86 of 1911 - Ordinance 86 of 1911 – Amending & re-enacting Sections 585, re: sale of fruit and vegetables by we AN 0 - i -I i .. .: C . An ordin_„ce , u:iLnd 3ectiwn 505 of -. o Revised Ordinances of Colt h<ke City of 1903, as encoded by an ordinance passed by the City Council .,. rch 2, 1:i08, and approved by the Liayor ...o'rob 0, 1908, relating to aeiphts. Be it ordained by the City Council of Celt Lake City, Ota.ii: 0i 0TIL'h 1. Thot ;Jec]tiun 585 of One '_',evised Ordinances of Salt Luke City of 1903, as amended by an ordir nce penned by the City Council haroh " , 1908, and approved Sy tan 1908, relating to weights, be and the same is hereby amended and re-anacted uo as to read as follows 6Ti3OTi0b 585. There is hereby ect 1, ishn] .i'n n this city a stenclard of weights for the sale of all commodities, and it shall be unlawful for any person, fir: , asu t iution or corporation to sell or offer for sale in this city any com- modity which is not in conformity as to :weight with such standard. 6iien any commodity is purchased or sold by the ton pound, half pound. or quarter pound, each ton, pound, l,ulf poon° are;. iue_ter ,onnd U'ball contrin be Collo-;7inL number of pounds S ounces avoirdupois weightand grains Troy weight, to—nit: A ton shall consist of E,000 pounds a.,suir.uroin .,eiL},t; a pound shall consist of 16 ounces avoirdupois ?eig i,t 7,009 grains Troy weight; a half pound shall cooul t of 8 v-t' ounces ovoirfrupois weight, },r,d 7,,FOO grains, Troy weight; a quarter pound shall consist of 4 ounces avoirdupois weight 1750 grains Troy weight. It shall he unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation to sell or offer for sole in this city any fruits or vegetables o":.-stse than y:eiL,ht, -e t t'h,. fruit, and vetsbles y be sold in unbroken packages per packuhe, or by count r h s '' 1 lr U. �.111:C�, 1t. '7in1;,11 CP.:9B ` LE1: 4 (:1i11Ti or ..sat', or = -"-.'.et' c ^ '�:c cc ,Lc-, 3 �l.l e utr.tiped, printed -2- or written on such originol unbroken package. It shall be unlawful for any person, Pirm, association or corporation to sell or offer for sale ir, Sc'.t Lake City, /c u,7, cool by the sack or bag without having the net weiC:ht of said n>-k zi,1 A coal stamped, printed or written on the sack or bag conteinin- the 4444r440..Gr,9�� It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation to fail or refuse to weic.h any package or con- tainer containing any article or property herein-r Oorred. to, sold or offered for -sale, to the Sealer of Weights and Measures upon his demand so to do. The City Coancil, at the expense of the pity, sball , vide and maintain the necessary and approved stondirds with their necessary subdivisions, for the purpose ot testing and approving the weights to be used in the city. SECTION 2. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordi- nances and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take e feet upon approval. Passed by the City Council. of Salt Late Citu,TJtah,Septemher 5t , ' 1911, and referred to the Mayer for his Qlpp. �• ec(7TC P ,— Approved this e%_ day ofr 1911, 'TdY` Mayor. : - , k . It _ __ - - , • ,. • p A "7.117.1—T: 2. !ZIT 0:- 2.11-1-1-'0 4.! T r.--,..-0 1..p.1 a-.pu.,.i: .- -: :II 7) :"( .il Ifl.L CO,--: 1,sJg *.,;',2,,Trf.c.:f)..: Ti". ,, -;--',-Tr., 1.;,...3 ,,4..1 ...., ' ,.. , .7 4.,) 71,1,°T1 r>4 11'.17 '',1._,'.:IT:,Sir;On VW; 3".A r'0.1n.fi'f),:,'' Gt. -. .... . ..:. 3'5TO T cc4c co ritlicr 73J 4'1J0 04 v 4" ';ii-. TY,-...G o-, i''.-I., .PrIpl.ATP?ourl' '(:)". ,c, ' , 1.!crt.1-0s,.., r'.-" ' I T ti $ , ,yr:( c ;-.,, 77,-FTfr i, .II f .. LTG G A..".1'<ICU.", 'Ur] l'TT:." ',(1_,r•"; ,f6, , , ,.. ..,,r I P0,1 _.,, ,-,.T 4 , .m.;.Lr. n ,:.',,, nx4)-J..7,.. ( -, ..• ..F3 0,, ...„-:; t)- . 0 0 8 CI) v... •6 • •P) — IC 7 t ", ', = 1 • '•. , , 1 a':.;.:',.1.1,,T '1 ,1,,,,,\.,.,41":r.T,-; ,, . ' .•., ..,Le., Iru,,,,g - T.,3,.. .;,"-)' 4 ,":; i • i , 1 • °T'•:0,_',-j".12-1,..t;?, I",,,1;1',I:??.Y.: :‘,...:).. :ING...,f(),_ 1 ;:. r-.,;:.)444 LI:r., :.0 r.,., . i 1 001-1- •-'. .i v•og' T-'.:',.I.:4- 0'. r.T ", 0:1 ' ' r G'" •, ''!1 ., i- 1 TT r:r.,.T; jp-, 1(1::". 'n. T ,0-.. . :...r.' r„..I..' ' '' .11 jIT.',.`..r)"' 'I i . _. ; - • ' t,— , _.. --------, ii-