84 of 1954 - Amending Section 5214 of Chapter L, as reenacted by Section 5218 of Bill 29, passed April 1, 1947, r ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, DEC 21 054 ~ 195 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . Christensen . . cho es C\vw.�-...............� Romney°. . . . Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result i AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 52114 of Chapter L of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as re-enacted by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah on April 1, 191}7 and known as Section 5218 of Bill No. 29, relating to sewers. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1: That Section 52114 of Chapter L of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as re-enacted by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah on April 1, 1947 and known as Section - 5218 of Bill No. 29, relating to sewers be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SECTION 5218. SEWER CONNECTIONS. BUILDING SEWERS. (a) A building sewer or sewer connection shall be deemed that part of the piping extending from the building drain to its connection with the main sewer. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct or attach any private drain with the public sewers of Salt Lake City, except upon full compliance with the provisions of this chapter. (b) Concrete driveways to garages underneath or adjoining residences- where foundation walls are required and porches of all types of construc- tion shall be considered as part of the building. (c) Iron pipe shall extend 5 feet, horizontal measure, from any building. All connections of iron to tile, iron to transite, and iron fl to concrete pipe shall be made with iron increasers of the tapered type. (d) Pipes. 1- All sewer connections or building sewers shall be not less than 4 inches nor more than 6 inches inside diameter. A build- - ing sewer may be of cast iron, vitrified clay, transite, or concrete pipe, except that cast iron or transite pipe must be used where grade is less than 2% for 4 inch pipe, and less than 1% for 6 inch pipe, and v except that transite pipe must not be used for connections other than for - dwellings. In all cases t1e` ind of'pipe to be used must be approved by the City Engineer. 2- All pipe must be laid on a firm bed, true to the line and grade given by the City Engineer, on a uniform grade not less than 1.67 feet per 100 feet for 4 inch iron and 14 inch transite pipe, and not less than 0.8 feet per 100 feet for 6 inch iron and 6 inch transite pipe. 3- All changes in direction must be made by the use of proper de- gree fittings, and of not more than one-eighth bend. 4- The cast iron pipe shall be sound, free from holes or cracks, without traps, valves or other obstructions which might prevent or retard the free passage of air or sewage. - 2 - 5- The following cast iron pipes will be accepted: L} inch and 6 inch, service weight it inch and 6 inch, extra heavy 6- In the use of L# or 6 inch iron pipe the corresponding standards may be used and all fitting used in connection with any ,standards the above sizes shall correspond with it in weight and quality. 11The joints shall be made of soft lead, one inch deep, thoroughly lb alked, and oakum gaskets shall be used in all joints, tightly l�calked so as to prevent lead from being forced through and forming flprojections on the interior of the pipe. !! 7- All vitrified clay pipe shall be of the best quality (firs !grade) salt glazed. It shall be straight, smooth, thoroughly !vitrified, free from cracks, blisters and other defects, of true ;cylindrical shape, and the inner and outer surfaces shall be con- !centric. The standard length shall not be less than two (2) feet with 3/8 inch annular space in the bell to a depth of 12 inch. ;The walls shall not be less than 9/16 of an inch in thickness for ;four (Li) inch pipe, and not less than 5/8 of an inch in thickness !for pipe six (6) inches internal diameter. !' 1 8- All joints in vitrified clay pipe shall be made in the !!best possible manner with oakum gaskets and asphaltic joint com- _; rpound, approved by the City Engineer, and must be water tight. I 9- A cleanout "Y" not less than )i inches in diameter, must _li ;be located immediately inside the property line, except in alleys (where it may be 25 feet from the alley line. In all cases pipe !must be iron pipe from the "Y" to the surface of the finished grade • on a slope of 45° with a four-inch brass cleanout plug, with 1 inch !!high solid wrench head. Additional cleanouts shall be placed about 150 feet apart along a 4 inch sewer, and every one hundred feet alon - (a six inch sewer. At the end of the sewer a four inch cast iron !cleanout must be placed, and at all other angles required by the ;inspector. Cross supports for cleanouts shall be 18 inches below !the cleanout top. (No waste or soil lines shall enter cleanout (pipes short of 5 feet below ground surface, and then only by special !permission.) II 10- All transite pipe shall be of the best quality (first ligrade) house connection pipe, free from holes or cracks or other 1lobstructions which might prevent or retard the free passage of air Igor sewage. The standard length shall be 10 feet, and shorter lengtas- Ilshall be kept to a minimum. All joints between lengths of transite !pipe shall be made with a Ring-Tite Coupling as manufactured by Johns-Manville Company, or equal, consisting of a transite sleeve, !two rubber sealing rings, and one rubber center ring. Joints bet- ilween transite pipe and pipe of other approved materials shall be made water tight with oakum gaskets and asphaltic joint compound or !soft lead, one inch deep, thoroughly calked. 1 �� 11- All concrete pipe shall be made in accordance with ASTM !standard specifications .Q14-52, or the latest revision thereof. !All joints shall be made with oakum gaskets and approved asphaltic !joint compound, and must be water tight. 1 (e) In excavating the sewer trench bell holes must be dug nder all bell ends of the pipe so that all joints can be easily ! ade and examined. All work that may be necessary shall be done to keep the trench and sewer free from surface or ground water during ljthe progress of the work. In wet trenches a channel shall be kept II f I - 3 - open on one side to conduct the water to a sump 3 feet from the main lino, where it shall be pumped or bailed out, and no water shall be allowed to enter the sewer at any time during construction. In, et trenches the pipe shall be supported by continuous planking at least 1" x 8" set on firm ground. Whenever necessary, the trench shall be properly timbered to prevent the sides from caving in. 'I o tunneling shall be allowed except where absolutely necessary and1 then only by permission of the City Engineer. All gas and water . _apes and other conduits encountered shall be carefully supported and protected from injury until the backfilling is completed. If th e sewer trench passes within 3 feet of, or through any cesspool, `or other pits, the pipe shall be of cast iron satisfactorily supp- orted. (f) All building sewers shall be tested for leaks in the v. resence of the inspector by filling the line tti�ith'water from the "Y" and 1/8 bend on the main sewer to top'+dT highest cleanout, and " every joint shall be water tight-Wore beIngaccepted by the ;inspector. (g) The joint at bhe: "Y" where the latter'connects onto the _ '' main sewer shall be entirely 9urroinded with a :collar of a design pproved by the City Engineer; having a mixof one part ceme-t to • wo parts sand. Work shall be done yin the, presence`Of 3the inspect- , r. All curved fittingt ;fin vitrified clay'',, transite., *id concrete ipe shall be reinforce:8 'bn the oy,;tsd.de with cement mo a ar as Specified above, after ph4 p?.Re, & e.e have: een%water nested. II 1,: .. I w I iII (h) The back Mang of thench shall not be made until - the specified water test shall h4Jeo been made and approved by the City Engineer's inspector. Due ca're shall be exercised to protect the pipes. 1 (i) All sewer connections shall be backfilled around and over - he pipe for a depth of three (3) feet with fine material carefully tamped. The remainder of the backfilling shall be completed with ood material, well tamped or settled with water as may be directed - y the City Engineer. No vitrified clay, concrete, or transite ipe shall have less than two feet of earth cover at finished grade . SECTION 2: In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it I's necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Malt Lake City that the ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall take effect upon its first ublication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of .halt ke City, Utah his 2lstday of December , 1954 1 TY R ' 0 ER ( SEAL ) BILL NO. 84 Published December 23, 1954 / ---- i ( 1 Proofiifilithitration lintlett Slates rti Atnrrint COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ss. STATE OF UTAH D. M. Ockey being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. That the Notice "AN..ORDINANCE" Amending Sec 5214 of Chapter L of Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944. Bill No.. a of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its issue dated the 23rd day of December , 19 54 and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper,on for thereafter,the full period of one time the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 23rd day of December „z ,ze„,..A.D.19 54. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day December 54 ,A.D. 19 Notary Public. My commission expires Nov 25 1957 Advertising fee $ 84 AN ORDINANCE T -= I cicanauts shalt be Placed about 50 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING NEC- art lone a to h ewe and TION 5214 of Chapter L of the Revised film va one h5ndred feet along ra six- Ordinances of Salt Lake City,lltah,1944, inch scweh'c St the end f the mot sewel'e acted hr an ordinance passed by four Inch t iron cleanout t ben as lcBooard of Commissioners of Salt placed, and at all other ogles re- the ako City.Utah on April 1,1947 d mired by the ins erto. Cross sun L a known as Seetien -218 of BM No.29, ores for lcanoutspshall be]tl Ic)ies aclating Ln sewers. below Use bId ro ton.(Now t or Be it ordain'ed by the Board of Com- s d lines shall c ter oleano sVrieres m' of Salt Lake City,Utah: short F 5 feet bclosv ground face, SECTION 1: That Section 521g of and then m ciy by s 1 e h iss n.) Chapter J. of the Revised Ordinances C50.ASl fh'anslto ni a hell be nt tn.) of S:dt Lvlce C-tv. Ciall, toga, s-e- I quality(first grade)houso cO n; acted by an ordinance passed by the ectinn ipe, free from boles Board f Commiss.nneis f Salt Lake a ks ar oth or ebstrnetions svhiish • Cltaas ti Utoh on April ,]94'! known might prevent retard the free - fictian 52111 f Bill No.29:relating e [at sewage.The standard to Newel,be and the s is hereby length shall or 10 feet, d shorter ended to read as toll ows a lengths shall be kept to a minimum. ani All Joints between lengths of transte "SECTION 5218. SEWER CONNEC• pipe shall be made with a Ring-Tito TIONS.BUILDING SEWERS. Coupling as nufactu ced by Johns (a)A huddler•sew, so e - Manville Camnany,or equal,consist- /motion e shall be deemed itha•.Paid of of a transite sleeve,two ribber the Piping extending Dom the build- sealing rings,and one rubber center ,ing drain to do connection with the a g. Joints between ransite pipe r,It.shall bethunlawful for and n of other approved materials c1 to es nstruet or attach a shall be nine seater tightwith oakum ate person Nutt,the Public sewers gaskets and asphnttic joint compound ;an,' ofh Salt Lake City,except upon full' soft lead,one inch deem thoroughly • nnl(ance with the Provisions of tank.❑. this chapter. 11.All concrete ripe shall be mad (D Concrete driveways to'garages In accordance with ASTM standard ilidrrneath or adioining residences ecifientions C14.52,or the latest re where foundation walls a red vision thereof. All mints shall be and porches of all types of construe- made with oakum gaskets and an. Lion shall be considered as Part of moved asphaltic hint compound. the.building. must be water tight, (el Iron 1 shall extend 5'feet, and In excavating the sewer trench horizontal measure.Lrom 1uild.. bell holes cmust ke 01 be dug Wender all ma any t a AR Ire ectionsuraf iron to Die.i bell ends of the Pine so that alljoints • to transite,and iron to concrete pine n be easily made and examined. shall be made with iron increasers All work that may he necessary shall of the tapered i.am, be done Io keen the trench and sewer Alt RI)PipeS.1.All s connections free f surface or ground water thanor building en shall bbenvnnot less during e the progress of the work.In more wet trenches a channel shell he kept inside inches A building sewer en th side to conduct the h• y to of rust ice p vitrified cat open lha sump rhfeetfromthemain ecansite,o concrete pipe,except that be bailed where et shall be pumped e ash i ro rade is nless than be baled out, and le water at shall he used where nine, id less than 27, allowed to tut the sewer et am time for 4 inch n and less than 19 during construction.shallbs re wet trenches der te O Inch pe must not b extent that trans- the p lank be x acted xn c lions other than for dwicllt'ois.Inn ail mefir,uous elaoking ^i least coos sot' s the kind of Pine to be used firer, d.Whenever n In the trench hall be properly a• "ors be nnnroved by the City E- to p ant the all befrom caving Peer. All Pipe must he laid o a firm Na tunneling shall allowed except bed,timeto the line and grade given whore absolutes necessary and then nnitorm nnlyoes bpermissionit of water Ole H:anl- bv de cily s than c, n a tee. stoges and water ee she redo not less roan 1.d'/tech per 1te carefully conduits a entered goal he Dice for d inch iron then inch 101 0td om is supported a and protected Pipe.and not vies than 0a feet p from iced.I hell the trench pas is tra• fee[for 6 inch iron and 6 loch m le feet the r trench Passes lr3 11 pipe. yell, r oche of,or through anycos,3-All changes In ofdirectiongrope het be not orother pits,then shall be made be the of proper onee- of cast it ding satisfactorily by S▪ii'bigs, and of notmore than one (O AI! building shallnc of sewers 4.'a eenc the in r leaks in the presence f a.�a.The ash scar he the inspector filling the km with souPipe 'd, free fromValves ootheradohthy sfrom the"Os ee t/s bend on •without trans, v r to fop of highest t▪aructhe which might prevent m'r water tight h and tl pint shall by rho'. the free vassagc of air or sew later pest before being accepted by bge. the inspector. 5.The cepteing cast non pipes latter Tco joint at the he where the 'will'inch a opted: latter connects onto the m 4'obh accepted, 6 inch.s vcight, coll he ea deli s uovedn mace 4 i ch and oinch,extra heavy. collar of a r,having vox by the 6. the u it 4 or 6 arch it City cement c,having ap mix proved sand. o pc the corr all ninon stusedrin marl art t t to two parts encisr the ne used and all fittings used a ,shall beto done in curved fi or the ficflon with a of the above s teedeviay,All c rued fittings a viine shall r r y d With h In weade on n ins and quality.The;Dints shall be made tied clan,transite,and concrete p shall r reinforced on the fledoutside with .soft lead,one inch deep,thoroughly rot mortar asdeified abate, shwacalked, and olbosal eras be. cement the nine'lines have been water gaskets used 0 all llyds atomly calked so a tested, to prevent lead from lacing Forced ell The back filling of the trench through anti f the i Projections on shall not be mode until the specified a the.interior lit of the p water test shall have been mde and pipe. 'L.All ell vitrified filar llpine shall he approved an the City Engineer's in- of the best all he straight,1,0 sat specter. a shell be exercised thoroughly It shall be Dero smooth,i to protect the pines. blisters vitrified Dee from cracks, c All s connections shall be cylindrical and other d the 1 per Lave too a do t around and Over the p outer surfaces ads s and the Inner a d for a d110,1 carefully three (ta feet me Wh ter sulard l shell bl con be le s' rem m ert of 'kt tamped. The The spa lO,standard lengthwith shalt not be leas remainder of with Plod Ikespace hell to of depth.Of Sea tam led l settled with water as max, 15 f a h. s shag notes less than be ified Led lie the yet Engineer.ta Na 40 of a inch n thickness for four' pitrifisd clay. concrete. or transite al inch npipe, and not less than e, ae e shall ,slept cis than two feet of inches Inch idle thickness for pipe sex of earth c at finished grade. (5)inches iris in diameter. SECTION Commissioners,2 the o £ the 8.All joiad i tthe be clay Plpe'Board of athanopinion sham he made In the best and as- to inhabitants peace,health and safety of necessary the manner with oaken gaskets shed a y ordinance of e e lake City edit the tphallic joint c ndd, a ved er orSECnIO become ordinance ce lntake the City Engineer,and must be water SECTION 3In ley publicat shall take tLn. 0. effect u e its fleet of Commissioners 9.A in diaso "r,•not less than 4 Passed by the Board of Cs 2Ist day of incises at diameter. a St Sr located, of Salt Lake City,Utah this 2lst day of immediately 10 alleys side the tomay live, December,1954. hea walley lie it may be es Earle, Glade, feet except Scalley rne.on all c Mayor, use Id it e from the grade i lima e order. onna s surface of the finished wade City Recorder. slang of 45 degrees with a - (SEAL) ngh brass c out Plug,with 1 line, Pill No.84, solid wr ngh head. Additional(G50) Published➢eeembar 23,1954 g 171