83 of 1968 - REPEALING BILL NO. 28 of 1968, which erroneously designated the section of the 1967 Uniform Building KS-ILL S../1LL Qccobo,- 8 8 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,196 Barker . . . Catmull . . . I move that the Ordinance be passosll Garn Harrison ,e- ? f - Mr. Chairman . €It faii AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE REPEALING Bill No. 28 of 1968 relating to doors in existing buildings under the Uniform Building Code 1967 Edition and AMENDING Section 5-1-12 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to doors and openings in existing buildings under the Uni- form Building Code 1967 Edition. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Bill No. 28 of 1968 relating to doors and openings in existing buildings under the Uniform Building Code 1967 Edition, be, and the same hereby is, repealed. SECTION 2. That Section 5-1-12 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended by Bill No. 8 of 1968, relating to doors and openings in existing buildings under the Uniform Building Code 1967 Edition, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 5-1-12. Existing buildings--door and openings. Section 1313 (i) of the Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition, adopted by Section 5-1-1, as amended, is amended by adding thereto the following: "Room doors opening into a corridor shall be not less than 1 3/8 inch solid core doors except that use of existing panel doors may be continued if they are protected on one side by equivalent of 3/8 inch fire retardant plywood bearing the Underwriters Laboratory label of approval; provided, that in lieu of the fire resistant plywood above referred to, doors and frames and casings may be painted with two coats of intu- mescent fire retardant paint, the undercoat of a contrasting color and all edges and surfaces to be painted with approved covering; and, provided, further, that the intumescent fire retardant paint in corridors meet the following specifications : Flame spread 15 to 25; fuel contributed 25 to 30; smoke developed 0 to 10." SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. 83 -2- SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 8th day of October, 1968. 7 TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN NNW TY R XER\ (SEAL) BILL NO, 83 of 1968 Published October 11, 1968 83 ADN-aeA Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, r ss. County of Salt Lake • • AN ORDINANCE D 11 Lckey r AqN ORDINANCE REnEALING BI11 No.20 of 1968 relatln0 rd doom'! I e%i tars buildings under 4 Uri•I ,a*m Building Code.lEh9 Edltioil anrf t AMENDING Section 5-1-t9 of the Rr�l Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal Qdver- UtI�ortlmancez r sou Lake cux,.1 P y8 ah, 196S, relating te doer, end t tilingh clerk ofdaily (except the DESERET NEWS,a p Sunday) j openings InB%Isfing bulltlingil)r}de.:' Me Uniform Building code 1967,Edi-',1 newspaperprinted in the English language with general cir- i f1°ee It ordained b m ;and n:`, Commissioners by °Lake cif, culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake 01SECTION 1.That BBI No.79 -i County,in the State of Utah. 1968 relating to doors and onenituU9 in.existing buildings under the LB).. idrm BUlldmq Cade 1967 Edition,be; and the a hereby is, repealed. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto SECTION 1.That Section 5.1-17 or the Revised Ordinances of Salt I:ake 'city,Utah,las, ,amended by ally Salt Lake City Bill No 83 of 1968 No.a of 1966, as to doors a• openings in relating buildings and . --the Uniform Building Code 1967 Edl.', lion, be,and the same hereby-1sv ]amended o read as follows: �. An Ordi.fence relating to doors in exi sting "Sec.5.o e Existing buildings door and Uniform Bu Seaton e,g(1) f the Edition,adopte BUl mint Code,,969• . mde, is adopted by se by ad 5u ].dings under the Jnof rm Baildin c Code, mended, amended by adding: ----.--.-___ €. amended,the is pi. Room doors opening into a I Ib n shall b!r not lass thani trotinch sofa o a pan except lll that useof a%Idling del tloorsl, -noon b0side continued It they are t of. tarred a one side by n ulvalent of0 branch.thfe retardant e5orPtYwato ry ]label Un00rwrlters-ProYe rO--. rolane] of ppheval; provide ar I ueu of rile lire res f plywood above referred lo, aoo October 11 1968 and framesed with andtwo sari a I�sy bet was published in said newspaper on s ant#tire retardant oaint, rhdf undercoat of a contrasting color and'ad Mees and surfaces r0 bet prod -with approved ring! p.9[t aprevided, further, mat:lhpl If�1trm cent fire retardant pain' corridors meet the tollowing soecs'l ftcetiont, V p d 15-fC 95:) ry t Dn IIbu1 d 9S 1 Jo m k d —I poet 8 t 10 SEC ItfPINC i theoil If snit;, C��Q ..,`.'- Lapis Clry kt i ryommissioners �f Jheli -- co health and B arm i Legal Advertising Cle • alianh,of Salt Lake City that this / 0 diyynence become llectiva Immadi °i51ECT10N 4. Tltls ordinance shall,' toscphi � tfumo Passed by ie Board Comis- slsners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this _ 81h day of October,1966. Su c0N r opoan�Rnai rude -before me this 21st day of II HERMJSN J.NOGENSEN IBSIALNO.a0 of 1968 City Recorder {� Published OctI1,1968 (8:511 A.D. 19 68 Notary Public My Commission Expires Nor 28 1972