84 of 1956 - Ordinance 84 of 1956, Amending Section 49-3-25 of Revised Ordinance 1955, relating to meter rates an ROLL CALL j Salt Lake City,Utah, l L l l"" 195
I move that the ordinance ) passed.
Burbidge . .
Christensen . . .
7�'o:FERs. _ y /
Romney . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 49-3-25 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, 1955, relating to meter rates and fixing the rates
for water, turn-on fees, and meter-testing fees.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 49-3-25 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, 1955, relating to meter rates and fixing the rates for
water, turn-on fees, and meter-testing fees, be, and the same is, hereby
amended by increasing the said rates, which amended section shall read
as follows:
"Sec. 49-3-25. Meter rates. Bills rendered. Vacancy. The
rates for water supplied through meters to all places will be as
For the first 15 000 cu. ft. -- 14 cents per 100 cu. ft.
For the next 35,000 cu. ft. -- 13 cents per 100 cu. ft.
For all over 50,000 cu. ft. -- 11 cents per 100 cu. ft.
For the first 45,000 cu. ft. -- 14 cents per 100 cu. ft.
For the next 105,000 cu. ft. -- 13 cents per 100 cu. ft.
And 11 cents per 100 cu. ft. for all over 150,000 cu. ft.
The minimum charge for meter service shall be $1.25 per month
or $3.75 per quarter;'trere premises are being supplied by more
than one water service there shall be a minimum charge of 25 cents
per month for each additional meter installed.
Public schools shall pay the above rates less a discount of
25 per cent.
Bills for water used through meters shall be rendered monthly
or quarterly; the superintendent of waterworks to determine from
time to time when monthly or quarterly meter readings shall be
made and bills rendered. If the bills rendered as aforesaid are
not paid within fifteen days after their rendition the superin-
tendent of waterworks shall cause the water to be turned off and
before the water is turned on all unpaid water rates must be paid
in full, together with a turn-on fee of $3.00. In case of vacancy,
where service is discontinued or meter taken out, unless delin-
quent bills are paid within 30 days after the service has been dis-
continued a penalty of 10 per cent shall be charged in addition to
regular bill.
When for any reason the water meter shall fail to register,
bills shall be rendered at the average rate consumed for like
periods of time.
Should any water taker using a water meter desire to have the
meter on his premises tested, the charge shall be *5.00 where the
meter is found to be correct, or to register in favor of the con-
sumer, but where found to be over-registering the cost of such
test shall be borne by the city.
Any water user to avail himself of an abatement for non-use of
water on a meter shall report to the superintendent of water works
and have water turned off his premises and the meter may be re-
moved at the option of the superintendent of waterworks. Before
water service will again be supplied written notification must
be made to the superintendent of waterworks. Abatements will not
be allowed for less than thirty days.
Where a building is to be erected, application shall be made
for service pipe in the regular manner, and all water consumed
in the construction .of"such building shall be paid for at regular
meter rates. It shall be unlawful for any contractor or other
persons engaged 'in construction work to use water from the city
mains, except through a,meter, as provided in this section."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. The rate increases shall take effect on the first day of
January, 1957.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
11th day of December, 1956.
( S E A L )
BILL NO. 84 of 1956
Published December 14, 1956
e ND40 6,�,i.4ffidavit of Publication
canoes of Salt Lake City, 1955,rolal-:
sg 1,$meter rates end fixing the rates
for water,turns fens,and meter-tcsl-
rnx ices.
Be it ordained by the Board of Cmn-
missloners of Salt bake City,Utah;
SECTION 1.That Section 40-3.25 of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake.
City,1055,relating to meter rates and
fixing the rates for water,11 n fees,
and meter. stlnc Sees, be.nand the
s,hereby a ended by increasing
the said said rates,which amended section
shell read as follows!
43-9-25. rates Rills r
tiered- Vilca The rates Inc water
Avinplied through meters to all places
v be ns follows 1) yl
For the first 15,000 cu.it,14 cents ---- ---
RePoldd ft.the t 55,000 en.31.13 cents-
pr 100 a.ft. Being just duly .sworn, deposes and says that he is adcer-
For all. 50.000 Cu,ft.--11 cents
Pee 1dQUARTERLY READINGS tising clerk of THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, a daily news-
Per the brat 4.5.000 cu.ft.-14 cents
hePod thc'nex!'105,000 cu.ft...10 cents paper p t published in Salt Labe City,S County.Lake County,in the
Per 100 cu.Ott.
And 11 cents per 100 cu,It.for all
150,0.0'00 cu.ft. State of Utah.
ice charge for meter s
ice shall be$1.25 month or 83,75
Per Mustier;where premisesare being'
upplied by more than o water s
ice there shall rbe u h Imum barge
f 25 cents ntn for each addle That the arLcertisenaen.t of aolaich a. copy Sc attached
meter installed.
Public schools shell pay the above hereto
tales less a discount of 25 per cent.
Dills for water ueod through meters;
hall be rendered monthly or nuarrcr-I Et_lt �.:.1`r: Cii.r t il7.. lira, %31, n" 1956.
lY; the superintendent of waterworks' 1
lo determine from time to time when
monthly or quarterly meter readings
hall be made and bills,rendosed. If the bills rendered a r
"aforesaid a not ,`1t7 !"/'.Ji111.]'1CC '.Fi'C.rll'z 'l iCC'.. .I t Cs/,-..Z_-25 C i }l:' 1 C T,_Cf-`d
bald within fifteen days after their
rendition the superintendent o water
orks shall cause
the water to be
works off noel before the water 5 0117t r_urlco;, se.19:ti r to r_�ot:r' r�at.a�sletr.
be turned on all,unpaidntogether
wafer inter inset
be paid in fun,toar ft'with n t where
tee of 83.0d. of vacancy,where
e discontinued elino meter tepid
within 30 delinquent e s a nail
clays after the service has
been discontinued a pas r of,ln;tio per
cent shall be charged]n addition to
dinar e,for o eerier the water,enter -
rend fall to register,average
bilk shell be
rendered at the ate axe rate consumed
forr like periods o water e, n was published in said newspaper on
to r desire to have the meterlo
his premises tested,th,°horde using
s5.00 whet the meter Is found to he 1)eite,iihl:,r alp, 1.66,
correct, to',sister ast In favor of tee
r,but where found to be over-
cosy s,lcm e,ind the cost of such test shall
he by e by the rity.
Any waterI mil himself of
nbetemenl for rm of wale'o
n ever shalt renonol to the superin-
tendent of water works and have the
eaturned off hi. I and th •
ft I' y b n�of waterworks.option Adoerti..sin,q Clerk
the superintendent eremy e o ur-
Before wer se will again be sup-
plied written notification must waterworks.made
Abatements the s ew llrnoth afdforell
tiwall not he allowed for less
then Whelp
a days.
Where a buishall be L' to be r•ervice
pe in the shall be made for s
nine in u,n t e onstr, coon f to before sae this 7t;th day of
vats' bed in the id urea re of
r rates. tll lie paid for a
Say mot tractoIt other be rnerrns engaged T 5 U
aVT contractor
construction week to use water Bolo A.I/'79
the city n except through a me-
ter,asovided in this section"
SECTION 2-In the opinion of the.
Board of Commissioners, it i
sary to the peace,]health and safety of
the inhabitants o f Salt Lake City that
this ordinance become effective imme-
SECTION a.The rate increases.hell Notary Public.
take effect on the first d uurr ay af Jan
Pas.seed by the Board of this
s Cl Salt Lake City,Utah,h,this Ills
day of December, 195 a.
BERMAN J.HO IleeecornlN,
(SEAL) Cite Rder.
pm NO.A4 of MO8 bushed Dec,14,1g58 0"35>res