85 of 1908 - Ordinance 85 of 1908 – Paving Extension No. 41. , 4 _ 11 ....' ' . At the property hnrsinrfter desorlsed on 7 Street 47i6 t110 Aid,"t70. : ',09 of South Teffiplc :,trent to the ,touth side of Fir:-,,t Avenue, in Paving District Ito. 30, foe the purpose of previdia ! fob the grading. and Ilpavine thbrocot. I Be it ordaland 4 the Olt-4 soincil of :Mit Lake City, Utoh: 1 SE0i101! 1. That the City Council does hsreby levy tine ttre. and provide for the assessaleat c,17 t:bo Stl .r, ap:,6 ':-'). .L.:r,./prrt-„, horeEraAer docribed in lavin Blutrint 'Ss. 35, for the parposo of providint fol. the etiradist and iJaviio of a pnrtioi of : ,.C.] in Lots lioe. s': nti :Z, 71co-n 6, aad 1 anj 4, .1(ssb i , all iii laa1 71)", abattin OD both ride s of t .Street for- the iorth n,bilo of Soathl Tetriple Street to the se.ttia nide of 7trnt Thiii tat.: in levied to defray ',she en,:ono :if grading and paving! with aspbalt (said aLpbailt pavoo,o-tt 'In -io f-irt-,.; (1 ) f7.:: -.; aide betw4a curbs, and oirn ar4 one-lelf (9-1/21 inches trtek) the portion of said street of ::.,onite thu prolt er;51 " or ur,d hers1niftv den- airned id lee espoindiy. affooted and tonne.71tod Ly said improv,oment, and it in heroby adjniEsd, detor:iiacd and establiohnd that said propt ierty eili. lee uspocilly tioofitad tboeohy to ti-o feld aitlohni oh ':!,.) - !tax aeraby levied, aon 2til'a p&TOol3 of lane, are ii-srby assonsnd. at an equal aril aniform rate in nocordr'se b.'t.n. tibo, linoar foot iivontag4 upon said portion of said street frontine; upon and to a dapt.i ei7 twenty—fi-on (Its) fest La .7,. th.-,,if.A, uri6 ...-:-.... '.:Los: .i..(irc 7.. d at ter- be asssned !upon said parcein of iainI in throe tl.)011,,,,Tha ...hundred thlrty-four and 49/1'60 03,734.49) qellaaa, 65332/1000 ( 5.55032) dollars per front or IF...- -,.. 700t Jf arbuttink ,..property for gradS r-ig and pavirn tbo stbeot 0.1,-,OV,! itt. .1,0 District Ito. 30, there bein:;.;. CCi fei of abett -bL p-ooporty oilier :,Vo...4 bound anon of the lots, blocits and stroot above mentlernd in said district, which is the total cost enn:1 onnt pnr front foot of I, ! . . : . I / said. pavement according' to the contract entered into for the perfor- mance of said work and •nakirL: 31::id imp,"o -,,eti,c.•n' , with P. J. Mores, dated the 4th day of May, 1908, and the Treasurer is hereby author- lied and. directed to assess in accordance with the provisions o 11.t•h•;e ordlanace for the p'n• -tae herein (110 il t i it r(hi: •- - .- ''' ' 11 ‘>f ,i(ii44, , , , west cide c,f; 1,4t .'arol,), nook 8, and he east side of _ ,,,' ,, , . ( 4.11,otr?,and 4., Bloc ,Wiri. $:114- "D", 6olt !firth n riCi ty IS urvej, as )2/4 4,, ,- -,,„- D3 are dTnewn n th&. p.fitt,tial plats of. ' City"to a ri up th "i• —4- - • --1_,' Alofi twenty-fl ve (25) ett bath,: 1kr,em said s tren • tiollect said. i's,ilta/1-;.f', 0 I.- '' -7),2•-• r-4 ii , .-.:, ,. ca -es E..s • SECTI03.1 2. is VZ,' 76 14.3 714looLi.o and boe.FiRtiop in ten ecitia'- 1=3 1 inatallments, as "olc:' ' t • Tt 0-. t l' ti -- l' ' 't... , cowit „, co-,ei ,n et tto,. one err A L er .,•;-, / ',-7. approval or the ordnance confirming the levy of the "tax for the paymont for such improvement; ore-tenth thereof in toe years aftor such approval; ure-to'th thorn in three -yen::n a"tsr rob approval; ono-torth theroof in four years after open. 0,5drov,1; Pne-tetith there of in five years after such approval; ore-tenth thereo f in si•y: years i kifter such approval; ono-tenth thereof in 801/(11 yers after such ap- proval; one-tenth thereof in eil;;ht. years a (ter such appret,tra; earn- Achth thereof in nintl years after saoh approval; ard one-tooth there 'of in ten years after such approval. One or morn of said irntall- nnents or thu whole tax may lic paid on or be fore ten days after the vi approval o f the ord 1)pan ce con fi rmia , the levy o f t'o o tax. pile or more i as ta7 lments, or L:e whole ;:ipeci,a1 tnr: ,:any T,• rid op tlit-, day any installriont h000mtrp t3Pe by payisL, tii,S amouot the Coo f and jot e resr, to date of payment. Each of said instadiments ::,h:,.11 lo-Inr Artorest at the rate of sir (6 poi" cent per are -.'(•,..)!1 ion data of tic: aye - ivnl of the ordinance confirmin,- the it,,,y Co" st id ttr,z nyttil Lin: Or in of delinqualloy, ,,rtd tJtiL:ht (0) per ono', ,der arnom fron del it p.ehey .a,ratil paid. i S7C1.1311 3. This ordiroce ;3"••pril ta',:e or",'oot upon apprn• .1. 1 1 7- I Paving Extension Po. .,, Itt.nsed 1.-); the CiLp Council of fait •,,,:1,:o City t Utah, July 27, 1900, sad roforred to the Tlayor for Lir • pprorJ1. /-2.-1.__---- - Lpproved thio )-?' day of J-111 , l'JOS a_ floc al' o in.. !!ayOr. --------.---"*".----) �/��6.11' ;.1 (;•‘.:1°1,irl•j.!...,..' :.li ,...:::'ilq 1- .1.. '::•":•-• ;.-). :46 , ; . •.- ..-: t'!''..'‘.41•,'t ff�...�VV�ww��.i � .� � _ ..-. . - ! IN