84 of 1966 - Annexation, REPEALING Bill No. 72 of 1966, to correct an error in the decription, annexing certain p ✓ ROLL CALL July 28 6 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,196 Barker. . . ' I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull / Harrison . . . Cam/ �� Holley . . . Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . /,va4 AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 629, by Leon Peterson, requesting that the tract of land here- inafter described be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City; and, WHEREAS, the said petition is signed by the owner of the real property and the owner in value of all the real property, as shown by the last assessment rolls, situated in the tract herein described; and, WHEREAS, said tract of land is contiguous to the existing boundaries of Salt Lake City; and, WHEREAS, the said petitioner has caused an accurate map or plat to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer and to be filed with the City Recorder; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petition of said owner of said tract of land, and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same hereby are, enlarged and extended so as to include the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the ea.-It line of 2140 East St., said point also being N 89° 59' 06" E 1295.89 feet and N 0" 06' 48" W 262.2 feet from the S.W. corner, Section 22, T.1 S., R.1 E., S.L.B. & M., and running thence -2- N 89" 59' 06" E 122.0 feet; thence N 0° 06'48" W 58.4 feet to the present city limit line; thence S 89'" 59' 06" W along said city limit line 171.5 feet to the west line of said 2140 East Street; thence S 0' 06' 48" E along said street line 58.4 feet; thence N 89" 59' 06" E 49.5 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.230 acres. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whole of the above described property, be, and the same hereby is, zoned as Residential R-2 Classification District. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and zoned as Residential R-2 District, as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of locations and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and he is hereby directed to file, with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. That that certain ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners June 23, 1966, known as Bill No. 72 of 1966, be, and the same hereby is, repealed. SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 28th �7 day of July, 1966. (S EAL) 'ij �� DILL 84 1966 � �� !'/%C✓ ju MAYOR Published August st 2, 1966 � / �'vL - (A certified copy sent to the City Auditor s/Ofgice 8-5-66 for reeeYd bg in the Co t Recorder' Offige, also the Count Surveyor, County Clerk, Utah State Tax Commission, Utah State Highway 1F 1 Department and the S-:lt Lake City Postmaster.) CIT ORDER S 2166776 f .,. �,. , rA,L, [\UG 3 CITY , Recorded at Request of ' _L + { y.,,J................_.._ 1 a}7(.` Foe Paidl.P.E4HAZEL TAGGART CHASE,Recorder Salt Lake County,Utah 1 8v ... Dep. Date hi?,..'. .4....... AN ORDINANCE Et along said street line 58.4 feet; AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING N S9 de 59 m be se E THF_LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. 49.5 feet to the point of bealnnlno, WHEREAS, there has been filed pntalmnq O.T30 acres. OR- with the City Recorder of Salt Lake DAI NDED AND IT FURTHER te ity-Petition No.619, by Leon Po- hole of the above described ierspn, equestina that the tract f whole be, d the hereby is land hereinafter described be taken fled and R-1 Classitica- 'thin the limits f Salt Lake City; {ion District. WHEREAS, the said petition as AND BE IT FURTHER OR- signed by the owneret the real DAINED AND DECLARED that when this ordinance fakes effect the property thetyreald the Iv pas shown by s tract land above escribed the last assessment rolls,situated In shall thenceforth be within the car- the tract erein esaribed; d, porfale Omits f Sall Lake City and WHEREAS, aid tract of land is zoned asResidential -T Di51a Wit, s IS the existing boundaries inthe ordinance provided, d all contiguous t Clty; , rdlrlanees, u isdiertei, rulesand WHEREAS,the said petitioner has obligations of orrtainin to alt ak Cdv areextendetland caused an accurate cer le map or at co to madeapplicableand pertin overo e etent surveyor a tl oV d by the- said s.at of land and fthe streets, City Engineer and to bre filed with ocks,alleys and wa of said tract the City Recorder; ntl, hall be erol led aril goeernetl by WHEREAS,the Board f Commis- the aidminces, let s guldti the Doers of Salt Lake City, after o!said city that bCit behalf,and the aid petition at said monuments of the City end safe id tract of land,and c snail o beltaken therein snet rcu con- the standards of locations and tlis- idedno the circumstances to scot tof l, tames. members of unanimous in favor allCION T.upon the passage of members aitl said f lantl pop alf this tlinanre,Thee he City Racerdere CI Lake City sad directed that a rtli- here yoke eite shall file, it he hereby directed to file' with the said eterritorvbe theSPe extension off ty,aiv Recorder of Salt'Lake oCoun- bese the itv limits and Salt Lake City ac_ mentioned,COPY of the mapor pla rave co Jingly. wdgdais nitedand - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR- cases,together a provided e copy DAINED BY TFIE BOARD OF COM- tION 5,r with a certified coo MISSIONER$ OF SALT LAKE of this tllnnce. CITY,UTAH: SECTION d by thet hB Board afnCornt- SECTION 1.That then city limits of mince gas June 13. 1966,known a Salt Lake Cit Pe, and the s Bills Nae 72 of 1966.be,and the same hereby are, enlarged and extended hereby Is,repealed. To include the tollowing de- SECTION 4.In The opinion o1 the scribed tract of land l Salt Lake Board of Commissioners t is ounty,to-wit: se,to the peace,health d wet- Beginning f mint n ther east fare f the inhabitants of Salt Lake line of 21d0 East Sls said t also City that this ordinance become ef- being N B9 tleg 59 in Ob sec E faS ve ediately. sesec' feet a e ire tlet W in d9 SECTION 5. This ordinance shall ne W]60t f2 from .- R. I take red U 1 first publication. SeLq%on 22, T. t S., R. I Er, pert a by the a ntl, ehi- .D.&M.h d running thence N s f Salt u Lake City,Utah,this B9 nce 59 deg 06 s c E 1e1.0 feel: 281h day of July,R C thence N 0 tlea 06 min d5 sec W 58.4 J.BRACKEN LEE, feet a the present cite limit tine; T r alonce S B9 tleg 59 06 c et HERMAN J.COG ENSMN� lath said city limit and 17I5 fast fSBill City Recorder St the westc Ilse f said 2140 East Pdl No.ed of 1966 Street:thence S 0 deg O6 min dB sec PUblishetl August 2,1966 (C-1]) Si �� BUUK2 83 PHc-342 STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY - annexing certain property at 2719 Connor Street in the vicinity of 2140 East Street to Salt Lake City Corporation, and repealing BILL NO. 72 of 1966, for said annexation, to correct an error in the description. passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, July 28 1966 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 5th day of August 196(i (SEAL) 'r �„ r } kiti4\ rj*, ft Ji '�� City Recorder ,11 — .Published August 2 196 6 BILL NO. 84 of47i8166 5 • AOMeOA Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D aq Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily /except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No 84 of 1966 An Ordinance Extending the Limits of Salt Lake City, was published in said newspaper on Aygus t 2., 1966. 7 Legal Advertising Cle Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of August A.D. 19 66 Notary Public My Corigss on Agp9 res 84 'jLegal Notices sal. Sealed bids R'IGITbe received et ibe rs Purchasing De artment, University j j f�1fah,until 2.30 e ..Auoust 10,b ,'j ?Ufa, : pp.. ,N If LITHOGRAPHIC PRESS PAIRTIGULAT,.DEt NITOR 670 sCILLOJ CASES L • lay 0ATAtN OGORGE ELMPLIFIERS Iq s �ti. s Rr�t g{�fi¢���� :, e PRINT NG iltaAi,%* �; MATCH1SAMPLEE ANPP FFFF ARATUS ;on TV CAMERA TRUCKIAPE RECORDER I LABORATORY SUPPLIES 'I GENERATOR TUBE r ',BU STEAM LE RS-DRYERS MICROSCOPES BED LINEN r ,able from the sPurcihasinp s Debanl- nfTece right is d to a cept.or I e t a reserved and to w e'l Iv id in the i Sr techniealllvaei any bid in the interest of the Univer I r nit,110 bids swine a firm uaetion and properly signed will be a epi- wirAn fVrnlshed uontl speoitcatl"'' UNlir...S�'o"OF -s1 AH net N/ILLIAML.CHRISTEN 1 ,.,-,'(C-28) Purchasing_AneAur nt AN ORDINANCE I- The LnN1,..s/c ei LT Lw,ct LILY. ' Wr1yeLily a has g obe Lon Recorder of a rt Lake ' 't�tv.r orecue I . thy, the tact of r tlescribe0 be lac. 19,1 wnainn me9�llmtts of Salt Lake Lily: arWNEREAS, the said petition is pi0oerety and"the'Owner' allueeal it 11 G I the last ae of ent rolls,situated Iwn n ed,a j r"WHro,.<E'itles saidtract of land is I ofniS t Le Ci aklef antl,rp Oo nu. ,I Y. _..o..., petitioner has` Le mud.a ertlfletl to bye corn-_ and a vetl by' ana top oe n1 ri i 1heYHERke, er;Board v Wets of a Baked f Commis- stoners of Slot pent dOf fteo 1 . 2 h of saidatract of rand.and So-y elrcumsta tee.;and It ns.lmemhoWneetoy Ir un s ono of II bets Od atrlact ofd fro f n e C, sale tract I land n ordIi J IaY Lakes C rig a d ecte0 that a bl-1 red sa srye000 o theseed ae lxi or f 10 ltc E it d he tension o Sr.foe clay limits of salt Lake City ec ve-c amour. rYI DAISEbS BYE 7HE BOARDEOFTCAM MISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CISECTIION 1.That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same sot so toinclude rgthe follllowingn de Its- lend in Salt Lake of Beginning al a noire en the east at line of Slay Eaespt St.,said point also inld, b19o09tfent nd N90 Ceg 0606 se[ E. ter, none; W 262.Y tact atom fha SW - b''net,Bechar Yl, T. 1 S., R, I E.,I R..as der to min 06 running 1,0.0 flee nce N ' 9 • rie. feet cto thedpresent city limit flinea I rch, thence 5 89 deg 59 in 06 c W iI Ifah-Ito"the s wldsflirner ff saide 21605 East I Igreet:ng thence street deg de 58.adeceet; I fool snd hence N a Idr�eg 59 m yd se E n. containinn10.230a sorest of beginning,, der,containing BE IT FURTHER OR- Wat DAINE D AND DECLARED that the whole ofthe above described grocer. nco e-Ir iron Dlsiri Resldenllel R-2 Clesslfica- AND BE IT FURTHER OR-I Alt' WAIn toots orNDancEtakesReffect D that Iles shall ttheen forth nbe awiithin 113e core, bbe pored do Resider,lellrR U olstelcta cc lab Inn the ordinance oo Ided`and all r c II cee. lOciodlctiens, u s nd icy, olita11 ens of or tainieo to Salt• I rise CiliV a tended y tl I last r tract of l and n linen l trr else tea.blocks,alleys anddways og vsai streets,t bar hall Ig controlled e tl er etl ig -oh one aitllnity Its eh oe g unallthe 1, rs,of said m city inthat behalf, d the I Onhenc the City and g;monuments thenceforth o belCation therein as ;y,tapG�standartls f locations and tlis- I SeCT10N 2.Won the ass ne of 11 ' this ordinance,the City Recorder of Salt lit heeebLake dlrectedshall file,and hhetlis r n'County Reyecorder of Salt Lalal Cove t10 enf'ood,otluahY rU rotifietle ntl he knowle9etl, ovid0tl in ugh logetner with a tlnetl c' t-df ECs dinance. p I DEC race 3.That that certain ordi- U na ce pdsaetl by fha Board of Com- h. IU10.,rs June 2J,198,khe a a ho BIII N'.)2 of 1966,be,and the Ip. h°SE Is,r e led. me y; sEd of Commissioners 4.In he opinion of the I ces,- Banc f brad. if is 56 tare h thta inlsabilenii!c7 Sall a rt. • City that this rtlinence became ei- an fecfive lately. SECTION 5. Tins ordinance hall , Iit hake effect u its first uCrnrm'e: II Passed by upon Board of Commis- '13.:nets of Salt Lake CdY,Utah.}his 12dih day'f Joly,RA I J.BRACKEN LEE'. E o HERMAN J.HOGENSEN,r (SEAL?,,,,. City ;Mac-ear 1. In Pul ish Ld t6 Published August 1,1966 1C•l77 OE..y