4; and all of Lots Incl. of BB:. 1,of Riverside, sub- all u.peid installments past dire,
1 to 4 Incl.of Elk.(i;of Rose Palk division f part of Secs.26,27, 34 With Interest at the rate of ten per
Plat 5, a s tb Ilvl.o of Oakley,
33 13, and 35, T. 1 N., R.1 W.,S.L.B. cent Per a nun to date of pay-
14,sic 15 and 17.of C.,26.n sub- meat on the delinquent Install-
divisl 6, of part of Sens.2ti, 27,34 B. M.- all et Lots I to 13trickl of ts, and allaccrued costs, and
and mi'f.1 t R.t W S.L.R.•L 23, 26 wi Oakley28.a sulid15lon of Blacks shall thereupon be restored to the
l4 mid part of Elks. 32 and 13, of,Sees.
at 41. a u T.
1lN., f Part r13ht thereafter to pry In install.
O a kloy- of Le as.�2G and'o T.1 N.,Rd 1 to nts in the same manner as 1f
dlStre don the oast Edo of Son- S.L.cl&M.; 11 of Lots 1 and 15 to default had not occurred.
n Sancta_ 15 incl.of incl.
1, )1 of Lots 1 and SECTION IV.This ordinance shall
a CAI; of Lots 3 l0 23 lu el. of Elk.7 Le.to 26 lncl of Blk.4,and a!1 of take effect one day after Its first
4,n 1GRdl d 17. art:; 1 and 1.5 to 26 Incl. of part
f 4kley Park Plat eI a , Cone 6 and 27,T.
Addition f t InfolleatIon.
o[Elks. 12, li, 14. 15, r-G and IT. - o pat Passed by the Board of CommLs-
ef Oakley. :s subdivision•f Part of nt Secs.26 and 27,T.1 N.,R.1 W.. shiners of Salt Lake City.Utah,this
ties. ZI:.27,"t4 and 15,T.]N.,R. S.L.B.&M. 22nd day of Aug Usti A.D.Ins,
1 w., 5.L. B. .a M., and part of Fronting on the north side of 8th EARL J. GLADE,
Blks.12 and 13 Oakley. North Street Mayor.
Fronting on the west side of Son- All of Lots 1 to 4 Incl,and 51 to IRMA F.BITNER,
a Strect 54 Incl. of Bik. 19,and all of Lots tit,-Recorder.
All of Lear 1 to 3 and 20 to 34 1 to 4 Incl. and 51 to 54 incl.of (SEAL/
incl. of Elk. 3, Rose Park Plat B, pik. 18,of Oakley, a subdivision of BILL NO.63.
subdf vlsfon of Bike. 12, 13, 14, Part f Secs. 26.27,34 and 35,T. Lighting Disstilrl No.29-A 2.&
15, 16 end 17 of Oakley,a subdl- 1 N.R.1 W.,D L.B.&M,;be Bin- Final g Esnonnit'k I 1
vision of part of Sers. 20, 27. 34 nin at the southeast corner of Lot Plainshod AI 22.1930
and 35,T.1 N.R.1 W„S.L.B. . 54, Hlock 19, Oakley Sub.,Zrunning
M., and part of UIk::. 12 and 139, thence east 16.25 Not,of the N.W4 —-----
of 5.W.11,,Sec.26,T.1 N.,R.1 W.,
Oakley. 5. L. D. & M.; beginning at the
Floating on the east side of 12Lh cutheast a of Lot,1,Block 19,
West Rtrect. Oakley Su1s�r�t corner
thence east 2Z0.
Ali of Leos s re 1fi Incl.of 131k. feet,of line N.W.'.e of S.0V.'/a Sec.26,
2, ail of
oaf Lnitn 18 hick of 1.E 11 locip of l kf 'f.1 N. R.1 W.,S.L.B,&M.:be-
llilk.6, Rose Yatk P'.II 1 a nnydl- (1 L at the southeast corns of
j ar n.s Mork 16,Oakley Sub., rune
n Mks 11 n, 14 15, tfi n khnncs. - 16.25 Stet, of the
at,n 1] 9 f Oakley, N 1�
s li' 2n o. f SAY 1,,. S c. 26,T. 1 N.,
of S 27 14 ,35,T. 12. 1 W.,.,-L E At,and b¢g1n-
laN 1 1-,.:221,1' 221 corper of Lot
part oi IP,. it and 11 02k152.sth I 16. O.n1 o' nvuM1
the north .. v.0 fee'. ,the it W.
Nnr'i, ee.25.Y 1 N.,R-1 1V.,
All t Lots 2 In 5 1 I B:k.2, NI.
as, park Plat 13 n of _ n the;onto skin of&th
Blks. 1 Oakley,13, 14. ls. t6 f aII 1f7. '
of 0627,a 4 lnslon of part of
Sets. 26, 34 and ,35.a T. 1. N.
R.1 W 4.S.L.B.A*M-,and earl.of
Blks. 12tI and 13, e try.
Layette the south Fide of
Lafayette of Drive.
An of Lots o6 2 19 hick incl of 131k.
2,and all of Pa S to 7 anal.of Bik,
1,Rosso Pork Plitt, ,a b 16 and 1of Elks. 7
of Oakley. a 1 0hdivtsion o1 part of
Sexes.22,27,31 and 35,T.1 N.,R.
1 W., S. I,. n. & M, and port of
R.1 W.,S./..B.&M.,and Part of
Silks.12 and 13,Oakley
Pronting on thr. iiiiilh aide of
1,222,15, Delve.
All of Lots 3 end 4 o:ilik.3 all
of/,,,, I to 3 51. !131k. and
all o Lots 1 a-f t�cl, of tl)k.v
item Park 1'IatB or:lvis'_nn of
Elks. 12, 13s 1tl 1io!ti and 17 of
Oakley, subtly oaten ! part .,
Sr,. 25, 27. ;14, and 38. T.3 Nf
1 W., S.L.]1 &ek, and;Hart o[
Mks. 12:and I Oak;ay.
bison tins She sou Lh sltle of
TA 11 21n naive.
All n1 L,ol 18 :nil 11 Bik, I
.e all of bola iota 1nd024 ct Rik.4,
all of Lots to 27 tacit of
A,Rase Park Plat➢, a•pbtllvlsloealon
C6 3