86 of 1915 - Sewer Extension No. 328 - Fourteenth Partial Estimate ROLL COLT, VOTING ...__...'frs No Salt Lake City, Utah, June 29, 1915. Lawrence Morris I HIM Ihai the urdin;uire he Shearmru Wells ' .5 Mr.Chairman . . Cr u1t AN ORDINANCE An ordinance levying L tax algid for the assessment of pro_pert: within the following described li.st:rict: Be, inning at the Jordasl Riven end, Tr,nfh South Street; thence esrt along the north property line of Tenth South Street to West Temple Street; thence north to Ninth South Street; thence et-st to Thirteenth Lest Street; thence south to Tenth South Street; thence east to r'ifteenth Last Street: thence south to Thirteenth South Street; thence west to U.ighlt nd Perk Drive; thence northerly alon;; the west property line of High- land 12nrF'_ Drive to Denver 80 hio Grande Railroad tracks, Park City Br.;.nch; thence eesterly along se id tracks to Sixth East Street; thence north to Twelfth South Street; thence west to Third East Street; thence north to Eleventh South Street; thence west to Main Street; thence north to Tenth South Street; thence west along the south property line of Tenth South Street to the Jordan i:iver, the same being the eounaory of the district to be improved, in Sewer Districts jzos. 1 end. 2, fox the construction of sewers. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Luke City, Utt h: SECTION 1. Thant the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does rcreby levy the tax end provide for the aosersment of the same upon the property y hereinefter described in Sewer Districts Nos. 1 end 2, for t's,e (to;astruction of sewers, to-wit: -1- In Lots 36 to 55, inclusive, Block 5; 23, and 1 to ., inclu- sive, Block 3; 45 to 82, inclusive, Block 6; in Blocks 3 end 5, Perkins' Grand View Addition; in Lots 11, 16 and 17, all in Block 1-A; 20 to 29, inclusive, Block 2, Fisher & Snowden's Addition; 1 to 4, inclusive, Block 1, Alta Place Subdivision; 18 and 19, Seventh Fast Addition; 24 to 28, inclusive, Block 1, East Side Addition; 11 and 12, all in Block 3; 1, and. 36 to 54, inclusive, Block 1, North Waterloo Addition; 1, and 36 to 54, inclusive, Block 1, Washington Place Addition; all in Block 13; 1 to 56, inclusive, Block 2; 1 to 56, inclusive, Block 1, Hazelmere Subdivision; 1, and 103 to 111, inclusive, Block 2; 1 to 5, inclusive, Block 1, Lincoln Park Sub- division; 1, Block 3; 1 and 55, Block 2; 1, Block 1, Whitaker Sub- division; 2, all in Block 16-A; 1 to 10, inclusive, and 29 to 56, inclusive, Pendleton's Subdivision; 1 to 8, inclusive, and 13 to 20, inclusive, Block 1, Leedville Place Subdivision; 1 to 20, in- clusive, Block 2, Gordon .Plat Subdivision; 23 to 28, inclusive, Block 1; 13 to 42, inclusive, Block 2, Lyndele Subdivision; 3 to 12, inclusive, Block 2, Caroline Subdivision; 3, 4, 5, 19, 20, all in Block 20; 103, 104, 105, 67 to 72, inclusive, 1 to 6, inclusive; 33 to 38, inclusive, Jackson Square Subdivision, Block 21, all in ' Five Acre Piet "A"; 1 to 4, inclusive, Block 3; 1 to 8, inclusive, Block 2; 1 to 4, inclusive, Block 1, East Westminster Addition; 29 end 30, Elmer Heights Subdivision; 1 to 9, inclusive, end 55 to 50, ell in inclusive, Sunnyside Addition; 7,/Block 9; 1 to 28, inclusive, Cestminster Hri;-hts Addition; Block 5; 1 to 28, inclusive, Block 1;/1 to 27, inclusive, Block 4; 18, and 6 to 14, inclusive, Block 3; 6 to 19, inclusive, Block 2, Westminster Heights Subdivision; 1, and 30 to 58, inclusive, Block 1; 1, Block 4; 1 and 58, 3x:d' Block 3; 1 and 58, Block 2, West- minster heights Pitt "A" Subdivision; 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, all in Block 10; 22 to 25, inclusive, Block 6; 22 to 25, inclusive, Block 7, Emerson Heights Addition; 22 to 25, inclusive, Block 1; 22 to 25, inclusive, Block 2, Emerson Heights Second Addition; 11 -2- upon said portions of said streets fronting upon and, to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land, is thirty-two thousand • seven hundred ninety-nine end 43/100 (42,799.45) dollars; twenty- four thousand sixty four and 23/100 (/24,064.21) dollars, or one and 245/1000 ( 1.245) dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property. for ;oe,Jor in center of streets, there being 19328.6J feet abutting said portion of said improvement; and eight thousand seven hundred thirty-five and 22/100 (:A,735.22) dollars, or one and G1/100 (/1.61) dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for sower in center of streets, including house connections to curb, there being 5425.60 feet abutting said portion of said improvement, all within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said districts, which is the total cost and cost per front foot of Ca id sewers, according to the contract entered into for the performance of stid work and making said improvement, avtth Henry C. hien, dated. the 16th dry of September, 1914, and tic '.!reasurer is hereby authorized and directed to access, in accordance Aith the prov-sions of this ordinance, for the puTpoe herein montioned: Sewer in Center of Streets. (Uolf hate) The south aide of Lots 36 to 55, inclusive, Block 5; the north side of the east 65 foot of Lot 23, the north aide of Lots 1 to 15, ;hook 3; ktericimmJNIkx2mixIAmvxldlixtsmx commencing 27 feet west of the southeast corner of Lot 53, Block 5, 2orl;ins' of Block 5; View Addition, thence west 40 fee /commencing 30 feet east of the northwest corner of Lot 14, Block 0, Berkins' Grand View .fildition, of Block 3, Perkins' Grand View Addition; thence east 40 feetitho north side of the east 497 feet of the west 557 feet of Lot 11; the north side of Lots 45 to 82, inclusive, 3loolc. 6, Perkins' bend View Addition, au in Block 1-A; the east. • side of the west 726 feet of Lot 11; the east side of Lots 20 to 29, incluoive, Block 2, loicherSnowdon's Addition; the east site -4- of Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Block 1, Alta. Place Subdivision; the west ride of the south 227.1 feetof Lot 12; the West side of Lots 18 end 19, Seventh Fest Addition; the west side of Lots 24 to 28, s il. in Block inclusive, Bloch 1, Fest Side Addition;/the north side of the east 65 feet of Lot 36, the north. side of the vest 65 feet of Lot 1, the north side of Lots 37 to 54, inclusive. Block 1, North Waterloo Addition; the north site of the east 65 feet of Lot 36, the north side of the west 76 feet of Lot 1, the north side of Lots 37 to 64, inclusive, Block 1, Washington _Piece Addition, all in Block 13; the south side of the east 65 feet of Lot 25, the south side of Lots 1 to 24, nclu ive, Block 2; the north side of the Bust 65 fe;et of Lot 32, the north side of Lots 33 to 56, inclusive, Block 1, Ho.zelmere Subdivision; the east side of Lot 2; the vest side of Lots 25 to 32, inclusive, Block 2; the west side of Lots 25 to 32, inclusive, Block 1, Hezelmere Subdivision; the south side of the '• east 639 feet of the west 699 feet of Lot 2; the south side o1' the east 65 feet of Lot 25, the south side of Lots 1 to 24, inclusive, Block 1; the north side of the east 65 feet of Lot 32, the north side of Lots 33 to 56, inclusive, Block 2, Heeelmere Subdivision, all in Block 16-A; the south side of the east 65 feet of Lot 1, the south side of the west 65 feet of Lot 38, the south side of Lois 39 to 56, inclusive, Pendleton's Subdivision; the vest side of the south 19.1 feet of Lot 13, the west side of Lots 14 to 20, inclusive, the east side of the south 19.1 feet of Lot 8, the east • side of Lots :L to 7, inclusive, Block: 1, Leedville Place Subdivi- sion; the West side of Lots 1 to 10, inolusivo, the east side of Lots 11 to 20, inclusive, Block 2, Gordon Plot Subdivision; the east side of the West 726 feet of the north 231 feet of the south 254.1 feet of Lot 5, the east side of the south 254.1 feet of the • west 726 feet of Lot 4, the east side of the west 726 feet of the north 254.1 feet of Lot 3; the east cite of Lots 29 to 38, inclu--- (, sieve, Pendletton's Subdivision; the weft side of the eeet 726 feet -5-- of the north 204.6 foot, the vest side of the erst 726 feet of the [ south 57.5 feet of Lot 19, the west side of the et-st 726 feet of !' t'-•e north 33 feet of Lot 20; the vest side of Lots 25 to 28, inclu- sive, Block 1; the vest side of Lots 30 to 42, inclu:-ive, Block 2, Lyndrle Subdivision; the rest side of the north 229.35 feet of the south 254.1 feet of Lot 5, the erst side of the west 330 feet of the south 254.1 feet, the best side of the erst 363 feet of the south 194.1 feet of Lot 4; the esst side of Lots 3 to 12, inclusive, „ Block 2, Carolina, Subdivision; the south side of the erst 80 feet of Lot 30, the south side of the west 90 feet of Lot 13, the south side of Lots 14 to 29, inclusive, Block 2, Lyndrle Subdivision; the vest side of the south 254.1 feet of Lot 4, the vest side of the north 2.'34.1 feet of Lot '•; the Wert side of Lots 1 to 10, in- clusive, Pendieton's Subdivision, ill in Block 20; the east side of Lot; 103, 104 end 105, the es: t side of Lots 67 to 72, inclusive, } the east side of Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, the erst side of Lots 33 Tito 38, inclusive, Jeckson Squire Subdivision, Block 21, and all in C rive Acre Plst "A"; the rest side of the south 125 feet of Lot 7; Ithe west side of Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, block 3; the vest side of. Lots 1 to 8, ir.clu.ive, Block 2; the west side of Lots 1 to 4, in li elusive, Block. 1, East Westminster Yeigkt$ Addition; the !west side ji of Lots 29 end 30, Elmer Heights Subdivision; the west ::=ide of the south 50 feet of the north 96.1 feet of Lot 7; the rest side of Lots 1 to 9, inclusive, End 55 to 58, inclusive, Sunnyside Addition, <11 in Block 9, the south side of Lots 1, and 5 to 28, inclusive, Block 5; the north r ide of Lots 4 to 28, inclusive, Block 1, 1"est- il minter T'cip;h.ts Addition; the south side of Lots 30 to 5d, inclusive, Block 1, s"estminster IIri.rhts Pint "A" Subdivision; the erst side of Lots 3 rid 4, the erst side of the north 0.55 feet of Lot 2, Block 5; the e st side of the south 0.55 feet of Lot 3, the erst side of Lot, 1 c-nd 2, Block -6- +f i : 1, Wstmitaster ileic;hts Adeltion; the east side of the north 44 feet of Lot, 1, Block 4; the etat side of the south 44 feet of Lot; 1, the east side of the north 44 feet of Lot 58, Block Z; the eyst side of the south 44 fent of Lot 1, the east side of the north 44 foot of lot 58, Block 2; the east side of the south. 44 feet of Lot 1, the east side of the north 49.3 feet of Lot 58, Block 1, Webtminster Heights flu t "A" Subdivision, n11 in Block 10, ::nd Ell in five Acre 21st "C"; the e st side of the veEt 550 feet of t north E7./,2 feet, the vest side of the eEst 363 feet of thn north 57.42 feet of Lot 3, Block 20, hive Acre Plot "A", ana Ell in Bid; ie1d Survey. hewer in Center of Streets (Hu.lf Rste, Inc1.oil tins us Connections to Curb) The eEst Eide of the north 118.79 feet of Lot 17, the cast side of E...ot 16, block 1-A, five Acre PlEt "A"; the vest side of CLots 7, 8, 9, 10 end 11, the vest side of Yztxbi the north 73 feet of Lot 6; the vest side of Lot 27, Block 4, Westminster 5ei6hts Addition, ftia . lock 10, Five Acre 21st "C" the east Eide of Lots 1, End. 105 to 111, ihclusive, Block 2; the east side of Lots 1 to 5, incloEire, Block 1, Lincoln Park Subdivision; the east site of the north 44.39 feet of Lot. 1, Block 3; the east side of the south 45 feet of Lot 55, the east side of the north 45 feet of Lot 1, Block 2; the east side of the south 57.26 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, 'Shitaker Subdivision; the east side of the south 52.5 feet of Lot 56, the east side of the north 52.5 feet of Lot 1, Block 2; the east side of the south 52.5 feet of Lot 56, the east Elide of the ncrth 52.5 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Hezelmere Jubdivi- din , ail in Block 16-A, five Acre 21st "A"; the vest site of the south 160.68 feet of Lot 7, the vest side of the north 00.62 feet, • and the sues t site of the south 141.38 feet of Lot 6;tho 'vest sihe of Lots 22 to 25, inclusive, Block 6; the vest side of Lots 22 to 25, inclusive, Block 7, Emerson Heithts Addition; the vest side of Lots 2 to 25, inclusive, Block 1; the vest side of Lots 22 to 25, -7- inclu ive, Block 2, Emerson Heights Second Addition; the west side of Lots 1 to 8, inclusive, the west side of the north 5.47 feet of Sot 9, Pearl's Subdivision; the west side of Lots 1 to 11, in- clusive, T"illiame ' Subdivision; the west side of the south 53 feet of Lot 11, Pearl's Subdivision, ell in Block 11; the south side of Lots 1 to 25, inclusive, the south aide of the east 25 feet of Lot 26, the south side of the east 61 feet of Lot 27, Block 4; the north ,,;.de of Lots 6 to 14, inclusive, the north side of the east 65 feet of Lot 18, Block 3; the north side of Lots 6 to Subdivision, 19, inclusive, Block 2, Westminster Heights AtciitimmI Block 10, ell in Five Acre Plat "C", end all in Big Field Survey, as the same are shorn noon the official plats of said City to a depth of • twenty-five (25) feet back from said streets, e:nd to collect sz:_id tax. SECTION 2. Said tax shall become and be delinquent i.n five equal yearly in:'ta-liments, with interest on the whole sum uni id at the rate of six per cent per snnnm, payable et the time each in,tciiment is 2o€, to-rit: One-fif'h thereof one year after the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax for the payment for such improvement becomes effective; one-fifth thereof in two years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-fifth thereof in three years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-fifth thereof in four years after said ordinance becomes effective; End one-fifth thereof in -rive years after said. ordinance becomes effective, One or more of eelii installments, in the order in which they are pay- able, or the wools special tax, may be paid et any time within 1' thirty days after the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax Becomes effect:,ve, without interest. In the event of any in:t€•11- meat or the interest aforesaid not being paid on the date the same becomes due, the 'whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said installment end interest are due, shell become due and payable, and shall draw interest et the rate of eight per cent per -8- annum until the sale of the property assessed; provided., one or more installments, in the order in which they are payable, or the Whole special tax unpaid, may be paid on the day any installment becomes due, by payinp; the amount thereof and interest to said date. SECTI3N 3. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its first publication. Sewer Extensior;. No. 328. you.rteenth Partial Estimate. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, June _ 'C, 1918. May o r . 'A!, .A - City Recorder. _g_ ' . . .. , ' .. . . . . • . , . . , . . • ,., . . . . i -/_ I,• l'. . ••' •,.-- . , t.-:- ',........••• r•-• , .,;,.., • • • - , ' •••••• '•'''.'•;', . 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