84 of 1918 - Amending Chapter 33 of Section 849x1 to x7, Licensing Card tables •
ROLL CALL ,,,,„,00.,I.E.NEWS
Salt Lake City,Utah, September-1.9., ,191.8_.
Crabbe --r.-- 1 move that the ordinance be passed.
Scheid ___
Mr.Mr. Chairman
. �_�
An ordinance amending Chapter 33 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City of 1913, by adding seven new sections to said
chapter, following Section 849, and to be known as Sections
849x1, 849x2, 849x3, 849x4, 849x5, 849x6 and 849x7, relating to
the licensing of oar& tables; and amending Section 888 of said
Chapter, known as "the penalty clause".
Be it, ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Chapter 33 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City of 1913, be, and the same is hereby amended by
adding to said ohapter following Section 849, seven new sections
to be known as Sections 849x1, 849x2, 849x3, 849x4, 849x5,
849x6 and 849x7, relating to the licensing of card tables, said
new sections to read as follows:
SECTION 849sl. It shall be unlawful for any person,
club, association or corporation to keep, maintain, con-
duet or operate any card table on which games of oards are
played, in Salt Lake City, without first obtaining a
license so to do.
Every applicant for such license shall make applioa-
tion therefor to the Lioense Assessor and Collector of
Salt Lake City, and shall with his application file a
statement under oath, showing the street and house number
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of the place where he proposes to keep, maintain, conduct
or operate said card table, the name of the club, association
or corporation under which, or for or by which he is operating,
and the number of tables used or intended to be used in said.
The application for such license, together with the sworn
statement of the applicant aforesaid, shall, by the License
Assessor and Collector, be presented to the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City at its next regular meeting, and
shall by said Board be referred to the Chief of Police for
investigation and report, and he shall within five days after
reoeiving such applioation, make report to the Board of
Commissioners of the general reputation and character of the
person or persons making such application; the general
reputation and character of the place sought to be licensed;
the general reputation of the persons who habitually patronize
or frequent said place; the nature and kind of business con-
ducted at said place by the applicant or any other person, or
by said applicant at any other place; whether intoxicating
liquors are or have been served or permitted to be drunk at
said place; whether gambling of any description has been
carried on or indulged in at said place; whether known gamblers
operate, maintain, oonduot, or are in charge of any card game
or are employed in or about said card rooms; whether said
place is or has been oonduoted in a lawful, quiet and orderly
manner; and he shall add thereto his recommendation as to the
granting or denying of said application for license.
Upon receipt of said report from the Chief of Police, the
Board shall act upon said application as it shall deem just
and proper in regard to granting or denying the same.
It is also hereby made the duty of the Chief of Polioe
after a license has been granted to operate and maintain card
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the City that
this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
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Passed by the Board of Commissi nets of Salt Lake City,
Utah, Septembez 0!'', - '' `
, 1.918.
Mayo ; .
i y Recorder.
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