83 of 1972 - Amending Sections 2-18-2 and 2-19-2, relating to penalty and master plan fixing exterior boundaries VOTING YY Aye Na Salt Lake City,Utah, Mr.Chairman.... I move that the r inance be passe / Barker / ) /J Harmsen /,' V Harrison ' Phillips AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 2-18-2 and 2-19-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to penalty and master plan fixing exterior boundaries of the Salt Lake City International Airport. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 2-18-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to penalty, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 2-18-2. Penalty. Any person guilty of vio13•ing any of the provisions of this title shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine not to exceed two hundred ninety-nine dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six months or by both fine and imprisonment." SECTION 2. That Section 2-19-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to master plan fixing exterior boundaries of the Salt Lake City International Airport, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 2-19-2. Master plan fixing exterior boundariesand esvised ted. The �ilF official map of Salt Lake City No. 21, as amended/on file in the office of the city engineer designated as the master plan showing exterior boundaries of the area already acquired and controlled by Salt Lake City for the expansion of Salt Lake City International Airport, be, and the same hereby is, adopted as the master plan for the expansion of said airport, the area comprising the same being particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point South 1320 feet from the Northwest corner of Section 31, T1N, R1W, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and running thence North 22,440 feet more or less along the township line to the Northwest corner of Section 7 of said township; thence East along said section line 5,280 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of said section; thence taSouth of 80 same feet more or less to the common corner of Sections 7, , said township; thence East 9,240 feet more or less to a point 1,320 feet West of the Northeast corner of Section 16 of said township; thence South 7,977.75 feet; thence East 20.13 feet; thence S. 0°02'38" W. 2,582.25 feet more or less to the North line of Section 28 of same said township; thence East 1,305.0 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of said Section 28; thence S. 0°02'38" W. 3,385.6 feet along said section line; thence N. 89° 51'50" W. 342.14 feet; thence S. 0°02'38" W. 1,635.0 feet to the South line of 6th North Street; thence N. 89°51'50" W. 993.86 feet to the East line of 21st West Street; thence S. 0°02'38" W. 2,886.0 feet; thence S. 89°51'50" E. 12.11 feet; thence S. 0°08'36" W. 1,830.91 feet to the North line of North Temple Street; thence S. 89°58'38" W. 1,337.23 feet to the center of 23rd West Street; thence S. 0°02'38" W. 20.0 feet; thence West 345 feet more or less along said North line of said North Temple Street; thence South 797.50 feet more or less to the Salt Lake Base Line; thence East 345 feet more or less along said line, said line also being the North line of Section 4, T1S, R1W, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence South 2,100 feet more or less; thence West 2,380 feet more or less; thence South 1,400 feet more or less; thence West 2,500 feet more or less; thence North 1,100 feet more or less 8Q _2_ l ne feethmoreror less;o thence SNt.t57°38e thence'35" W. 2,713.75 feet gmore or less; ' f 3rd less;1Q0 thence West 1,900 feet more or less; thence North 940 feet more or less; thence West 2000 feet;#thence North 3,960 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Contains 8,116.55 Acres more or less or 12.68 more or less square miles." *more or less SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health, safety and m_elfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 8th day of August, 1972. MAYOR C RE 0 (SEAL) BILL NO. 83 of 1972 Published August 15, 1972 83 ADN.SBA • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, _ ss. County of Salt Lake .AN ORDINANCE Betty }�r]e 1.17 N C 1 4\ttCL AMENDING Sections 2 18 2 and 2 10 Ofpen the Re d i ad Ordinances of Salt I k C tV,Utah,1965,relating master pi fixing exterior boundaries of the Salt Lake City Infe o- Nonal AirpOrr, Be it ordained by me,r3aerd of cammlxsmners of son Lake City, ing clerk irst oflthe DESERET deposes NEWS aas that he is legal adver- daily except Sunday) Utah: SECTION 1.That Section 2-18-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt 'ivspaper printed in the English language with general eiT. Lake City, ,oUtah,1965,relating to penalty,be,and the same hereby Is, amended 21 redd8 2 Penalty.Any person guilty Of violating any Of the provh �Iatum on Utah,L and publishedl� in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake noes of this titlo hall be deemed,guilty of a misdemeanor and punish- antys or impels- . y, in the State of Utah. • obment not,o exceed six months two hor by both fineand Imnasanment." n SECTION96a That i^g t l masta9r nlao iiz ng dx,ei�dinarr°"P5 Paine soli That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto City Utoh, Lake CItV'Inrcrnational Airport,be,and the same hereby Is,amended to read as follows: "Sec.2-19-2.Master plan fixing exterior boundaries adopteid.Th ocel ,Oecino meiyerItieeeraesignoreIIS c o`drlonreshOV2i exier000mdans . ,nc relao.n• g t:openalty' and master n_.an or the expan- , of area LakedCity International Airportt,be and the Solt esaimefhereby is,ad-- •Onned o the master plan tar the exW:nsioo of said airport,the arra compels- ,0o og exterior boundaries o. the Sal:t lake City n9 Beginning e inni00 0'A uaointl Sou he320fe t f from th ne Bill. r�1y Boni 31,TN aW,point Lakek 1320feetfroma Meridian,a unneO rot ai1'pOY'.te 3.11. lltOy 3 O:� 1.11 2y Serthn ,4 T1 n%mar San HngC and wnspl and running . corner North Of4 Section 7 of said toWnship;thence East palong tsaid esection line {;Ornat]_OYa1. ce Southf5,280 feet more oro oless to the common cothe NOreriet Corner rneroodt Sections7,8,117 ._ and 18 of some said township;.thence East 2,240 feet more or less to a _._ point 1,320 feet West of the Northeast corner of Section 16 of said town- gree thence South,50225 feet more ore less to the North ce East 20.13 Cline off SSection f228 offesome said'township;thence East 1,305.0 feet more or Northeast corner of said Section 28;thence 5.0 degrees 02'38"W. • 3,385.6 tiearees}102'138n W�h1ence N.635.0 te8et degrees o,M1e South a of26th to 2sf west Sr eei`n pOe s 8 a 9laezooz te9wo the South the hast lii a 7ublished in said newspaperr�}an 89 dearees 51.50"E.12.11 feet;thence S.0 dearees 08'38"W.1,030.91 IXJ�tl S_t �.jy_�,Jl? feet to the North Iine of North Temple Street;thence S.09 dealong 58'38 W 1 33W t f fl ter of WC I 4Wefe i t t th c5 Od Brae orth W 200 i 1 thSouth 79750 feet f d N th T pl e; 1 thence more _ m o N gh j L th _(. East t I 't ,h 5 Id. k B 1 ,h N (5 ifo 4 T15 ROW,s alonga line, and'Meridian; thence South.2100 feetC. \\ less; 5 IY L k Be or less;the ce South 1,400 t t 3 _ \y��� �,;y oless; W t 2 300 feet less;thence North 1,100 feet or I s,manse,West 2,500 feet nence west along Legal A veL tiling erk more or less td'ihe.North Ie of 3rd South`freer, said Iine 2,100 feet more or less;,hence N. re or less; ce09'W 0 960,940 Meet mo3.75 oreeO or less;r less; thence West 9,009 9det,Cet more ore or less;thence North 940 ar less to fba point of beOinhin9.CantalnS 8,116.55 Acres Tare or less of 12,60 more or less sauore miles." SECTION 3.In the animas at the board of Commissioners It is ne0- 1.6 C,n °tsar/to the Lake City thatpthiscordinance becfamyeeffective welfare al the immed immediately. of Solt hLs SECTION 4.This ordinance shall take effect upon It first publica- day of tion. 9 7_ • Passed bV the, 0/2 of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,GOONinis B,h day of August,1972. Mayor CERMANJ HOGENSEN City Recorder S��_y_ 15EAL) IA-421 ,.v �.._:_ __.j._.:,., _ • Bill No.83 of 1972 Published August I5,19/2 _. __--- Notary Public My Commission Expires February 12, 1..974