86 of 1912 - Sidewalk Extension No. 156, First Partial Estimate. ROLL CALL June 27,_ ._ 191_._2 Salt Ldke City, Utah, _. ... VOTING Yea No 1 move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser ......_....... Lawrence �'.._�.............. — .....�.�..�. Morris . . • • Mr.Chairman . . • _ _.. RESULT - - ....... ._...._... AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance levyinC a tax and for the assessment of propertyl + on both sides of Wall Street between Second North and Apricot Stroets; on the '-:eat side of Wall Street between Apricot and Third North Streete; on the east side of Center Street between North Mairi 1 and Fourth North Streets; on the north side of Second North Street between North Ifain and Wall Streets; end on the south side of Third North Street between Wall and Beet Capitol Streets, in Sidewalk District No. 27, for the construction of cement cidewalks. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lelb City Utah: SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Deice City! 1 does hereby levy the tax and provide for the asseesment of the sand upon the property hereinafter described in Sidewalk uistrict No. 27 for the construction of cement sidewalks, to-wit: In Leta 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 20; 3 and 4, Clock 17; ?, 3, 4 and 5, Block 12; 1, 2 and 3, Block 8; 1, 0 end 6, Block 18; 1, 2, ,3, 7 and 8, Block 11, Plat "B"; 1 to C, inclusive, Clock 2; 7,block I3, Plat "J", Salt Lake City Survey, abuttinc on the east side of Center Street 1)oween North Main and Fourth North Streets; on the west side of Ball Street beween Second -"orth and Third North Streets; on the east side of Wall Street between Second. North and lApricot Streets: on thenorth side of Second North Street between Wall and North ',lain Streets; and on the south aide of ;Third. North 'Street between West Capitol and 'Wall Streets. This tax is levied to defray the expenee of constrectiaL; lcement sidewalks five (5) feet wide and four (4) inches thick upon the portions of said streets opaosite the pr000rty heeeinbefore and hereinafter described Co be eapeciary affected :end benefited by + said ia+provement, and it is helbby adjudged, determined and cateb- dished that said proaerty will be eepecially bcnofited th.crob .- to the full amount of the tax " ereby levied, and. said parcels of land 8C! --- -2- I are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rote in acsordonce with! the linear foot frontage upon said portions of said streets fronti-4; upon and to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back tlerefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said pareelc of land is three thousand seven hundred seventy-eight and 63/100 N3,770-63 dollars, or 955/1000 141.11x (0.95b) dollars per front or linear f foot of abutting property, there being 3956.68 foot of abutting property within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said. district, which is the total cost and cost )cr front foot of said sidewalks, according to the controet entered 'nto for the performance of said work and making said improvement with the Consolidated Construction Company, dated the 16th day of I Ictober, 1911, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed o assess, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for he purpose herein mentioned; 1 The west side of Lots 2, 5, 4 and 5, Block 20; the west side of Lots 0 and 4, Block 17; the west side of Lots 2, 6, 4 and 5, ,Block 12; the west aide of Lots 1, 2 and 0, Block 0 the east side krf Lots 1, 5 and 6 -'' e east side of Lot 7, the south _ . , Block 18; tee - 154.1 feet of the east side of Lot 1, the north 72.6 feet of the 1 '!cast side of Lot 0, the south side of Lots 1, 2 and 5, -Sleek 11, I flat "E"; the west side of Lots 1 to O, inclusive, Bloch 2; the .-Iorth side of Lot 7, Block 3, Plat "J", Salt Lake City Survey, as the same are showm upon the official olats of said city to a depth il pf twenty-five (25) feet back from said streets, and to collect aid tax. SECTION 2. Saia tax shall become and be delinquent in five ' equal yearly installments, with interezt on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at the time each installment is due, toewit: One-fifth thereof one year after the ordinance confirmin;; the lovy of the tax for the payment for such. fl I . , I I improvement becomes effective; one-fifth thereof in two years afte I said ordinance becomes effective; one-fifth thereof in three ,yearn after said ordinance becomes effective; one-fifth thereof in four 1 years after said ordinance becomes effective; and one-fifth thore- i I of in five years after said ordinance becomes effective. One or i more of said installments, in the order in which '(hey arc payable, 1 I or the whole special tax, may be paid at any time within thirty days after the ordinance confirmin_L; the levy of the tax becomes i effective, without interest. In the event of any installment or the interest aforesaid not being paid on the date the same becomes ' due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said 1 i installment and interest are due, shall become due and payable, ar_dli . shall draw interest at the rate of ci;,ht _,or cent per annum until the sale of the Property assessed; 1,rovided, one or more install- ' meats, in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special i tax unpaid, ma be paid on the day any installment becomes due, by j i paying the amount thereof and interest to said date. 1 I SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect one day after itsj first publication. Sidewalk Extension 1+o. 156. Piret Partial Estimate. `_ Passed by tyre Board of Commissioners of Salt hake City, f Utah, Jim 27tJh,� j, , _ h ii:man. CZ y .ecorder I e _ , ,_ _ _ , _,.... ...,,,, 1 . . i ' ffs__J--:y\f, , :.,,,.) - 1 , 61' ''-' '..‘;;7- - i Fil S Ff' t Or) te i