83 of 1958 - Creating Special Fund to be known as 'Salt Lake Municipal Airport Administration Building No. 2 Bond , December 18 ROLL, CALL Salt Lake Utah, t VOTING Aye Na I �: I move that the Ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . Christensen . . Geurts. . . . Romney . . a AN ORDI NCE Mr.Chairman . Result AN ORDINANCE CREATING A SPECIAL FUND in the treasury of the city of Salt Lake City, to be known as the "SALT LAKE CITY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NO. 2 BOND RETIREMENT FUND." WHEREAS, the (city of Salt Lake City in the County of Salt Lake, Atate of Utah, is a municipal corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the state of Utah as a 6.ity of the first class; and, WHEREAS, the City now owns and operates a municipal airport; and, WHEREAS, the City owns a tract of vacant land approximately one mile west of the present municipal airport administration building on which the City proposes to construct Administration Building No. 2 with the proceeds derived from the sale of general obligation bonds in the principal amount of $2,500,000.00 if said bonds are approved by the property holders of said City in a special election to be held on January 13, 1959; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has determined and does hereby confirm that a special fund be created to retire said general obligation bonds. ;e;h NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the city of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah: SECTION 1 . That the term "net revenues" as hereinafter used in this ordinance shall be understood to mean the gross revenue to be derived from the operation and use of the Salt Lake City Municipal Airport No. 1 , after there shall have been first paid therefrom the reasonable and necessary expenses of operating and maintaining said Municipal Airport No. 1 . SECTION 2. That from said net revenues there be, and there hereby is, created a special fund in the treasury of the City ofSalt Lake City, Utah, under the aon'trol of the City Treasurer, to be known and designated as the "SALT LAKE CITY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NO. 2 BOND RETIREMENT FUND," hereinafter referred to as the Bond Retirement Fund. SECTION 3. That from the net revenues there be paid to the Bond Retire- ment Fund in each of the following years the amount shown opposite thereto: 1960 $ 75,000.00 1961 75,000.00? 1962 75,000.00 SECTION 4. That from the net revenues there be paid to the Bond Retirement Fund the sum of $230,000.00 each and every year during the years of 1963 to 1977 inclusive. SECTION 5. The amounts so paid shall be held by the City Treasurer separate and apart from other funds in his possession and shall be secured by his official bond or bonds. The money held in the Bond Retirement Fund shall be used to pay the principal and interest on the general obligation bonds, which shall be issued to raise funds for the construction of Administration Building No. 2, as the same may become due and payable in the event that said bonds are approved by the property owners of Salt Lake City in the special election to be held on January 13, 1959. SECTION 6. That all ordinances and resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 7. That nothing herein contained shall be construed as conferring contractual rights on the bond holders insofar as the application of such revenues is concerned, if said bonds are approved by the voters. SECTION 8. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Paid by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, his day of December 19 58 . , R` ( S E A L ) BILL NO. 83 of 1958 Published December 23, 1958 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Legal Notices D. M. Ockey AN ORRINANCE r?, duly + 7 7 r ANITAI'ORDINANCE CREATINGthe 'ream., A I. Being first dui sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising SPECIAL i he city of soli"r the city°'in g �'' t y 4 "iT$"HtY I ,p L Aineoni'Ai o A clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE 7ELL; MINISTRATION 6Ull1IING NO. GRAM, (� r 2 nOND RCTIRY MCNl FUND. IC ITRAI"1, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the L c �I9 L RlAS }L ff SIt State fUI ir,! lish lap--uck:le with (]enrol circulation in Trtah, dad published in �Rxiahne° attic lerws'n[u,a rt Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. State of Utah e a city of the fi first t' ,a, s WHFRFA'.the City nv and operates a mum 1+a1 alroort5 pLE d That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto ar eANERFAS, the City n tract of vacant land ennroximraielY f, one mile west of Rhea resentamu- Salt Lake City Bill No. 83 of _1958, bolldin8aon n,hick Lhc City o.b - to .nstroct Aaminlsiration derived ro 2 e s the meceeaa derived from the gate of general An. Ordinance creating .A Special Fund obligation novas In the principal I - nt of i 2,500,000.00 1f sold plods o a.>o d by ,snP nd fo scYtJn i known as the Salt Lake City Municipal al at_vVHRRS of Com- No. isslm,m's has deterrah:ed xntl r V does hereby Created that a Airport �dministre-Lion Building crairmne he ca;'a to reds Eaia ---- ecNOW ohlifi((Lion Created I; NOW, the Board IR. it donned by the Ctev'df.°Sall°Laken Bond Retirement Fund. City.Soft Lake Conntc,Utah: SECTION I.tThut tile term"not (hie o'iTk'nlnice en:iltra1 undesietoatl, the Prose rev nab to bc December 23, 1958. &Dyed"fro a r lien and se'7 was published in said nedvspaper on.. f the bolt Lake City'Municipal t, Airport bt No. I, after there e1511 hobo r been first Paid therefoeo the 7 j red. noble and mcrssa y-ezncn des r "Mf operatinbb dna I fnieming said unichral Alrpoet Yoe h reSECTION'L.Th.tctrom tiai�hnre 1 ✓ hereby [h trys.created so if �/ Lk C'1tY City i th 1 / C--(�^ (, t t of the'City Hreas to he 9 k SALT I a d -r at d the AtPORT ADMINISTRATION J T C7 nONT 00 RAND(ter or. S ''Legal Advertising Clerk MELT FUND;' and Roth rr.t, f atS to a the nova Retirement SECTION 3.'Chat from the net I eh„rcr be ,rain to the tho 'Relic .e t ncovet i ach nt�t mo n opposI. a,a the amount shown sr[e iirerclo0 '10011 515 a00.00 1H51 tt,000.f0 SECTION 1ON 4 r'c11hr�fr?�rl lee iVi� i a"a`iiet;�cmrnth,rn°lamed before me this 2dth day of !Igi' 00.0D each a it ry oyrnr dnrinc(tic yea's of IHfi3'ta 10'!'/ SECTION s. The y seta n',' A.D. 19 58 pa,d shalt he held d a Alit Cityfrom y Ctroasum'separate.a apart from tl ehall'bends Ln�ls be l,i.satorfflet I bond oe bonds. The money hold'I, In the pond Ifetiremcat fond ;hall be.used to l then rin.`Fr and _ntorent on tl,e en cal b- issueoo bonds, which shall Ire C1 • truptote r.t'Admi iistrationh the J( I ins o e. i,r u,n may heel Iy Notary Public due and na»tile r it ore L: evnt that said bonds nrovod n.v the nmprrto owrrrr or, 1; S0ID Lol<r r r me-,Prim ci or.tv lion to be bolo on Sal]na,Y IJ. .. 050 a SECTION 8,'I'Ilat att nrdinanep I nt in pn'CenWl01 rher�'c,vitir err hcreibv re-I-- SECTION l;rrgNnaThienought"iedreas t+1961. eo„terrru i eons re cm,tracw.,i lasts r- the bald htblors l,'oVf.a, the fi noel PO,Iton I si uh' v s`7 ved"hay thr.s�ntc nondsr axe n-s PrSECTION R. L, the opinion oaf s the nnarrf n[Connnlrsior +„ l Is ' vefey to the peace,health and` y,af tho lnhabiUntc of Salt Lobe Crty that th1s alnanre be. nfON t.c mmedIalrty. IMake effect upon its rdlntn cenlhcll r tl Pa,scd by the Poard of Comm!,t this c18tF.Id av 1 oft Dcce Clher.tlts5. Mayor.. 6tewart, (Linty rReeorde�sensen, t St ALI PILL NO,83 of 5553 Published Dece,nber 23rd,1858. f n.HBI