86 of 1957 - Ordinance 86 of 1957, Amending Section 25-8-1 of R.O. 1955, relating to compensation to be paid va ROLL CALL 2 ' Salt Lake City,Utah,..fl.F j;..1.J 19 7. .195
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . .
Christensen .
YIm3Ht1Qlm ALL7 —
Romney .
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Mr.Chairman . �' AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 25-$-1, of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to compensation to be paid various
appointed officers of the City in various departments thereof.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 25-$-1, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to compensation to be paid to various
appointed officers of the City in various departments, be, and the same
hereby is, amended as to various items and subdivisions thereof, here-
inafter specifically referred to, to read as follows:
Per Annum
"ITEM 1. Department of Parks and Public Property
(a) Superintendent of Parks and Public Property $ 6,900.00
(b) Office Manager 5,160.00
ITEM 2. Department of Public Affairs and Finance
(a) Chief Clerk 4,080.00
(b) City Auditor
1. First Deputy City Auditor 6,600.00
2. Second Deputy City Auditor 6,300.00
(c) City Purchasing Agent 6,300.00
(d) City Recorder's Office
1. City Recorder 6,000.00
2. One Chief Deputy Recorder 3,840.00
3. One Deputy City Recorder 4,800.00
4. One Deputy City Recorder and Chief Clerk 4,140.00
5. Two Deputy City Recorders (Civil Court) each 4,080.00
6. One Deputy City Recorder (City Court) 3,600.00
7. One Deputy City Recorder (Civil Court) 4,020.00
7a One Deputy City Recorder (Civil Court) 3,840.00
$. One Deputy City Recorder (Civil Court) 3,300.00
9. One Supervisor Civil Court
c� 4,260.00
(e) City Sexton 86 4,020.00
(f) City Treasurer's Office
1. City Treasurer $ 7,500.00
2. Deputy City Treasurer 6,000.00
(g) Law Department
1. City Attorney 8,700.00
2. One Assistant City Attorney 7,800.00
3. One Assistant City Attorney 6,240.00
4. One Assistant City Attorney 6,300.00
5. One Assistant City Attorney 5,400.00
(h) License Department
1. License Assessor and Collector 5,400.00
2. License Inspector 4,320.00
3. Inspector 3,780.00
(i) Planning and Zoning Engineer 7,800.00
ITEM 3. Department of Streets and Public Improvements
(a) City Engineer's Office
1. City Engineer 10,800.00
2. Assistant City Engineer 8,400.00
3. City Chemist 5,400.00
4. Building Inspector 5,700.00
5. Plumbing Inspector 5,700.00
6. Electrical Inspector 5,700.00
7. Traffic Engineer 8,400.00
(b) Power and Heating Division
1. Chief Engineer 7,200.00
2. One Deputy Smoke Inspector 5,700.00
3. One Deputy Smoke Inspector 4,800.00
4. One Deputy Smoke Inspector 4,500.00
5. Two Deputy Smoke Inspectors (each) 3,900.00
IT.E1t 4. Department of Water Supply and Waterworks
(a) Superintendent of Waterworks 9,000.00
(b) Office Supervisor 6,000.00
(c) Chief Engineer 7,800.00
SECTION 2. The foregoing salaries shall be effective as of
June 1, 1957.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately*
SECTION y.. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
17th day oUBEmumertx, 1957.
y r
Ci ecor
BILLENO.L86 of 1957
Published December 20, 1957
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN tItnINAvice D 11 Ockey
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City. la'rnrd�r .a9o9 Salt Lake City Bill No 86 of 1957
O LI Lo t R . <'c a n an
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Notary PUbliC
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Nov. 25, 1961