84 of 1911 - Ordinance 84 of 1911 – Sidewalk Extension No. 129, Second Partial Estimate. b l O a 4 i f A f S -E . bn ordinance levying a ta�� -- -,.f t, a ,,,ltit of arolerty ,.. within, the followin described districts. to-::it, don:neneing at the intersection of the senth line of aocond north Street with the rest line of Third ;Jett Street, nod r.Anning thence north to the center of fourth forth Street; thence east Ito the center of Third best Utreet; thence north to the neort'i line of Si .th North Street; thence west to the canter of Twelfth .lest Street; thence north to the center of Leadville Avenue; thence west to the Jordan River; thence southerly along the Jordan River to the center of fifth forth Street; thence east to the center of fourteenth west Street; thence south to the Jordan River; thence enota'rly and south- easterly along the Jordan River to the south line of Bloch 1, Oakley; thence east to the center of Eleventh West Street; t7:ence south to the center of second forth Street; thence enst to the center of Tenth Jest Street; thence north to the north line of fourth forth Street; thence east to the east lino of ?oorth `.lent Street; thence south to the south line of Second forth Str ct; thence Bent to the place of beginnin , with the exce tivn of the east silo of forth ,street between fo,irth forth and fifth forth Str_cto; the west sine of Fourth 'nest Street between fifth forth and Sixth forth Streets; and both sides of Third forth 'street het.:een _.;:.ith .ost and Eleventh West streets. Also commencing at the intersection of the center line:: of Thirteenth forth and Davis Streets, thence nc ti to the north lines of Everet Avenue; thence west to the west lice of Rot Spri',rs Street; thence northwesterly along the west-most side-of .rot sprnLn Street to the north line of Duluth Avenue; thence west to the canter line of Dexter Street; thence south to the center lice of J•.iluth Avenue; thence :vest to the vent line of -,,uy:_for Ad hTtion; thence sontherly along the wont line of Superior Addition to the neoth line of Thir- teenth forth Street; then e ,_,: to no o:; line c," iidddi jest Street; thence south to , , co te line _rtner' c Lo-th Street; -2- thenee east to the .place of beinninL. „'oid further, the enst-tlost side of hot 6rin6.6 Street betwee,1 Sveret Avenue and Fifteenth North Street, and the west side of Fourth 'lest Stt between NortI Temle and. First North Streets, in Sidewalk District:, Lou. 20, 21 and 41, for the construction of cement sidewalks. e it ordained by the City Council of Suit Lake City, Btuh: SE07I0N 1. That the City Council does nroby levy the tux t,fla ,Jrovido 2or the ,s.ssesoment of the sa:::e ul,or the im.on-ft;/ here- inafter described in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 20, 21 and 41, for th construction of cement sidewalks, to-wit: In Lots 1 and 22,,Block 9; 12 vet 13, Block 2, 7averly Subdi- vision; 1 to 52, inclusive, flock 1; 1 to 52 , in,Ilnive, flock 2, Clive's Subdivision, flock 88; 1, and 11 to 51, inclusive, fleck 1; 1, and 11 to 51, inln.,oive, Nicole 2, dome 61,11n0ivicion, 7loa d.); 1 to 52, inclusive, raocl. 2; 8 to 45, incln2ive, 21ocd; 1, Wilkinnon':. Subdivision, flock 90; 1 to 26, inclusive, 'nook 2; 1 to 52, inclu sive, Blool, 1, 0klal 5u1e01v1oion, -J,d_ol. Dl; 1 to 41, inclnsive, flock 2; 22 and 23, Bloch 1, -lines' Subdivision, 7.1cd, 97; 1 and 34, Block 1; 1, and 18 to 34, inclusive, flock 2, T1iouwon'ccSub- -u-,,- division, Block 87; 4, Block 87; 5, Jlock 91; 1, 2, 3, d, 5, 7, 7 and 8, flock 92; 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 6, 7 a7,d 9, Block 90; 2, 7, d, 5 and 6, flock 94; 1 :111,1 2, Eilod: 93; 1, 2, 3 end 4, Block 99; 1 ond 2, Block 100; 1, 2, 7 nnd d, .flock 101; 1 to 27, inoloiva, Block 1, Subdivision of Block 102, flat "C", Ldridtiri_, on t' i; 10ot.71 cite of fifth North Street between Seventh West and Eleventh Wet Streets, end between Colordo oud Thirteenth ',;(-:2t 6tJ: cto; on :..,, north oido of Fifth North 0troct hot sea Eid,t1.1 ,inut avJ EinvIILL 1cat ',Ycroot , -Jet.,,unn front and Seventh 1iet. !Streets, a' d Jetoan Co1J'y •Ci.) :_nd Thirteeuth ';icot 2tto; on both oides of Chict :o Street "oeton 1Nuoth BorIS and Fifth Forth 0irocctc; on both 61000 of idnrion Street between Fourth fortea .31CI. 217th .;.:,.n:L-::. ;_;Lrooto; 071 'bof.:-,i nldoo of Girard Avenue Between Timth .:let, Oh d 7,1,-;vnth lint ::',J. on both nidoo u7 Clinton ,IVenue botv:eon ..fol So:;t and 7ieveuth ',"cut 'Ilm.cOt ; on th.) west .11Ole of Grant ..)trect betwoen Fifth North and fi:;th North Gtroots, on both sido-s _,f O!;iith .;est :;troot bot,7ean Fourth North and Sixth North Stroots; on Loth sides of :int . .:.iet Utre,7,t betweeA FOurth liorth and birth Yorth Greets; on Loth :;.1.10.., of math eut Stroet between Fourth ] orth and Sixth North 3troets; on the east nido, of Lleventh Yost Street between Fourth 7orth Lind birth North Gtreots; on the north nifwife of Fourth North Street bet7een Tenth We Ft and 'ilovcnth 7est Streets; oh both ._:ia02 of Si-zth North Street be- tween 3ixth 'feet tiad 'ls Wo0t J1reeto; if on the OU6'u side o.• Seventh Veut St-root hetv•een Fifth .1fort'; sad ,ixn ITorth htraots. This tax is levied to defray the e,;ponoo o2 ,.“)-ast-rus ceue't sidewalks upon the property hereiY.I)ofoo and 113colaLf .: deribed to be especially affected aad beaefit-d I. .. ,..0.1:,' 1:.2, uv-,.:-. ', , ,..a7 i irJ hereby aduk-,.od, au '; ned ant (101abli: -7- t !;a1.7, ,::•)„ .1-ty will be es,)ecially " ae7ited thereby to the 77,7 .-,, ount 07 the tea hereby lovicd, ants a.la parcels of land. are hereliy L ,;,.ed at :".. t. I.,I.c.1 and uniform rate in accordance with the 71.1r 701 COIJ.'60 unsaid. portions Q ' said streets frontint upon anf to a dH?tb. of twenty-five (25 feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied an' to be assessed upon said parcels of land is twenty-four thousad throe hundred seventy and 9/100 ( 24,370.09) dollars; nineteen thousand eicht hundred twenty-one and 96/100 ( 19,821.96) dollars. or 95335/100,000 ( 0.9.5381.5) dollars or front or linear foot of. abutting property for sidewalk six (6; feet wide and four ( 1 ia,lh0, ''Lick, Lore being 20,781 feet of abutting property within the boundarien of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioacd; and four thousand five hundred forty-ciEd.t and 17/1:o c,.., a.15 dolla's, or TOGO63/1,0JOG (:,,,U.766968) doll -re per front or linear foot of alTrIttiaL i:roorty ,,l'u - ,3- -.:,.L ... .v_-' (7) fel. w1.ae ant fan (1) Inch;a think, there ..)ei L..'.):.%) 2.,.:ot 07 a): 1,tini_; i)rolier.Ly within the boundarie:; of the lots, block ; -',,1 etrta taova :!Iv:t ,lod In unii distmicl:,, 1tc17. Lh:, Uc.., tutl cost at cost i.,nr front foot of said . . • sidewalks, sec:on:ling to the oontrnot utered ioto for Li r6 kienfural- c-nse of sz,id ,a.unk and ho-r,kih zid i“).„)ro vo ot, vdth iiic'Lay and Reed, dated the 12th day of June, 1911, and the Treasurer i:., Oore4)y au- thorized and directed to Li130Ej6 in accorance with the pyovlsions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein mentioned: 4ix Foot 6idewalLs. --- The north )-011]e of Lots 1 and 74, 51). )Ii. 1; the nertl, side of Lots 1 ar1 74, the west side of Lots 18 to 54 , Block 2, Thoy,l)son's JuLdiAnision, Block 67; the wa-A ;_ide of tc) south 220 foot of Lot ,i, Tlock 37; the esst side of Lots 1, end 28 to 52, inclos1vo, the north zide of Lots 27 and L8, ioel'i 1; ',, n,) )1d. :..1fo of LLH 27 and 28, 'nfo 600t .._;f_de of ...ot 2 to 27, inclusive, Lloak 2, Clivo's 600- 31-vision, floak 03; ;f6a swat side, of Lot- I, 7C to Ti, of _ot:.; ::-.i. !_.. ,7, 52, -look 1; tha north sida of :foto 31 and 32, the west zide of Lots 11 Lo :11, 1vaThnive, 11.on2 L, hone 0u7o61oion, Olook 89; the east 64)1e of .....t , 1 and. 32, Ohe ilofth. side of Lots 27 to 52, inclusive, tha rot side of Into L6 011 27, Zdool. 2; the oeLt Lide of f0 );., 26 Lnf 21, L . Louth ald,: .11 _Lots 8 to 26, inclusive, 731oek 1, Tillidoson's Jhbaivision, '510Ii. '.'12; Licu ea,.A. ,ia-, of oLs 2 to 52, 16:!1.1sio, 716)5. 1, 17 o: -..t .Th )..7 2. , 1-iclusive, the north side of Lutz 12 to 19, inGishive, Eiofh 2, Oandalo Juldivisioo, z1-6J7, ...1; -',: o aor ::, )..15c. of 1 : 5 sod 6, tho) :-un'J Lido of t7:o no::th 297 foot of Lot ..), nlook 91; the west uifo of lot,, 1 anf 32, 'Coo zeuth L7c of L,u;o. i 1;) Li- 1- - ivo, flJo1) 1, u0L3a1e 6h1o15v1zion, 771oel; 91; L1., uzErt side of Lots 1, 8, 7 and 0, the north Lide of Lots 5 and 5, td o.i..t _, r)o Lf 1404 2 tO 0, 1. ,.:01 ,1, t-• : ocoh J.iio of -uto 1 _of 2, Llooli 02; the smut nide of LutL 1 aif 8, the north Lido of :otn 7 cc 8, in :ii.,,tL '..)7; 1:Th north oil) o'f -Lotn 5 L:..il 6, the west ..)le u7 j-,o ;,,, ;::: 5, 1. )7.1' ::1-o, '01- ..- - I; -',.-fo 'Iofr•• ,,hi ..f .._6 :, ,..; _:-,_:. :, :,.i.j .i- 1;., tli0 ..:10r't.: zido of L:t., 68 n f 65, if-. e ,t 617o ..;" 15of L7 o,u 14ii .... -F- inolaolve, the L,outd.,1 ciO'e of Lots 1 and It, 7.1ock 2, -711.1.e ' dub- division, Block 95; tB) south sida o'.:' Lot, i and. L, klock :::'U., the boath tide of Bote 1, 2, 5 ._.1.17:2 4, Block D9; t'ae south :,.;lie of Lots 1 and 2, Block 100; the oonth cite ._.I.' .1.,01..s 1, 2, B .,..-,k1 2, L.:1‘)::,... 101; t"..a south oida of kotn 1 to 26, in:711-usive, Block 1, subdivision of Block 102, all in 21rt "C", SLat Lake Cit.,' .8-enN,cy. :Sive Foot '..Adevialks. no nol..td, oide o" Lot.L. 1 and 22, :loci, 9; the south side of Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, 'laverl-,:,,- Cu'odivision; the west sid.o o Lots 1 to 27, i-'71.i-le.ive, 2.lodk 1; the ec!..,.ut 213e of Lot:, 1, amd 28 to 52: inclusive, "lock 2, Clive'n Bubdivision., Blood: 98; the .,./e.dt side of Lot.. 11 to Si, imdlusive, -Block 1; the ens': 21(3o of Lotu 1, ...in't 52 to 51, ienlusive, Block 2, Home Bubdivision, Slock 09; t',,- ;;011.-t;1.1 Li ici.e of Lots 1 to 26, imoluutve, 73ock 2; the north ...31, :: of '....:01:::i 27 to 15, inclusive, flock 1, .gilkinson'2 .du'odiviBion, Block 90; the south side of Lots 1, and 20 to 26, in clnol v e, :lock 2; the north silo of Lot::: 32 to 52, inclusive, Block I, 0akdale Bubcdivisiou, Block 91; the east side of Lots 1 to 22, bole iv , Block 2, `,•,rilheLii LAibdivision, Block 95, klat "0", .. .11, Lake City Burvey, '7.., the same nre 21-lown upon the official plats of aitid city to a depth of twenty-- five (25) fe.t; 'onck fro-,a saith stne:-,te, lem". to cold.ect nald tan. LiECTIOIJ 2. Scia tax shall becoind, and be delinquent in five equal yoarly installrents, 2ith int..-yreyt ,.-:', ':...,-, v...diede ...,.m., at the r to of six .der cent per nnnum, payadule, :.--.1-, idle ti..les each in- stallment is due, tc-.,ii-t: Cne-t,"ifth thereof une you' ar."-t-',: the ap- prov,,..i o_7 the or.)innee con 3irmin the "Levy of thv tan Ben the pay- ment for such t ' ant; one-fl fth t"..e7.-eof in t.c ..`L,i...; z.... ouch ,:,..;.).,...'r LP::::1; e-,:.::-7:.11.-7_, t7er•oof in 1d,,.',.--1E13 -:1":..-.2'.., i_i.7'..:.`1' :.;!:0_: .74;1: r'-i.1.01.'00 i. i.-i: iViii- yearo after such a.p.d-tor,7.; .. 2 oue-fi ft?. st11-m-n,tu, in t7i,j cat or in chi eh t'-ley are p0..4;.41.e, or tn v.dnole sp,ciai tnn .,a!y de: paid nt ,,..-,.-: tt e .ci .. thh.ty d-..;.yd ar.'f. ,- :.;../..., 0 ,,70Vi..1 Of 1;)0 011:t ill.•:'.:.00 000:'i-r-ciLi . L' . icy," of t'in.: tu:,,, .-.1.thotit interest. In the event of any installment or the interest afore- said, not LeinL paid on the date the same become,, due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said in tellment and interest are due, shall become due and p<yeble, and shell dean in- terest at the rate of eight per cent per annum until sale of the property assessed; provided, one or more installments, in the cede. in which they are payable, or the whole special tax unpaid einy be paid on the day any installmert becomes n as, "y pr.in¢; tho amount thereof and intereat .to said date. ShCTIUI 3. Thisordinsnce sh .11. t:l_e effect upon approval. Si3:salk Exten:>ion. :Jo. 129. ee.onf. Yarti l Estimate. Passed by the City Ce8neil of Salt Lake City Utah August 28th, 1911, and referred to the Ma _jet- pr va / y e.or er. Approvwd this 1j dny of August, 1911, &-GL Mayor. .1 .. �.. ...b� -':3 iiL_ X�� I '.CDGC�G 1 .. . �• . : fY...J -1 .J.J..I. r tii J r'J r J..a. .�. E i,.t _., f1 l'..- i, r::8O f. rJ R _ J 9;r:;'. .f F � • ._ 40.j;jb 1 1.. � f O. ., S,::t TO (_ :)'t:5 _ - 11. `= 11y�4p 00 o .i 4.o 7. •