84 of 1962 - Vacating a portion of the Original St. Mary Hills, Plat 'F', which has since been amended and referr . ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, November 21 , 196 2
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . I%
Harrison . . . erg—
Romney . ✓ o-��.> wz` ` titi a
Smart . . . ✓`'
Mr. Chairman . s°` AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE VACATING that portion of the Original St. Mary Hills,
Plat "F", which has since been amended and referred to as the Amended
Plat of St. Mary Hills, Plat "F", which includes Lots 37 and 47 to 65,
WHEREAS, petition has been made by all the owners of the land
contained in that portion of the original St. Mary Hills, Plat "F",
which has since been amended and referred to as the Amended Plat of St.
Mary Hills, Plat "F", to vacate the same to the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City has considered
said petition and is satisfied that neither the public nor any person
will be materially injured by said vacation:
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1 . That that portion of the original St. Mary Hills, Plat
"F", which has since been amended and referred to as the Amended Plat
of St. Mary Hills, Plat "F", which includes Lots 37 and 47 to 65, in-
clusive, more particularly described as follows, be, and the same hereby
is, vacated and declared no longer a part of the original St. Mary Hills,
Plat "F":
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 23, St. Mary Hills
Plat "C", a subdivision of parts of Sections 11 and 14, T.1 S.,
R.l E., S. L. B. & M., in Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County,
Utah; said point of beginning being also East 1614.48 feet and
South 16.24 feet from the Northwest corner of said Section 14;
and running thence South 79 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds East
121 .43 feet; thence North 80 degrees 29 minutes 57 seconds East
63.65 feet; thence South 80 degrees 42 minutes East 116.90 feet;
thence South 15 degrees West 163.00 feet; thence South 18 degrees
West 663.76 feet; thence West 143.27 feet; thence South 50.00
feet; thence Northwesterly along the arc of a curve to the right
(Radius 93.07 feet - Bearing North) 48.57 feet; thence South 17
degrees 34 minutes 57 seconds West 151 .36 feet; thence West 75.00
feet; thence North 30 degrees West 308.25 feet; thence North 60
degrees East 130.00 feet; thence North 45 degrees East 120.04
feet; thence North 20 degrees East 451 .93 feet; thence North 22
degrees 30 minutes 59 seconds East 86.86 feet; thence North 20
degrees East 85.00 feet to the point of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of
way and easements of alI public utilities of any and every description
now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described
property; and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the
altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
21st day of November , 1962.
�0 � i' t
iy f ra "da ys :
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 84 of 1962 •
Published November 27, 1962
Sent to the City Auditor's Office December_4, 1962 for recording in the Office of the
Salt Lake County Recorder.
84 _.
City and County of Salt Lake,
Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full,true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
AN ORDINANCE VACATING that portion of the original St. Mary Hills, Plat
"F", which has since been amended and referred to as the Amended Plat of
St. Mary Hills, Plat "F", which includes Lots 37 and 47 to 65, inclusive.
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, November 21 196 2
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
City, this 4th day of December 2
196 .
(SEAL) f
A. h l
\ \011411\11604.,.�. City ecorder
November 27 196 2
BILL NO. 84'of 1962'',`.
��F� (D8 B( rA1993 PACE35�9
. Recorded at Request of ..y./..IJ"paJA...T.AIC.F......s-�CrtG .C.C.. 1�E"
at .:G}nC.....ill tr id$//L�l.. .O.4,NELLIE M.J K,Records Salt Lake County,Utah
By ✓i.L2 .-fFN r^. 'l-k eP. Ref. _.. t 6+_.[._.—...._.__..._._......,,-
16 tion t the original St. Mary
Hills, met F", which has since
the Aamended
ended Pland
t of referred
to as
slat F", nlch inclutles Lots 3t
i Wd 47 to A i tltion.
HEREAS,Persion has been mate
by all the a port of the thelandor
�y' tamed In that Portion f original
1`` Since been Hills, a'r which
rredh to
Hime amended Plato of 5t. Mary
lls Plat F",e to vacate the same
to the Board f Commlssloners of
of Commis-
sinners of Salt Lake City has'ovine-
., sal petition ed In agris-
fled that neither the public o a y
person wilfl be materially figured by
NOW,by the
be It or-
dained bt Salt LakerdCity,Stanhmis-
theE era ONa et rii,eMalrhyat Polrstlo Plat
aFd oeferreCa to sods theMNn�i�lAmended
,I} Plat of St. Mary Hu la and lat "F",
I 65 I plpn�clusive asmore s Parficarly7 de.
neeebY Is,fvalcated'enda declared h
looser a Part of the original St.
Mary Hillag,,Plat"F":
�� of Lot 27s5t.Mary Hills Plat"C',a
subdivision f parts f Sections 11
' M.,In Salt Lake Ci a d Salt Lake
Coun N, Utah; sal paint f be'
OlncIea Oslogg Ise East 1,61d.Bt f t
west.corn r6 t laid Sectionh 14 oa d
20e seconds East degrees.
minutes at a ecoonds Eastd60.r63 teen;
thence South BO desrees°2 minutes
East 116.05 feet; thence Soutb 15
ufheWest 163.00 feet: thence
l8 de West 663.76 feet:
hence West i4.27 tact:thence South
51o.00gg that:rttleice Northwtstta'Ey
nioht (Radius 93.07 lent—Searing
Northl9 48.57 feet; thence South
f� Weste151.36 feel;Itheteee West)SOD
feet; thence North 30 tleerees WWest
East5130.6o t feet,'t?Per
henice6 Northr 45
NOHy s20 E,.pst
thence North 22 des��rggees 30 mnutes
Northco20 s dearoesB6 fasts 85.00'feet
to said cation'Is mi de expressly
subiect focall existing rights of way
s of tie any and everyadescriPltion ntolw
confines Inof o theun abover described
rlsnntsr of en1ryd the eonufalra the and
III ,c rthem,11 flog said utilities
Passed by the Board of C
2letedaof SalNovemeber, 1n6ptah,this
(SEAL) C-63
Published Novembor227, 1962
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notices .. i�
o V" ' thep Orl n Sr. Mury
bdeh amndetl'and°�:lor,t��tgl"a9 Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
FletArn=71.i'en i rslfeMa'�mN1ill clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
a a 4r ea 6 Incloawe. GRAM, a
naIERnAo'vr�elrel°othti;�bia�amo�a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
+si:"MaI 'f.'ilits,"Zr4dh,..7Thrg lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
Vcf.b.amen',NdYdn'sir'Marly Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
Hill,Plat 'F"b to vicar:rhos 1
to me eoartl r e::nmisslane t
Salt eT AYvi an0
Wers of S.the lake C al has
a con
sKlert,of Salt Lake end.nose . That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
dered IQ crllor, end. IS sans.
Pa�:on 1, be°ma erlalie bnlures by
tl a tlon: Salt Lake City Bill. No 84 of 1962.
-NOW, the E GORE, be It 1
dalnM 6.)., the Board of [amn,is- '
levers Salf Lake ;''' Ilfah:
SECTIN I, Thar that rlion of
r�: otl0inal 5,. MarVV 1�4m Plar An ordinance vacating portion of original
F",svhlch Sas siee b=_en d_d
N c ro ao o v m
Fe o
. ary U.e.' rbncl ve,cm ea ia taeYrtieby I:,vacated a aeree .MarAllisrtotdP.a-bnlSt
8oglnnln t rho thwosr r of
srbdlllsl n.11.° l'E II "lot"c�.a
ue 14, T.1.5."R.18., 55e LlonBs B.
%✓,.,In Salt Lake CIIy and Sal.Lnke
Courtrs Utah) sal!I �n! est
ginning beinUU Iso East°1,the N fee}
wes Scr6o4 laet from the ;end
wa t corner r aam seamn ds end
amnele"ee s:olh tv ae9reaa Nov 2'7 1.962.
i% mil:6 00 , na. E„ar 2,.a3 was published in said newspaper on t
tear; manes Ircl,'°l tleg : as
lnenie'rsautha AUndeS hee t e2'mtnutes
degees16 1N:s1eQ16sl6en/earsolh:ne
South 18 dramas Wont 661.)6 feet;
50 W/" )4is. a :N I S
ershIh)rryryABtl6l t)l in 1 Ile',:o hl�hhve
e 14r W
sae. thence N rl ]e p W,T
/ G�
CJag2 feet:thence North ere / -C_-
d l5 °-E fee;;
trig"21 e2eoeh4'it
Legal Advertising Clerk -hence North 1deerees 30 minutes
Norihc7es gre^s"ea en6.OJatnee
t:the P"Icn!o/bl:gincVe.
u5sld a a!lon r ,irtr exv essly �'
s Sleet to nail eri,.ilna =puts of l'
1 ads of any and every eescrlelii:n vo y
Ioafee Inc o nfer c vn. iha
.: e tta abo�a'eaz�rmea
nrtr M lea sublael t: fie
r,noc F rwetI re lean ut u,e a and
P o°Irtn ,.mmv old rinnre one ire me this 29Lh day of
' 33 Prr,�o ry�th^ ina-s or
1sf°lloyl olt Ctmrbnrlrvl9 D.5ah,"".
f5 E,'LI C."
Pubiishedd November 227, le n Notary Public
My Commission Expires
NoV ?5- -1.9(55,