86 of 1975 - adding section 51-6-12 setting forth requirements for allowing group homes in residential 4 and 5 zo KSVLL I:ALL / VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, August 5 19 75 W.Chairman... I move that • dinance be passed Greener Harmsen Hogens en Hamm :A.� / 4� t'�- .i�<7 / 1 Phillips Result AN -ORDINANCE I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 6 of Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to transitional zoning, by adding thereto a new section, to be known as Section 51-6-12, relating to group homes in a residential district. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 51 Chapter 6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to transitibnal zoning, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new Section 51-6-12, pertaining to group homes in residential districts, to read as follows: "Sec. 51-6-12. Group homes in residential districts. Where not otherwise authorized by this title, the board of adjustment may permit the use of land in a residential "R-4" or "R-5" district to be used as a group home for educational or supervised training purposes or both, where such group home provides family-type living facilities for handicapped persons. Approval of such use shall be granted only pursuant to a public hearing by the board of adjustment. Notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published at least five days prior to such hearing as provided for in section 51-3-6. No such use shall be approved unless the board of adjustment finds that such use is in accord with the general purpose and intent of the comprehensive zoning ordinances of this city, that an approval of the development is in the best interest of the community, that the home will be in keeping with the char- acter of the neighborhood in which it is being proposed, and will not adversely affect the desirability or the stability of the area in which it is to be located. Following the hearing the board shall have the authority to deny the use if, in its opinion, such use would not be in keeping with the area or would in any way change the character or value of a neighborhood or if the proposed home does not meet the stated purpose of providing a family-type atmos- phere and takes on the appearance of a custodial center. In the event the board approves such a facility, it shall have the power to impose any reasonable conditions deemed necessary to protect the neighborhood or to insure an operation of the type of group home which will fit the particular neighborhood in which it is located, including limiting its use to less than eight persons in a residential "R-4" zone or twelve persons in a residential "R-5" zone. "No such use shall be approved unless the following conditions are complied with: "1. Applicant has obtained and submitted to the board of adjustment a favorable recommendation from the planning commission. 86 -2- "2. The maximum number of persons being supervised shall be limited to eight in number in a residential "R-4" zone or twelve in a residential "R-5" zone. "3. The maximum number of persons residing in the home shall be limited to twelve in number if located in a residential "R-4" zone. "4. No person requiring custodial-type care is to be placed in the home at any time. "5. Accompanying all applications shall be a statement from the division of family services of the department of social services of the State of Utah certifying that the proposed group home will meet all of the state standards for a full or regular license. "6. The home or building to be used shall be of such size and located on a lot large enough that the proposed home living care center will be able to operate without changing or adversely effecting the character of`the neighborhood in which it is located. "7. The lot is of sufficient size to provide for the off-street parking of all vehicles used in connection with the home. Said parking as well'as the parking for all visitors shall be in the rear yard area. The rear yard shall be of sufficient size to provide for a landscaped area in conformity with the rear yards in the neigh_ borhood in which it is located, as well as to provide for adequate use for play ororecreation,.space in said rear yard. "8. The home shall be located in an area that has ready access to public transportation. "9. The home shall be operated in such a way that there will be no outside evidence of the special use for which the building is used." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is neces- sary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publica- tion. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 5th day of August , 1975. MAYOR /)%%c (!f (/ /K sr' r ,/, CITY RECORDER (SEAL) BILL NO. 86 of 1975 Published August 8, 1975 8V AON-aSA Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, a_ — se. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 6 of Tlile 51,the Revised Ordinances of bait Lake City,Utah,1965,relating to transition.,:,zoning.bs'adding thereto a w section,to be known as Section 51.6.12,relating to 4roup homes in now section, district. Sharon Payng_-- r Be it Ordained by ifin le S.Choelerh sslOne evisedll Lake CI,eoeo Utah', --'-----' SECTION 1.That etlle 51 Chualer bet the Rvvlse,Ordinances of Sap Lake City,Utah,1965,relating to transitional zoning,he,and the same hereby is, ended by adding thereto a new section 51,6-12,pertaining to group homes in Seresidential6,2.Group rho as in residential Being first duly.sworn deposes and says that he is legal adver- "ner..5L612.thistoup homes Bost al tmay permit Where rot }and Ina i ally A"or le,me Marti to Paused as lnaimhome bee seoflan dine' a o*viied Raining pu5pose's or,doth,Paused re such uphome provides or tisirtg clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) r ,aped training ,Poses or Min, Hera seen group Home n,oyldaa -bmy-type living.facilities tar handicapped persons.Approval of suchuse shall newspaper in the English language with general cir• egr ntedonlypursuanttoepublichearingbytheboardofadiuzlment,Nonceprintedg g of the time and Place of such hearing shall he published M least Ilvodays Pelee to such hearing praviusd feee Inseslnat snch.esool such use shcord all culation in Utuh and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake unless and intent of the cemerehendlve zoning ordinances el this city,that an County,in the State of Utah. omvet of the development is In Ins best Interest 01 the community,that the e.will be In keeping with the character of the neighborhood In which it is hob,0r0a0sed,and will not adversely affect the desirability or the stability of the authority the area In lch it Is too deny the use if,tin its opinion,such aspiwould not be Infikeiepin9 That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto with the a would in v change,he character o valve of a neighborhood o f he proposed home does not rneet the slated purpose el cProviding afamlwlwpeatmosphere and mkeeon the apPearaneeofacustodial Published an ordinance relatin to rou homes in enter.lathe event the board approves such a facility,it shah have the power toIm .g g _p neighborse hood onto reasonable eanop ratlonoflhetpeolgcouonsllomelo whichwillllMNe rticular nelghbOrhond in which It Is located,Including limiting its use to less than eight persons in a residential"R.d"sore en twelve persons inaresidential a residential district "R 5"Zone. --' "No such use shall be eeeraved unless the following conditions are compiled w"1.Applicant has obtained and submlffed to the board of adlustment favorable recommendation Wool the planning commission. "2.Themes as n beeptrrsonon nusupervlaedshallMyyss edtocighl Mrinaresidenllal"Rateerneoreoldln In tl tee hen,,iet llbe l xo Ies l eIn maximum number aarasIden resltlllg In rhv Home shot M II roiled to N+4. o nelson reourlrre custodialtvPe C6rege lgrppNt@'home at sits -- "- "5 "5i Ac erri l000 01 he department ent 01 shall bel services l Hole Ste division n certifyingthal theerohposcduroupnome will meet allot the t of ale standards for lull qr reaalfar,license. "6.The home or building to be used shall boot such slip and located on a lot large enough that the Proposed home living care center will be able to operate without'changing or edverseiv effechno the character of the neighborhood In sun..published in said newspaper on ,f'"ii Tnelotis'dlu/11<ibntslettoOrovlaeteriheolFelreet mirklnoet ell vehicles P used In<OnneCtian wph ma Rorie,Said Parking as wall AS the parking her all • visitors shall be in thereat-yarn area.The rear yard shall beet suff size to August 8, 1975 ovide for a•ionic lc area In conformity with the Tear yards In the i located, neighborhood In which t is located,aswell rite provide for adeovareuselorplaf r recreation said rear yard, "8 The homeshall be located in an area that has ready access to public transportation. " 9.The home shall be operated In such a wty.that there will be no outside --—-'— -'-}--' evidenced,the special use for which}ha building Is Used.. - f SECTION 2,In the itlon otlh Board of Crmryr4appreeS It lenecsaarytothe health tlf If 11tre1 h bland of SellL ae0itylh Yla ordirerlce become effective SCCTIONaeE dlrianraaehssl pkds0rett ItslrttpUlf Non. Advertising passed by the BOaeA oICOtRrr11ltlglters lri SgltL ka Clty,Ul hdhl 5lh day of Lentil A Clerk Augus1,1915. •MI '/ CONRAD B.HARRISON May or LD o0v.HIGHAM ilv keOrder ISEACIIT . I lLNO%df le/5 -,1 lrghed Au0ust8,1%5 ID.51 2tubscrtbed anti Sworn to vetvre me this 12th day of August A.D. 79 75 . {/ Notary Public My Commission Expires February 13, 1978 ' 11