86 of 1961 - Levying a tax for the assessment of property in Curb and Gutter Extension No. 284. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, """' , 196 — VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen Harrison . . . , Smart N � � nr -— _. Romney . Mr. Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result . . AN ORDI114ANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 284) for the purpose of constructing curb and gutter, paving, sidewalk, miscellaneous and private driveways. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described for the purpose of constructing curb and gutter, paving, sidewalk, miscellaneous and private driveways, to-wit: BOUNDARIES: North - 27th South Street South - 30th South Street West - 14th East and Dearborn Streets East - Imperial Street STREETS: 15th East Street - Crandall Avenue to 30th South Street on West side and from a point 312 feet North of Zenith Avenue to 30th South Street on East side. Filmore Street - 27th South Street to 30th South Street Glenmare Street - Atkin Avenue to Zenith Avenue Hartford Street - 27th South Street to 131 feet south of Zenith Avenue Ciaybourne Avenue - Dearborn Street to 15th East Street Atkin Avenue - 15th East Street to Imperial Street Zenith Avenue - 15th East Street to imperial Street This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing curb and gutter, paving, sidewalk, miscellaneous and private driveways. CURB & GUTTER, 16 FT. PAVING & MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the West Side of 15th East Street Lots 25 to 28 incl ., and the east 60 ft. of Lots 29 to 32, Lots 25-32 incl ., Blk. 6; The east 62.5 ft. of Lots 23 to 26 incl., and Lots 27 & 28 and the east 62.5 ft. of Lots 29 to 32 incl ., Lots 23-32 incl ., Blk. 5; All of Lots 23-32 Incl., Blk. 4; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M. Fronting on the East Side of 15th East Street All of Lots 9 to 17 Incl ., and the west 15 ft. of Lot 8, together with the vacated alley between Lots 10 & 11 , Lots 8-17 incl., Blk. 8; All of Lots 6 to 21 incl ., and the south 6 ft. of Lots 22 to 24, together with the vacated alleys between Lots 10 and it and Lots 21 and 22, Lots 6-24 incl ., Blk. 9; Clermont Subdivision, S c. 28, T1S, RiE, SLB&M. Fronting on the West Side of Filmore Street Commencing at the southwest corner of 27th South and Filmore Streets 86 - 2 - thence south 479.99 feet, Sec. 21 , T1S, RIE, SLB&M; All of Lots 28-44 incl ., Blk. 7; All of Lots 1-5 incl ., Blk. 7; All of Lots 1 & 2 and the east 15 ft. of Lot 3, and Lots 29 to 46 incl . , together with the vacated alleys between Lots 33 & 34 and Lots 1 & 46, Lots 1-3 incl . & 29-46 incl ., Blk. 8; All of Lots 1 to 5 incl ., and Lots 27 to 42 incl ., together with vacated alleys between Lots 31 & 32, and Lots 1 & 42, Lots 1-5 incl ., & 27-42 incl . , Blk. 9; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M. Fronting on the East Side of Filmore Street All of Lots 2 to 16 incl . , and the west 65.37 ft. of Lots 17 to 20 incl . , Lots 2-20 incl ., Blk. 1 , Highland Park Plat "E" Sec. 21 , TIS, RIE, SLB&M; All of Lots 11-27 incl ., Blk. 12; All of Lots 6-10 incl ., Blk. 12; All of L is 7 to 33 incl ., together with the vacated alleys between Lots 10 & 11 , and Lots 23 & 24, Lots 7-33 incl., Blk. 11 ; The north 119 ft. of Lots 22 & 23, and the west 15 ft. of the north 119 ft. of Lot 24, Lots 22-24 incl ., Blk. 10; The south 23.9 ft. of Lot 16, all of Lot 15, and the north 18.1 ft. of Lot 14, Lots 14-16 incl ., Blk. 10; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, RIE, SLB&M. Fronting on the West Side of Glenmare Street All of Lots 24 to 33 incl ., and the north 13 'Ft. of Lot 34, to- gether with the vacated alley between Lots 33 & 34, Lots 24-34, incl . B1k. 11; The south 2 ft. of Lot 38, all of Lots 39 & 40 and the north 3 ft. of Lot 41 , Lots 38-41 incl . , Blk. 11; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, RIE, SLB&M. Fronting on the East Side of Glenmare Street All of Lots 24 to 27 incl . , together with i the vacated alley adjacent on the south, Lots 24-27 incl ., Blk. 14; The south 10 ft. of Lot 21 , and all of Lots 19 and 20, Lots 19-21 incl ., Blk. 14; All of Lots 6 to 15 incl ., and the south 20 ft. of Lot 16, to- gether with the vacated alley between Lots 10 and 11 , Lots 6-16, incl ., Blk. 14; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, TIS, RIE, SLB&M. Fronting on the North Side of Atkin Avenue The south 70 ft. of Lots 1 to 5 incl ., Lots 1-5 incl ., Blk. 12; The south 75 ft. of Lots 1-5 incl ., Lots 1-5 incl ., Blk. 18; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, RIE, SLB&M. Fronting on the South Side of Atkin Avenue The north 62,5 ft. of Lots 29-33 incl ., Lots 29-33 incl . , Blk. 17; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 288611S, R1E, SLB&M. • Fronting on the North Side of Zenith Avenue All of Lots 1-10 incl ., Blk. 8; incl , The south 80 ft. of Lots 7 to 10 incl., Lots 7-10/ Blk. 11; All of Lots 3 to 5 incl . , and the south 65 ft. of Lots 6 to 10 incl . , Lots 3-10 incl ., Blk. 14; The south 75 ft. of Lots 6 to 10 incl ., Lots 6-10 incl ., Blk. 17; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, TIS, RIE, SLB&M. Fronting on the South Side of Zenith Avenue All of Lots 27-31 incl ., Blk. 9; The north 119 ft. of Lots 22 & 23, and the west 15 ft. of the north 119 ft. of Lot 24, Lots 22-24 incl ., Blk. 10; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, RIE, SLB&M. 4 FT. SIDEWALK, CURB & GUTTER, 16 FT. PAVING & MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the East Side of 15th East Street The north 119 ft. of Lots 22 & 23, and the west 17 ft. of the north 119 ft. of Lot 24, Lots 22-24 incl ., Blk. 9; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, TIS, RIE, SLB&M. Fronting on the East Side of Filmore Street The north 1 .1 ft. of Lot 16, and all of Lots 17 to 21 incl ., and the south 6 ft. of Lots 22 & 23, and the west 15 ft. of the south 6 ft. of Lot 24, together with the vacated alley between Lots 21 & 22, Lots 16-24 incl ., Blk. 10; All of Lots 6 to 14 incl . , together with the vacated alley between Lots 10 & 11 , Lots 6-14 incl . , Blk. 10; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, RIE, SLB&M• Fronting on the West Side of Glenmare Street The south 12 ft. of Lot 34, and all of Lots 35 to 37 incl ., and the north 23 ft. of Lot 38, Lots 34-38 inch, Blk. II; All of Lots 1 to 4 incl ., and the south 22 Ft. of Lot 41 , and Lots 42 to 46 incl ., together with the vacated alley between Lots I & 46, Lots 1-4 incl . & 41-46 incl ., Blk. 11; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M. Fronting on the East Side of Glenmare Street The north 15 ft. of Lot 21 , and all of Lots 22 & 23, together with the vacated alley adjacent on the north, Lots 21-23 incl ., Blk. 14; The north 5 ft. of Lot 16 and all of Lots 17 & 18, Lots 16-18 incl . Blk. 14; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, TIS, R1E, SLB&M. Fronting on the North Side of Atkin Avenue. The south 70 ft. of Lots 1 to 5 incl ., and the south 67 ft. of Lots 6 to 10 incl ., Lots 1-10 incl . , Blk. 7, The south 62.5 ft. of Lots 6 to 10 incl ., Lots 6-10 incl ., Blk. 12 The south 62.5 ft. of Lots 1 to 5 incl ., and the south 65 ft. of - 4 - Lots 6 to 10 incl ., Lots 1-10 incl ., Blk. 13; The south 75 ft. of Lots 1 to 5 incl ., and the south 64. 5 ft. of Lots 6 to 10 incl ., Lots 1-10 incl ., Blk. 18; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, RIE, SLB&M. Fronting on the South Side of Atkin Avenue The north 67 ft. of Lots 24 to 28 incl ., and the norAth 62 ft. of Lots 29 to 33 incl ., Lots 24-33 incl ., Blk. 8; The north 64.5 ft. of Lots 24 to 28 incl . & the north 62.5 ft. of Lots 29 to 33 incl ., Lots 24-33 incl ., Blk. 14; The north 62.5 ft. of Lots 24 to 33 incl . , Lots 24-33 incl ., Blk. 17; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, TIS, RIE, SLB&M. Fronting on the North Side of Zenith Avenue All of Lots 1-6 incl ., Blk. 11; All of Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 14; The south 62.5 ft. of Lots 1 to 5 incl ., Lots 1-5 incl . , Blk. 17; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M. Fronting on the South Side of Zenith Avenue The north 119 ft. of Lots 22 to 31 incl ., Lots 22-31 incl . , Blk. 9; The east 10 ft. of the north 119 ft. of Lot 24, and the north 119 ft. of Lots 25 and 26, Lots 24-26 incl ., Blk, 10; All of Lots 22 to 28 incl ., togetlp1 with z the vacated alley adjacent on the south, Lots 22-28/ 51k. 16; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, RIE, SLB&M CURB & GUTTER, 18 FT. PAVING & MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the West Side of Hartford Street The east 60.19 ft of Lots 21 to 24 incl . , and all of Lots 25 & 26, Lots 21-26 incl ., Blk. 2, Highland Park Plat "Ey Sec. 21, T1S, RIE, SLB&M. All of Lots 29 Lo 37 incl ., and the north 8 ft. of Lot 38, Lots 29-38 incl ., Blk. 13; All of Lots 29 to 46 incl ., and Lots 1 & 2, together with the vacated alleys between Lots 33 & 34, and Lots 1 & 46, Lots 1 & 2 and 29-46, Blk. 14; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M. Fronting on the East Side of Hartford Street The west 69.49 ft. of the north 8.26 ft. of Lot 17, and the west 69.49 ft. of Lots 18 to 20 incl . , Lots 17-20 incl . , Blk. 3, Highland Park, Plat "E", Sbc. 21 . T1S, R1E, SLB&M. All of Lots 22 & 23, and the south 8.5 ft. of Lot 24, Lots 22-24 incl ., Blk. 18; - All of Lots 6 to 28 incl ., together with the vacated alleys between kodm Lots 10 & 11, and Lots 23 & 24, Lots 6-28 incl . , Blk. 17; 6 - 5 - All of Lots 22 to 25 incl ., and the west 10 ft. of Lot 26, together with z the vacated alley adjacent on the south, Lots 22-26 incl ., Blk. 16; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M. 18 FT, PAVING AND MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the West Side of Hartford Street All of Lot 1 , and Lots 27 to 38 incl . , Lot 1 and 27-38 incl ., Blk. 2, Highland Park Plat "E", Sec. 21 , T1S, R1E, SLB&M. All of Lots 1 to 5 incl. , and the south 17 ft. of Lot 38, and Lots 39 to 46 incl . , together with the vacated alley between Lots 1 & 46, Lots 1-5 incl . & 38-46 incl . , Blk. 13; All of Lots 30 & 31 , together with the vacated alley adjacent on the south, Lots 30 & 31 , Elk. 15; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, RIE, SLB&M. Fronting on the East Side of Hartford Street Lots 2 to 16 incl . and the south 16.74 ft. of Lot 17 and the north 8.26 ft< of the west 69.49 ft. of Lot 17 and the west 69.49 ft. of Lots 18 to 20 incl ., Lots 2-20 incl ., Blk. 3, Highland Park Plat "E", Sec. 21 , T1S, R1E, SLB&M. The north 16.5 ft. of Lot 24 and all of Lots 25 to 28 incl . , Lots 24-28 incl . , Blk. 18; All of Lots 11-21 incl . , Blk. 18 All of Lots 6-10 incl ., Blk. 18; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M. 16 FT. PAVING AND MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the South Side of Zenith Avenue All of Lots 24-31 incl ., Blk. 15; All of Lots 29-31 incl ., Blk. 16; Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M. 4 FT. SIDEWALK, CURB & GUTTER, 13 FT. ,PAVING AND MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the North Side of Claybourne Avenue. Commencing at the N.E. corner of Dearborn St. and Claybourpe Ave. , thence east 220.51 ft., Sec. 21 , T1S, R1E, SLB&M. Fronting on the South Side of Claybourne Avenue. Commencing at the S.E. corner of Dearborn St. and Claybourne Ave. , thence east 171 ft., Sec. 28, TIS, R1E, SLB&M. 2 FT. 6 INCH GUTTER, 21 .65 FT. PAVING AND MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the South Side of Atkin Avenue. All of Lots 24-33 incl ., Blk. 11 , Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, TIS, RIE, SLB&M. 86 - 6 - 4 FT. SIDEWALK AND MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the South Side of Zenith Avenue The east 13 ft. of the north 119 ft. of Lot 29 and the north 119 ft. of Lots 30 and 31 , Lots 29-31 incl ., Bik. 10, Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M. 4 FT. SIDEWALK, 16 FT. PAVING AND MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the South Side of Zenith Avenue The north 119 ft. of Lots 27 and 28, and the north 119 ft. of the west 12 ft. of Lot 29, Lots 27-29 incl . , Blk. 10, Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, TIS, RIE, SLB&M. MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the South Side of Zenith Avenue All of Lots 22 and 23, Blk. 15, Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, RIE, SLB&M. PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS Fronting on the West Side of 15th East Street The east 112 ft. of Lots 25 & 26, Blk. 6; $ 102.78 The east 112 ft. of Lots 27 & 28, Elk. 6; 102.78 The east 60 ft. of Lots 29-32 incl ., Lots 29-32 incl . Blk. 6; 122.11 The east 62.5 ft . of Lots 23-26 incl ., Lots 23-26 incl . Blk. 5; 102.78 All of Lots 27 & 28, Blk. 5; 80.33 The east 62.5 ft. of Lots 29-32 incl, Lots 29-32 incl . Blk. 5; 104.61 All of Lots 26 & 27 and the north 8 ft. of Lot 28, Lots 26-28 incl . Blk. 4; 92.16 The south 17 ft. of Lot 28 and all of Lot 29 and the north 16 ft. of Lot 30, Lots 28-30 incl . Blk. 4; 92.16 Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, TIS, RIE, SLB&M Fronting on the East Side of 15th East Street All of Lots 16 & 17, Blk. 8; 59.18 All of Lots 13-15 incl ., Blk. 8; 113.63 All of Lots 11 & 12 and the north z of the alley on the south, Lots 11 & 12, Elk. 8; 97.33 The south z of the alley on the north and all of Lots 9 & 10 and the west 15 ft. of Lot 8, Lots 8-10 incl . Elk. 8; 97.33 The north 119 ft. of Lots 22 & 23 and the north 119 ft. of the west 17 ft. of Lot 24, Lots 22-24 incl , Blk. 9 102.78 The south 6 ft. of Lots 22-26 incl ., all of the alley on the south, all of Lot 21 and the north 12 ft. of Lot 20, - 7 - Lots 20-26 Incl ., Blk. 9 $ 102.78 The south 13 ft. of Lot 20, and all of Lots 18 & 19, Lots 18-20 Incl ., Blk. 9; 102.78 All of Lots 16 & 17 and the north 18.5 ft. of Lot 15, Lots 15-17 incl., Bik. 9; 104.20 The south 6.5 ft. of Ldt 15, all of Lots 11-14 incl ., all of the alley on the south and the north 3.1 ft. of Lots 6-10 Incl ., Lots 6-15 incl ., Blk. 93 109.03 The south 6.5 ft. of Lot 15, all of Lots 11-14 incl ., all of the alley on the south, and the north 3.1 ft. of Lots 6-10 Incl ., Lots 6-15 incl., Blk. 9; 107.61 The north 61 .9 ft. of the south 121.9 ft. of Lots 6-10 Incl., Lots 6-10 incl., Blk. 9; 87.66 The south 60 ft. of Lots 6-10 Incl ., Lots 6-10 incl,, Blk. 9; 77.95 All in Clermont Sub,, Sec. 28, TiS, R1E, SLB&M Fronting on the West Side of Filmore Street All of Lots 28 & 29, Blk. 7; 102.78 All of Lots 30 & 31 and the north 4 ft. of Lot 32, Lots 30-32 Incl ., Blk. 7; 102.78 The south 21 ft. of Lot 32, all of Lot 33, and the north 7 ft. of Lot 34, Lots 32-34 Incl ., Blk. 7; 102.78 The south 18 ft. of Lot 34, all of Lot 35, and the north 11 ft. of Lot 36, Lots 34-36 Incl., Blk. 7; 102.78 The south 14 ft. of Lot 36, all of Lot 37 and the north 14 ft. of Lot 38, Lots 36-38 incl., Blk. 7; 102.78 The south 11 ft. of Lot 38, all of Lot 39 and the north 18 ft. of Lot 40, Lots 38-40 incl., Blk, 7; 102.78 The south 7 ft. of Lot 40, all of Lot 41, and the north 21 ft. of Lot 42, Lots 40-42 incl., Blk. 7; 102.78 The south 4 ft. of Lot 42, all of Lots 43 & 44, Lots 42-44 Incl., Blk. 7; 102.78 The north 55 ft. of Lots 1-5 incl ., Lots 1-5 incl., Blk. 7; 102.78 The north 62 ft. of Lots 29-33 incl., Lots 29-33 incl., Blk. 8; 102.78 The south 50 ft. of the north 112 ft. of Lots 29-33 incl ., Lots 29-33 Incl ., Blk. 8; 102.78 The south 13 ft. of Lots 29-33 incl., all of the alley on the south and all of Lot 34, Lots 29-34 incl., Blk. 8; 102.78 All of Lots 35 & 36, Blk. 8; 102.78 All of Lots 37 & 38, B1k. 8; 102.78 All of Lots 39 & 40 and the north 1 .5 ft. of Lot 41, Lots 39-41 incl., Blk. 8; 102.78 The south 23.5 ft. of Lot 41 all of Lot 42 and the north 3 ft. of Lot 43, Lots 41-43 Incl., Blk. 8; 102,78 The south 22 ft. of Lot 43, all of Lot 44 and the north 4 ft. of Lot 45, Lots43-45 inc1., Blk. 8; 102.78 86 -8- The south 21 ft. of Lot 45, all of Lot 46 and the north .z of the alley on the south, Lots 45 & 46, Blk. 8; 102.78 The north 119 ft. of Lots 27-31 incl ., Lots 27-31 incl ., Blk. 9; 101 .78 The south 6 ft. of Lots 27-31 incl . , all of the alley on the south, all of Lot 32 and the north 15.6 ft. of Lot 33, Lots 27-33 incl ., Blk. 9; 134.54 The south 9.4 ft. of Lot 33, all of Lots 34 and 35, and the north 6.1 ft. of Lot 36, Lots 33-36 incl ., Blk. 9; 101 .78 The south 18.9 ft. of Lot 36, all of Lot 37, and the north 24. 1 ft. of Lot 38, Lots 36-38 incl ., Blk. 9; 134.54 The south .9 ft. of Lot 38, all of Lots 38 & 40, and the north 21 .9 ft. of Lot 41 , Lots 38-41 incl ., Blk. 9; 101 .78 The south 3.1 ft. of Lot 41, all of Lot 42, all of the alley on the south, and the north 23 ft. of Lots 1-5 incl ., Lots 41 & 42 and 1-5 incl ., Blk. 9; 86.37 The north 60 ft. of the south 102 ft. of Lots 1-5 incl . , Lots 1-5 incl ., Blk. 9; 51 .31 The south 42 ft. of Lots 1-5 incl ., Lots 1-5 incl . Blk. 9; 71 .36 All in Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, TIS, RIE, SLB&M Fronting on the East Side of Filmore Street All of Lots 15 & 16, Blk. 1; 102.78 All of Lots 13 & 14 and the north 14 ft. of Lot 12, Lots 12-14 incl ., Blk. 1 ; 102.78 The south 11 ft. of Lot 12, all of Lots 10 & 11 , and the north 1 ft. of Lot 9, Lots 9-12 incl ., BIk. 1 ; 102.78 The south 24 ft. of Lot 9, all of Lot 8 and the north 11 ft. of Lot 7, Lots 7-9 incl ., Blk. 1; 102.78 The south 14 ft. of Lot 7, and all of Lots 5 S 6, Lots 5-7 incl ., Blk. 1 ; 102.78 All of Lots 2-4 incl ., Blk. 1; 102.78 All in Highland Park Plat "E", Sec. 21 , T1S, RlE SLB&M. All of Lot 27, Blk. 12; 102.78 Ali of Lots 25 & 26, Blk. 12; 102.78 All of Lots 23 & 24, Blk. 12 102.78 All of Lots 21 & 22, Blk. 12; 112.45 All of Lots 19 & 20, Blk. 12; 102.78 All of Lots 17 & 18, Blk. 12; 102.78 All of Lots 15 & 16, Blk. 12; 102.78 All of Lots 13 & 14, Blk. 12; 102.78 All of Lots 11 & 12, Blk. ,l�2; 102.78 ( 11 - 9 - The north 62.5 ft. of Lots 6-10 incl ., Lots 6-10 incl ., Blk. 12; 102.07 The south 62.5 ft. of Lots 6-10 incl ., Lots 6-10 incl . , Blk. 12; 102.07 Ali of Lots 24-33 incl ., all of alley on the south and the north 13 ft. of Lots 23 & 34, Lots 23-34 incl ., Blk. 11; 175.04 The south 12 ft. of Lot 23, all of Lot 22 and the north 16 ft. of Lot 21, Lots 21-23 incl ., Blk. 11; 102.78 The south 9 ft. of Lot 21 , all of Lot 20 and the north 19 ft, of Lot 19, Lots 19-21 Incl ., Blk. 11; 85.23 The south 6 ft. of Lot 19, all of Lot 18 and the north 22 ft. of Lot 17, Lots 17-19 incl ., Blk. 11 ; 85.23 The south 3 ft. of Lot 17, and all of Lots 15 & 16, Lots 15-17 incl ., Blk. 11; 102.78 All of Lots 13 & 14 and the north 3 ft. of Lot 12, Lots 12-14 incl ., elk. 11; 77.97 The South 22 ft. of Lot 12, ail of Lot 11, and the north Z of the alley on the south, Lots 11 & 12, Blk. 11; 77.97 The south z of the alley on the north and the north 45 ft. of Lots 7-10 incl ., Lots 7-10 incl ., Blk. 11 99.12 The south 80 ft. of Lots 7-10 incl . , Lots 7-10 incl ., Blk. 11; 99.12 The north 119 ft. of Lots 22 & 23, and the west 15 ft. of the north 119 ft. of Lot 24, Lots 22-24 incl ., Blk. 10; 94.21 The south 6 ft. of Lots 22-26 incl ., all of the alley on the south, all of Lot 21 and the north 18. 1 ft. of Lot 20, Lots 20-26 incl ., Blk. 10; 86.44 The south 6.9 ft. of Lot 20, all of Lots 17-19 incl . and the north 1 .1 ft. of Lot 16, Lots 16-20 incl . , Blk. 10; 129.22 The south 23.9 ft. of Lot 16, all of Lot 15 and the north 18.1 ft. of Lot 14, Lots 14-16 incl ., Blk. 10; 105.88 The south 6.9 ft. of Lot 14, all of Lots 12 & 13 and the north 3. 1 ft. of Lot 11 , Lots 11-14 incl ., Blk. 10; 86.44 The south 30.8 ft. of Lot 11 , all of the alley on the south, and the north 19.2 ft. of Lots 6-10 incl ., Lots 6-11 incl., Blk. 10; 86.30 The north 64 ft. of the south 105.8 ft. of Lots 6-10 incl ., Lots 6-10 incl . , Blk. 10; 52.48 All in Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, RIE, SLB&M. Fronting on the West Side of Glenmare Street The south 12 ft. of Lot 34, all of Lot 35, and the north 18 ft. of Lot 36, Lots 34-36 incl ., Blk. 11; 102.78 The south 7 ft. of Lot 36, all of Lot 37, and the north 23 ft. of Lot 38, Lots 36-38 incl . Blk. 11 102.78 The south 2 ft. of Lot 38, all of Lots 39 & 40, and the north 3 ft. of Lot 41, yqk 38-41 incl ., Blk. 11 102.78 - 10 - The south 22 ft. of Lot 41, all of Lot 42 and the north 8 ft. of Lot 43, Lots 41-43 incl ., Blk. 11; 102.78 The south 17 ft. of Lot 43, all of Lot 44 and the north 13 ft. of Lot 45, Lots 43-45 Incl., Bik. 11; 102.78 The south 12 ft. of Lot 45, all of Lot 46, all of the alley on the south, and the north 7 ft. of Lots 1-4 Incl., Lots 45 & 46 and 1-4 Incl ., Blk. 11; 102.78 All in Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, l'1S, AIE,SLB&M. Fronting on the East Side of Glenmare Street The south 60.5 ft. of Lots 24-27 inch, and the north '— of the alley on the south, Lots 24-27 incl., Blk. 14; 102.78 The south z of the alley on the north, ail of Lots 22 & 23 and the north 15 ft. of Lot 21, Lots 21-23 incl., Blk. 14; 102.78 The south 10 ft. of Lot 21, and all of Lots i9 & 20, Lots 19-21 incl., Bik. 14; 136.60 All of Lots 17 & 18 and the north 5 ft. of Lot i6, Lots 16-18 incl., Blk. 14; 102.78 The south 20 ft. of Lot 16, all of Lot 15 and the north 10 ft. of Lot 14, Lots 14-16 inci., Bik, 14; 102.78 The south 15 ft. of Lot 14, all of Lot 13 and the north 15 ft. of Lot 12, Lots 12-14 inci., Blk. 14; 97.96 The south 10 ft. of Lot 12, all of Lot 11, all of the alley on the south and the north 8 ft. of Lots 6-10 incl ., Lots 6-12 Incl ., Blk. 14; 102.78 The south 52 ft. of the north 60 ft. of Lots 6-10 incl ., Lots 6-10 incl ., Blk. 14; 102.78 All in Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M. Fronting on the West Side of Hartford Street The east 60.19 ft. of Lots 21-24 incl ., Lots 21-24 incl ., Blk. 2, Highland Park Plat rrErr Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB&M 80.97 All of Lots 25 & 26, Blk. 2, Highland Park Plat "E", Sec. 21, TiS, R1E, SLB&M; 80.97 All of Lots 29 & 30, Blk. 13; 80.97 All of Lots 31-33 incl., Bik. 13; 80.97 All of Lots 34 & 35 and the north 4 ft. of Lot 36, Lots 34-36 incl., Blk. 13; 80.97 The south 21 ft. of Lot 36, all of Lot 37 and the north 8 ft. of Lot 38, Lots 36-38 incl ., Blk. 13; 77.40 The north 62.5 ft. of Lots 29-33 Incl., Lots 29-33 incl., Blk, 14; 98.83 The south 62.5 ft. of Lots 28-33 incl., and the north '—z of the alley on the south, Lots 28-33 incl., Blk, 14; 80.97 The south z of the alley on the north, all of Lots 34 & 35, and the north 4 ft. of Lot 36, Lots 34-36 incl., elk. 14; 80.97 - 11 - The south 21 ft. of Lot 36, all of Lot 37 and the north 11 ft. of Lot 38, Lots 36-38 incl ., Blk. 14; $80.97 The south 14 ft. of Lot 38, all of Lot 39 and the north 18 ft. of Lot 40, Lots 38-40 incl . , Blk. 14; 80.97 The south 7 ft. of Lot 40 and all of Lots 41 and 42, Lots 40-42 incl ., Blk. 14; 80.97 All of Lots 43 & 44, Blk. 14; 80.97 All of Lots 45 & 46 and the north A of the alley on the south, Lots 45 & 46, Blk. 14; 88.11 The south z of the alley on the north, all of Lots 1 & 2, Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 14; 105.96 All in Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M. Fronting on the East Side of Hartford Street The south 8.5 ft. of Lot 24 and all of Lots 22 & 23, Lots 22-24 inclBlk. 18; 80.97 The north 62.5 ft. of Lots 24-28 incl ., Lots 24-28 Blk. 17; 70.08 The south 62.5 ft. of Lots 24-28 incl., and the north z of the alley on the south, Lots 24-28 incl ., Blk. 17; 70.08 The south of the alley on the north and all of Lots 22 & 23, Lots 22 & 23, Blk. 17; 70.08 All of Lots 20 & 21 and the north 5 ft. of Lot 19, Lots 19-21 incl ., Blk. 17; 70.08 The south 20 ft. of Lot 19, all of Lot 18 and the north 10 ft. of Lot 17, Lots 17-19;"''Blk. 17; 70.08 The south 15 ft. of Lot 17, all of Lot 16 and the north 15 ft. of Lot 15, Lots 15-17 incl ., Blk. 17; 80.97 The south 10 ft. of Lot 15, all of Lot 14 and the north 20 ft. of Lot 13, Lots 13-15 incl ., Blk. 17; 80.97 The south 5 ft. of Lot 13, all of Lots 11 & 12 and the north i of the alley on the south, Lots 11-13 incl ., Blk. 17; 80.97 The south z of the alley on the north and the north 50 ft. of Lots 6-10 incl ., Lots 6-10 incl ., Blk. 17; 84.55 All of Lots 22-25 incl . , and the west 10 ft. of Lot 26 and the north z of the alley on the south, Lots 22-26 incl ., Blk. 16; 102.40 All in Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M Fronting on the North Side of Atkin Avenue The south 70 ft. of Lots 1-5 incl . , Lots 1-5 incl . , Blk. 7; 116.68 The south 70 ft. of Lots 1-5 incl ., Lots 1-5 incl ., Blk. 121 102.78 The south 65 ft. of Lots 6-10 incl., Lots 6-10 incl ., Blk. 13; 30.97 The south 62.5 ft. of Lots 1-5 incl ., Lots 1-5 Incl ., Blk. 13; 80.97 The south 64.5 ft. of Lots 6-10 incl ., Lots 6-10 incl . Blk. 18; 80.97 86 - 12- The south 75 ft. of Lots 1-5 incl ., Lots 1-5 incl ., Blk. 18; 95.25 All in Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M Fronting on the South Side of Atkin Avenue The north 64.5 ft. of Lots 24-27 incl ., and the north 62.5 ft. of Lot 28, Lots 24-28 incl , Blk. 14 116.68 The north 62.5 ft. of Lots 29-33 incl . , Lots 29-33 incl ., Blk. 17; 80.97 All in Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, R1E, SLB&M. Fronting on the North Side of Zenith Avenue The east 10 ft. of Lot 8, and al of Lots 6 & 7, Lots 6-8 incl . , Blk. 8; 109. 15 All of Lots 4 & 5 and the west 10 ft. of Lot 3, Lots 3-5 incl ., Blk. 8; 109.15 The east 15 ft. of Lot 3, all of Lots 1 & 2, Lots 1-3 incl . , Blk. 8; 109.15 The south 80 ft. of Lots 7-10 incl ., Lots 7-10 incl ., Blk. 11; 80.35 Ali of Lots 5 & 6 and the south 118 ft. of the west 23 ft. of Lot 4, Lots 4-6 incl ., Blk. 11; 99.76 The east 2 ft. of the south 118 ft. of Lot 4, and the south 118 ft. of Lots 1-3 incl ., Lots 1-4 incl ., Blk. 11; 102.78 The south 65 ft. of Lots 6-10 incl ., Lots 6-10 incl . Blk. 14; 108.55 All of Lots 3-5 incl ., Bik. 14; 113.39 The south 75 ft. of Lots 6-10 incl ., Lots 6-10 incl . Blk. 17; 102.78 The south 62.5 ft. of Lots 1-5 incl ., Lots 1-5 incl . Blk. 17; 102.78 All in Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, TIS, RIE, SLB&M Fronting on the South Side of Zenith Avenue The north 119 ft. of the east 8 ft. of Lot 24 and the north 119 ft. of Lots 25 & 26, Lots 24-26 incl ., Blk. 9; 97.33 The north 119 ft. of Lots 27-31 incl ., Lots 27-31 ,incl . Blk. 9; 97.33 The north 119 ft. of the east 10 ft. of Lot 24, and the north 119 ft. of Lots 25 & 26, Lots 24-26 incl . , Blk. 10; 85.23 The north 119 ft. of Lots 27 & 28 and the north 119 ft. of the west 12 ft. of Lot 29, Lots 27-29 incl . Blk. 10; 147.99 All of Lots 22-25 incl ., and the west 10 ft. of Lot 26, Lots 22-26 incl ., Blk. 16; 102.78 The east 15 ft. of Lot 26 and all of Lots 27 & 28, Lots 26-28 incl ., Blk. 16; 102.78 All in Clermont Subdivision, Sec. 28, T1S, RIE, SLB&M. 86 - 13 - The tax hereby levied and assessed is levied upon each of the blocks, lots, parts of blocks and lots, lands and real estate within that special Improvement district known as Curb and Gutter Extension No. 284 fronting or abutting upon or adjacent to the streets which have been improved within said special improvement district. This tax is levied and assessed at an equal and uniform rate on such property in accordance with the linear front footage thereof and to the full depth of each such parcel of real property held in the same ownership but not exceeding 330 feet In depth and, as to the undivided tracts, not to any greater depth than the average distance subdivided real estate is taxed for the same improvement. An allowance on said tax has been made for corner lots so that they are not assessed at full rate on both streets. It is hereby found and determined that the real property hereby taxed and assessed is benefited by the improvements which have been com- pleted to the full amount of the tax hereby levied. The tax hereby levied and assessed is in the total sum of $107,768.50 and consists of $46,460.18 or $7.53 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 6,170.01 feet of curb and gutter, 16 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $21 ,521 .24 or $9.43 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 2,282.21 feet of 4 foot walk, curb and gutter, 16 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $11,665.26 or $7.85 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 1 ,486.02 feet of curb and gutter, 18 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $8,676.41 or $5.25 per linear or front foot of abutting property for 1 652.65 feet of constructing/lb foot pavement and miscellaneous; $1 ,369.36 or $4.93 per linear or front foot of abutting property For constructing 277.76 feet of 16 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $1 ,496.93 or $8.99 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 166.51 feet of 4 foot walk, curb and gutter, 13 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $1,832.44 or $7.25 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 252.75 feet of 2 foot 6 inch gutter, 21 .65 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $281 .98 or $4.38 per linear or front foot of abutting property for con- structing 64.38 feet of 4 Foot walk and miscellaneous; $423.46 or $6.83 62 feet of per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing/4 foot walk, 16 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $127.40 or $2.48 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 51 .37 feet of miscellaneous; and $13,913.84 for constructing private driveways. 86 - 14 - The amount of the tax hereby levied and assessed, does not exceed the total cost of the improvements in said special improvement district including interest on interim warrants and the total contract price due under that certain contract duly let to Gibbons and Reed Company, the lowest responsible bidder therefor, on August 10, 1960. The City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess the real property hereinabove referred to in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance for the purposes herein mentioned and to collect said tax as provided by law. SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review, of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 284) of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of construct- ing curb and gutter, sidewalk, paving, miscellaneous and private driveways upon said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed and the assessments made and returned to said completed lists and the report of the Board of Equalization and R view to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in ten (10) equal yearly installments as provided by law and ordinance, with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of 5% per annum, payable at the time each install- ment is due; provided, however, that one or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective, one or more installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax may be paid after said 15 days and before the first installment becomes due by paying the same with interest from the date of levy to the date such first installment is due.; One or more install- ments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may be paid on the date any installment becomes due by paying the amount thereof and interest to the date of payment. Default in the pay- ment: of any such installment of principal or interest when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal and interest to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of the unpaid principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten (10%) per cent per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date of sale or foreclosure, 86 - 15 - the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments past due with interest at the rate of f0% per annum to date of payment on the de- linquent installments, and all accrued costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to pay in installments in the same manner as if default had not occurred. SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this Third day of October , 1961 . / / ' ;;/ Mayor pOp.60./ r Third and Final Estimate Curb & Gutter Extension No. 284 (S E A L) BILL NO. 06 of 1961 Published October 9, 1961 86 Affidavit of U ication STATE OF UTAH, as. County of Salt Lake D N: Ockeyr Ct_ d•Legal Notices li AN ORDINANCE r 'tg first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising _ds AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX a d for the a ant of h Of th DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- prosertaN (Curb d Gutter Extension No,284)for Che55purn se f eon trnem,g eurb and gutter, acing, sidewalk, miscellaneous ow AM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- c pr;vote dn�wars. Be t ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake CiG,Irta": language with general circulation in Utah, and published in SECTION 1, That the Board of Commissioners f Salt Lake city °s.;,n doppnhrrebp over me taco and provao for of esee> entl Lake City, Salt Lakke County, in the State of Utah. Y f rho the ty.paving, desam,e for tie n of c dri Ina curb and gotten Paving,6ldcwali<,nnscellan".eus and '" Private to-wit: 0 BOUNDARIES: North-37th South Street hereto a p sonar—:Nth south street That the legal notice of which a copy is attached ,t wta�l4tn East and Dearborn Streets n:aati-7.Al e:roet STREETS: IGth Eost Street—Crancltll de and to 301h! t Lake C L D1.11 7� 1 66 1961. I 6 - South'12 fee th o en and tram m' U Lza.k(' C 1,G'y 17 r 1 1 TTQ• V V of .1.9 61,M 3 :l to feet North f Zenith Avenue tot ptir South Street ap Last cle. _ Filmorc etrpet-27th South Street 'w 30th Louth Streetrod Atkin Avenue to Zenith Ordinance A Tax fo-. Gunn mA�ma�e Street— LevyingY' It hard Street-27th South Street to 131 feet south of Zenith Avenue Clarboarnc Avenue—Dearborn Street to 15th East sweet Gvtter :+L'xtal;.sl on no. 284. Atkin Avenue--l5th East Street to Imperial StrreL 1 Zenith Avemle-15th East Street to Imperial r, TT,,_ 'Estimate This taz ie levied to dell."(al•`c expense of constructing curb and rPllir' 1-s.n i A' L11<`1.� ButCURS AND G11TlCR{,1G IS'.PAVING AND M15CELLANFOUS Fronting on the West Side of 15th East Street: Lots 25 to 28 tn.t.,and the castCO it,of Lots 29 to 32.Lots 2532 Incl.,BIk.G: TF t r2 ft f I t 23 4 2G J i. and L t 27 and 29 d h t 92 5 fl. £L 1'29 to J2 i I. 1 fs 23-32 c.. BIk.5; F o,I roll of' t T2 ast d Subdivision,Sec. 28 tTSt CeR1E, SLBAM. s published in said newspaper on All of I I 9 to 17 Incl.,and the west 15 ft. f Lot 8 to- ge,hel with the vacated alley between Lis II and 11 Lots 8-27 _ 9 (_'I ncl,A]on L t 6 to 21 Inct,and the south 6 ft.of Lots 22 to 24.O(iti(1(le r ' y 1�6- s tacethcr with the e led itlets betw en Lots 10 and 11 end Lots 21 a Clczm nut Subdivision,1Sec9 l8.T)S,ME.SI,B&M, Pro'tin,on the West.Side of Ptl more Slreet. Commencing at the. ithwest ec of 27th Southand Fil- S is tl n h 97809 feet�8eo 1.Tle,xl E, R&M; All fI t 8-14' 1 Blk 7 Ah f L t 1 5 ,l Bll 7 All l.L L 1 s 2 h lno cost al ft.of Lot 3 and Lots 29 /C-G ��"f} l k !�_—y to.G 11)9.1..together h thetad alleys e!wocn Lts 33 and / / 34 and t 1 d 4G I 1, 13 1 rl in.204G inci.BIk 8' Lip Advertising All f L t i t. 5 d L t.s 27 to 42 Incl,tagether with g Clerk a ed 11 - t L t 31 d 32.and Lots 1 and 42,Lots 1 blind d 27ul t 1.BII 9 Cron the t2011 Si reiof Sec.28, tune x1E,SLH&M. Fronting ll the East to l of Flimnc Street: 20 crl OLcta S ea t nr16,'lath.i I tl0ihhlondstPails Plot''Enhce 721, T15.mt.SLB&M, Alt of Lot 11-27 reel s ..B Bllt. All of 71 to 33 incl. t12; Lot'8o,rather with the vacated alleys be- tween he nt0r110 L91ft.and £LoLot 22 mand lt 224an¢othe-33 incl.. .t1.01 tn,: +y north I10 ft of Lot 24,Lots 82.24 Incl.,BIk.10: 1-?`A-i day of The south 3.'S.0 ft.of Lot tpi,ell of Lot 15.and the north 18,1 15 ft.el Lot 14,Lois 19-Id loll,811..10: Cl enthnt Suhdlide of.Son,28,T1S.Street, SLB,E.M. Flouting on the West Side of Glen:nnd Street: C�'1 All nt Lots 24 to 33 Incl.,and the north 13 ft. f Let 34.In-I 1, 19 L • gather WILL the vacated alloy between Lots 33 anti 3d Lots 24.i4,1 ',cl.The south 2 ft.of Lot 38,all of Lots 39 and 40 and the north 3 ft.of Lot 41,Lots 30.41 inch.Flit.11, Clermont Subdivision,Sec,28,T15,R1E,SLB&M, ... Fronting on the East Side of Glonmale Sti ert' //LL alleyAll of24 hee south.rel�Lotsg 24n27 Incl..Blk of the vacated _ The so sth 10 St.of ot 21,and all of Lots 1p and 20 Lots s 19-21 incl.,Blk,147 Notary Public My Commission Expires Noy. 25, 1961. S6 Fronting on the North Side of Cie Cominencing at theN.E. c of D vnbo St. d Clan., b urne Ave. then t 220.51 ft S 21 T15 R1E SL13&M,IF tine on the South S d f C1Ybo A":"": (:onr,V ni% t IV S F. • • Le al Notices 'Legal Notices nrbPt d E,,r. 9 ,.- , Q �_ >...V�t b Trine then t 1.1 [t S 28 TIS RIE SLN O f 2 FT 6INCII GUTTER 21 G5 Ff PAVING AND MISCELLANEOUS -'AU 1 ifot e�t�0�?8(ICI. p d tK Uth 20 01 f Lot 18 to F mine on the South Sid f Atkin Avenue: l g1?llne B3ktS4the V ted'aged'between Lots 10 and 11,Lots 8.16. TIS, tleSLH&M,33 Inch,Blk,11 Clermont Subdivision Soc,28, C Clermont Subdivision, Sec, 28,T1S. RIM SLB&M, 1 4 FT.SIDEWALK AND MISCELLANEOUS Fronting on the South SEde of north Avenue: Il Fronting the North Side of Atkin Avenue: ) The east 13 ft. E the th 19 ft.o[Lot 29 d the rth The south.,70 ft. f Lots 1 to 5'1nc1..Lots 1-5 inch'.,Elk. 12; 1 119 fl,of Lots 20 and 31.LoL 29J1 Incl.,Blk,10,ClermontnSub- The south 75£t of Lots I-5 incl.,Lots 1-5 inch„Elk,18: dtvLiion.Sec.25.T1S,R1E,SLD&M. tls Clermont Subdlvlslon,Sec.28,TIS,R1E,SLB&M. 4 FT.SiDEVVALX.16 FT.PAVING AND MISCELLANEOUS Srontln.on Lhc South Side of Atkin Avenue: 'Frontine on the South Side a Zenith Avenue: � The.north fiOtt Et,d£Lots 29-33 Incl.,Lots 29-33 Enel.,Blk,17: The north 119£t. E Lots 27 d 28. d the north 119 ft f Clermont Subdivision.Sec.28.TIS,00 5[H&M, the,west 12 tt,of Let 29,Lel6 27-28 Incl.,Ellk.10,Clermont SuO,ti- 6lFronting on,ti North Sitle of Zenith Avenue: vision.Sec.28,TIS.RIE.SLH&M. All o[Lots t-10 i ncl. is 7 8; MISCELLANEOUS The south PO ft.of bats 7 to 10 Incl..Lots 7-10 not.Blk.11: Fronting on the South Side of Zenith Avenue: All E Lots 3 In 5 loch.,and the south 65 ft.of Lots 6 to 10 All of Lets 22 and 23,Biz.15,Clermont Subdivision,Sec,28, Incl..hots 330 Incl.Blk.19: Tt S.RtE.SL8&M. Th0 south 75£t.of-Lots B to 30 1. Lots fl 30 Incl.,Blk.17; PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS Clermont Subdivision,Sec 28,'1'ISt R1E.SLB&M, 'Fronting on the West Side of 15th East Street, -IFrmnting on the South Side t Zenith Avenue: The east 112 Et. f Lots 25 e d 26,BIk 6: 910278 �le nnrths1 76-1t.snf 1"oBvk22 pond 23 d the west 15 It of the The east 112 t..of Lots 27 ens net He's.6', 102.78 north 119 ft.of Lot 24.Lots 22-24 Incl.Elk 10: Elk Ty1e east 60 ft,of Lots 29-32 Incl.,Lots 2D-32 Incl. Clermont Subdivision.Sec.2A SINTER. C.SLH&M. The cast 62,5 ft.of Lots 23-26 Incl.,Lots 23-26 incl. 122.11 4 FT.SIDEWALK,CURB ANU GUTTER,16 FT'.PAVING Blk.Sn ln2 78 AND MISCELLANEOUS All of Lots 27 and 28.BD,Si 80.33 Fronting on the East Side of 15Eh Past SlreeE: Che rant 62.5 ft.of Lots 29.32 Incl.,Lots 29,2 Incl., 104.61 The tooth 1lD,.of Lots 22 and 23.and the wont It ft of the Blk.5: north 119 ft.of Lot 2s,Lots 22.29 tool.Blk.D; All of Lots 26 and 27 and the north 8!t.of Lot 2B. Clermont.Subdivision,Sec-28,'TIS,R1E,SLB&M, Lots 15,n 1,BIk.4 92-16 Frontine on the Past Side of_Edmore Street: I 1 The south 17 ft,of Lot 28 and all of Lot 29 and the The north 1.1 ft,of Let 10.and all of Lots 17 to 21 cl.,and north 16 ft.of Lot 30,Lots 20-30 incl.,Ells,4: 92.16 the sodlh 6 floor I"0ta 22 and Zh and the west 15 ft.of the south, Clermont Subdivision,Sec,28,T15,R1E,SLB&M, 6 ft. f Lot 24,together nth the vacated s..ev between Lots 21 Fronting on the Fast Side of l,th East Street: and 22,Lots 10-24 ho 1 Blk.10; All of Lots 1. nd .., Btk.8; 59.18 All of bets 6 to 14 Incl. t0gethrr with the vacated alley be- All of Lot=.1315 Inc:.,Hlk,g; 1t3.eal tweet Lnta 10 and 11,hots 8 14 i2cl. 01k.10: All roof Lots 11 end 12 and the north 13'of the alley Clermont ubdivision.Sce, R.TIS,R]E.SLB&N;. on the south,Lots 11 and 12,Blk.8; 97,331 Frmeting on the.West Sidc of Glrmnare Slrccl: The south /^of the alley the north and all f The south 12 Et.of Lnt 34,and all of Lots 35 to 37 incl.,and Lots 8 d 10 and the.vest 15 ft.of Lot 8,Lots 8-10 the Ih 23 ft.of Lot 38,Lata 3too Inc' Blk llo Incl.,Blk.8; 97.53 All of Lots 1 to 4 lucl.,a d the south 22 ft. f Lot 41,and The o th 119 tt. E 7.oof 22 and 23 and the north Lots 42 to 46 incl.,together with the vacated alley between Lots 119 ft of the west 17.ft.of Lot 24.Lots 22-24 ineL., 1 and 46,Lots I-9 incl..and 41-4fr incl..Elk.11: Blk. 9'' 10378 nClermont Subdivision,See,26 TIS,ME.SLB&M. The south 8 ft. [Lots 2?26 Incl., ]1 f the alley Fronton^on the P•.ast Side of Glcrnmare Street: the south,ant of Lot 21 and he north 72 ft.of Lot The into 15 ft o[Lnt 21, nd all CF Lots 22.a d 23, to 20,Lots 2026 i I.,Blk,9: 102,78, nether with'h the vacated alley adioccnt on the north,Lots 21-23I LotsTnt tip 13gt.h or9Lot 20,and all of Lots 18 and 19, 302.78 inch•TBeknor4lh 5 ft.of Lot 16 and all of Lots 17 and 18.Lots 16-18 Ill et Lots 16 and 17 and the north 18,5 ft,of Lot incl.,Bllr.14; 15,Lo[s,1517 incf.,BIk.9; I04.20 Clermont Subdivision.Sec.28,T13.RIE,SLB&M. The south 6.5 ft.of Lot 15, li of Lots 11-14'not., Fronting on the North Side of Atkin Avenue: ail of the alley on the south and tho north 3,1 ft.of Lots The th 70 St of Lots 1 to 5 toll.,and the south 07 ft of 6-10 0l.,Lots 6-15 in L 0 15 9: 1..03 tote 0 1 of 1. L t L10' 1,Blk 7 Th tog t. [Lind all on rt 3.t It eocl.all TI th 62.6.ft f I 6 t 10- 1 Lnts h10 toll B]k.1of f the 1 the south, d he north 31 tt of Lots .Th iii 62,5£t [L[. 1 t 5 1 1. d the south 65 It,of, 610 1 L t 815 1 All 9: 107,61 Lots t 10 1.I,f t t-18- .11 to 13' Th -h 6ec ft t th ulh 121.9 It.of Lots 6 30 7h 1h n5. f 1 1 5 inch.and the south 64,a ft., Incl. Let,south 1 Hil 87.G6I of Lots o o t0 incl..Lots 1Se loci.HIk.lA; • The south 60 ft.v[Lets 6-10 incl..Lots 6-SO incl., Clermont each Side 0 Sat:n Avenue., RIE.SL8&M. BIk,8; 77,85i Fronting e the South 0.n of is In Avenue: Ail i11 Clermont Sub. See.28, od,,R1E, SLB&M. The n rth 67 ft. f Lets 24 l0 28 Incl.,and the north 62 ft FronlinP on the 1Vcst Side of Filk 5;Street; 102.so of LTh R9 to 33 inch.Lotss 2 er Inc!„s ic.0: Alf of Lots 28 and 29,Blk.7: The north 04,E l.,of Lots 24 to 2P l..and the north 82.5 ft. All of Lots 30 and 31 and the north 4 ft.of Lot 82, of Lots 29 to 33 Incl..Lots 24-33 inch,HIk.14: Lots 3032 loci.,Bll.T:r 102.78I he north 62.5 ft. of Lots 24 to 33 Mel-. Lots 24.33 incl., The south 21 ft. Lot 32,all of Lot 33,antl the Htk,17: north 7 south 18 fl f Lot 34.a]i of Lot 35,and the I Fronting on the North Side of Zenith Avenue: north it£t.of Lot 36.Lots 3436 Incl.,Hlk.7; 102.78 Al:of Lots 1-6 inch-,Blle.11; The south 19 ft of Lot 36 all f Lot 37 and the All of Lots 1 and 2.Blk.19; north 14 Et,of Lot 38,Lots 36.33 incl.,Elk.7; 102.78' The south 02.5 ft-of Lots 1 to 5 Inct.,Lots 1-5 Incl.,Hlk.17. The south 11 ft.of Lot 38,a of Lot 39 and the Clermont Subdivision,Sec.26.TIS,RIE,SLB&M. north 18 f.of Lot 40,Lots 38-40'isle,,Elk,7; 102.781 Frmrtfngon the South t nOof Zenith Avenue: Th26 nth T fl, f Lot 0, 11 f Lot 41,and the The north 019. f Lots it to 31 ineL„Lots 24,31 inch Elk.9; north 21 ft. E 4ot 40 Loot 4., to ,'Bik.7: 102.78 The cast 10 ft, f the e t1.0l t.. E I"0 24,and the north The ouiln 4 ft. [Lot 42,all of Lots 93 and 44, 118 ft f Lots 26^nil 221 I100t 24.261ne1. of 10: Lone Otn i 1. BII:.n7: 302.78 Ali 0f Lvts 2_It 28 Incl.,togctht- with z the vacated alley The north 55 ft. of Lots 1.5 Incl.,Lots 1-5 incl„ atll acent on the south,Lots 22-28 inch..Bllt.Ifi: BII<.7; 102,78 CURS AND GUTTIC00,It FT`PAVING AND,MISCELLANEOUS m. Hllc T8 a north 62 ft.of Lots 28-33 Incl.,Lots 29J3 incl.. 102.78 i Fronting on the Nest Side of Hartford Street: The souB1 00 ft, £the north 113 ft,of Lots 29-3.3 The toss 60.10 ft,of Lots 21 to 24 roc:.,vnd all of L.Ots 25 and inch„Lots 29-33 Inc:,Blk.8: 102.78 26,Lots 21-38 1nc1..BIk..2,Highland Park Plnt 'E."Sec,It.T1 S. The south 13 ft. of Lots 29.33 1nc1-, al] of the R1E,/SL B6<M^ts 29 to 37 incl. slid the north 8 ft.of Lot 38,Loll Bt2y8n the south and all of Lot:f4,Lots 29.34 Incl., ]0278 • 29-38 inch,Bil<.13. All of Lots 35 and 28. Blk.8; 1D2.78 a aAed alle,between6Lois'"3 h.and 34.and Lotst 1 together t46.Lotsith 1 All of Lots 39 andd40 and the north1-3 ft of Lot 41, 302.78 • and 2 and 20.46,Dik,14, Lots 39-41 Incl.,Blk.-8. 102.78 Clermont Subdivision,Sec.2R,TOO RIB,SLB&M, The south 23.5 If.of Lot 41,all of Lot 42 and the 1 Fronting en thr.Fast Side of I360100rt Street: north 3 St.of Lot 43,Lots 4L93 it cl.,Elk.8: 102,78 'the west 68,49 ft of the north 8,26 ft of Lot17,and the west The nth 22 It.of Lot 43.all f Lot 44 and the 69.49 ft f Lots 18 to e n I.,Lots 7-20 01.,Btlr.3,Highland north 4 ft. f Lot 95 Lets 43A6 0t-,BIk,0, 102.78 hark,Plat"L"Sec,21,TIS end',SLB&M The so th 21 ft.of Lot 40.all of Lot 46 and the All of Lots 22 and 23,end the south 8.5 f[.of Lot 24,Lotsnorth '; of the alley on the south, Lots 45 and 9G, 22-24 Incl.,Blk.16: Blk.I:a 102,78 All of Lots 6 to 28 Inc:,together with the vacated alleys be-, The north 119 It. of Lots 27-31 Inch-, Lets 2731 twecn Lots 10 and Il,and Lots 23 and 24.Lots 0-0 Incl.,Blk.17; inch.,Blk.tl; 101.76 All of Lets 22 to 25'nil,ma t the osl 30 tt. f Lot 2G.to- The south 6 E.of Lots 27-31 Incl.,all of the alley ether with'1-the vavatetl alley adiaeent on the south.Lots 22-2G the south,all 01; ot 32 and the north 15.6 ft.of Lot incl.,Blk.16; 23,Lots 27-33 it I.,HII:.9: 134.54 Clermont.Subdrvislen Sec 28 TIS RIE ELER.M, Thesouth 4 tt f 23 all of Lots 34 d 35 18 0°C.PAVING AND MISCEL[ANEOUS and thenorth 6.1 ft. f Lot 36 Lots 30 1.Blk.9. 101.78 Fronting on the West Side of Hartford Street Theh 189 ft f Lot 30 all Lot 37.and the All f Lnt 1 d Lots 27 to 38 ot,Lot] d 27-38 Incl., n0th 241 t f Lot 38 L t 3,-30 1. B11 9; 13459 BIk.2.lsubltland Carlo Flat"E,"Sec.21,TIS.Bt EanSLB&M. - Che south 9 f:.of Let 28.ail of Lots 38 and 40.and Ail of Lots 1 to 5 r •L,and the south 17 ft.of Lot 3o, d the nnrtlr 21.9 Et i Lot 41 Lots 3041 n 91k.D: 101.78 Lots 39 l0 46 i 1.,tolnlhln with the v led alley between Lnts The south 31 tt. f Lot 9.,all of Lot 42,al', f the 1 And 9G,Lots 1 5 Incl.and 38-46 loch.,Btk,13; IICY gin the south,and Br north 23 ft.o.Lots 1-5 incl.,A11 of Lots 30 and 31 together with the vacated alto.adjacent Lets 41 antl 42 and 1 0'ncl.,81k-D: 86.37 on the south,Lots 30 and 31,Blk 151 The north 80 ft of the s0vth 102 fl.of Lots 1-5 incl., CI t S bdr S 2A IS RIB•SLH&M Lots 1 o inch Elk 9; 51.31 Frontier h E'st S d f H t{rd S[' t. The south 92 ft. f Lot 1- inch,Lots 15 tnci-, Lots 2 t 16 1 d th south 16,74 ft. f Lot 7 and the 9.north 826 fl f thet 69.49 ft.of Lot17 d 1 vet 69.49' A0F'All in Clermont Subdivision,Sec 22.TIS RlE SLH&Ivt. 7!3G f f L t 30 l0 20 Inch Lot:2_0 incl. Elk.3 Highland Park Fronting on the East Side of Filrnor1 Street: Plat he Set. 16 515,RIE,S2 and All of Lots 15 and 16.Alk,1: 102.78 The north Ifi 5 ft,of Lot 24 and all of Lots 25 to 28 toil,Lola All of Lots 13 and 14 and the north 14 ft,of Lot 12, 24-28 incl.Bilf.18; , Lots 12-14 incl.,Elk,1; 102.78 All of Lots 11-21 incl.,BIk.18, The south 11 ft. f Lot 12,all f Lots 10 and 11, All of Lots 0-10 incl„BIk.18: and the north 1 ft,of Lot 9,Lots 9-12 ineL-,Blk.3; 202-78. Clermont Subdivision,Sec,28,TIS,RIE,SLB&M- The nth 24 t t Lot 9,all f Lo[8 and the 10 FT.PAVING AND MISCELLA\EONS north 31 ft. f Lori 7,Lely 7-9 toil.,Blk. 1; 102.T8 Fro tins on the South Side oP Zenith Avenue All of Lols 24J1 toll.,Hllr.15: The south 14 ft. f Lot T,and all of Lots 5 and 6, All of Lots 29-31 In01.,Blk,16: Lots 5 n l.,Blk. 1^ 102.7R Clermont Subd3 vlsinn,Scv,28,AVE.SLF,&M All of Lots 29 el.,Btk.1; 102.781 4 FT.SIDE WALX,CURB AND GUTTER,13 FT.PAVING All in Hlehland Park Plat"F."Sec.21,TOO,R1E,SLH&M. AND MISCELLANEOUS All of Lete226 ono 28',Elk,12; 302.70 - Ale of Lots 23 and 24,Bill.12; 192.78 All of Lots 21 end 32,Elic.12: 112.4.5 A11 of Lots 10 and 20,Blir . ' 102.78 All of Lots 1T and 18,Bllr.12; All 1 of Lots 15 and 16,A11r.112: 102.781 A11 of bores ii?nd r13,Htk.a3: 102.18 Too north 62.5 ft.of Lots 6-10 incl„Lots G:0 incl.. Bik,12; 202.07' The south 62.5 ft.of Lots 6-10 incl.,Lots 6.10 incl., Blk,12: 102.07 All of Lets 24-33 Incl.,all of alley on 11re south and the t lh 13 Et.of Lots 23 and 34. Lots 23-34 inci.. Blk-The south 12 ft of Lot 23 all of Lot 22 and the north 175.04 18 1Thefs h 28 ot fleesif Lot 216'oh S1f Lott 20 and the 102.78 nortTLhe south[__Lot 689Lot 01 z9-2of il.ot l6 Bile. 1the north 85.23 22 f The south 73 ft of liot17,Cand all of Lots 15 and 18, 95.23 Lots 15.17 Incl.,Brk,Ill 102.78 86 Elk. 11; 80.3s All of Lots 5 and 6 and the south 118 St.of the west F10� 23 ft f Lot 4,Lots.6 incl,Hlk.11. 99.76 The east 2 ft.of the south 118 fl.oG Lot 4,and the • The tt. [Lots to tort,Lots 1 4 Incl..Alk.]1:. 302.T8 4tegal Notices I legal Notices :Fui The south 65 ft.of Lots 6-10 incl.,Lots 6-10 incl„ I ....,.,,_.,.,.,, _ Hnr.14: 108.55 e All of Lots 3S Meg.,B:k,14; 113,39 • A(1'ppt Lots 13.and l4 and the north 3 It.of Lot 12, Joe Ch^south 7.5 ft.of Lots 6-10 incl.,Lots 6-IO in.cl., t02.76 • Lots 12-1h 1nc7.,Blk.11; 77.97 We, H!k.17; 'The so th 22£t of Lot 12,.all of Lot IL and the Mo. The south 02.5 ft of Lots 1-5 incl.,Lots 1-5 incl., 18.T8- Ih Yr of the alley on the outh Lots 11 and 12, r Hlk 17 Hlk.Ill 77.97 All 1 CI t S b $ 26 T1S,R1E SLB&M Sat The south'/a of the l] o the.north and tlti north -me; Frond t South S A'- : 45 ft. f Lots'I.10 loci..Lots!In Well Elk 11• 99.12. :rth 119 h t G L. f Lot 24 'd the • The south 80 ft.of Lots 7-30 tort.,Lots R 10 Sort, r(aI north 119 E.of Lots 2 and 26.J 24 2 incl. B1- 9. 97.33 r- HJk.11, g9.12 kin The north 110 ft of.lots 27 1 Lots 27 31 l., 97 {'TI The north int ft.of Lots 22 a.23 d the weal 15 Blk.A ft.a the north 119 ft..of Let 24,Lots 2224Ana BM.10 94.21 E 'The north R9 Et f flee cat 0 't I L t 2{ Id The South 6 fl of Lots 2rod incl.;all of the alley for the !h 119 fl of Lots 20 aid 2: Lo:=. G an Ln theEh all of Lot 21 and th north 181 ft of Ea,-3 Ye ot 20 Lots 2021 incl.,Oils.ID: 86.49 ha BIk Th 'th 110 Et f Lets 1I ntl 20 and th _'Ir T} smith 69 t f Lot 20 II f Lots 1719 in I., Chi 119 ft f the w t 12 ft of Lota 29.La's 2729 cl., 14799 1.1 and f1 th Ll£t. f Lot 16 Lots lb2(I Sort ➢Ik,10; lIt 22 1 i', Blk AU The th 13 D ft f Los 14 II cf LBt 15 , the l00 AR f Lots 22 25 I.,and the west 10 f; [Lot 26. 102 78 north h0 south l 9 cot of41,6°1J tall oft Lots 1H2kan�13 and 105.49 day Lots The2cast ell .hot tl,et 26 and all 0f Lots 27 and']8. 1nit Lots 2l'.28 cl.,Bllc.18:. ]U2.R8 1 the 'th south f3 t Lot 1L Lols 11-14'n l..alley Iln: 86.49 tlirl All in Clermont Subdivisionassessed ,Sec 28,,TLS,R1E SLB&M, p, • 'fore. he n0or ft 2 Lot 1L 11 -10 I .,L the I C The tax hereby levied and s s5 d 1 levied upon each of the 1 a smith, d the north 19.2 ft.of Lots 6-10 Incl.,Lots 6-ll Pre, blocks, lots,parts of blocks and lots,elands and real state within melt,he no 0: 8G.30 be that special ii provemenl district known as Curb antl Gutter Exton-a The north 64 fh, f the auto 1058 ft,o[Lots 6-10 a[ sr n o,234 fronting or butting u or dlaccnt to the .streets Incl.,Lots lee Incl.,All, loa; 52.48 Fri, which have been improveda thin said special t district. Al/in Etc moot de of Glenn,Sec.Street: T15,R1E.SLEh Yl. uniform improvement rt Fronting on the West Side of ote34.it StfeLo Mm This tax i levied and assessed d at an equal and un form rate on rho The nth L L of Lot 34,ail f Lot 1.1,.and the Mbs the poly e accordance with the linear front footage hereof and! 8f north 18 Et. [Lot J6.Lots 392G incl. Rik,11, 102,78fl pr the full depth of each exceeding lh parcel feet real r pe:r held n the same:- butThc south 7 Il. f Lot 3G,all of Lot 27,antl the north kucrt r ship not exceeding eo Seet depth'ntl.as to the ni- 23 ft f Lol 32 Lots 36:18 ca oflc.ll; ]02.78 lu videdr tracts, of b n. granter depth than the avergeA'si'onw_I SI The south 2 f[.of 41,Lots all n Lots 39 d 40,and subdivided e I e fate 1s taxed for r same pray the north 3[[. F Lot 41.Lots 38-41 Sort„➢]k.11; 302.78 l ance said tax has been d22 fee corner Iota so that they are not_0_ The auto 22 ft f Lot 4L all of Lot 42 and the Am sled at full rate n bothaa streets. It Is hereby found_and determined that the real prop rtv� north 0 fsi f I.ot 43,Lota 41-43 Sort.,Hllr,1a: 102.78 bo 1 herby tared and assessed 1 benefited by the, 'ova re's hich, b The nth 17 ft. f Lot 43,ana of Lot .4 and the Rosy have been completed the full amount of the tax herebylevied- S north 13 ft. f Lol 45,fLLo so, - 1.,Hlk.t1; 102,78 tern The tax hereby levied d assessed is i the total s of The south e0 U2 ft. t Lot 95, ]1 of Loot 46.all of the S107 766.50 and consists of$46.460.18 r$7.53 eel in r front foot Iles te th of the north 7 it. f Lots 14 incl., Iles, Lots 45 and 46 and l4 incl.,elk,11; 102.78 m 16 abutting or oolsand ors constructing 6,170.01 ,1 521124eet E9.43 or front µ or L All Clermont.Subdivision,3c 28 T33.RIE,SLE&M. Fun front foot of abutting property for constructing 228221 tee t f foot- Frmstme theEast Sid f Cl- 5t t. • wall..curb and gutter.p16 foot pavement and miscellaneous;511-66.26 RI Th south 60 o ft of Lots 24-R 1. and the north '/a oft alleynth south,Lots 24-27 incl. Elk.1, 102.78 G or$7.85 N 11 or front foot of abuttng property fconstructing TI if /..of t Iloy i the north, of it is Gec .ra t, pavement and miscellaneous a 22 and 23 d the 'Ch 15 ft of Lot 23.Lots 2123 hclr $8,676.41- $625 II r front ufootoot butting property for incl Ellc.14; 102.78 Un. Constructing 16 2,65 feet of o18 foot pavement and misceianeous,Ri The south 10 ft f T,ot 21,and all of Lots 19 and 20. E. $ 39.36 or$4 3 linear front foot of battling p rty for v Lots 19.21 incl.. Elk 14; 136,60 Mot ' ling 27T 76 afeet of 16 foot a m n[ a 4 misccllaleos; Lets 16.10 Lots 17 7Bllerd115 and the north 5 ft,of Lot 16, 102.78 11, eeaslos,eting 10619 fee'1of04rfoot£roll[ouch ei and gutter, 0000e g 13 fool pave-for I The ltth 20 tt ° Lot t6,all o[Lot 15 and the loti constructing d miscellaneous;$1,832.44 or$725 per linear o0 front foot S north e ff. f l.at t. Lots 14.all o HIo,14; 102.48]pry of abutting propertynoe00 pstdu mine 10000 fret f 2 Moot 6 inch The nth lti.11, Lot 1.1 all f Lot i4 and the :utter,21.65 o pavement nt and miscellaneous;souse 001suo8 or E4.38 per north i Pt f Lot.12,of 12-14 Sort_➢Ik.14; 97.86I H 4 or front Foot of shining prop 2 for constructing per flow feet alto T line ntlr]0 ft. f Lot 12, ]t f Lot 11,all f the Car of 4 foot walk and miscellaneous:for constructing or E6.83 a linear o T Lots the-onto and Rre nb[Ih 8 ft.of Lots fi-IO Incl., day front E16 of abutting property isr p sous; $1 62 feet 2 4 Soot Lots he in 1., 2 I 1o; 102.78 tea elk, Se foot pavement nt ut d miscellaneous;or constructing 0 52.38 et f The south 52 t,.of the north 60 ft.of Lots 6-10 Mo 00 miscellaneous; ° front Look E 3,913.g oe on for ing private rive feet t melt Lis 6-10 Incl., bi lsi 302.78 Mo of m rThenaousu and the t o for constructing ntg private driveways.L All In West 0 de of Subdivision,Sec Street, T13,RIE,3!,S1M. I the amount f the tax hereborove eatslevied and seal p not Fronting'e the West Side t Dartford S see'. preexceeddthe total f of the r nva eats fin said tspec 1improve-e i foie at fi0.19'1. t f.ots 2124 Incl.,Lols y1-24' l,a, e district including Interest po Interim warrants d the total-- contract Hlk Highland Park Plat "E," Sec. 21, TIS. 163E, price lue under that certain contract dale let toe,e000 G'n Ans 4, SLR All gp,g7t ❑' and Reed1.1 Company,the lowest responsible bidder therefor.on Au-!1 All of hots 25 a 16, & 2.Highland Park Flat Ian east lot "E."Sec 2L 1'13.R1 E.3LH&M: 60.97I We The Celt Treasurer is herebyauthorizedinac and accordance with totass 0 A:i of Lots 31 and 30,Elk.1:i: 80.97 i Ro[ I the real properly ordinance. for the bo0to1 0e!0 lee nth the r All of Lots 34. 0 el.,and Ile 80,97' on of this ordinance for the pm'poses herein mentioned and to_ All Lots 34 and.i_5 antl for north 4 ft,of Lot 36. Par collect -d - That the 01 Lots i4-6fi incl.,Ell;,lit; 8097 re SECTION 2.That the as sum n'list ado by the City Treas.1 nc a andr acted,Revie approved props complrty eted ntl ine6c➢ctlon Equal- "' sus The 'oath 21,r, of Lot 30.all f r,ot 37,and the loinof nmtir 8 ft. f Lot.10.Lots 3G-38 cL, eel 1i; 77.40 'i� ordina s The n 4lr 02.5 fl. of Lats 2B-3U Intl„ Lots 29-33 ➢re: ordinance e(Curb d Gutter constructing and utte of dew L, 0 City,'] melt Elk. 1smith 8883 mreell00 0sn 0 a(private cdos curb sup gutter. portiolk. v,014 The sin e 62.5 ft.so Lots ots 2 incl.,and the nth for miscellaneous and ➢irmed driveways u50 said de ions ofo said ',z a the alley n the south.Lints 28-313 c;, Slk 29 80.97' treets,is hereby confirmed 'rd ee assessment,ants made and r turned' The south'e o£the ]ley on the north,all°`Lots.34 "r to aid completed]ets a the report of the Honed f Eauallvstron'T tl 3.5,antl the north 4 It.of Lot 3G,Lots 3938 melt, Pad ntl Review teo the Boardd of Commissioners bi Salt Lak¢Clty ar BBt.14; 80.97 be hereby titled, proved and confirmed. 0- Tlie south 21 ft.of Lot.30.all of Lot 37 and the An SECTION 3.Said tax shad be nzeablc in ten(1On equal yem'ly 1 north 11 4 Lot t.07 ots 330, c,1,01 14; 80.97 n installments a provided by law and ordinance,with interest° he. The Lh l4 ft f I L 1II,all f Lot 39 and the alb hole 'd t thet f p payable at the,morel ' north 18 ft f L t 40 I t la 401nc1. Elk.14 90,971 Lime h [11 L d d d h r h The south 7 ft f t MI and all of Lots 41 and 42, of suchinstallmentsthe 'd payable, -thewhole be Lots 40 42 incl.,Elk 19: 80.97.fo' paid without interest within fifteen151 does f thelate rhos All Lots 43 and 44 Elk 19; 80.9i f ordinance becomes effective. installments theder Ai: I t'45 d 46 d thenorth Y2 of the alley 'hr on the th Lot 41 14f.HII 1 86 11�G' 'd 15 d d before thefirstinstallmentti d .b d after 4 The 11 F f th 1 the north,all of Lots Sr 1 with interest f- thedate t t the d t. h f .t!_ 1 and 2 Lots 1 a 2,➢11 14; 10596 T' installment's d O Winstallmentsthe I Iwhichog All f Clermont Subdivision,Soc.29 T1S,R1E SLHBM. th theypayable. the whole '1 t be Wald on in d tc' Fronting on theEast Sidc f Hartford Street 'S' - 'Wife] e t becomesd b g lh aunt thereof and 1 'The th 8.0 ft. t Lot 24 and all of Lots 22 and 23, 4V t any to the date of ..stDefaultos thecy ert of any such Lots 22 24 1 Elk.10 80.97 installment 0f principal o interest when due shall caul the whole of V The north'52. ft. of Lots 2428 - L,Lots 2428, N theunpaid I and interest to become Ole d payable im Elk.17: 70.08 C d ate] and thewhole t f theid p- - 1 shall there�g The h 62.5 ft of Lots 2428 1 and the north "after d interest wat the t f t (10.:1 n '' Y.of theaNe r the °nth.Lots 24.28'n l.,BIk. , 70.011 until paid,but at any time prioro the rdate o s. of fo.cclnsure Tire s Ito'0, t the Rey "'leg he north and all of IR' I the o.vee, me" y any amount of all unpaid installments east due Lots 22 and 23�]lots 22 tl 2:i,Hll<.17' 70.08 hl with interest t the ate 0;, a r a n o elate of payment on All 'Lots 2O .d 21 and the north 5 ft.of Lot 19, R he delinquent installments.and all accrued costs,and hall there-3 Lots The 0 In l..H7k.17: 70.OBIte p n be stored to the right thereafter to nay in insallments in the_ Thte south 20 ft. f Lot 19, 11 of Lot 18 and the [ ° f default had not north 10 t,of Lot 17,Lots 17-19.BIk.17: 70,08 D same SECTION r4.In the pinion Of the Board of Commissioners 'Coe nth L St pf Lot 17,all t Lot 16 and the of Salt Lake City,Utah, '[ necessary to the peace, health d- north 15 ffV of Lot 15o Lots 15-17 Incl..Blk.1T; 80.37 ne safety f the inhabitants of Salt Lake(City that this ordinance be- Tlle th 30 St. t Lot 15�all f 14 and the effective . north 20 iE. f Lot n3,LnE 13-15 i rl..Illk.I7 00,87 cum SECTIO his ordinance shall take effect upon Its first The south 5 ft. f Lot 13,all of Lots it And lib mid 10 publication. the,n eth Yx of the alley on the smith.Lots 11.13 Mel., Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,C Bk. 17; 86.97 Ro Utah,this 3rd day of October,1961, J BRACKEN LEE. The south'S f the all,on the north and the north 50 ft f Lots 0010 foci.,Lots 6-10 incl.,Slls.17, 84.55,Md Mayor All of Lots 22-25 inch,and the hie 10t ft of Lol 26 ,t HERMAN J.HOGENSEN, and the north.!'.of•Ie n,ev el he south,Lots 22-26 f[n City Recorder incl.,elk,t10; , 102.40 rt• Third d Final Estimate Ad i CI Slob cc 28 TIS,R1E 3LBhM tor: Curb 8.Gutter Extension Na. 284 Fronting on tl North Ltd f All' Ave l3EAL1 'Cho south 70 ft. f Lots 1-5 1 Lots IA incl„ "' BILL NO 86 of 1961 BII i.Pl,e 11 TO ft. f Lots 1-5 incl., Lots 1-5 incl., 116.08I- Fublished Gopher 9 1901_ EI' 12; 103.711 Bl;c. Th r south 65 R.of Lots 6.10 Inc],Lois 6.10 Incl., The 0.87 'Coe south 62-5 ft.of lots 1-5 inset, Lots 1-5 Inca, 8 Elk.13s e0.97 Tjlc tooth 64.5 ft.of Lots 6-]0 Mel..Lots 6-30 Snell Blk.I8; e0.97 The south 75 ft. of Lots 1.5 Incl. Lots 1.5 Incl., t 1311i.18: 95.25 All 0:Clermont Suodi v i.sion ,Sac ;:8,T35 R1E,3LH&M. Fran tin_on 5,South Sidc of Atlrin Avenue: 679 The north 28.5 of..o[a 24-17 .1: the north Bill It.of Loh 2. Loist "LL20 incl.➢el.14; 116.68 Thin north 62.5 ft.nt Ln[s 26-33 Incl.,Lots 29.33 Incl.. CO H[k.17; 90,07 All in the North Subdivision,Sec.28,T1S,R]E,SLBhM, 1 Fronting on the th0 Side of Zenith Avenue_ ' The cast t 100 ft.of Lot 8,and all of Lots 6 and 7. Lots1311c. 109.15 All of Lots 4 and 5 and the west 10 ft.of Lot 3, Lots ae incl. 155 lElk. ft.8of Lot 3,all o4 Lots 1 and 2,Lots 109.18 The 1-3 Incl.,Bllc,6 100,16 The south till fl.of Lots 5 16 Incl.,Lots R-10 Incl., _I