86 of 1946 - Vacating alley in south part of Block 4, Idlewild Addition atec.102-4, uu i.e
ROLL,CAb,L '' -
VOTING _, AYE NAY dt OU 26! i,.
Salt Lake City, Utah, p
, 194
Matheson (-''/ I move that the ordinance be passed.
Romney ---------
Tedesco ( ./'
Mr.Chairman . . --
AN USDINANCE VACATING ALLEY in south part of Blk. 4,
Idlewild Addition, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
' I '''-
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
-c) Q
SECTION 1. That alley is south part of Elk. 4, idiewild
Addition, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described as
Ir% follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Elk. 4,
Idlewild Addition, a subdivision of part of the NE 1/4 of
Sec. 21, T. 1 S., ti. 1 E., S. L. II. F: M., thence west
152.09 ft., thence north 95.67 ft., thence east 18 ft.,
thence south 77.67 ft., thence east 134.09 ft., thence
south 18 ft. to the place of beginning;
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub-
lic property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing
rights or way and easements of all public utilities of any and every
description now located in, on, under or over the confines of the
above described property, and also subject to the right of entry
thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, re-
placing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTIUN 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Cprmiissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
'Y4 day of , A.U. 1946
f 1'j-.fie ) s ya" /,', ) y Mat
�: .
City hecorder. TEMPORARY CHAIRMA1 <c ;
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
NOV 2 6 1946
First Publication in
NOV 11-'91C
OLT rsffswoRDSEI
LEY In south part of Elk 4, Idle-
wild Addition, n Salt Lake City,
��./ Utah.
�. Be It ordained by the Board of
yr Utah:Commissioners of Salt Lake Cis1'.
41I r,/I Utah:
�0. SECTION I.That alley 'n south
^% part f Elk 4,Idlewild Addition,in
CS i ap (i Halt Lake City, Utah, more par-
4 Ocularly described as follows:
In 5 '3. Beginning at the northeast cor-
i er of Lot 1.Elk.9,Idlewild Addi-
O (Ion, a subdivision of part of the
f NE f Sec.21,T.1 S.,R.1 E..,
B.&NI., thence west 152.09
ft., thence north 95.67 ft., thence
N t ft., thence south'!'1.67 ft..
Q.l thencee east 134.09 ft.,thence south
V1 C, Hi ft. to the place of beginning.
be and the is hereby vacated
, lu a' and declared an a longer to be epub-
W to property far u as a street.
2; C`�^ avenue, alley O pedestrian v.
Fs ,{U'�" .sauSaiot vacation allsisltin made expressly
n av
and c6eall public utilitiws
A ID f any and every description now
a On located in, on, tinder or over the
mimes or the above described
,property, and also subject to the
It . right f entry thereon for the par-
, s, ro ,' pose of Inspecting,maintaining. re-
• pairing, replacing. removing. alter-
. slid
R7 SECTION 2.In the opinion of the
.`I M Board of Commissioners 't is neces-
sary to the peace,health and safe.
tl tyr of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
.ri City that this ordinance become
efroctC.r Immediately.
,j SECTION 3.This ordinance shall
j take effect upon its first publica-
assed by the
of Com-
! „,
G f-1 sssioners of Salt Lake tlCity,Utah,
this 25th day of November, AD
1 .1011N B.\IATHESON.
'Pcmpbrary Chairman
r4A ..; f R.
BEAUCity Recorder.
BF,11 NO.86
ki I Published November 27th, 1946
V Sfl!
U ‘"••I
dl k. Al
• 1
N F• P
City and County of Salt Lake,
Irma F. Bitner City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
":u-1 ordina.nce yacatinc, alley in south _part of Elk. Idlewild Athat_Lon,
in Cult ,-,ake City, Utah"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, , loveinlier 26th, nt9cic 1946
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City, this 6th
day of Jecember, 1946 143c
(SEAL) '',)•
/77.1/Viz )
3I1,1, NO. 86
City Recorder.
Published November 27thi agcs 1946
Affidavit of Publication
} as
County of Salt Lake
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the N ORDINANCE VACATING AL, ad-
vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
of Blk 9, Idle-
Vt 4dditi n, 1n Belt Lake e1t9• published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
fiveln/t 1n!Boners bsya l L aRae 1:` Utah.
k ciivxai nE11eLaiimn°in ticnlariv aeacrlbedynh, morn
Reogl„Y t e rouowa:P°r• That the advertisement
Elon, nLat i.aAArhe eWlld
NF htllvlalnn 4.Itllewlido Ad�i1.
S.L./Bor nSen 2n.2a7 er r
rt. thentt •' 2,7 wa R.1 Ee Ordinance I311?. No 86
Chet ce¢et�' hegCe96069 ftt th ne9
Ie fE t ethe4ele"uthencadsouE• Salt Lake City Corporation
l�hn aa,file a re le rr°bYealace ea
atl tleclared!or long to be pub-
avenue'Aesty s a liav P8B a street.
eubaeo'VACatlon is A°tle r,i"� wag
Id eaemenlW eletlnq edh Pr m819
7py to
a�f 4:07 rr lee jil ERltlee
4� A, wad m was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
PHp7.„.4P.azzi por un t day of A.D. 19
ehla..e rarou" ttj>,q°ienj2 u nl74Lt ra_.
r ahem utvreeea:ne sa IPC'ro a, opinion or the and was published Nov 27 1J_40
etvrteo Ehe mmieelonera.It Is neca¢-
Clty r th°lnhablt®rt9n�th and.+are-
efr 4fiet, 'ibt,,,t„d1 ZePTI6ta o°„e the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
taken t}�t y'o hit orio n
tlon. p n 1te rlret npu6lirV
Pe 28h Aae a S¢nrd 1 Com- day of
m/aelonere A.D. 19
thfa IOA Lek¢CIE9.Dteh, /f 7846, November,
Joy r ��a-
EtMA!.trri,2R PornryT HES his. P
`9ai7'1elt�Reoor. Advertising Clerk
iseoamua, yrM, � "`
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of
Novomber A. D. 19 46
Notary Pu c
Proof of Publication