85 of 1902 - Ordinance 85 of 1902 – Prohibiting piling and mixing of mortar, etc. on paved streets and sidewalk An Ordinance prohibiting the piling and rrriAing of sand, gravel, lime, cement, mortar, plaster, concrete and other like sub— stances on d, acal�t pavaonts. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah. Section 1. It shall be unlawful to place or pile, mr to cause or permit to be placed or piled any sand, gravel, lime, cement, mortar, plssterg, concrete, or any other like substance r } , `i or -mixture; .or to allow the edree..to regain on any portion of y scry .paired street or sidewalk in` Salt Take City; or to make or ;, mix', or to eau`Se or p"erriit to be Vade or nixed any mortar, plaster, concrete or any other like substance or mixture on any portion or'any.paved"street or.siderralk irialt Lake City. Any person, firir oh corrroration, ors any assent pr employee of any r per.eon, firth or, corporation who shall violt.te any of the ko provisions of this 1ipance shall be deemed guilty of a mis— demeanor, add upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine In any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by im— prisonment for a period not exceeding one hundred days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day's violation or con— tinuance of violation of any provision of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punished as such as herein provided. Section 2. All or6i.nances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take ffect upon approval. Passed by the City Coanoi lof Salt (eke it , Utah, September 2nd, 1902, and referred to the Mayor for his approval. ity "Seearcer. Approved this day of Sept. 1902. ` .''. ' ' Ala r. 85 Ys It-b1 If)V.;'17, ,(1.3%il '''.:0 31101 0!", 011k3 ',',,C.1,t.1_01 9.1';d' '3.1-I1 t.t:d hi wig 001:11:%:.i k' e 17A -1'•;E: f»f_1...r 1,1,,ii.:,0 bra., et f:,"Tol, o Cifitn;liki -teJ003 tt a ;-,E,:> tf,Nir, ' ' ' .atisilAevssci :t4-4,kiic.,A4,; no 3',-+0!".;;•:tr, •-1''-ri '-,'1:,'',', :..''j:•2 1.'D 1 i')17.110t.) si0 1:n WU 7'Sr .. 11.13 5' 0 ;''t 0:' `.;,.1? ,::,r L.! ':(1 01,-...q1 oi" [ J.:i:''.1-;5t'it,r o.;I' i ...n.rin t I .S. ;io.:1-;_)•3.?. J , ),,,,,:;•n •:", .;••;. .-•)"91.1:; '10 boon.,cr, 00. ,-,:;• :t..1-_,M-11-,T '1:0 OV.T.T,T;: o>1".t1 ^1.e.",.;.,o 'VIA 10 ot o-roi c, P. ;IQ -1.1d-rC.Ifi 1"rl4,10 0 I::"'t 0(I ‘".1.•.:; 110 .1i t 41)•Ci'-: 0: 92k; „,;:r.j't`,-,' .1:3 0.t 1 cii,..Lr'x tip -.:ZNI\ P .-i,, .:;;2..,::,i r0 70 0,..,j.r, 9;4'1 A, ii, 4\\N,.- b' , to :', e-i .) Lo l'•17,7111;1 t 5- , c"..3.,"-y..:cr. ;,;:;.;!- •77,E9DP: 4 co-04 .4 G: \;),:. .,,,,.. „cc:lei ii,..t. C: (121;.f'.17; \i . 0 tl N ! !lo 3'11.!tIL,t •_ ''":C. f:911."."'7 ,,,., ,,, 1 .ri 0 :p ni"; ,,,,o .,..ITKir,u, t ,-. -r.c.cy GO A ,-,0-j:,,-,) ;,',"a 1 v"r" ,,:".cip.:4,,, it.),:„0,•1 01 z • 4. • 4.. a ca ,ige 1; ,1„,, oq o ; ,;;.•,:‘,42ro‘. a 1 7-_;-". •:,1 :O., Ltihik g!fv,r no t. or!of o ,I-1, .• — I..„ , .., $ , •, : ...:— . •-•;-,!:! ;-; n" „).1. ,..;-., .13t.. .: ) !ICI . 4:ill.r.. ,01.i..0- 7. .?.t f.,-.,- 't -,no n""---,ron-ri, \ '? %1. C;-) c".„. , ;; ;?.11.,.srcr f",(i .E.'..,iff, •tol-,•-tft il 01J9i..V1 • Moult I), ;; ,10 :.1.;& .-_. t ";:ci- ;";.o t20ld.1.. .) ::,f:.,.*Inn.-J-: ono nihnoox.:2, ton mrm 1:,0i3 nt F.,,iii"t: ; :,.P.,f."; .5,,r.onw,.. ;";no ;!111050X0 .'.1"On 1riO3.71: .!1 no": .-.11-11,0'01:1g, fiPo l'ilCi 1,:'f ,: ,II.r..0,1".7 ' .;.1Sh Cr.1',,51 .;h101Trf:Or,L'III17.1 .b!Irl en t';-, .7:b....-A -.tor t')Io !:t '..i.0 qq.r.'.'21VOlq: 7,.01.; .,'.0 .1101..tli.i..01V ':0 oon[..f ;:.; ; :,', .'f.::,' ,T' .i r.r.,::,!' t till; 0 or,.:,:l.:'0 ;:4s-c,.:3, !,,)t; ,:; e;.;-7,;...i J:;;E:q",,,, .b;2,5tvonci EL0-31 13'! 1!:.":T,-) `lin 3;-1''k"I); i")! 3 119or7J-L,t,,,t o ILA .;:', IC,.1.:;''06'41 r!!3:11 1!:,:ir,11F,'[. 91:1, 1'".tixoll.,1'. tn"..-tr,tn;,:o on .1,,,r,,-,-,•,;,-; ,.: n-0(.:"i :1',:',-',' i.',,t 11.3';rr: (.3 OMPI.t r1-1 o n i:.,".'1' . i13:r.t or,n ;.' V ,V110 6)1E) 1 110 10!i'f-,:-Iton ' i i!'".. lavoloas eir lo1 lovz,! -.,,4.± -t 1 F11,S1.€1 1, • . . _ „':', 1 ,,:-;,!-.; -t,..- ;‘,f,•-i, -_ ?frit b,,v --i '" ,.-iuvpv 1.1 1