84 of 1960 - Amending Section 31-2-3 of R.O., 1955, relating to fees for inspection under the Power and Heating E ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, ��' �'J , 196 VOTING Aye Nay k, I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . o .44M . p_ Piercey . . . Romney . . . V (♦\J Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result a f y AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 31-2-3 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to fees for inspection under the Power and Heating Equipment Code. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 31-2-3 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to fees for inspection under the Power and Heating Equipment Code, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Section 31-2-3. Permits and Certificates. A fee shall be charged for the examining of plans and specifications for installation, reconstruction or alteration of any fuel burning egipment. The fee shall cover the inspection of the installation and the issuance of permit and certificate for use of such appliance in case such are granted, as follows: "(a) In one- and two-family residences or structures, the fee for central heating plant, gas conversion burner, floor furnace, wall furnace, circulating heater, heatrola, space heater, gas stove, water heater, incinerator or any fuel burning equipment, shall be Four Dollars ( 4.00) for the first single appliance, and Two Dollars ($2.00j) for each additional appliance; provided, however, that the inspection of all installed appliances can be made at the same time. "(b) Where two or more furnaces are installed in a single struc- ture, each will be considered a central heating plant and each will require a Four Dollar permit. "(c) In all buildings of three families or more and all commer- cial and industrial buildings or plants, the fee for central heating plant, gas conversion burner, boiler, assay furnaces, smelting or melting furnaces, incinerators, shall be Seven Dollars and 50/100 ($7.50) each, and the fee for each unit heater, floor furnace, wall furnace, circulating heater, heatrola, space heater, gas stove, water heater, incinerator, or any miscellaneous fuel burning appliance or equipment shall be Four Dollars (14.00) for the first single appliance and Two Dollars ($2.00) for each additional appliance; provided, however, that the inspection of all installed appliances can be made at the same time. "(d) The fees for gis piping in residential structures shall be Four, Dollars ($4.00) for the first opening, and Two Dollars ($2.00) for each additional opening thereafter. For commercial and industrial installations, the fee shall be Four Dollars ($4.00) - 2 - for the first opening and Two Dollars ($2.00) for each additional opening thereafter. "(e) Where the same contractor installs the appliances on such fuel line, he will not be required to pay any additional fees, but will be required to furnish such information on said appliances as may be required. In the case where two or more contractors are involved on any one installation, it will be necessary for each contractor to take a separate permit. "(f) Inspection shall be made on the date requested by the con- tractor. If the work is incomplete at that time or fails to meet the standards prescribed by the ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, an additional fee of Two Dollars ($2.00) shall be charged for each call back until the work is completed and meets said standards." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safdy of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective July 1, 1960. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon. July 1, 1960. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 22nd day of June , 1960. °\ City . 1 !! WE empor r Chairman ( S E AI.L' ) BILL NO. 84 of 1960 Published June 29, 1960 Aor.se1. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D M Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish Ianguage with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No. 84 of 1960. An Ordinance relating to fees for inspection under the Power and "eating Equipment Code. was published in said newspaper on June 29, 1960. Legal Advertising Clem Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of June A.D. 19 60 • Notary Public My Commission Expires SI Legal Notices • AN ORDINCE AN ORDINANCE ANAMENDING Section 31-2-3 Of the Revised Ordi- 1955 e[ Salt Lake City, ssee ender tF to fees and m110 titot,l under the Power Heating E Beniteoidarneed by the Doan of Commissioners of Salt Lake SE City. Utah: CTION 1. That Section 31-2-3 fOfe hef RrOtd O s o inspection n0ances of Salt under attic Code'ho soot Heating e he eavets, 1 ended to rend spfollow: ee'lfreats A toe. Permits end Cpr.l[icates.A fee shall bnne char6ea specifhlcattopeln�foi an6tallaltlon.are- uction o alteeation of a sual-cover cey inspect. The tee has a er the inspection of the Derma and ice i of per'm(t and certificate issuance of uch alliance 1 a use 'la) III III S011C-an d two.familg residences O structures. the See Sor central or plant. ee.co- furnace.hcircuiatiner heatere heat. ce heater,rss stove,water heatesi�al tr r fuel Dorri sa(F911llfl initolt'theaEl DesnKle upliancc,and Two Dollars f52.00] TO- Lion of al ej,i r.`,,,thertin' Lion Of all ithe same a➢nuances can be made at the s 'es) Where. two i e fur- naces time. laic pat will be considered each enkr�lohentine plant and each will r Purr Dollar p mil. "fcie Jr.all a and al o£¢three :familiesia 0 and all commer- cial and en fee bwid°;us e boiler,sae galacfoe cirioifaburnerr bor oiler,a r furnaces,smelting o shalll th n Dil incinerators, ni50eaar.£ldohafrree hee oor furnace, wall furnace. 0leOiLL011oO h¢ter, heat- r lt, a heater, r re • ni1ccllaneouprs,{ueln bl0rnfng,FP'cli. Dollarsr 159.001 fort thlea ho t s1„41e appliance and Two Dalian 152.001 for each additional appliance;pro- vided.in tatted appli thehat inspectionroil be made at slhe same ptime. u1 oeiilenlial fees four g oin shatlitbr Fmie Doi:ars Irarib01 far thn t first and Tvn Dollars 1S2-001 el eb b 01101110nel o -there- trial. stag 0mn e eind mdos- Faur1Dolllars�(ca.00ietoe the ifirhst fore each artdit copal oeenteg'eheIdl- aftc. insl(allla'theme thlill ial ces came 4`toh turd rroe line,ny he additional efees,lllhott nfo:biloi o oc furnish d,d Iinl ehecesuch where two 4 actors involved urn a nnstall-- cocntraclorlto�to io o.„a1£ate cnml mil. "Ifl dote l hop ro shall he mode n'tic dale:-tesl0rl by the c tractor'. IL l011 ark is i tiletrst turf 11 dstiiyee OCCrritrcii br ilthle U'dinances f Sill Lake (:itr, t,h, a additional fee of Two each n1 CIII ull 1 chaaock is for 001 ail and i ects the.vo . rnlctcd and meets said stand- arSHCTION 2. Dr tho oninil of the]3oar'd 0f Commissioners It- n r l the e ,health g eld LLake got the inhabltanls o£bolt al:c City that his O dlnanee be'c0 Sfectirc Jule 1, 1060. h91E1 Coal.be effect his ono July”0, 1h60. Passed t .the Hoard f Commis [Ills o22ndf davlotgtnoc C1980 Utah, Temporary Chairman. Germ an J.Hngensen (a E \L1 f1LL NO-24 of 1050 IA.1I] I. Published Jr,nr_2Ath_196a_ g 171